Report for Task-BeLike-LESPEA-2.005000

From: metabase:user:320bfe00-2aae-11df-837a-5e0a49663a4f
Subject: PASS Task-BeLike-LESPEA-2.005000 v5.19.7 GNU/Linux
Date: 2014-03-12T15:21:57Z

This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See for more information or email
questions to

Dear Adam Lesperance,

This is a computer-generated report for Task-BeLike-LESPEA-2.005000
on perl 5.19.7, created by CPAN-Reporter-1.2010.

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  Congratulations!
All tests were successful.

Sections of this report:

    * Tester comments
    * Program output
    * Prerequisites
    * Environment and other context


Additional comments from tester:

this report is from an automated smoke testing program
and was not reviewed by a human for accuracy


Output from './Build test':

t/00-compile.t .................. ok
Too late to run INIT block at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.19.7/a2da/lib/site_perl/5.19.7/x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld/Net/ line 210.
Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.19.7/a2da/lib/site_perl/5.19.7/MooseX/Types/NetAddr/ line 23.
Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.19.7/a2da/lib/site_perl/5.19.7/MooseX/Types/NetAddr/ line 30.
# Readonly::XS: Attempt to reload Readonly/ aborted.
# Compilation failed in require at (eval 1349) line 1.
# Generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReportVersions::Tiny v1.10
# perl: 5.019007 (wanted 5.008) on linux from /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.19.7/a2da/bin/perl
# Any::Moose                                    => 0.21       (want any version)
# AnyEvent                                      => 7.07       (want any version)
# Async::Interrupt                              => 1.1        (want any version)
# Coro                                          => module not found. (want any version)
# DBD::CSV                                      => 0.41       (want any version)
# DBI                                           => 1.631      (want any version)
# Data::Dumper::Perltidy                        => 0.03       (want any version)
# Data::Printer                                 => 0.35       (want any version)
# Date::Calc                                    => 6.3        (want any version)
# Date::Manip                                   => 6.42       (want any version)
# DateTime                                      => 1.08       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::DB2                         => 0.05       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::DBI                         => 0.041      (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::DateManip                   => module not found. (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::DateParse                   => 0.05       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Duration                    => 1.03       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Duration::DurationString    => 0.03       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Duration::XSD               => 0.01       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Epoch                       => 0.13       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Epoch::ActiveDirectory      => 0.13       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Epoch::MacOS                => 0.13       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Epoch::Unix                 => 0.13       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Excel                       => 0.31       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Flexible                    => 0.25       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::HTTP                        => 0.40       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Human                       => 0.01       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Human::Duration             => 0.61       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::ISO8601                     => 0.08       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::MSSQL                       => 1.000000   (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::MySQL                       => 0.04       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural                     => 1.02_01    (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Calc               => 1.40       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Compat             => 0.07       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Duration           => 0.06       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Duration::Checks   => 0.04       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Expand             => 0.03       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Extract            => 0.11       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Formatted          => 0.07       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Helpers            => 0.06       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::Base         => 1.08       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::EN           => 1.59       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Rewrite            => 0.06       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Test               => 0.10       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Utils              => 0.05       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Natural::Wrappers           => 0.03       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Oracle                      => 0.06       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Pg                          => 0.16009    (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::RFC3339                     => v1.0.5     (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::RFC3501                     => 0.02       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::RSS                         => 0.03000    (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Roman                       => 0.03       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::SQLite                      => 0.11       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Strptime                    => 1.54       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::Sybase                      => 0.04       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::WindowsFileTime             => 0.02       (want any version)
# DateTime::Format::XSD                         => 0.2        (want any version)
# Devel::Cover                                  => module not found. (want any version)
# Devel::NYTProf                                => module not found. (want any version)
# Devel::REPL                                   => 1.003025   (want any version)
# Devel::REPL::Plugin::DataPrinter              => 0.007      (want any version)
# Dist::Zilla                                   => 5.013      (want any version)
# Dist::Zilla::App::Command::cover              => module not found. (want any version)
# Dist::Zilla::App::Command::perltidy           => 0.15       (want any version)
# Dist::Zilla::App::Command::shell              => 0.005      (want any version)
# Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::LESPEA     => module not found. (want 1.005001)
# Dist::Zilla::Shell                            => 0.005      (want any version)
# EV                                            => 4.16       (want any version)
# Encode                                        => 2.57       (want any version)
# Event                                         => 1.21       (want any version)
# Excel::Writer::XLSX                           => 0.76       (want any version)
# Exporter::Easy                                => 0.16       (want any version)
# File::HomeDir                                 => 1.00       (want any version)
# File::Next                                    => 1.12       (want any version)
# File::ShareDir                                => 1.03       (want any version)
# File::Slurp                                   => 9999.19    (want any version)
# File::Spec                                    => 3.45       (want any version)
# Getopt::Long::Descriptive                     => 0.097      (want any version)
# Guard                                         => 1.022      (want any version)
# HTML::Entities                                => 3.69       (want any version)
# HTML::Tree                                    => 5.03       (want any version)
# HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath                      => 0.14       (want any version)
# IO::Handle                                    => 1.35       (want any version)
# IO::Scalar                                    => 2.110      (want any version)
# IPC::Open3                                    => 1.16       (want any version)
# JSON                                          => 2.90       (want any version)
# JSON::Any                                     => module not found. (want any version)
# JSON::XS                                      => 3.01       (want any version)
# LWP                                           => 6.05       (want any version)
# LWP::Protocol::https                          => 6.04       (want any version)
# List::AllUtils                                => 0.07       (want any version)
# List::Gen                                     => module not found. (want any version)
# List::MoreUtils                               => 0.33       (want any version)
# Locale::US                                    => 2.112150   (want any version)
# Math::Big                                     => 1.12       (want any version)
# Math::Big::Factors                            => 1.02       (want any version)
# Modern::Perl                                  => 1.20140107 (want 1.201205)
# Module::Build                                 => 0.4204     (want 0.3601) 
# Module::Install                               => 1.06       (want any version)
# Module::Install::AuthorTests                  => 0.002      (want any version)
# Module::Install::ExtraTests                   => 0.008      (want any version)
# Module::Refresh                               => 0.17       (want any version)
# Module::Reload                                => 1.07       (want any version)
# Moose                                         => 2.1204     (want any version)
# Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native                => 2.1204     (want any version)
# MooseX::Aliases                               => 0.11       (want any version)
# MooseX::App                                   => 1.27       (want any version)
# MooseX::App::Cmd                              => 0.27       (want any version)
# MooseX::Log::Log4perl                         => 0.46       (want any version)
# MooseX::Method::Signatures                    => 0.47       (want any version)
# MooseX::Singleton                             => 0.29       (want any version)
# MooseX::StrictConstructor                     => 0.19       (want any version)
# MooseX::Types                                 => 0.44       (want any version)
# MooseX::Types::Common                         => 0.001012   (want any version)
# MooseX::Types::Common::Numeric                => 0.001012   (want any version)
# MooseX::Types::Common::String                 => 0.001012   (want any version)
# MooseX::Types::DateTime::ButMaintained        => 0.16       (want any version)
# MooseX::Types::Email                          => 0.006      (want any version)
# MooseX::Types::IPv4                           => 0.03       (want any version)
# MooseX::Types::JSON                           => 0.03       (want any version)
# MooseX::Types::NetAddr::IP                    => 0.06       (want any version)
# MooseX::Types::PortNumber                     => 0.01       (want any version)
# MooseX::Types::Structured                     => 0.30       (want any version)
# MooseX::Types::URI                            => 0.05       (want any version)
# MooseX::Types::UUID                           => 0.03       (want any version)
# MouseX::Types                                 => 0.06       (want any version)
# Net::CIDR::Lite                               => 0.21       (want any version)
# Net::DNS                                      => 0.74_2     (want any version)
# Net::IP                                       => 1.26       (want any version)
# Net::Netmask                                  => 1.9019     (want any version)
# Net::Ping                                     => 2.42       (want any version)
# NetAddr::MAC                                  => 0.82       (want any version)
# PPI::HTML                                     => module not found. (want any version)
# Perl::Critic                                  => 1.121      (want any version)
# Perl::Tidy                                    => 20130922   (want any version)
# Readonly::XS                                  => died during require. (want any version)
# Regexp::Common                                => 2013031301 (want any version)
# Scalar::Util                                  => 1.38       (want any version)
# Spreadsheet::ParseExcel                       => 0.64       (want any version)
# Spreadsheet::WriteExcel                       => 2.40       (want any version)
# Spreadsheet::XLSX                             => 0.13       (want any version)
# Task::Weaken                                  => 1.04       (want any version)
# Template                                      => 2.25       (want any version)
# Test::Fatal                                   => 0.013      (want any version)
# Test::File                                    => 1.36       (want any version)
# Test::LeakTrace                               => 0.14       (want any version)
# Test::Memory::Cycle                           => 1.04       (want any version)
# Test::More                                    => 1.001002   (want 0.88)   
# Test::Most                                    => 0.33       (want any version)
# Test::Output                                  => 1.03       (want any version)
# Test::Perl::Critic                            => 1.02       (want any version)
# Test::Pod                                     => 1.48       (want any version)
# Test::Pod::Coverage                           => 1.08       (want any version)
# Test::Taint                                   => 1.06       (want any version)
# Text::CSV_XS                                  => 1.04       (want any version)
# Text::Trim                                    => 1.02       (want any version)
# Try::Tiny                                     => 0.19       (want any version)
# WWW::Mechanize                                => 1.73       (want any version)
# XML::LibXML                                   => 2.0111     (want any version)
# XML::SAX                                      => 0.99       (want any version)
# XML::Simple                                   => 2.20       (want any version)
# XML::Twig                                     => 3.46       (want any version)
# YAML                                          => 0.90       (want any version)
# YAML::Any                                     => 0.90       (want any version)
# YAML::Syck                                    => 1.27       (want any version)
# YAML::XS                                      => 0.41       (want any version)
# autodie                                       => 2.23       (want any version)
# autovivification                              => 0.12       (want any version)
# namespace::autoclean                          => 0.15       (want any version)
# strict                                        => 1.08       (want any version)
# utf8                                          => 1.13       (want any version)
# warnings                                      => 1.2        (want any version)
# Thanks for using my code.  I hope it works for you.
# If not, please try and include this output in the bug report.
# That will help me reproduce the issue and solve your problem.
t/000-report-versions-tiny.t .... ok
t/author-critic.t ............... skipped: these tests are for testing by the author
t/release-common_spelling.t ..... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-consistent-version.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-cpan-changes.t ........ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-dist-manifest.t ....... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-distmeta.t ............ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-has-version.t ......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-minimum-version.t ..... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-no-tabs.t ............. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-pod-coverage.t ........ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-pod-syntax.t .......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-portability.t ......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-synopsis.t ............ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
All tests successful.
Files=15, Tests=2, 19 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.02 sys +  3.97 cusr  0.91 csys =  4.94 CPU)
Result: PASS


Prerequisite modules loaded:


    Module                                      Need     Have      
    ------------------------------------------- -------- ----------
    Any::Moose                                  0.000000 0.21      
    AnyEvent                                    0.000000 7.07      
    Async::Interrupt                            0.000000 1.1       
    autodie                                     0.000000 2.23      
    autovivification                            0.000000 0.12      
  ! Coro                                        0.000000 n/a       
    Data::Dumper::Perltidy                      0.000000 0.03      
    Data::Printer                               0.000000 0.35      
    Date::Calc                                  0.000000 6.3       
    Date::Manip                                 0.000000 6.42      
    DateTime                                    0.000000 1.08      
  ! DateTime::Format::DateManip                 0.000000 n/a       
    DateTime::Format::DateParse                 0.000000 0.05      
    DateTime::Format::DB2                       0.000000 0.05      
    DateTime::Format::DBI                       0.000000 0.041     
    DateTime::Format::Duration                  0.000000 1.03      
    DateTime::Format::Duration::DurationString  0.000000 0.03      
    DateTime::Format::Duration::XSD             0.000000 0.01      
    DateTime::Format::Epoch                     0.000000 0.13      
    DateTime::Format::Epoch::ActiveDirectory    0.000000 0.13      
    DateTime::Format::Epoch::MacOS              0.000000 0.13      
    DateTime::Format::Epoch::Unix               0.000000 0.13      
    DateTime::Format::Excel                     0.000000 0.31      
    DateTime::Format::Flexible                  0.000000 0.25      
    DateTime::Format::HTTP                      0.000000 0.40      
    DateTime::Format::Human                     0.000000 0.01      
    DateTime::Format::Human::Duration           0.000000 0.61      
    DateTime::Format::ISO8601                   0.000000 0.08      
    DateTime::Format::MSSQL                     0.000000 1.000000  
    DateTime::Format::MySQL                     0.000000 0.04      
    DateTime::Format::Natural                   0.000000 1.02_01   
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Calc             0.000000 1.40      
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Compat           0.000000 0.07      
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Duration         0.000000 0.06      
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Duration::Checks 0.000000 0.04      
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Expand           0.000000 0.03      
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Extract          0.000000 0.11      
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Formatted        0.000000 0.07      
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Helpers          0.000000 0.06      
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::Base       0.000000 1.08      
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::EN         0.000000 1.59      
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Rewrite          0.000000 0.06      
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Test             0.000000 0.10      
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Utils            0.000000 0.05      
    DateTime::Format::Natural::Wrappers         0.000000 0.03      
    DateTime::Format::Oracle                    0.000000 0.06      
    DateTime::Format::Pg                        0.000000 0.16009   
    DateTime::Format::RFC3339                   0.000000 v1.0.5    
    DateTime::Format::RFC3501                   0.000000 0.02      
    DateTime::Format::Roman                     0.000000 0.03      
    DateTime::Format::RSS                       0.000000 0.03000   
    DateTime::Format::SQLite                    0.000000 0.11      
    DateTime::Format::Strptime                  0.000000 1.54      
    DateTime::Format::Sybase                    0.000000 0.04      
    DateTime::Format::WindowsFileTime           0.000000 0.02      
    DateTime::Format::XSD                       0.000000 0.2       
    DBD::CSV                                    0.000000 0.41      
    DBI                                         0.000000 1.631     
  ! Devel::Cover                                0.000000 n/a       
  ! Devel::NYTProf                              0.000000 n/a       
    Devel::REPL                                 0.000000 1.003025  
    Devel::REPL::Plugin::DataPrinter            0.000000 0.007     
    Dist::Zilla                                 0.000000 5.013     
  ! Dist::Zilla::App::Command::cover            0.000000 n/a       
    Dist::Zilla::App::Command::perltidy         0.000000 0.15      
    Dist::Zilla::App::Command::shell            0.000000 0.005     
  ! Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::LESPEA   1.005001 n/a       
    Dist::Zilla::Shell                          0.000000 0.005     
    Encode                                      0.000000 2.57      
    EV                                          0.000000 4.16      
    Event                                       0.000000 1.21      
    Excel::Writer::XLSX                         0.000000 0.76      
    Exporter::Easy                              0.000000 0.16      
    File::HomeDir                               0.000000 1.00      
    File::Next                                  0.000000 1.12      
    File::ShareDir                              0.000000 1.03      
    File::Slurp                                 0.000000 9999.19   
    Getopt::Long::Descriptive                   0.000000 0.097     
    Guard                                       0.000000 1.022     
    HTML::Entities                              0.000000 3.69      
    HTML::Tree                                  0.000000 5.03      
    HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath                    0.000000 0.14      
    IO::Scalar                                  0.000000 2.110     
    JSON                                        0.000000 2.90      
  ! JSON::Any                                   0.000000 n/a       
    JSON::XS                                    0.000000 3.01      
    List::AllUtils                              0.000000 0.07      
  ! List::Gen                                   0.000000 n/a       
    List::MoreUtils                             0.000000 0.33      
    Locale::US                                  0.000000 2.112150  
    LWP                                         0.000000 6.05      
    LWP::Protocol::https                        0.000000 6.04      
    Math::Big                                   0.000000 1.12      
    Math::Big::Factors                          0.000000 1.02      
    Modern::Perl                                1.201205 1.20140107
    Module::Build                               0.3601   0.4204    
    Module::Install                             0.000000 1.06      
    Module::Install::AuthorTests                0.000000 0.002     
    Module::Install::ExtraTests                 0.000000 0.008     
    Module::Refresh                             0.000000 0.17      
    Module::Reload                              0.000000 1.07      
    Moose                                       0.000000 2.1204    
    Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native              0.000000 2.1204    
    MooseX::Aliases                             0.000000 0.11      
    MooseX::App                                 0.000000 1.27      
    MooseX::App::Cmd                            0.000000 0.27      
    MooseX::Log::Log4perl                       0.000000 0.46      
    MooseX::Method::Signatures                  0.000000 0.47      
    MooseX::Singleton                           0.000000 0.29      
    MooseX::StrictConstructor                   0.000000 0.19      
    MooseX::Types                               0.000000 0.44      
    MooseX::Types::Common                       0.000000 0.001012  
    MooseX::Types::Common::Numeric              0.000000 0.001012  
    MooseX::Types::Common::String               0.000000 0.001012  
    MooseX::Types::DateTime::ButMaintained      0.000000 0.16      
    MooseX::Types::Email                        0.000000 0.006     
    MooseX::Types::IPv4                         0.000000 0.03      
    MooseX::Types::JSON                         0.000000 0.03      
    MooseX::Types::NetAddr::IP                  0.000000 0.06      
    MooseX::Types::PortNumber                   0.000000 0.01      
    MooseX::Types::Structured                   0.000000 0.30      
    MooseX::Types::URI                          0.000000 0.05      
    MooseX::Types::UUID                         0.000000 0.03      
    MouseX::Types                               0.000000 0.06      
    namespace::autoclean                        0.000000 0.15      
    Net::CIDR::Lite                             0.000000 0.21      
    Net::DNS                                    0.000000 0.74_2    
    Net::IP                                     0.000000 1.26      
    Net::Netmask                                0.000000 1.9019    
    Net::Ping                                   0.000000 2.42      
    NetAddr::MAC                                0.000000 0.82      
    perl                                        5.008    5.019007  
    Perl::Critic                                0.000000 1.121     
    Perl::Tidy                                  0.000000 20130922  
  ! PPI::HTML                                   0.000000 n/a       
  ! Readonly::XS                                0.000000 broken    
    Regexp::Common                              0.000000 2013031301
    Scalar::Util                                0.000000 1.38      
    Spreadsheet::ParseExcel                     0.000000 0.64      
    Spreadsheet::WriteExcel                     0.000000 2.40      
    Spreadsheet::XLSX                           0.000000 0.13      
    strict                                      0        1.08      
    Task::Weaken                                0.000000 1.04      
    Template                                    0.000000 2.25      
    Test::Fatal                                 0.000000 0.013     
    Test::File                                  0.000000 1.36      
    Test::LeakTrace                             0.000000 0.14      
    Test::Memory::Cycle                         0.000000 1.04      
    Test::Most                                  0.000000 0.33      
    Test::Output                                0.000000 1.03      
    Test::Perl::Critic                          0.000000 1.02      
    Test::Pod                                   0.000000 1.48      
    Test::Pod::Coverage                         0.000000 1.08      
    Test::Taint                                 0.000000 1.06      
    Text::CSV_XS                                0.000000 1.04      
    Text::Trim                                  0.000000 1.02      
    Try::Tiny                                   0.000000 0.19      
    utf8                                        0        1.13      
    warnings                                    0        1.20      
    WWW::Mechanize                              0.000000 1.73      
    XML::LibXML                                 0.000000 2.0111    
    XML::SAX                                    0.000000 0.99      
    XML::Simple                                 0.000000 2.20      
    XML::Twig                                   0.000000 3.46      
    YAML                                        0.000000 0.90      
    YAML::Any                                   0.000000 0.90      
    YAML::Syck                                  0.000000 1.27      
    YAML::XS                                    0.000000 0.41      


    Module                                      Need     Have      
    ------------------------------------------- -------- ----------
    File::Spec                                  0        3.45      
    IO::Handle                                  0        1.35      
    IPC::Open3                                  0        1.16      
    Module::Build                               0.3601   0.4204    
    perl                                        5.008    5.019007  
    Test::More                                  0.88     1.001002  


    Module                                      Need     Have      
    ------------------------------------------- -------- ----------
    Module::Build                               0.3601   0.4204    


Environment variables:

    LANG = en_US.UTF-8
    LANGUAGE = en_US:en
    PATH = /usr/lib/ccache:/home/sand/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games:/usr/local/perl/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
    PERL5LIB = 
    PERL5OPT = 
    SHELL = /usr/bin/zsh
    TERM = screen

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    $^X = /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.19.7/a2da/bin/perl
    $UID/$EUID = 1005 / 1005
    $GID = 1005 1005
    $EGID = 1005 1005

Perl module toolchain versions installed:

    Module              Have    
    ------------------- --------
    CPAN                2.03    
    CPAN::Meta          2.140640
    Cwd                 3.45    
    ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.280216
    ExtUtils::Command   1.18    
    ExtUtils::Install   1.63    
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.91_01 
    ExtUtils::Manifest  1.63    
    ExtUtils::ParseXS   3.23    
    File::Spec          3.45    
    JSON                2.90    
    JSON::PP            2.27203 
    Module::Build       0.4204  
    Module::Signature   0.73    
    Parse::CPAN::Meta   1.4414  
    Test::Harness       3.30    
    Test::More          1.001002
    YAML                0.90    
    YAML::Syck          1.27    
    version             0.9908  


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 19 subversion 7) configuration:
  Commit id: 6714c51ec791f8b9341a079952d06188e4c82b34
    osname=linux, osvers=3.12-1-amd64, archname=x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld
    uname='linux k83 3.12-1-amd64 #1 smp debian 3.12.6-2 (2013-12-29) x86_64 gnulinux '
    config_args='-Dprefix=/home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.19.7/a2da -Dmyhostname=k83 -Dinstallusrbinperl=n -Uversiononly -Dusedevel -des -Ui_db -Duseithreads -Duselongdouble -DDEBUGGING=-g'
    hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
    useithreads=define, usemultiplicity=define
    useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef
    use64bitint=define, use64bitall=define, uselongdouble=define
    usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
    cc='cc', ccflags ='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64',
    optimize='-O2 -g',
    cppflags='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include'
    ccversion='', gccversion='4.8.2', gccosandvers=''
    intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
    d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
    ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='long double', nvsize=16, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
    alignbytes=16, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='cc', ldflags =' -fstack-protector -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib /usr/lib
    libs=-lnsl -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc -lgdbm_compat
    perllibs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc
    libc=, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-Wl,-E'
    cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared -O2 -g -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
                        PERL_USE_DEVEL USE_64_BIT_ALL USE_64_BIT_INT
                        USE_PERL_ATOF USE_REENTRANT_API
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Jan 19 2014 09:19:21