Report for Pinto-0.09996

From: metabase:user:9f0e86ca-5f43-11e4-993c-e7262f22df53
Subject: FAIL Pinto-0.09996 v5.20.1 GNU/Linux
Date: 2014-11-10T22:16:40Z

This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See for more information or email
questions to


This is a computer-generated report for Pinto-0.09996
on perl 5.20.1, created by App::cpanminus::reporter 0.11 (1.7014).

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  However, there was a problem
testing your distribution.

If you think this report is invalid, please consult the CPAN Testers Wiki
for suggestions on how to avoid getting FAIL reports for missing library
or binary dependencies, unsupported operating systems, and so on:

Sections of this report:

    * Tester comments
    * Program output
    * Prerequisites
    * Environment and other context


Additional comments from tester:

none provided


Output from '':

Building and testing Pinto-0.09996
Building Pinto
t/00-compile.t ........................ ok
# Versions for all modules listed in MYMETA.json (including optional ones):
# === Configure Requires ===
#     Module                        Want   Have
#     --------------------------- ------ ------
#     Module::Build               0.4005 0.4210
#     Module::Build::CleanInstall   0.05   0.05
# === Build Requires ===
#     Module                        Want   Have
#     --------------------------- ------ ------
#     Module::Build               0.4005 0.4210
#     Module::Build::CleanInstall   0.05   0.05
# === Test Requires ===
#     Module                 Want     Have
#     --------------------- ----- --------
#     Apache::Htpasswd        any      1.9
#     Capture::Tiny           any     0.27
#     ExtUtils::MakeMaker     any     7.00
#     File::Spec              any     3.48
#     File::Temp              any   0.2304
#     FindBin                 any     1.51
#     HTTP::Body              any     1.19
#     HTTP::Response          any     6.04
#     HTTP::Server::PSGI      any    undef
#     IO::Handle              any     1.35
#     IPC::Open3              any     1.16
#     Module::Faker::Dist   0.014    0.017
#     Plack::Test             any    undef
#     Test::Builder::Module   any 1.001009
#     Test::Exception         any     0.35
#     Test::File              any     1.41
#     Test::LWP::UserAgent  0.018    0.025
#     Test::More             0.96 1.001009
#     Test::TCP               any     2.06
#     Test::Warn              any     0.30
#     lib                     any     0.63
# === Test Recommends ===
#     Module         Want     Have
#     ---------- -------- --------
#     CPAN::Meta 2.120900 2.142690
# === Runtime Requires ===
#     Module                                Want       Have
#     ------------------------------- ---------- ----------
#     App::Cmd                             0.323      0.324
#     App::Cmd::Command::help                any      0.324
#     App::Cmd::Setup                        any      0.324
#     Archive::Extract                      0.68       0.72
#     Archive::Tar                           any       2.02
#     Authen::Simple::Passwd                 any        0.6
#     CPAN::Checksums                        any       2.09
#     CPAN::DistnameInfo                     any       0.12
#     CPAN::Meta                             any   2.142690
#     CPAN::Meta::Requirements               any      2.128
#     Carp                                   any     1.3301
#     Class::Load                            any       0.22
#     Cwd                                    any       3.48
#     Cwd::Guard                             any       0.04
#     DBD::SQLite                           1.33       1.44
#     DBIx::Class                        0.08200   0.082810
#     DBIx::Class::Core                      any      undef
#     DBIx::Class::ResultSet                 any      undef
#     DBIx::Class::Schema                    any      undef
#     DateTime                               any       1.12
#     DateTime::TimeZone                     any       1.78
#     DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix        any       1.78
#     DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly         any       1.78
#     Devel::StackTrace                      any       2.00
#     Digest::MD5                            any       2.53
#     Digest::SHA                            any       5.93
#     Dist::Metadata                       0.924      0.925
#     Encode                                 any       2.64
#     Exporter                               any       5.71
#     File::Copy                             any       2.30
#     File::Find                             any       1.27
#     File::HomeDir                          any       1.00
#     File::NFSLock                          any       1.24
#     File::Spec                             any       3.48
#     File::Temp                             any     0.2304
#     File::Which                            any       1.09
#     Getopt::Long                           any       2.42
#     HTTP::Date                             any       6.02
#     HTTP::Request::Common                  any       6.04
#     HTTP::Status                           any       6.03
#     IO::File                               any       1.16
#     IO::Handle                             any       1.35
#     IO::Interactive                        any      0.0.6
#     IO::Pipe                               any       1.15
#     IO::Prompt                             any   0.997002
#     IO::Select                             any       1.22
#     IO::String                             any       1.08
#     IO::Zlib                               any       1.10
#     JSON                                   any       2.90
#     JSON::PP                           2.27103    2.27300
#     LWP::UserAgent                         any       6.06
#     List::MoreUtils                        any       0.33
#     List::Util                             any       1.41
#     Module::CoreList                5.20141020 5.20141020
#     Moose                                  any     2.1402
#     Moose::Role                            any     2.1402
#     MooseX::Aliases                        any       0.11
#     MooseX::ClassAttribute                0.27       0.27
#     MooseX::Configuration                  any       0.02
#     MooseX::MarkAsMethods                  any       0.15
#     MooseX::NonMoose                       any       0.26
#     MooseX::SetOnce                        any   0.200002
#     MooseX::StrictConstructor              any       0.19
#     MooseX::Types                          any       0.45
#     MooseX::Types::Moose                   any       0.45
#     Path::Class                            any       0.35
#     Path::Class::Dir                       any       0.35
#     Path::Class::File                      any       0.35
#     Plack                               1.0028     1.0033
#     Plack::MIME                            any      undef
#     Plack::Middleware::Auth::Basic         any      undef
#     Plack::Request                         any     1.0033
#     Plack::Response                        any     1.0033
#     Plack::Runner                          any      undef
#     Pod::Usage                             any       1.64
#     Proc::Fork                             any      0.802
#     Proc::Terminator                       any       0.05
#     Readonly                               any       2.00
#     Router::Simple                         any       0.16
#     Scalar::Util                           any       1.41
#     Starman                             0.3014     0.4010
#     String::Format                         any       1.17
#     Term::ANSIColor                       2.02       4.03
#     Term::EditorEdit                       any     0.0016
#     Throwable::Error                  0.200005   0.200012
#     Try::Tiny                              any       0.22
#     URI                                    any       1.65
#     URI::Escape                            any       3.31
#     URI::file                              any       4.21
#     UUID::Tiny                             any       1.04
#     base                                   any       2.22
#     overload                               any       1.22
#     strict                                 any       1.08
#     utf8                                   any    1.13_01
#     version                                any     0.9909
#     warnings                               any       1.23
# === Other Modules ===
#     Module      Want     Have
#     ----------- ---- --------
#     DBD::SQLite  any     1.44
#     DBIx::Class  any 0.082810
t/00-report-prereqs.t ................. ok
t/01-common/01-types.t ................ ok
t/01-common/02-target-package.t ....... ok
t/01-common/03-target-distribution.t .. ok
t/01-common/04-util.t ................. ok
t/01-common/05-pauseconfig.t .......... ok
t/02-bowels/01-config.t ............... ok
t/02-bowels/02-chrome.t ............... ok
t/02-bowels/03-package.t .............. ok
t/02-bowels/04-distribution.t ......... ok
t/02-bowels/05-compare.t .............. ok
t/02-bowels/10-init.t ................. ok
t/02-bowels/11-tester.t ............... ok
t/02-bowels/12-locator.t .............. ok
t/02-bowels/19-basic.t ................ ok
t/02-bowels/20-add.t .................. ok
t/02-bowels/21-add-no-index.t ......... ok
t/02-bowels/21-pull-vreq.t ............ ok
t/02-bowels/21-pull.t ................. ok
t/02-bowels/22-add-deep.t ............. ok
t/02-bowels/23-pull-multi.t ........... ok
t/02-bowels/24-skip-prereqs.t ......... ok
t/02-bowels/31-pin.t .................. ok
t/02-bowels/32-pin-rjbs.t ............. ok
t/02-bowels/35-delete.t ............... ok
t/02-bowels/40-list.t ................. ok
t/02-bowels/41-log.t .................. ok
    #   Failed test 'Result indicates action was succesful'
    #   at t/lib/Pinto/ line 167.
    # Log messages are...
    # No changes were made
    # Running: /home/geekcat1/my/perl5/bin/cpanm --mirror-only --mirror file:///tmp/T6v7lWQvV8/stacks/master -q -L /tmp/nDaNV_SfxE
    # Installation failed.  See the cpanm build log for details
    # File [/tmp/nDaNV_SfxE/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/nDaNV_SfxE/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 47.
    # File [/tmp/nDaNV_SfxE/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/nDaNV_SfxE/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 48.
    # File [/tmp/nDaNV_SfxE/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/nDaNV_SfxE/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 49.
    # File [/tmp/nDaNV_SfxE/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/nDaNV_SfxE/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 50.
    # Looks like you failed 5 tests of 5.

#   Failed test 'Install from default stack'
#   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 51.
    #   Failed test 'Result indicates action was succesful'
    #   at t/lib/Pinto/ line 167.
    # Log messages are...
    # No changes were made
    # Running: /home/geekcat1/my/perl5/bin/cpanm --mirror-only -q --mirror file:///tmp/T6v7lWQvV8/stacks/dev -L /tmp/CqwXB3az7i
    # Installation failed.  See the cpanm build log for details
    # File [/tmp/CqwXB3az7i/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/CqwXB3az7i/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 68.
    # File [/tmp/CqwXB3az7i/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/CqwXB3az7i/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 69.
    # File [/tmp/CqwXB3az7i/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/CqwXB3az7i/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 70.
    # File [/tmp/CqwXB3az7i/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/CqwXB3az7i/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 71.
    # Looks like you failed 5 tests of 7.

#   Failed test 'Install from named stack'
#   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 72.
    #   Failed test 'Result indicates action was succesful'
    #   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 107.
    # Log messages are...
    # No changes were made
    # Running: /home/geekcat1/my/perl5/bin/cpanm -L /tmp/ijxMjr_VXT -q --mirror-only --mirror file:///tmp/o0WDmG3jR_/stacks/master
    # Installation failed.  See the cpanm build log for details
    #   Failed test 'Result indicates action was succesful'
    #   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 108.
    # Log messages are...
    # No changes were made
    # Running: /home/geekcat1/my/perl5/bin/cpanm -L /tmp/ijxMjr_VXT -q --mirror-only --mirror file:///tmp/o0WDmG3jR_/stacks/master
    # Installation failed.  See the cpanm build log for details
    # File [/tmp/ijxMjr_VXT/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/ijxMjr_VXT/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at /home/geekcat1/my/perl5/lib/Test/ line 261.
    # File [/tmp/ijxMjr_VXT/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/ijxMjr_VXT/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at /home/geekcat1/my/perl5/lib/Test/ line 261.
    # Looks like you failed 4 tests of 6.

#   Failed test 'Install target with unusual author ID'
#   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 113.
    # File [/tmp/JUxVHL4mpT/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 5.

#   Failed test 'Install a core module'
#   at t/02-bowels/42-install.t line 145.
# Looks like you failed 4 tests of 9.
t/02-bowels/42-install.t .............. 
Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
Failed 4/9 subtests 
    #   Failed test 'Result indicates action was succesful'
    #   at t/lib/Pinto/ line 167.
    # Log messages are...
    # Found PkgB~0 on stack master in MARK/DistB-1.tar.gz
    # Descending into prerequisites for MARK/DistB-1.tar.gz
    # Found PkgA~1 in file:///tmp/H1LrngNT0p/stacks/master/authors/id/J/JO/JOHN/DistA-1.tar.gz
    # Running: /home/geekcat1/my/perl5/bin/cpanm --mirror file:///tmp/5YUfgVgKXi/stacks/master --mirror-only -L /tmp/xgaCtluO_w -q
    # Installation failed.  See the cpanm build log for details
    # File [/tmp/xgaCtluO_w/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/xgaCtluO_w/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/02-bowels/43-install-and-pull.t line 47.
    # File [/tmp/xgaCtluO_w/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/xgaCtluO_w/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/02-bowels/43-install-and-pull.t line 48.
    # Looks like you failed 3 tests of 3.

#   Failed test 'Install while pulling upstream prereqs'
#   at t/02-bowels/43-install-and-pull.t line 49.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.
t/02-bowels/43-install-and-pull.t ..... 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/3 subtests 
t/02-bowels/50-diff.t ................. ok
t/02-bowels/51-diff-more.t ............ ok
t/02-bowels/52-intermingle.t .......... ok
t/02-bowels/53-roots.t ................ ok
t/02-bowels/54-revert.t ............... ok
t/02-bowels/60-dryrun.t ............... ok
t/02-bowels/61-nofail.t ............... ok
t/02-bowels/62-commit.t ............... ok
t/02-bowels/63-prereq-circular.t ...... ok
t/02-bowels/63-prereq-core.t .......... ok
t/02-bowels/64-metadata.t ............. ok
t/02-bowels/70-stack-copy.t ........... ok
t/02-bowels/71-stack-kill.t ........... ok
t/02-bowels/72-stack-rename.t ......... ok
t/02-bowels/73-stack-lock.t ........... ok
t/02-bowels/74-stack-default.t ........ ok
t/02-bowels/75-stack-props.t .......... ok
t/02-bowels/80-repo-lock.t ............ ok
t/03-remote/01-requests.t ............. ok
t/03-remote/02-responses.t ............ ok
    #   Failed test at t/03-remote/03-install.t line 52.
    #          got: '0'
    #     expected: '1'
    # File [/tmp/9BQaI66Wez/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/9BQaI66Wez/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/03-remote/03-install.t line 53.
    # File [/tmp/9BQaI66Wez/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/9BQaI66Wez/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/03-remote/03-install.t line 54.
    # File [/tmp/9BQaI66Wez/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/9BQaI66Wez/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/03-remote/03-install.t line 55.
Installation failed.  See the cpanm build log for details
    # Looks like you failed 4 tests of 4.

#   Failed test 'Install from default stack'
#   at t/03-remote/03-install.t line 56.
    #   Failed test at t/03-remote/03-install.t line 75.
    #          got: '0'
    #     expected: '1'
    # File [/tmp/jmn4iyk4dt/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/jmn4iyk4dt/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/03-remote/03-install.t line 76.
    # File [/tmp/jmn4iyk4dt/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/jmn4iyk4dt/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/03-remote/03-install.t line 77.
    # File [/tmp/jmn4iyk4dt/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/jmn4iyk4dt/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/03-remote/03-install.t line 78.
Installation failed.  See the cpanm build log for details
    # Looks like you failed 4 tests of 6.

#   Failed test 'Install from named stack'
#   at t/03-remote/03-install.t line 79.
Installation failed.  See the cpanm build log for details
    # File [/tmp/LEO_jRMLuf/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/LEO_jRMLuf/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at /home/geekcat1/my/perl5/lib/Test/ line 261.
    # File [/tmp/LEO_jRMLuf/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/LEO_jRMLuf/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at /home/geekcat1/my/perl5/lib/Test/ line 261.
Installation failed.  See the cpanm build log for details
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 4.

#   Failed test 'Install a dist with an unusual author id'
#   at t/03-remote/03-install.t line 123.
# Looks like you failed 3 tests of 7.
t/03-remote/03-install.t .............. 
Dubious, test returned 3 (wstat 768, 0x300)
Failed 3/7 subtests 
    #   Failed test at t/03-remote/04-install-with-auth.t line 61.
    #          got: '0'
    #     expected: '1'
    # File [/tmp/_9eHesnQCo/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/_9eHesnQCo/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/03-remote/04-install-with-auth.t line 62.
    # File [/tmp/_9eHesnQCo/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/_9eHesnQCo/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/03-remote/04-install-with-auth.t line 63.
    # File [/tmp/_9eHesnQCo/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/_9eHesnQCo/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/03-remote/04-install-with-auth.t line 64.
    # File [/tmp/_9eHesnQCo/lib/perl5/] does not exist
    #   Failed test '/tmp/_9eHesnQCo/lib/perl5/ exists'
    #   at t/03-remote/04-install-with-auth.t line 65.
Installation failed.  See the cpanm build log for details
    # Looks like you failed 5 tests of 5.

#   Failed test 'Remote install succeeds with valid credentials'
#   at t/03-remote/04-install-with-auth.t line 66.
Installation failed.  See the cpanm build log for details
Installation failed.  See the cpanm build log for details
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 7.
t/03-remote/04-install-with-auth.t .... 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/7 subtests 
t/03-remote/05-timezone.t ............. ok
t/04-server/01-functional.t ........... ok
t/04-server/02-authentication.t ....... ok
t/04-server/03-security.t ............. ok

Test Summary Report
t/02-bowels/42-install.t            (Wstat: 1024 Tests: 9 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  5-6, 8-9
  Non-zero exit status: 4
t/02-bowels/43-install-and-pull.t   (Wstat: 256 Tests: 3 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  3
  Non-zero exit status: 1
t/03-remote/03-install.t            (Wstat: 768 Tests: 7 Failed: 3)
  Failed tests:  4-5, 7
  Non-zero exit status: 3
t/03-remote/04-install-with-auth.t  (Wstat: 256 Tests: 7 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  5
  Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=56, Tests=1495, 530 wallclock secs ( 0.50 usr  0.15 sys + 233.69 cusr 25.23 csys = 259.57 CPU)
Result: FAIL


Prerequisite modules loaded:

    No requirements found


Environment variables:

    LANG = C
    LC_ALL = C
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /home/geekcat1/my/perl5/lib:/home/geekcat1/my/usr/lib64:/home/geekcat1/my/usr/lib:/home/geekcat1/my/lib64:/home/geekcat1/my/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib:/lib64:/lib
    PATH = /home/geekcat1/my/perl5/bin:/home/geekcat1/my/usr/bin:/home/geekcat1/my/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
    PERL5LIB = /home/geekcat1/my/perl5/lib
    PERL_BASE = /home/geekcat1/my/perl5
    PERL_CPANM_OPT = --verify --prompt --interactive --skip-installed --curl --mirror
    SHELL = /bin/bash
    TERM = xterm-256color

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    EGID = 501 501
    EUID = 500
    EXECUTABLE_NAME = /home/geekcat1/my/perl5.20/bin/perl
    GID = 501 501
    UID = 500

Perl module toolchain versions installed:

    Module              Have    
    ------------------- --------
    CPAN                2.05    
    CPAN::Meta          2.142690
    Cwd                 3.48    
    ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.280220
    ExtUtils::Command   1.18    
    ExtUtils::Install   2.04    
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.00    
    ExtUtils::Manifest  1.68    
    ExtUtils::ParseXS   3.24    
    File::Spec          3.48    
    JSON                2.90    
    JSON::PP            2.27300 
    Module::Build       0.4210  
    Module::Signature   0.73    
    Parse::CPAN::Meta   1.4414  
    Test::Harness       3.34    
    Test::More          1.001009
    YAML                1.13    
    YAML::Syck          n/a     
    version             0.9909  


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 20 subversion 1) configuration:
    osname=linux, osvers=2.6.32-431.23.3.el6.x86_64, archname=x86_64-linux-ld
    uname='linux 2.6.32-431.23.3.el6.x86_64 #1 smp thu jul 31 17:20:51 utc 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 gnulinux '
    config_args='-Uinstallusrbinperl -Uusethreads -Dprefix=/home/geekcat1/my/perl5.20 -Duselargefiles -Doptimize=-pipe -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -g0 -DDEBUGGING=none -Dusemorebits -Accflags=-pipe -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -g0 -DPERL_HASH_FUNC_SUPERFAST -DPERL_PERTURB_KEYS_RANDOM -DNO_MATHOMS'
    hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
    useithreads=undef, usemultiplicity=undef
    use64bitint=define, use64bitall=define, uselongdouble=define
    usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
    cc='gcc', ccflags ='-pipe -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -g0 -DPERL_HASH_FUNC_SUPERFAST -DPERL_PERTURB_KEYS_RANDOM -DNO_MATHOMS -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64',
    optimize='-pipe -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -g0',
    cppflags='-pipe -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -g0 -DPERL_HASH_FUNC_SUPERFAST -DPERL_PERTURB_KEYS_RANDOM -DNO_MATHOMS -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include'
    ccversion='', gccversion='4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4)', gccosandvers=''
    intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
    d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
    ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='long double', nvsize=16, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
    alignbytes=16, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='gcc', ldflags =' -fstack-protector'
    libpth=~/my/perl5.20/lib ~/my/usr/lib64 ~/my/usr/lib ~/my/lib64 ~/my/lib /usr/lib64 /usr/lib /lib64 /lib
    libs=-lnsl -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
    perllibs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-Wl,-E'
    cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared -pipe -march=native -mtune=native -O3 -g0 -fstack-protector'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
                        USE_64_BIT_ALL USE_64_BIT_INT USE_LARGE_FILES
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Oct 29 2014 07:18:54
    PERL_CPANM_OPT="--verify --prompt --interactive --skip-installed --curl --mirror"