Report for CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000

From: metabase:user:d2c9f356-b46f-11df-9a90-20a83c0b7757
Subject: PASS CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000 v5.12.2 SunOS/Solaris
Date: 2010-12-05T15:21:13Z

This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See for more information or email
questions to

Dear Moritz Onken,

This is a computer-generated report for CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000
on perl 5.12.2, created by CPAN-Reporter-1.1803.

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  Congratulations!
All tests were successful.

Sections of this report:

    * Tester comments
    * Program output
    * Prerequisites
    * Environment and other context


Additional comments from tester:

this report is from an automated smoke testing program
and was not reviewed by a human for accuracy


Output from './Build test':

t/00-compile.t ................ ok
# Testing with Perl 5.012002, /export/home/cpant3/perl5/bin/perl5.12.2
#     Carp version is 1.17
#     Catalyst version is 5.80029
#     Catalyst::Action version is undefined
#     Catalyst::Action::Deserialize version is 0.87
#     Catalyst::Action::REST version is 0.87
#     Catalyst::Action::RenderView version is 0.14
#     Catalyst::Action::Serialize version is 0.87
#     Catalyst::Controller version is undefined
#     Catalyst::Controller::REST version is 0.87
#     Catalyst::Engine::HTTP version is undefined
#     Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema version is 0.43
#     Catalyst::Request::REST::ForBrowsers version is 0.87
#     Catalyst::Runtime version is 5.80029
#     Catalyst::Utils version is undefined
#     Catalyst::View::JSON version is 0.31
#     Catalyst::View::TT version is 0.36
#     Class::Accessor::Fast version is 0.34
#     Config::Any version is 0.20
#     DBIx::Class version is 0.08124
#     DBIx::Class::ResultSet version is undefined
#     DBIx::Class::Schema version is undefined
#     English version is 1.04
#     File::Find version is 1.15
#     File::Spec version is 3.33
#     File::Temp version is 0.22
#     FindBin version is 1.50
#     Getopt::Long version is 2.38
#     HTML::Entities version is 3.68
#     HTML::FormFu version is 0.08002
#     HTML::FormFu::ExtJS version is 0.077
#     HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC version is 0.08002
#     HTTP::Request::Common version is 5.824
#     JSON version is 2.27
#     JSON::Any version is 1.25
#     JSON::XS version is 2.3
#     JavaScript::Dumper version is 0.011
#     Lingua::EN::Inflect version is 1.893
#     List::Util version is 1.23
#     Module::Build version is 0.3607
#     Moose version is 1.21
#     Moose::Util::TypeConstraints version is 1.21
#     MooseX::MethodAttributes version is 0.24
#     Path::Class version is 0.21
#     Path::Class::File version is 0.21
#     Pod::Usage version is 1.36
#     Scalar::Util version is 1.23
#     Test::More version is 0.96
#     Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst version is 0.52
#     namespace::autoclean version is 0.11
t/000-report-versions.t ....... ok
t/author-critic.t ............. skipped: these tests are for testing by the author
[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Statistics enabled
[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::CGI"
[debug] Found home "/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/t/lib/MyApp"
[debug] Loaded components:
| Class                                                           | Type     |
| MyApp::Controller::API                                          | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Artist                                       | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Calculator                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault                                | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers                                  | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::JSON                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controller                           | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::REST                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::RequestClass                                 | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd                                      | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::User                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC                                              | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::FindOrDefault                               | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::SkipEnd                                     | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::User                                        | class    |
| MyApp::View::JSON                                               | instance |
| MyApp::View::TT                                                 | instance |

[debug] Loaded Private actions:
| Private              | Class                                | Method       |
| /api/src             | MyApp::Controller::API               | src          |
| /api/router          | MyApp::Controller::API               | router       |
| /api/end             | MyApp::Controller::API               | end          |
| /api/index           | MyApp::Controller::API               | index        |
| /api/begin           | MyApp::Controller::API               | begin        |
| /findordefault/base  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | base         |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object       |
| ct                   |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_DELE- |
| ct_DELETE            |                                      | TE           |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_POST  |
| ct_POST              |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_GET   |
| ct_GET               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_PUT   |
| ct_PUT               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/end   | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | end          |
| /findordefault/begin | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | begin        |
| /findordefault/list  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | list         |
| /calc/add            | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add          |
| /calc/subtract       | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | subtract     |
| /calc/upload         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | upload       |
| /calc/add_to         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add_to       |
| /json/index          | MyApp::Controller::JSON              | index        |
| /forbrowsers/base    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | base         |
| /forbrowsers/object  | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object       |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_DELE- |
| _DELETE              |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_POST  |
| _POST                |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_GET   |
| _GET                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_PUT   |
| _PUT                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/end     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | end          |
| /forbrowsers/begin   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | begin        |
| /forbrowsers/list    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | list         |
| /rest/object         | MyApp::Controller::REST              | object       |
| /rest/begin          | MyApp::Controller::REST              | begin        |
| /rest/end            | MyApp::Controller::REST              | end          |
| /nested/controller/- | MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controll- | index        |
| index                | er                                   |              |
| /skipend/load_form   | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | load_form    |
| /skipend/object      | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object       |
| /skipend/object_GET  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_GET   |
| /skipend/object_PUT  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_PUT   |
| /skipend/begin       | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | begin        |
| /skipend/list        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | list         |
| /skipend/base        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | base         |
| /skipend/object_POST | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_POST  |
| /skipend/object_DEL- | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_DELE- |
| ETE                  |                                      | TE           |
| /skipend/end         | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | end          |
| /skipend/edit_record | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | edit_record  |
| /forbrowser/base     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | base         |
| /forbrowser/object   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object       |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_DELE- |
| DELETE               |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_POST  |
| POST                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_GET   |
| GET                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_PUT   |
| PUT                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/end      | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | end          |
| /forbrowser/begin    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | begin        |
| /forbrowser/list     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | list         |
| /requestclass/params | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | params       |
| /requestclass/reque- | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | request_cla- |
| st_class             |                                      | ss           |
| /user/base           | MyApp::Controller::User              | base         |
| /user/object         | MyApp::Controller::User              | object       |
| /user/object_DELETE  | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_DELE- |
|                      |                                      | TE           |
| /user/object_POST    | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_POST  |
| /user/object_GET     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_GET   |
| /user/object_PUT     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_PUT   |
| /user/end            | MyApp::Controller::User              | end          |
| /user/add_to_group   | MyApp::Controller::User              | add_to_group |
| /user/begin          | MyApp::Controller::User              | begin        |
| /user/list           | MyApp::Controller::User              | list         |

[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path                                | Private                              |
| /api                                | /api/index                           |
| /api/router                         | /api/router                          |
| /api/src                            | /api/src                             |
| /calc                               | /calc/upload                         |
| /calc                               | /calc/add                            |
| /calc/subtract                      | /calc/subtract                       |
| /nested/controller/index            | /nested/controller/index             |
| /requestclass/params                | /requestclass/params                 |
| /requestclass/request_class         | /requestclass/request_class          |

[debug] Loaded Chained actions:
| Path Spec                           | Private                              |
| /add/*/to/*                         | /calc/add (1)                        |
|                                     | => /calc/add_to                      |
| /findordefaults/...                 | /findordefault/list                  |
| /findordefault/...                  | /findordefault/object                |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowser/list                     |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowser/object                   |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowsers/list                    |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowsers/object                  |
| /rest/object/*                      | /rest/object                         |
| /skipend/form/edit_record           | /skipend/load_form (0)               |
|                                     | => /skipend/edit_record              |
| /skipends/...                       | /skipend/list                        |
| /skipend/...                        | /skipend/object                      |
| /user/*/add_to_group/*              | /user/base (1)                       |
|                                     | => /user/add_to_group                |
| /users/...                          | /user/list                           |
| /user/...                           | /user/object                         |

[info] Application powered by Catalyst 5.80029
[info] *** Request 1 (0.500/s) [2989] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:35 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "api" from ""
[debug] Path is "api"
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 561
[info] Request took 0.032879s (30.415/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000241s |
| /api/index                                                 | 0.000079s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.029338s |

t/direct/api.t ................ ok
[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Statistics enabled
[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::CGI"
[debug] Found home "/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/t/lib/MyApp"
[debug] Loaded components:
| Class                                                           | Type     |
| MyApp::Controller::API                                          | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Artist                                       | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Calculator                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault                                | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers                                  | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::JSON                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controller                           | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::REST                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::RequestClass                                 | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd                                      | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::User                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC                                              | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::FindOrDefault                               | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::SkipEnd                                     | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::User                                        | class    |
| MyApp::View::JSON                                               | instance |
| MyApp::View::TT                                                 | instance |

[debug] Loaded Private actions:
| Private              | Class                                | Method       |
| /api/src             | MyApp::Controller::API               | src          |
| /api/router          | MyApp::Controller::API               | router       |
| /api/end             | MyApp::Controller::API               | end          |
| /api/index           | MyApp::Controller::API               | index        |
| /api/begin           | MyApp::Controller::API               | begin        |
| /findordefault/base  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | base         |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object       |
| ct                   |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_DELE- |
| ct_DELETE            |                                      | TE           |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_POST  |
| ct_POST              |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_GET   |
| ct_GET               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_PUT   |
| ct_PUT               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/end   | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | end          |
| /findordefault/begin | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | begin        |
| /findordefault/list  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | list         |
| /calc/add            | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add          |
| /calc/subtract       | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | subtract     |
| /calc/upload         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | upload       |
| /calc/add_to         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add_to       |
| /json/index          | MyApp::Controller::JSON              | index        |
| /forbrowsers/base    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | base         |
| /forbrowsers/object  | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object       |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_DELE- |
| _DELETE              |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_POST  |
| _POST                |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_GET   |
| _GET                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_PUT   |
| _PUT                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/end     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | end          |
| /forbrowsers/begin   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | begin        |
| /forbrowsers/list    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | list         |
| /rest/object         | MyApp::Controller::REST              | object       |
| /rest/begin          | MyApp::Controller::REST              | begin        |
| /rest/end            | MyApp::Controller::REST              | end          |
| /nested/controller/- | MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controll- | index        |
| index                | er                                   |              |
| /skipend/load_form   | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | load_form    |
| /skipend/object      | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object       |
| /skipend/object_GET  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_GET   |
| /skipend/object_PUT  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_PUT   |
| /skipend/begin       | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | begin        |
| /skipend/list        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | list         |
| /skipend/base        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | base         |
| /skipend/object_POST | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_POST  |
| /skipend/object_DEL- | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_DELE- |
| ETE                  |                                      | TE           |
| /skipend/end         | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | end          |
| /skipend/edit_record | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | edit_record  |
| /forbrowser/base     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | base         |
| /forbrowser/object   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object       |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_DELE- |
| DELETE               |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_POST  |
| POST                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_GET   |
| GET                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_PUT   |
| PUT                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/end      | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | end          |
| /forbrowser/begin    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | begin        |
| /forbrowser/list     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | list         |
| /requestclass/params | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | params       |
| /requestclass/reque- | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | request_cla- |
| st_class             |                                      | ss           |
| /user/base           | MyApp::Controller::User              | base         |
| /user/object         | MyApp::Controller::User              | object       |
| /user/object_DELETE  | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_DELE- |
|                      |                                      | TE           |
| /user/object_POST    | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_POST  |
| /user/object_GET     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_GET   |
| /user/object_PUT     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_PUT   |
| /user/end            | MyApp::Controller::User              | end          |
| /user/add_to_group   | MyApp::Controller::User              | add_to_group |
| /user/begin          | MyApp::Controller::User              | begin        |
| /user/list           | MyApp::Controller::User              | list         |

[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path                                | Private                              |
| /api                                | /api/index                           |
| /api/router                         | /api/router                          |
| /api/src                            | /api/src                             |
| /calc                               | /calc/upload                         |
| /calc                               | /calc/add                            |
| /calc/subtract                      | /calc/subtract                       |
| /nested/controller/index            | /nested/controller/index             |
| /requestclass/params                | /requestclass/params                 |
| /requestclass/request_class         | /requestclass/request_class          |

[debug] Loaded Chained actions:
| Path Spec                           | Private                              |
| /add/*/to/*                         | /calc/add (1)                        |
|                                     | => /calc/add_to                      |
| /findordefaults/...                 | /findordefault/list                  |
| /findordefault/...                  | /findordefault/object                |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowser/list                     |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowser/object                   |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowsers/list                    |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowsers/object                  |
| /rest/object/*                      | /rest/object                         |
| /skipend/form/edit_record           | /skipend/load_form (0)               |
|                                     | => /skipend/edit_record              |
| /skipends/...                       | /skipend/list                        |
| /skipend/...                        | /skipend/object                      |
| /user/*/add_to_group/*              | /user/base (1)                       |
|                                     | => /user/add_to_group                |
| /users/...                          | /user/list                           |
| /user/...                           | /user/object                         |

[info] Application powered by Catalyst 5.80029
[info] *** Request 1 (1.000/s) [2990] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:38 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 78
[info] Request took 0.041071s (24.348/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.020073s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.002536s |
|  /json/index                                               | 0.001013s |
|   -> MyApp::View::JSON->process                            | 0.000606s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.014662s |

t/direct/json.t ............... ok
[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Statistics enabled
[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::CGI"
[debug] Found home "/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/t/lib/MyApp"
[debug] Loaded components:
| Class                                                           | Type     |
| MyApp::Controller::API                                          | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Artist                                       | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Calculator                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault                                | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers                                  | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::JSON                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controller                           | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::REST                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::RequestClass                                 | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd                                      | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::User                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC                                              | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::FindOrDefault                               | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::SkipEnd                                     | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::User                                        | class    |
| MyApp::View::JSON                                               | instance |
| MyApp::View::TT                                                 | instance |

[debug] Loaded Private actions:
| Private              | Class                                | Method       |
| /api/src             | MyApp::Controller::API               | src          |
| /api/router          | MyApp::Controller::API               | router       |
| /api/end             | MyApp::Controller::API               | end          |
| /api/index           | MyApp::Controller::API               | index        |
| /api/begin           | MyApp::Controller::API               | begin        |
| /findordefault/base  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | base         |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object       |
| ct                   |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_DELE- |
| ct_DELETE            |                                      | TE           |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_POST  |
| ct_POST              |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_GET   |
| ct_GET               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_PUT   |
| ct_PUT               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/end   | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | end          |
| /findordefault/begin | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | begin        |
| /findordefault/list  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | list         |
| /calc/add            | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add          |
| /calc/subtract       | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | subtract     |
| /calc/upload         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | upload       |
| /calc/add_to         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add_to       |
| /json/index          | MyApp::Controller::JSON              | index        |
| /forbrowsers/base    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | base         |
| /forbrowsers/object  | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object       |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_DELE- |
| _DELETE              |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_POST  |
| _POST                |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_GET   |
| _GET                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_PUT   |
| _PUT                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/end     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | end          |
| /forbrowsers/begin   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | begin        |
| /forbrowsers/list    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | list         |
| /rest/object         | MyApp::Controller::REST              | object       |
| /rest/begin          | MyApp::Controller::REST              | begin        |
| /rest/end            | MyApp::Controller::REST              | end          |
| /nested/controller/- | MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controll- | index        |
| index                | er                                   |              |
| /skipend/load_form   | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | load_form    |
| /skipend/object      | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object       |
| /skipend/object_GET  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_GET   |
| /skipend/object_PUT  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_PUT   |
| /skipend/begin       | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | begin        |
| /skipend/list        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | list         |
| /skipend/base        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | base         |
| /skipend/object_POST | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_POST  |
| /skipend/object_DEL- | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_DELE- |
| ETE                  |                                      | TE           |
| /skipend/end         | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | end          |
| /skipend/edit_record | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | edit_record  |
| /forbrowser/base     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | base         |
| /forbrowser/object   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object       |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_DELE- |
| DELETE               |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_POST  |
| POST                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_GET   |
| GET                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_PUT   |
| PUT                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/end      | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | end          |
| /forbrowser/begin    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | begin        |
| /forbrowser/list     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | list         |
| /requestclass/params | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | params       |
| /requestclass/reque- | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | request_cla- |
| st_class             |                                      | ss           |
| /user/base           | MyApp::Controller::User              | base         |
| /user/object         | MyApp::Controller::User              | object       |
| /user/object_DELETE  | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_DELE- |
|                      |                                      | TE           |
| /user/object_POST    | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_POST  |
| /user/object_GET     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_GET   |
| /user/object_PUT     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_PUT   |
| /user/end            | MyApp::Controller::User              | end          |
| /user/add_to_group   | MyApp::Controller::User              | add_to_group |
| /user/begin          | MyApp::Controller::User              | begin        |
| /user/list           | MyApp::Controller::User              | list         |

[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path                                | Private                              |
| /api                                | /api/index                           |
| /api/router                         | /api/router                          |
| /api/src                            | /api/src                             |
| /calc                               | /calc/upload                         |
| /calc                               | /calc/add                            |
| /calc/subtract                      | /calc/subtract                       |
| /nested/controller/index            | /nested/controller/index             |
| /requestclass/params                | /requestclass/params                 |
| /requestclass/request_class         | /requestclass/request_class          |

[debug] Loaded Chained actions:
| Path Spec                           | Private                              |
| /add/*/to/*                         | /calc/add (1)                        |
|                                     | => /calc/add_to                      |
| /findordefaults/...                 | /findordefault/list                  |
| /findordefault/...                  | /findordefault/object                |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowser/list                     |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowser/object                   |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowsers/list                    |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowsers/object                  |
| /rest/object/*                      | /rest/object                         |
| /skipend/form/edit_record           | /skipend/load_form (0)               |
|                                     | => /skipend/edit_record              |
| /skipends/...                       | /skipend/list                        |
| /skipend/...                        | /skipend/object                      |
| /user/*/add_to_group/*              | /user/base (1)                       |
|                                     | => /user/add_to_group                |
| /users/...                          | /user/list                           |
| /user/...                           | /user/object                         |

[info] Application powered by Catalyst 5.80029
[info] *** Request 1 (0.500/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:42 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "add/8/to/9" from ""
[debug] Path is "/calc/add_to"
[debug] Arguments are "9"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: unknown; Content-Length: 2
[info] Request took 0.004553s (219.635/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /calc/add                                                  | 0.000224s |
| /calc/add_to                                               | 0.000128s |

Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at /export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/blib/lib/CatalystX/Controller/ExtJS/Direct/ line 123.
Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at /export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/blib/lib/CatalystX/Controller/ExtJS/Direct/ line 123.
[info] *** Request 2 (1.000/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:42 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] Status Bad Request: method  in action  does not exist
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 400; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 45
[info] Request took 0.047522s (21.043/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000286s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.001224s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.042583s |

[info] *** Request 3 (1.500/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:42 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 70
[info] Request took 0.021636s (46.219/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.014540s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.002350s |
|  /calc/add                                                 | 0.000130s |
|  /calc/add_to                                              | 0.000121s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000801s |

[info] *** Request 4 (2.000/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:42 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| extAction                           | Calculator                           |
| extData                             | [1,3]                                |
| extMethod                           | add                                  |
| extTID                              | 2                                    |
| extType                             | rpc                                  |
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 72
[info] Request took 0.006757s (147.995/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000434s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.002087s |
|  /calc/add                                                 | 0.000107s |
|  /calc/add_to                                              | 0.000116s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000836s |

[info] *** Request 5 (2.500/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:42 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 285
[info] Request took 0.011049s (90.506/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000468s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.006486s |
|  /calc/add                                                 | 0.000104s |
|  /calc/add_to                                              | 0.000118s |
|  /calc/add                                                 | 0.000099s |
|  /calc/add_to                                              | 0.000105s |
|  /calc/add                                                 | 0.000101s |
|  /calc/add_to                                              | 0.000109s |
|  /calc/add                                                 | 0.000101s |
|  /calc/add_to                                              | 0.000109s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000732s |

[info] *** Request 6 (3.000/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:42 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| extAction                           | Calculator                           |
| extMethod                           | upload                               |
| extTID                              | 9                                    |
| extType                             | rpc                                  |
| extUpload                           | true                                 |
[debug] File Uploads are:
| Parameter    | Filename                   | Type               | Size      |
| file         | calc.txt                   | text/plain         | 3         |
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 76
[info] Request took 0.007901s (126.566/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000492s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.001872s |
|  /calc/upload                                              | 0.000380s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000752s |

[info] *** Request 7 (3.500/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:42 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| extAction                           | Calculator                           |
| extMethod                           | upload                               |
| extTID                              | 9                                    |
| extType                             | rpc                                  |
| extUpload                           | true                                 |
[debug] File Uploads are:
| Parameter    | Filename                   | Type               | Size      |
| file         | calc.txt                   | text/plain         | 4         |
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 43
[info] Request took 0.007971s (125.455/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000439s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.001925s |
|  /calc/upload                                              | 0.000331s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000864s |

[info] *** Request 8 (4.000/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:42 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "rest/object/1" from ""
[debug] Path is "/rest/object"
[debug] Arguments are "1"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Length: 54
[info] Request took 0.010083s (99.177/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /rest/begin                                                | 0.006196s |
| /rest/object                                               | 0.000127s |
| /object_POST                                               | 0.000223s |
| /rest/end                                                  | 0.000141s |

[info] *** Request 9 (4.500/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:42 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 85
[info] Request took 0.014267s (70.092/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000507s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.009933s |
|  /rest/begin                                               | 0.000219s |
|  /rest/object                                              | 0.000097s |
|  /object_POST                                              | 0.000186s |
|  /rest/end                                                 | 0.007330s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000619s |

[info] *** Request 10 (5.000/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:42 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 81
[info] Request took 0.007422s (134.735/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000453s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.003139s |
|  /rest/begin                                               | 0.000133s |
|  /rest/object                                              | 0.000095s |
|  /object_GET                                               | 0.000188s |
|  /rest/end                                                 | 0.000726s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000580s |

[info] *** Request 11 (5.500/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:42 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 85
[info] Request took 0.007418s (134.807/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000472s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.003198s |
|  /rest/begin                                               | 0.000210s |
|  /rest/object                                              | 0.000094s |
|  /object_PUT                                               | 0.000186s |
|  /rest/end                                                 | 0.000709s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000571s |

[info] *** Request 12 (6.000/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:42 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 87
[info] Request took 0.007588s (131.787/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000452s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.003268s |
|  /rest/begin                                               | 0.000208s |
|  /rest/object                                              | 0.000097s |
|  /object_DELETE                                            | 0.000189s |
|  /rest/end                                                 | 0.000706s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000567s |

[info] *** Request 13 (6.500/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:42 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| extAction                           | User                                 |
| extMethod                           | create                               |
| extTID                              | 6                                    |
| extType                             | rpc                                  |
| name                                | testuser                             |
| password                            | foobar                               |
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 138
[info] Request took 0.333640s (2.997/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000402s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.328823s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.005512s |
|  /user/object                                              | 0.313023s |
|   -> /user/object_POST                                     | 0.107081s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.007705s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000680s |

[info] *** Request 14 (4.667/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:43 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 394
[info] Request took 0.328636s (3.043/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000458s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.323964s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000265s |
|  /user/list                                                | 0.320367s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.001127s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000602s |

[info] *** Request 15 (5.000/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:43 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 394
[info] Request took 0.036509s (27.391/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000476s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.032099s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000183s |
|  /user/object                                              | 0.028941s |
|   -> /user/list                                            | 0.021267s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.000932s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000597s |

[info] *** Request 16 (5.333/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:43 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| extAction                           | User                                 |
| extMethod                           | update                               |
| extTID                              | 6                                    |
| extType                             | rpc                                  |
| extUpload                           | true                                 |
| id                                  | 1                                    |
| name                                | testuser                             |
| password                            | foobar2                              |
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 141
[info] Request took 0.027106s (36.892/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000447s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.021811s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000328s |
|  /user/object                                              | 0.018133s |
|   -> /user/object_PUT                                      | 0.007510s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.001102s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000622s |

[info] *** Request 17 (5.667/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:43 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| extAction                           | User                                 |
| extMethod                           | update                               |
| extTID                              | 6                                    |
| extType                             | rpc                                  |
| id                                  | 1                                    |
| name                                | testuser                             |
| password                            | foobar2                              |
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 141
[info] Request took 0.024567s (40.705/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000435s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.019978s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000249s |
|  /user/object                                              | 0.016694s |
|   -> /user/object_PUT                                      | 0.006196s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.000932s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000593s |

[info] *** Request 18 (6.000/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:43 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 395
[info] Request took 0.029390s (34.025/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000471s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.024870s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000249s |
|  /user/list                                                | 0.021675s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.000948s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000600s |

[info] *** Request 19 (6.333/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:43 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 129
[info] Request took 0.018932s (52.821/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000456s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.014578s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000261s |
|  /user/object                                              | 0.011402s |
|   -> /user/object_DELETE                                   | 0.001071s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.000900s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000587s |

[info] *** Request 20 (6.667/s) [2991] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:43 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 348
[info] Request took 0.027326s (36.595/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000477s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.022882s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000249s |
|  /user/list                                                | 0.019755s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.000913s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000604s |

t/direct/router.t ............. ok
[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Statistics enabled
[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::CGI"
[debug] Found home "/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/t/lib/MyApp"
[debug] Loaded components:
| Class                                                           | Type     |
| MyApp::Controller::API                                          | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Artist                                       | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Calculator                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault                                | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers                                  | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::JSON                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controller                           | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::REST                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::RequestClass                                 | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd                                      | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::User                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC                                              | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::FindOrDefault                               | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::SkipEnd                                     | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::User                                        | class    |
| MyApp::View::JSON                                               | instance |
| MyApp::View::TT                                                 | instance |

[debug] Loaded Private actions:
| Private              | Class                                | Method       |
| /api/src             | MyApp::Controller::API               | src          |
| /api/router          | MyApp::Controller::API               | router       |
| /api/end             | MyApp::Controller::API               | end          |
| /api/index           | MyApp::Controller::API               | index        |
| /api/begin           | MyApp::Controller::API               | begin        |
| /findordefault/base  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | base         |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object       |
| ct                   |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_DELE- |
| ct_DELETE            |                                      | TE           |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_POST  |
| ct_POST              |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_GET   |
| ct_GET               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_PUT   |
| ct_PUT               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/end   | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | end          |
| /findordefault/begin | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | begin        |
| /findordefault/list  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | list         |
| /calc/add            | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add          |
| /calc/subtract       | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | subtract     |
| /calc/upload         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | upload       |
| /calc/add_to         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add_to       |
| /json/index          | MyApp::Controller::JSON              | index        |
| /forbrowsers/base    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | base         |
| /forbrowsers/object  | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object       |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_DELE- |
| _DELETE              |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_POST  |
| _POST                |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_GET   |
| _GET                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_PUT   |
| _PUT                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/end     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | end          |
| /forbrowsers/begin   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | begin        |
| /forbrowsers/list    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | list         |
| /rest/object         | MyApp::Controller::REST              | object       |
| /rest/begin          | MyApp::Controller::REST              | begin        |
| /rest/end            | MyApp::Controller::REST              | end          |
| /nested/controller/- | MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controll- | index        |
| index                | er                                   |              |
| /skipend/load_form   | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | load_form    |
| /skipend/object      | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object       |
| /skipend/object_GET  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_GET   |
| /skipend/object_PUT  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_PUT   |
| /skipend/begin       | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | begin        |
| /skipend/list        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | list         |
| /skipend/base        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | base         |
| /skipend/object_POST | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_POST  |
| /skipend/object_DEL- | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_DELE- |
| ETE                  |                                      | TE           |
| /skipend/end         | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | end          |
| /skipend/edit_record | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | edit_record  |
| /forbrowser/base     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | base         |
| /forbrowser/object   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object       |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_DELE- |
| DELETE               |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_POST  |
| POST                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_GET   |
| GET                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_PUT   |
| PUT                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/end      | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | end          |
| /forbrowser/begin    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | begin        |
| /forbrowser/list     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | list         |
| /requestclass/params | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | params       |
| /requestclass/reque- | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | request_cla- |
| st_class             |                                      | ss           |
| /user/base           | MyApp::Controller::User              | base         |
| /user/object         | MyApp::Controller::User              | object       |
| /user/object_DELETE  | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_DELE- |
|                      |                                      | TE           |
| /user/object_POST    | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_POST  |
| /user/object_GET     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_GET   |
| /user/object_PUT     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_PUT   |
| /user/end            | MyApp::Controller::User              | end          |
| /user/add_to_group   | MyApp::Controller::User              | add_to_group |
| /user/begin          | MyApp::Controller::User              | begin        |
| /user/list           | MyApp::Controller::User              | list         |

[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path                                | Private                              |
| /api                                | /api/index                           |
| /api/router                         | /api/router                          |
| /api/src                            | /api/src                             |
| /calc                               | /calc/upload                         |
| /calc                               | /calc/add                            |
| /calc/subtract                      | /calc/subtract                       |
| /nested/controller/index            | /nested/controller/index             |
| /requestclass/params                | /requestclass/params                 |
| /requestclass/request_class         | /requestclass/request_class          |

[debug] Loaded Chained actions:
| Path Spec                           | Private                              |
| /add/*/to/*                         | /calc/add (1)                        |
|                                     | => /calc/add_to                      |
| /findordefaults/...                 | /findordefault/list                  |
| /findordefault/...                  | /findordefault/object                |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowser/list                     |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowser/object                   |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowsers/list                    |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowsers/object                  |
| /rest/object/*                      | /rest/object                         |
| /skipend/form/edit_record           | /skipend/load_form (0)               |
|                                     | => /skipend/edit_record              |
| /skipends/...                       | /skipend/list                        |
| /skipend/...                        | /skipend/object                      |
| /user/*/add_to_group/*              | /user/base (1)                       |
|                                     | => /user/add_to_group                |
| /users/...                          | /user/list                           |
| /user/...                           | /user/object                         |

[info] Application powered by Catalyst 5.80029
[info] *** Request 1 (1.000/s) [2992] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:46 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 370
[info] Request took 0.234565s (4.263/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.013981s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.210122s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.005566s |
|  /user/object                                              | 0.153479s |
|   -> /user/object_POST                                     | 0.052323s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.015290s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000343s |
|  /user/object                                              | 0.013996s |
|   -> /user/object_POST                                     | 0.005277s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.000792s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000273s |
|  /user/object                                              | 0.013179s |
|   -> /user/object_POST                                     | 0.004998s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.000733s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.006158s |

[info] *** Request 2 (1.000/s) [2992] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:47 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 452
[info] Request took 0.173294s (5.771/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000733s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.167682s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000276s |
|  /user/list                                                | 0.163735s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.001292s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000614s |

[info] *** Request 3 (1.500/s) [2992] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:47 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 382
[info] Request took 0.034028s (29.388/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000459s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.029691s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000244s |
|  /user/list                                                | 0.026472s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.000965s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000596s |

[info] *** Request 4 (2.000/s) [2992] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:47 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Calling resultset method none
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 348
[info] Request took 0.027855s (35.900/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000454s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.023504s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000246s |
|  /user/list                                                | 0.020369s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.000914s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000622s |

Use of uninitialized value $params[0] in join or string at /export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/blib/lib/CatalystX/Controller/ExtJS/ line 237.
Use of uninitialized value $params[0] in join or string at /export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/blib/lib/CatalystX/Controller/ExtJS/ line 237.
[info] *** Request 5 (2.500/s) [2992] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:47 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Calling resultset method foo with arguments ''
[debug] Calling resultset method not with arguments '1'
[debug] Calling resultset method not with arguments '2'
[debug] Calling resultset method not with arguments '3'
[debug] Calling resultset method not with arguments ''
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 348
[info] Request took 0.034503s (28.983/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000465s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.030075s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000242s |
|  /user/list                                                | 0.026626s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.001078s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000615s |

[info] *** Request 6 (3.000/s) [2992] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:47 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 129
[info] Request took 0.019182s (52.132/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000478s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.014787s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000273s |
|  /user/object                                              | 0.011504s |
|   -> /user/object_DELETE                                   | 0.000905s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.000911s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000587s |

[info] *** Request 7 (3.500/s) [2992] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:47 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 417
[info] Request took 0.031392s (31.855/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000460s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.027046s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000249s |
|  /user/list                                                | 0.023665s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.000949s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000605s |

[info] *** Request 8 (4.000/s) [2992] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:47 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 261
[info] Request took 0.032604s (30.671/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000486s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.028188s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000260s |
|  /user/object                                              | 0.011167s |
|   -> /user/object_DELETE                                   | 0.000780s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.000903s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000322s |
|  /user/object                                              | 0.010675s |
|   -> /user/object_DELETE                                   | 0.000738s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.001024s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000602s |

[info] *** Request 9 (4.500/s) [2992] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:47 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "api/router" from ""
[debug] Path is "api/router"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 348
[info] Request took 0.027284s (36.652/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /api/begin                                                 | 0.000479s |
| /api/router                                                | 0.022881s |
|  /user/begin                                               | 0.000243s |
|  /user/list                                                | 0.019744s |
|  /user/end                                                 | 0.000931s |
| /api/end                                                   | 0.000588s |

t/direct/router/rest_extjs.t .. ok
t/pod.t ....................... ok
t/release-distmeta.t .......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-has-version.t ....... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-kwalitee.t .......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-minimum-version.t ... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-pod-coverage.t ...... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-pod-syntax.t ........ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-portability.t ....... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-unused-vars.t ....... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Statistics enabled
[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::CGI"
[debug] Found home "/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/t/lib/MyApp"
[debug] Loaded components:
| Class                                                           | Type     |
| MyApp::Controller::API                                          | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Artist                                       | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Calculator                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault                                | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers                                  | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::JSON                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controller                           | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::REST                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::RequestClass                                 | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd                                      | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::User                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC                                              | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::FindOrDefault                               | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::SkipEnd                                     | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::User                                        | class    |
| MyApp::View::JSON                                               | instance |
| MyApp::View::TT                                                 | instance |

[debug] Loaded Private actions:
| Private              | Class                                | Method       |
| /api/src             | MyApp::Controller::API               | src          |
| /api/router          | MyApp::Controller::API               | router       |
| /api/end             | MyApp::Controller::API               | end          |
| /api/index           | MyApp::Controller::API               | index        |
| /api/begin           | MyApp::Controller::API               | begin        |
| /findordefault/base  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | base         |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object       |
| ct                   |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_DELE- |
| ct_DELETE            |                                      | TE           |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_POST  |
| ct_POST              |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_GET   |
| ct_GET               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_PUT   |
| ct_PUT               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/end   | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | end          |
| /findordefault/begin | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | begin        |
| /findordefault/list  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | list         |
| /calc/add            | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add          |
| /calc/subtract       | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | subtract     |
| /calc/upload         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | upload       |
| /calc/add_to         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add_to       |
| /json/index          | MyApp::Controller::JSON              | index        |
| /forbrowsers/base    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | base         |
| /forbrowsers/object  | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object       |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_DELE- |
| _DELETE              |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_POST  |
| _POST                |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_GET   |
| _GET                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_PUT   |
| _PUT                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/end     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | end          |
| /forbrowsers/begin   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | begin        |
| /forbrowsers/list    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | list         |
| /rest/object         | MyApp::Controller::REST              | object       |
| /rest/begin          | MyApp::Controller::REST              | begin        |
| /rest/end            | MyApp::Controller::REST              | end          |
| /nested/controller/- | MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controll- | index        |
| index                | er                                   |              |
| /skipend/load_form   | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | load_form    |
| /skipend/object      | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object       |
| /skipend/object_GET  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_GET   |
| /skipend/object_PUT  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_PUT   |
| /skipend/begin       | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | begin        |
| /skipend/list        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | list         |
| /skipend/base        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | base         |
| /skipend/object_POST | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_POST  |
| /skipend/object_DEL- | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_DELE- |
| ETE                  |                                      | TE           |
| /skipend/end         | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | end          |
| /skipend/edit_record | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | edit_record  |
| /forbrowser/base     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | base         |
| /forbrowser/object   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object       |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_DELE- |
| DELETE               |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_POST  |
| POST                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_GET   |
| GET                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_PUT   |
| PUT                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/end      | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | end          |
| /forbrowser/begin    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | begin        |
| /forbrowser/list     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | list         |
| /requestclass/params | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | params       |
| /requestclass/reque- | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | request_cla- |
| st_class             |                                      | ss           |
| /user/base           | MyApp::Controller::User              | base         |
| /user/object         | MyApp::Controller::User              | object       |
| /user/object_DELETE  | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_DELE- |
|                      |                                      | TE           |
| /user/object_POST    | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_POST  |
| /user/object_GET     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_GET   |
| /user/object_PUT     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_PUT   |
| /user/end            | MyApp::Controller::User              | end          |
| /user/add_to_group   | MyApp::Controller::User              | add_to_group |
| /user/begin          | MyApp::Controller::User              | begin        |
| /user/list           | MyApp::Controller::User              | list         |

[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path                                | Private                              |
| /api                                | /api/index                           |
| /api/router                         | /api/router                          |
| /api/src                            | /api/src                             |
| /calc                               | /calc/upload                         |
| /calc                               | /calc/add                            |
| /calc/subtract                      | /calc/subtract                       |
| /nested/controller/index            | /nested/controller/index             |
| /requestclass/params                | /requestclass/params                 |
| /requestclass/request_class         | /requestclass/request_class          |

[debug] Loaded Chained actions:
| Path Spec                           | Private                              |
| /add/*/to/*                         | /calc/add (1)                        |
|                                     | => /calc/add_to                      |
| /findordefaults/...                 | /findordefault/list                  |
| /findordefault/...                  | /findordefault/object                |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowser/list                     |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowser/object                   |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowsers/list                    |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowsers/object                  |
| /rest/object/*                      | /rest/object                         |
| /skipend/form/edit_record           | /skipend/load_form (0)               |
|                                     | => /skipend/edit_record              |
| /skipends/...                       | /skipend/list                        |
| /skipend/...                        | /skipend/object                      |
| /user/*/add_to_group/*              | /user/base (1)                       |
|                                     | => /user/add_to_group                |
| /users/...                          | /user/list                           |
| /user/...                           | /user/object                         |

[info] Application powered by Catalyst 5.80029
[info] *** Request 1 (1.000/s) [3002] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:51 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "findordefault/nonsense" from ""
[debug] Path is "/findordefault/object"
[debug] Arguments are "nonsense"
[debug] Default resultset method extjs_rest_findordefault cannot be found
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/findordefault.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 75
[info] Request took 0.171028s (5.847/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /findordefault/begin                                       | 0.000229s |
| /findordefault/object                                      | 0.151375s |
|  -> /findordefault/object_GET                              | 0.019810s |
| /findordefault/end                                         | 0.015799s |

t/rest/findordefault.t ........ ok
[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Statistics enabled
[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::CGI"
[debug] Found home "/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/t/lib/MyApp"
[debug] Loaded components:
| Class                                                           | Type     |
| MyApp::Controller::API                                          | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Artist                                       | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Calculator                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault                                | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers                                  | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::JSON                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controller                           | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::REST                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::RequestClass                                 | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd                                      | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::User                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC                                              | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::FindOrDefault                               | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::SkipEnd                                     | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::User                                        | class    |
| MyApp::View::JSON                                               | instance |
| MyApp::View::TT                                                 | instance |

[debug] Loaded Private actions:
| Private              | Class                                | Method       |
| /api/src             | MyApp::Controller::API               | src          |
| /api/router          | MyApp::Controller::API               | router       |
| /api/end             | MyApp::Controller::API               | end          |
| /api/index           | MyApp::Controller::API               | index        |
| /api/begin           | MyApp::Controller::API               | begin        |
| /findordefault/base  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | base         |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object       |
| ct                   |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_DELE- |
| ct_DELETE            |                                      | TE           |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_POST  |
| ct_POST              |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_GET   |
| ct_GET               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_PUT   |
| ct_PUT               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/end   | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | end          |
| /findordefault/begin | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | begin        |
| /findordefault/list  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | list         |
| /calc/add            | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add          |
| /calc/subtract       | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | subtract     |
| /calc/upload         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | upload       |
| /calc/add_to         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add_to       |
| /json/index          | MyApp::Controller::JSON              | index        |
| /forbrowsers/base    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | base         |
| /forbrowsers/object  | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object       |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_DELE- |
| _DELETE              |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_POST  |
| _POST                |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_GET   |
| _GET                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_PUT   |
| _PUT                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/end     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | end          |
| /forbrowsers/begin   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | begin        |
| /forbrowsers/list    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | list         |
| /rest/object         | MyApp::Controller::REST              | object       |
| /rest/begin          | MyApp::Controller::REST              | begin        |
| /rest/end            | MyApp::Controller::REST              | end          |
| /nested/controller/- | MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controll- | index        |
| index                | er                                   |              |
| /skipend/load_form   | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | load_form    |
| /skipend/object      | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object       |
| /skipend/object_GET  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_GET   |
| /skipend/object_PUT  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_PUT   |
| /skipend/begin       | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | begin        |
| /skipend/list        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | list         |
| /skipend/base        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | base         |
| /skipend/object_POST | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_POST  |
| /skipend/object_DEL- | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_DELE- |
| ETE                  |                                      | TE           |
| /skipend/end         | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | end          |
| /skipend/edit_record | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | edit_record  |
| /forbrowser/base     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | base         |
| /forbrowser/object   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object       |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_DELE- |
| DELETE               |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_POST  |
| POST                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_GET   |
| GET                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_PUT   |
| PUT                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/end      | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | end          |
| /forbrowser/begin    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | begin        |
| /forbrowser/list     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | list         |
| /requestclass/params | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | params       |
| /requestclass/reque- | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | request_cla- |
| st_class             |                                      | ss           |
| /user/base           | MyApp::Controller::User              | base         |
| /user/object         | MyApp::Controller::User              | object       |
| /user/object_DELETE  | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_DELE- |
|                      |                                      | TE           |
| /user/object_POST    | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_POST  |
| /user/object_GET     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_GET   |
| /user/object_PUT     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_PUT   |
| /user/end            | MyApp::Controller::User              | end          |
| /user/add_to_group   | MyApp::Controller::User              | add_to_group |
| /user/begin          | MyApp::Controller::User              | begin        |
| /user/list           | MyApp::Controller::User              | list         |

[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path                                | Private                              |
| /api                                | /api/index                           |
| /api/router                         | /api/router                          |
| /api/src                            | /api/src                             |
| /calc                               | /calc/upload                         |
| /calc                               | /calc/add                            |
| /calc/subtract                      | /calc/subtract                       |
| /nested/controller/index            | /nested/controller/index             |
| /requestclass/params                | /requestclass/params                 |
| /requestclass/request_class         | /requestclass/request_class          |

[debug] Loaded Chained actions:
| Path Spec                           | Private                              |
| /add/*/to/*                         | /calc/add (1)                        |
|                                     | => /calc/add_to                      |
| /findordefaults/...                 | /findordefault/list                  |
| /findordefault/...                  | /findordefault/object                |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowser/list                     |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowser/object                   |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowsers/list                    |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowsers/object                  |
| /rest/object/*                      | /rest/object                         |
| /skipend/form/edit_record           | /skipend/load_form (0)               |
|                                     | => /skipend/edit_record              |
| /skipends/...                       | /skipend/list                        |
| /skipend/...                        | /skipend/object                      |
| /user/*/add_to_group/*              | /user/base (1)                       |
|                                     | => /user/add_to_group                |
| /users/...                          | /user/list                           |
| /user/...                           | /user/object                         |

[info] Application powered by Catalyst 5.80029
[info] *** Request 1 (1.000/s) [3003] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:54 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "user" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| name                                | bar                                  |
| password                            | foo                                  |
[debug] Path is "/user/object"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 201; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 62
[info] Request took 0.178433s (5.604/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.012148s |
| /user/object                                               | 0.145842s |
|  -> /user/object_POST                                      | 0.052905s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.016259s |

[info] *** Request 2 (1.000/s) [3003] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:55 2010] ***
[debug] "DELETE" request for "user/1" from ""
[debug] Query Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| x-tunneled-method                   | DELETE                               |
[debug] Path is "/user/object"
[debug] Arguments are "1"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 62
[info] Request took 0.015761s (63.448/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000481s |
| /user/object                                               | 0.011331s |
|  -> /user/object_DELETE                                    | 0.000881s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.000848s |

[info] *** Request 3 (1.500/s) [3003] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:55 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "users" from ""
[debug] Path is "/user/list"
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 284
[info] Request took 0.170144s (5.877/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000409s |
| /user/list                                                 | 0.162903s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.001279s |

t/rest/for_browser.t .......... ok
[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Statistics enabled
[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::CGI"
[debug] Found home "/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/t/lib/MyApp"
[debug] Loaded components:
| Class                                                           | Type     |
| MyApp::Controller::API                                          | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Artist                                       | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Calculator                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault                                | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers                                  | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::JSON                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controller                           | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::REST                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::RequestClass                                 | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd                                      | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::User                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC                                              | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::FindOrDefault                               | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::SkipEnd                                     | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::User                                        | class    |
| MyApp::View::JSON                                               | instance |
| MyApp::View::TT                                                 | instance |

[debug] Loaded Private actions:
| Private              | Class                                | Method       |
| /api/src             | MyApp::Controller::API               | src          |
| /api/router          | MyApp::Controller::API               | router       |
| /api/end             | MyApp::Controller::API               | end          |
| /api/index           | MyApp::Controller::API               | index        |
| /api/begin           | MyApp::Controller::API               | begin        |
| /findordefault/base  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | base         |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object       |
| ct                   |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_DELE- |
| ct_DELETE            |                                      | TE           |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_POST  |
| ct_POST              |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_GET   |
| ct_GET               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_PUT   |
| ct_PUT               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/end   | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | end          |
| /findordefault/begin | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | begin        |
| /findordefault/list  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | list         |
| /calc/add            | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add          |
| /calc/subtract       | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | subtract     |
| /calc/upload         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | upload       |
| /calc/add_to         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add_to       |
| /json/index          | MyApp::Controller::JSON              | index        |
| /forbrowsers/base    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | base         |
| /forbrowsers/object  | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object       |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_DELE- |
| _DELETE              |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_POST  |
| _POST                |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_GET   |
| _GET                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_PUT   |
| _PUT                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/end     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | end          |
| /forbrowsers/begin   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | begin        |
| /forbrowsers/list    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | list         |
| /rest/object         | MyApp::Controller::REST              | object       |
| /rest/begin          | MyApp::Controller::REST              | begin        |
| /rest/end            | MyApp::Controller::REST              | end          |
| /nested/controller/- | MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controll- | index        |
| index                | er                                   |              |
| /skipend/load_form   | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | load_form    |
| /skipend/object      | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object       |
| /skipend/object_GET  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_GET   |
| /skipend/object_PUT  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_PUT   |
| /skipend/begin       | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | begin        |
| /skipend/list        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | list         |
| /skipend/base        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | base         |
| /skipend/object_POST | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_POST  |
| /skipend/object_DEL- | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_DELE- |
| ETE                  |                                      | TE           |
| /skipend/end         | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | end          |
| /skipend/edit_record | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | edit_record  |
| /forbrowser/base     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | base         |
| /forbrowser/object   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object       |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_DELE- |
| DELETE               |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_POST  |
| POST                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_GET   |
| GET                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_PUT   |
| PUT                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/end      | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | end          |
| /forbrowser/begin    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | begin        |
| /forbrowser/list     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | list         |
| /requestclass/params | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | params       |
| /requestclass/reque- | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | request_cla- |
| st_class             |                                      | ss           |
| /user/base           | MyApp::Controller::User              | base         |
| /user/object         | MyApp::Controller::User              | object       |
| /user/object_DELETE  | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_DELE- |
|                      |                                      | TE           |
| /user/object_POST    | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_POST  |
| /user/object_GET     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_GET   |
| /user/object_PUT     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_PUT   |
| /user/end            | MyApp::Controller::User              | end          |
| /user/add_to_group   | MyApp::Controller::User              | add_to_group |
| /user/begin          | MyApp::Controller::User              | begin        |
| /user/list           | MyApp::Controller::User              | list         |

[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path                                | Private                              |
| /api                                | /api/index                           |
| /api/router                         | /api/router                          |
| /api/src                            | /api/src                             |
| /calc                               | /calc/upload                         |
| /calc                               | /calc/add                            |
| /calc/subtract                      | /calc/subtract                       |
| /nested/controller/index            | /nested/controller/index             |
| /requestclass/params                | /requestclass/params                 |
| /requestclass/request_class         | /requestclass/request_class          |

[debug] Loaded Chained actions:
| Path Spec                           | Private                              |
| /add/*/to/*                         | /calc/add (1)                        |
|                                     | => /calc/add_to                      |
| /findordefaults/...                 | /findordefault/list                  |
| /findordefault/...                  | /findordefault/object                |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowser/list                     |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowser/object                   |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowsers/list                    |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowsers/object                  |
| /rest/object/*                      | /rest/object                         |
| /skipend/form/edit_record           | /skipend/load_form (0)               |
|                                     | => /skipend/edit_record              |
| /skipends/...                       | /skipend/list                        |
| /skipend/...                        | /skipend/object                      |
| /user/*/add_to_group/*              | /user/base (1)                       |
|                                     | => /user/add_to_group                |
| /users/...                          | /user/list                           |
| /user/...                           | /user/object                         |

[info] Application powered by Catalyst 5.80029
[info] *** Request 1 (0.500/s) [3004] [Sun Dec  5 16:20:58 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "skipend/form/edit_record" from ""
[debug] Path is "/skipend/edit_record"
[debug] Rendering template "edit_record.tt2.js"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 3395
[info] Request took 0.222627s (4.492/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /skipend/begin                                             | 0.000329s |
| /skipend/load_form                                         | 0.122319s |
| /skipend/edit_record                                       | 0.094291s |
|  -> MyApp::View::TT->process                               | 0.093148s |
| /skipend/end                                               | 0.000352s |

t/rest/skip_end.t ............. ok
[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Statistics enabled
[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::CGI"
[debug] Found home "/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/t/lib/MyApp"
[debug] Loaded components:
| Class                                                           | Type     |
| MyApp::Controller::API                                          | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Artist                                       | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Calculator                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault                                | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers                                  | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::JSON                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controller                           | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::REST                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::RequestClass                                 | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd                                      | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::User                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC                                              | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::FindOrDefault                               | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::SkipEnd                                     | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::User                                        | class    |
| MyApp::View::JSON                                               | instance |
| MyApp::View::TT                                                 | instance |

[debug] Loaded Private actions:
| Private              | Class                                | Method       |
| /api/src             | MyApp::Controller::API               | src          |
| /api/router          | MyApp::Controller::API               | router       |
| /api/end             | MyApp::Controller::API               | end          |
| /api/index           | MyApp::Controller::API               | index        |
| /api/begin           | MyApp::Controller::API               | begin        |
| /findordefault/base  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | base         |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object       |
| ct                   |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_DELE- |
| ct_DELETE            |                                      | TE           |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_POST  |
| ct_POST              |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_GET   |
| ct_GET               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_PUT   |
| ct_PUT               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/end   | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | end          |
| /findordefault/begin | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | begin        |
| /findordefault/list  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | list         |
| /calc/add            | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add          |
| /calc/subtract       | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | subtract     |
| /calc/upload         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | upload       |
| /calc/add_to         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add_to       |
| /json/index          | MyApp::Controller::JSON              | index        |
| /forbrowsers/base    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | base         |
| /forbrowsers/object  | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object       |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_DELE- |
| _DELETE              |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_POST  |
| _POST                |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_GET   |
| _GET                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_PUT   |
| _PUT                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/end     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | end          |
| /forbrowsers/begin   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | begin        |
| /forbrowsers/list    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | list         |
| /rest/object         | MyApp::Controller::REST              | object       |
| /rest/begin          | MyApp::Controller::REST              | begin        |
| /rest/end            | MyApp::Controller::REST              | end          |
| /nested/controller/- | MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controll- | index        |
| index                | er                                   |              |
| /skipend/load_form   | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | load_form    |
| /skipend/object      | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object       |
| /skipend/object_GET  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_GET   |
| /skipend/object_PUT  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_PUT   |
| /skipend/begin       | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | begin        |
| /skipend/list        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | list         |
| /skipend/base        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | base         |
| /skipend/object_POST | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_POST  |
| /skipend/object_DEL- | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_DELE- |
| ETE                  |                                      | TE           |
| /skipend/end         | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | end          |
| /skipend/edit_record | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | edit_record  |
| /forbrowser/base     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | base         |
| /forbrowser/object   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object       |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_DELE- |
| DELETE               |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_POST  |
| POST                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_GET   |
| GET                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_PUT   |
| PUT                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/end      | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | end          |
| /forbrowser/begin    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | begin        |
| /forbrowser/list     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | list         |
| /requestclass/params | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | params       |
| /requestclass/reque- | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | request_cla- |
| st_class             |                                      | ss           |
| /user/base           | MyApp::Controller::User              | base         |
| /user/object         | MyApp::Controller::User              | object       |
| /user/object_DELETE  | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_DELE- |
|                      |                                      | TE           |
| /user/object_POST    | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_POST  |
| /user/object_GET     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_GET   |
| /user/object_PUT     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_PUT   |
| /user/end            | MyApp::Controller::User              | end          |
| /user/add_to_group   | MyApp::Controller::User              | add_to_group |
| /user/begin          | MyApp::Controller::User              | begin        |
| /user/list           | MyApp::Controller::User              | list         |

[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path                                | Private                              |
| /api                                | /api/index                           |
| /api/router                         | /api/router                          |
| /api/src                            | /api/src                             |
| /calc                               | /calc/upload                         |
| /calc                               | /calc/add                            |
| /calc/subtract                      | /calc/subtract                       |
| /nested/controller/index            | /nested/controller/index             |
| /requestclass/params                | /requestclass/params                 |
| /requestclass/request_class         | /requestclass/request_class          |

[debug] Loaded Chained actions:
| Path Spec                           | Private                              |
| /add/*/to/*                         | /calc/add (1)                        |
|                                     | => /calc/add_to                      |
| /findordefaults/...                 | /findordefault/list                  |
| /findordefault/...                  | /findordefault/object                |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowser/list                     |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowser/object                   |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowsers/list                    |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowsers/object                  |
| /rest/object/*                      | /rest/object                         |
| /skipend/form/edit_record           | /skipend/load_form (0)               |
|                                     | => /skipend/edit_record              |
| /skipends/...                       | /skipend/list                        |
| /skipend/...                        | /skipend/object                      |
| /user/*/add_to_group/*              | /user/base (1)                       |
|                                     | => /user/add_to_group                |
| /users/...                          | /user/list                           |
| /user/...                           | /user/object                         |

[info] Application powered by Catalyst 5.80029
[info] *** Request 1 (1.000/s) [3005] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:01 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "users" from ""
[debug] Path is "/user/list"
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 284
[info] Request took 0.287335s (3.480/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000251s |
| /user/list                                                 | 0.267253s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.015926s |

[info] *** Request 2 (2.000/s) [3005] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:01 2010] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "user" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| name                                | bar                                  |
| password                            | foo                                  |
[debug] Path is "/user/object"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 201; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 62
[info] Request took 0.060806s (16.446/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.014781s |
| /user/object                                               | 0.040096s |
|  -> /user/object_POST                                      | 0.029511s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.001006s |

[info] *** Request 3 (1.500/s) [3005] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:02 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "users" from ""
[debug] Path is "/user/list"
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 322
[info] Request took 0.026999s (37.038/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000220s |
| /user/list                                                 | 0.022530s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.001051s |

[info] *** Request 4 (2.000/s) [3005] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:02 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "user/1" from ""
[debug] Path is "/user/object"
[debug] Arguments are "1"
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 62
[info] Request took 0.017681s (56.558/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000203s |
| /user/object                                               | 0.013330s |
|  -> /user/object_GET                                       | 0.002344s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.001026s |

[info] *** Request 5 (2.500/s) [3005] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:02 2010] ***
[debug] "PUT" request for "user/1" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| name                                | bas                                  |
| password                            | foo                                  |
[debug] Path is "/user/object"
[debug] Arguments are "1"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 62
[info] Request took 0.023733s (42.135/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000534s |
| /user/object                                               | 0.018551s |
|  -> /user/object_PUT                                       | 0.007329s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.000955s |

[info] *** Request 6 (3.000/s) [3005] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:02 2010] ***
[debug] "PUT" request for "user" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| id                                  | 1                                    |
| name                                | bast                                 |
| password                            | foo                                  |
[debug] Path is "/user/object"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 65
[info] Request took 0.022622s (44.205/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000498s |
| /user/object                                               | 0.017447s |
|  -> /user/object_PUT                                       | 0.006897s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.000949s |

[info] *** Request 7 (3.500/s) [3005] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:02 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "user/1" from ""
[debug] Path is "/user/object"
[debug] Arguments are "1"
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 63
[info] Request took 0.017575s (56.899/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000223s |
| /user/object                                               | 0.013205s |
|  -> /user/object_GET                                       | 0.002346s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.001010s |

[info] *** Request 8 (4.000/s) [3005] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:02 2010] ***
[debug] "DELETE" request for "user/1" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| name                                | bas                                  |
| password                            | foo                                  |
[debug] Path is "/user/object"
[debug] Arguments are "1"
[debug] I would have deserialized, but there was nothing in the body!
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 62
[info] Request took 0.016302s (61.342/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000519s |
| /user/object                                               | 0.011276s |
|  -> /user/object_DELETE                                    | 0.000958s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.000883s |

[info] *** Request 9 (4.500/s) [3005] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:02 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "user/1" from ""
[debug] Path is "/user/object"
[debug] Arguments are "1"
[debug] Calling default resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Loading form t/root/forms/user.yml
[debug] Status Not Found: Object could not be found.
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 404; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 38
[info] Request took 0.015132s (66.085/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000225s |
| /user/object                                               | 0.010892s |
|  -> /user/object_GET                                       | 0.000768s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.000960s |

t/rest/user.t ................. ok
[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Statistics enabled
[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::CGI"
[debug] Found home "/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/t/lib/MyApp"
[debug] Loaded components:
| Class                                                           | Type     |
| MyApp::Controller::API                                          | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Artist                                       | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Calculator                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault                                | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser                                   | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers                                  | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::JSON                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controller                           | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::REST                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::RequestClass                                 | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd                                      | instance |
| MyApp::Controller::User                                         | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC                                              | instance |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::FindOrDefault                               | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::SkipEnd                                     | class    |
| MyApp::Model::DBIC::User                                        | class    |
| MyApp::View::JSON                                               | instance |
| MyApp::View::TT                                                 | instance |

[debug] Loaded Private actions:
| Private              | Class                                | Method       |
| /api/src             | MyApp::Controller::API               | src          |
| /api/router          | MyApp::Controller::API               | router       |
| /api/end             | MyApp::Controller::API               | end          |
| /api/index           | MyApp::Controller::API               | index        |
| /api/begin           | MyApp::Controller::API               | begin        |
| /findordefault/base  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | base         |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object       |
| ct                   |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_DELE- |
| ct_DELETE            |                                      | TE           |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_POST  |
| ct_POST              |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_GET   |
| ct_GET               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/obje- | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | object_PUT   |
| ct_PUT               |                                      |              |
| /findordefault/end   | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | end          |
| /findordefault/begin | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | begin        |
| /findordefault/list  | MyApp::Controller::FindOrDefault     | list         |
| /calc/add            | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add          |
| /calc/subtract       | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | subtract     |
| /calc/upload         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | upload       |
| /calc/add_to         | MyApp::Controller::Calculator        | add_to       |
| /json/index          | MyApp::Controller::JSON              | index        |
| /forbrowsers/base    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | base         |
| /forbrowsers/object  | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object       |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_DELE- |
| _DELETE              |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_POST  |
| _POST                |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_GET   |
| _GET                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/object- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | object_PUT   |
| _PUT                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowsers/end     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | end          |
| /forbrowsers/begin   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | begin        |
| /forbrowsers/list    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowsers       | list         |
| /rest/object         | MyApp::Controller::REST              | object       |
| /rest/begin          | MyApp::Controller::REST              | begin        |
| /rest/end            | MyApp::Controller::REST              | end          |
| /nested/controller/- | MyApp::Controller::Nested::Controll- | index        |
| index                | er                                   |              |
| /skipend/load_form   | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | load_form    |
| /skipend/object      | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object       |
| /skipend/object_GET  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_GET   |
| /skipend/object_PUT  | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_PUT   |
| /skipend/begin       | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | begin        |
| /skipend/list        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | list         |
| /skipend/base        | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | base         |
| /skipend/object_POST | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_POST  |
| /skipend/object_DEL- | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | object_DELE- |
| ETE                  |                                      | TE           |
| /skipend/end         | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | end          |
| /skipend/edit_record | MyApp::Controller::SkipEnd           | edit_record  |
| /forbrowser/base     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | base         |
| /forbrowser/object   | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object       |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_DELE- |
| DELETE               |                                      | TE           |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_POST  |
| POST                 |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_GET   |
| GET                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/object_- | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | object_PUT   |
| PUT                  |                                      |              |
| /forbrowser/end      | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | end          |
| /forbrowser/begin    | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | begin        |
| /forbrowser/list     | MyApp::Controller::ForBrowser        | list         |
| /requestclass/params | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | params       |
| /requestclass/reque- | MyApp::Controller::RequestClass      | request_cla- |
| st_class             |                                      | ss           |
| /user/base           | MyApp::Controller::User              | base         |
| /user/object         | MyApp::Controller::User              | object       |
| /user/object_DELETE  | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_DELE- |
|                      |                                      | TE           |
| /user/object_POST    | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_POST  |
| /user/object_GET     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_GET   |
| /user/object_PUT     | MyApp::Controller::User              | object_PUT   |
| /user/end            | MyApp::Controller::User              | end          |
| /user/add_to_group   | MyApp::Controller::User              | add_to_group |
| /user/begin          | MyApp::Controller::User              | begin        |
| /user/list           | MyApp::Controller::User              | list         |

[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path                                | Private                              |
| /api                                | /api/index                           |
| /api/router                         | /api/router                          |
| /api/src                            | /api/src                             |
| /calc                               | /calc/upload                         |
| /calc                               | /calc/add                            |
| /calc/subtract                      | /calc/subtract                       |
| /nested/controller/index            | /nested/controller/index             |
| /requestclass/params                | /requestclass/params                 |
| /requestclass/request_class         | /requestclass/request_class          |

[debug] Loaded Chained actions:
| Path Spec                           | Private                              |
| /add/*/to/*                         | /calc/add (1)                        |
|                                     | => /calc/add_to                      |
| /findordefaults/...                 | /findordefault/list                  |
| /findordefault/...                  | /findordefault/object                |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowser/list                     |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowser/object                   |
| /forbrowser/...                     | /forbrowsers/list                    |
| /forbrowsers/...                    | /forbrowsers/object                  |
| /rest/object/*                      | /rest/object                         |
| /skipend/form/edit_record           | /skipend/load_form (0)               |
|                                     | => /skipend/edit_record              |
| /skipends/...                       | /skipend/list                        |
| /skipend/...                        | /skipend/object                      |
| /user/*/add_to_group/*              | /user/base (1)                       |
|                                     | => /user/add_to_group                |
| /users/...                          | /user/list                           |
| /user/...                           | /user/object                         |

[info] Application powered by Catalyst 5.80029
[info] *** Request 1 (0.500/s) [3006] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:05 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "users" from ""
[debug] Path is "/user/list"
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 10377
[info] Request took 0.501917s (1.992/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000240s |
| /user/list                                                 | 0.481720s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.016061s |

[info] *** Request 2 (1.000/s) [3006] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:05 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "user" from ""
[debug] Path is "/user/object"
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 10377
[info] Request took 0.321778s (3.108/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000394s |
| /user/object                                               | 0.314040s |
|  -> /user/list                                             | 0.303621s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.001658s |

Use of uninitialized value in lc at /export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/blib/lib/CatalystX/Controller/ExtJS/ line 269.
Use of uninitialized value in lc at /export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/blib/lib/CatalystX/Controller/ExtJS/ line 269.
[info] *** Request 3 (1.000/s) [3006] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:06 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "users" from ""
[debug] Query Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| start                               | 10                                   |
[debug] Path is "/user/list"
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 9886
[info] Request took 0.272035s (3.676/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000207s |
| /user/list                                                 | 0.267152s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.001178s |

Use of uninitialized value in lc at /export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/blib/lib/CatalystX/Controller/ExtJS/ line 269.
Use of uninitialized value in lc at /export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/blib/lib/CatalystX/Controller/ExtJS/ line 269.
[info] *** Request 4 (1.333/s) [3006] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:06 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "users" from ""
[debug] Query Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| limit                               | 20                                   |
| start                               | 10                                   |
[debug] Path is "/user/list"
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 1285
[info] Request took 0.059437s (16.825/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000191s |
| /user/list                                                 | 0.053437s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.002414s |

Use of uninitialized value in lc at /export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/blib/lib/CatalystX/Controller/ExtJS/ line 269.
Use of uninitialized value in lc at /export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000-AP0412/blib/lib/CatalystX/Controller/ExtJS/ line 269.
[info] *** Request 5 (1.667/s) [3006] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:06 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "users" from ""
[debug] Query Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| limit                               | 20                                   |
| sort                                | name                                 |
| start                               | 10                                   |
[debug] Path is "/user/list"
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 1285
[info] Request took 0.062692s (15.951/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000251s |
| /user/list                                                 | 0.057527s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.001241s |

[info] *** Request 6 (2.000/s) [3006] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:06 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "users" from ""
[debug] Query Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| dir                                 | desc                                 |
| limit                               | 20                                   |
| sort                                | name                                 |
| start                               | 10                                   |
[debug] Path is "/user/list"
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 1305
[info] Request took 0.060018s (16.662/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000205s |
| /user/list                                                 | 0.055137s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.001094s |

[info] *** Request 7 (2.333/s) [3006] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:06 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "users" from ""
[debug] Query Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| dir                                 | asc                                  |
| limit                               | 20                                   |
| sort                                | password                             |
| start                               | 10                                   |
[debug] Path is "/user/list"
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 1305
[info] Request took 0.061813s (16.178/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000209s |
| /user/list                                                 | 0.056737s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.001256s |

[info] *** Request 8 (2.667/s) [3006] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:06 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "users" from ""
[debug] Query Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| dir                                 | asc                                  |
| ending                              | 1                                    |
| limit                               | 20                                   |
| sort                                | password                             |
| start                               | 10                                   |
[debug] Path is "/user/list"
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Status Bad Request: One ore more parameters did not pass the validation
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 400; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 60
[info] Request took 0.104046s (9.611/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000205s |
| /user/list                                                 | 0.099146s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.001087s |

[info] *** Request 9 (3.000/s) [3006] [Sun Dec  5 16:21:06 2010] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "users" from ""
[debug] Query Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| dir                                 | ASC                                  |
| ending                              | 2                                    |
| limit                               | 20                                   |
| sort                                | password                             |
| start                               | 10                                   |
[debug] Path is "/user/list"
[debug] Loading form t/root/lists/user.yml
[debug] found configuration file for parameters
[debug] Calling resultset method extjs_rest_user
[debug] Serializing with Catalyst::Action::Serialize::JSON
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: application/json; Content-Length: 783
[info] Request took 0.045510s (21.973/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /user/begin                                                | 0.000206s |
| /user/list                                                 | 0.040550s |
| /user/end                                                  | 0.001086s |

t/rest/users.t ................ ok
All tests successful.
Files=21, Tests=450, 51 wallclock secs ( 0.35 usr  0.28 sys + 28.16 cusr 19.64 csys = 48.43 CPU)
Result: PASS


Prerequisite modules loaded:


    Module                               Need    Have    
    ------------------------------------ ------- --------
    Carp                                 0       1.17    
    Catalyst::Action                     0       0       
    Catalyst::Action::Deserialize        0       0.87    
    Catalyst::Action::RenderView         0       0.14    
    Catalyst::Action::REST               0.83    0.87    
    Catalyst::Action::Serialize          0       0.87    
    Catalyst::Controller                 0       0       
    Catalyst::Controller::REST           0       0.87    
    Catalyst::Runtime                    5.80024 5.80029 
    Catalyst::Utils                      0       0       
    Class::Accessor::Fast                0       0.34    
    Config::Any                          0       0.20    
    DBIx::Class                          0.08123 0.08124 
    HTML::Entities                       0       3.68    
    HTML::FormFu                         0.08    0.08002 
    HTML::FormFu::ExtJS                  0.076   0.077   
    HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC            0.08    0.08002 
    JavaScript::Dumper                   0.011   0.011   
    JSON::Any                            0       1.25    
    JSON::XS                             0       2.3     
    Lingua::EN::Inflect                  0       1.893   
    List::Util                           0       1.23    
    Moose                                1.06    1.21    
    Moose::Role                          0       1.21    
    Moose::Util::TypeConstraints         0       1.21    
    MooseX::MethodAttributes             0       0.24    
    namespace::autoclean                 0       0.11    
    Path::Class                          0       0.21    
    Scalar::Util                         0       1.23    


    Module                               Need    Have    
    ------------------------------------ ------- --------
    Catalyst                             0       5.80029 
    Catalyst::Engine::HTTP               0       0       
    Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema        0       0.43    
    Catalyst::Request::REST::ForBrowsers 0       0.87    
    Catalyst::View::JSON                 0       0.31    
    Catalyst::View::TT                   0       0.36    
    DBIx::Class                          0       0.08124 
    DBIx::Class::ResultSet               0       0       
    DBIx::Class::Schema                  0       0       
    English                              0       1.04    
    File::Find                           0       1.15    
    File::Spec                           0       3.33    
    File::Temp                           0       0.22    
    FindBin                              0       1.50    
    Getopt::Long                         0       2.38    
    HTTP::Request::Common                0       5.824   
    JSON                                 0       2.27    
    Module::Build                        0.3601  0.3607  
    Path::Class::File                    0       0.21    
    perl                                 5.004   5.012002
    Pod::Usage                           0       1.36    
    Test::More                           0.94    0.96    
    Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst       0       0.52    


    Module                               Need    Have    
    ------------------------------------ ------- --------
    Module::Build                        0.3601  0.3607  


Environment variables:

    LANG = en_US.UTF-8
    PATH = /export/home/cpant3/perl5/bin:/usr/bin
    PERL5LIB = /export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Catalyst-Action-RenderView-0.14-cIbxmS/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Catalyst-Action-RenderView-0.14-cIbxmS/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC-0.08002-nFDssz/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC-0.08002-nFDssz/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11007-O_ENFG/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11007-O_ENFG/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Class-MakeMethods-1.01-IZJLet/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Class-MakeMethods-1.01-IZJLet/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Class-Base-0.03-nYxXmD/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Class-Base-0.03-nYxXmD/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/DateTime-Format-SQLite-0.11-QtvDDc/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/DateTime-Format-SQLite-0.11-QtvDDc/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/HTML-FormFu-ExtJS-0.077-D6NBD5/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/HTML-FormFu-ExtJS-0.077-D6NBD5/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Tie-Hash-Indexed-0.05-gRafbT/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Tie-Hash-Indexed-0.05-gRafbT/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Lingua-EN-Inflect-1.893-VXEXVM/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Lingua-EN-Inflect-1.893-VXEXVM/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema-0.43-kWd7O1/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema-0.43-kWd7O1/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-Component-Traits-0.16-5m5dyX/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/CatalystX-Component-Traits-0.16-5m5dyX/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/MooseX-Traits-Pluggable-0.10-8u0bnG/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/MooseX-Traits-Pluggable-0.10-8u0bnG/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/HTML-FormFu-0.08002-Jx6N1f/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/HTML-FormFu-0.08002-Jx6N1f/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Number-Format-1.73-zPdCoS/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Number-Format-1.73-zPdCoS/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/HTML-TokeParser-Simple-3.15-c5gJwq/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/HTML-TokeParser-Simple-3.15-c5gJwq/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Sub-Override-0.08-LCeain/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Sub-Override-0.08-LCeain/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.27-gjbSLs/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.27-gjbSLs/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Date-Calc-6.3-4YBYjF/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Date-Calc-6.3-4YBYjF/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Bit-Vector-7.1-yt_TwX/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Bit-Vector-7.1-yt_TwX/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Captcha-reCAPTCHA-0.94-GyhVEv/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Captcha-reCAPTCHA-0.94-GyhVEv/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/HTML-Tiny-1.05-gOHxf9/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/HTML-Tiny-1.05-gOHxf9/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Hash-Flatten-1.19-YV1Upb/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Hash-Flatten-1.19-YV1Upb/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Catalyst-View-TT-0.36-gFBbWr/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Catalyst-View-TT-0.36-gFBbWr/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Template-Timer-1.00-v0yLHU/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Template-Timer-1.00-v0yLHU/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/JavaScript-Dumper-0.011-TbpeC_/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/JavaScript-Dumper-0.011-TbpeC_/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Catalyst-View-JSON-0.31-uK4p30/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Catalyst-View-JSON-0.31-uK4p30/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Catalyst-Action-REST-0.87-bMP7mN/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Catalyst-Action-REST-0.87-bMP7mN/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/URI-Find-20100505-oVXHsk/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/URI-Find-20100505-oVXHsk/blib/lib:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Data-Serializer-0.49-jgGKq7/blib/arch:/export/home/cpant3/.cpan/build/Data-Serializer-0.49-jgGKq7/blib/lib
    PERL5OPT = 
    PERL_CR_SMOKER_CURRENT = CatalystX-ExtJS-1.123000
    SHELL = /bin/bash
    TERM = xterm

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    $^X = /export/home/cpant3/perl5/bin/perl5.12.2
    $UID/$EUID = 103 / 103
    $GID = 1 1
    $EGID = 1 1

Perl module toolchain versions installed:

    Module              Have   
    ------------------- -------
    CPAN                1.94_56
    Cwd                 3.33   
    ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.2703 
    ExtUtils::Command   1.16   
    ExtUtils::Install   1.55   
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.56   
    ExtUtils::Manifest  1.58   
    ExtUtils::ParseXS   2.2206 
    File::Spec          3.33   
    Module::Build       0.3607 
    Module::Signature   n/a    
    Test::Harness       3.22   
    Test::More          0.96   
    YAML                0.72   
    YAML::Syck          1.17   
    version             0.86   


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 12 subversion 2) configuration:
    osname=solaris, osvers=2.11, archname=i86pc-solaris-64int
    uname='sunos open-solaris-noc 5.11 snv_95 i86pc i386 i86pc '
    config_args='-Dcc=gcc -Dprefix=~/perl5 -Duse64bitint -Dusedevel -d'
    hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
    useithreads=undef, usemultiplicity=undef
    useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef
    use64bitint=define, use64bitall=undef, uselongdouble=undef
    usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
    cc='gcc', ccflags ='-DPTR_IS_LONG -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV',
    cppflags='-DPTR_IS_LONG -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe'
    ccversion='', gccversion='3.4.3 (csl-sol210-3_4-20050802)', gccosandvers='solaris2.11'
    intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
    d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
    ivtype='long long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
    alignbytes=4, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='gcc', ldflags =' '
    libpth=/usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib
    libs=-lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm -lc
    perllibs=-lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm -lc
    libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
    cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-G'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
                        USE_PERLIO USE_PERL_ATOF
  Built under solaris
  Compiled at Sep 26 2010 12:56:09