Report for DBIx-Class-0.082840

From: metabase:user:c898ce42-132d-11e7-8af4-55c5e77f88fb
Subject: FAIL DBIx-Class-0.082840 v5.24.1 GNU/Linux
Date: 2017-05-02T13:21:51Z

This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See for more information or email
questions to

Dear Peter Rabbitson,

This is a computer-generated report for DBIx-Class-0.082840
on perl 5.24.1, created by CPAN-Reporter-1.2018.

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  However, there was a problem
testing your distribution.

If you think this report is invalid, please consult the CPAN Testers Wiki
for suggestions on how to avoid getting FAIL reports for missing library
or binary dependencies, unsupported operating systems, and so on:

Sections of this report:

    * Tester comments
    * Program output
    * Prerequisites
    * Environment and other context


Additional comments from tester:

none provided


Output from '/usr/bin/make test':

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/usr/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/admin/*.t t/cdbi/*.t t/cdbi/DeepAbstractSearch/*.t t/cdbi/abstract/*.t t/cdbi/sweet/*.t t/count/*.t t/delete/*.t t/inflate/*.t t/multi_create/*.t t/ordered/*.t t/prefetch/*.t t/relationship/*.t t/resultset/*.t t/resultsource/*.t t/row/*.t t/schema/*.t t/search/*.t t/sqlmaker/*.t t/sqlmaker/hierarchical/*.t t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/*.t t/storage/*.t t/update/*.t
# List of loadable modules within both the core and *OPTIONAL* dependency chains
# present on this system (modules sourced from ./blib, ./lib, ./t, and ./xt
# with versions identical to their parent namespace were omitted for brevity)
#     *** Note that *MANY* of these modules will *NEVER* be loaded ***
#             *** during normal operation of DBIx::Class ***
# @INC at startup (does not reflect manipulation at runtime):
#   0: ./inc/
#   1: ./blib/lib/
#   2: ./blib/arch/
#   3: <<SA>>/
#   4: <<SL>>/
#   5: <<VA>>/
#   6: <<VL>>/
#   7: <<PA>>/
#   8: <<PL>>/
#   9: ./
# Sourcing markers:
#        PA: $Config{archlib}
#        PL: $Config{privlib}
#        SA: $Config{sitearch}
#        SL: $Config{sitelib}
#        VA: $Config{vendorarch}
#        VL: $Config{vendorlib}
#       BLL: ./blib/lib/
# =============================
#        PA            0.27  attributes                                                                      [ MD5: 3f679d570ed0b6cb8746686bb7169e26 ]
#        PL            5.74  AutoLoader                                                                      [ MD5: c923fac66a84c6b5dbbf01250e7c1a42 ]
#        PA            1.62  B                                                                               [ MD5: 2070df46368dd143080c85b6b6ca4691 ]
#        VL            0.21  B::Hooks::EndOfScope                                                            [ MD5: a004874dd5b76eb1119b90c7a03158c6 ]
#        VL            0.21  B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS                                                        [ MD5: a3cd2087d9dba94277ba4e15fb5e39ad ]
#        PL            2.23  base                                                                            [ MD5: 0f4800ddf0d621dc9554398c26c4020e ]
#        PL            1.05  bytes                                                                           [ MD5: 0b1f4cf7f07548ffd51cd5ddb6644fe2 ]
#        VL            1.40  Carp                                                                            [ MD5: a3cb0babdfa022a5decf1052634e2918 ]
#        VL            6.06  Carp::Clan                                                                      [ MD5: 5e7c54a778acd28cc7a594b725694561 ]
#        VL            1.40  Carp::Heavy                                                                     [ MD5: e4a36ff2089c607229ed6b31594a6d73 ]
#        VL            0.34  Class::Accessor                                                                 [ MD5: 79a573e4c523b52dcffb91b5390d9d20 ]
#        SL                  Class::Accessor::Chained::Fast                                                  [ MD5: 544678632aaf294dc280944a83c509bc ]
#        VL            0.34  Class::Accessor::Fast                                                           [ MD5: 69232ed8cbca035a8eb6c73e40b695f9 ]
#        SL         0.10012  Class::Accessor::Grouped                                                        [ MD5: e7c277f33b36ef2ef9f68a564c26e753 ]
#        SL        1.001000  Class::C3::Componentised                                                        [ MD5: c8c95fc2278592a66aacfd18ed7a5645 ]
#        VL            0.08  Class::Data::Inheritable                                                        [ MD5: eaa489d785a175db193d92b13674d96d ]
#        SL            1.31  Class::Inspector                                                                [ MD5: bcc5969dc33b7728aec240eed3fe0798 ]
#        VL            0.23  Class::Load                                                                     [ MD5: 5f9a96076965a6f0824c876dcd6b8f37 ]
#        SA            0.10  Class::Load::XS                                                                 [ MD5: cc30760936bb48922d9898c915555a19 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP                                                                      [ MD5: 47e96d667d20fccab24ce7d1098b8711 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Attribute                                                           [ MD5: 1079b3e55d48cb7e98d5e149d2e0e4d8 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Class                                                               [ MD5: fa8496aca6cb787adacc002a791c811f ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::Trait                                             [ MD5: 38efac9f62d212da15cd3dd38ff592a7 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Deprecated                                                          [ MD5: 6653da2b04b565caa512db16bef3eb4b ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Instance                                                            [ MD5: 79521d66c15f20df1338eff77a2c228f ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method                                                              [ MD5: ab39d7c8cd35c47ce0d6d9a8959c4a3a ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method::Accessor                                                    [ MD5: 9a9a1527d650fd89c235c7207f19f627 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method::Constructor                                                 [ MD5: 90135640aae62dcf0fc9a4942f27fb19 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method::Generated                                                   [ MD5: 5b54ecfcbac05f2d9bf07adb4b83bd69 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method::Inlined                                                     [ MD5: 9b061513a1c54663430dd86ab94487a5 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method::Meta                                                        [ MD5: 56f51fec952b3b67387992b117158979 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped                                                     [ MD5: e3397ed0e683fcc89e9548d23c0dfe01 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::MiniTrait                                                           [ MD5: 5be50f740246b3333ebbfa265727c402 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Mixin                                                               [ MD5: d3065f163ad0c59155885b943fdba46b ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Mixin::AttributeCore                                                [ MD5: 8588091d80df2f7adc66a51553d4c6c0 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Mixin::HasAttributes                                                [ MD5: 4b2a162665f3cf419c4f85b777ed3191 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Mixin::HasMethods                                                   [ MD5: 6282a3fe3eb63ecbe108ea002dc9661f ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Mixin::HasOverloads                                                 [ MD5: 90a459c32b36e58acbc7e09af4b81138 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Module                                                              [ MD5: 3a687692ebf28328bddda92157f332a4 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Object                                                              [ MD5: 24f22937951f8d9c8e2559287d52b1d1 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Overload                                                            [ MD5: 5d4d2b3628ec01a6068edb7d5fee332e ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Package                                                             [ MD5: 226e86bdc3b0dfc102431f41794e6d03 ]
#        VL             1.5  Class::Singleton                                                                [ MD5: d1b724a6b51de027cc1656e67ada9a32 ]
#        PL            0.65  Class::Struct                                                                   [ MD5: cf060e4d87730484dcdf246d806fec93 ]
#        SA            1.19  Class::XSAccessor                                                               [ MD5: 0b7adfcc61192a80f97463e89d6d1696 ]
#        SA            1.19  Class::XSAccessor::Heavy                                                        [ MD5: db9379a668d6133fce801e4648cdef45 ]
#        SA            0.39  Clone                                                                           [ MD5: 870e2c14d77151fd9c98899781071512 ]
#        VA            3.74  common::sense                                                                   [ MD5: ace39b337927137982ce9f64d3f58789 ]
#        PA        5.024001  Config                                                                          [ MD5: 0047ec8072804a574e524650f81b83f4 ]
#        VL            1.33  constant                                                                        [ MD5: 56cde6eba0f667ab56196613df3933c1 ]
#        SL            0.01  Context::Preserve                                                               [ MD5: 26e18569523ddfcaaa8bf29790e8c1f0 ]
#        VA          3.0218  Cpanel::JSON::XS                                                                [ MD5: 3fbe0afa5db1669961cf9b439f16b8e6 ]
#        VA            3.63  Cwd                                                                             [ MD5: 89fe023a1131c3ec39871d5d942fc12e ]
#        VA           2.161  Data::Dumper                                                                    [ MD5: eeecd67170fe96cd7b9e1158df7d456c ]
#        SL           2.022  Data::Dumper::Concise                                                           [ MD5: 84f113e489b3fa5fa5f1d3b7a169d849 ]
#        VL           0.110  Data::OptList                                                                   [ MD5: abf71027225f7e71ffb99d9e60f1c817 ]
#        SL            2.02  Data::Page                                                                      [ MD5: 52f4b3f7348e51e0654aa4f0b3503ab0 ]
#        VA            1.42  DateTime                                                                        [ MD5: c0278f692ef9c5eab6c5aabfbac784f0 ]
#        VA            1.42  DateTime::Duration                                                              [ MD5: e8bf3b3f8186933356c6dff7455c10e9 ]
#        VA            1.42  DateTime::Helpers                                                               [ MD5: 6b8eaf1caf8bf1fccad935464aed105c ]
#        VA            1.42  DateTime::Infinite                                                              [ MD5: f58e8a23c67d8d46a87e7e248d27bc9b ]
#        VL            1.08  DateTime::Locale                                                                [ MD5: fa39b424991a97bb26e45edac6bf3e0e ]
#        VL            1.08  DateTime::Locale::Data                                                          [ MD5: 9842b35a3aa260a8381427b6e3ca78ea ]
#        VL            1.08  DateTime::Locale::FromData                                                      [ MD5: 9d13b1180bae716616e182fd88ab8056 ]
#        VL            1.08  DateTime::Locale::Util                                                          [ MD5: df92ac159c2a181fddcb442016bc6e19 ]
#        VL            2.11  DateTime::TimeZone                                                              [ MD5: 2362cf710f01a47990a8b64c984cbd0c ]
#        VL            2.11  DateTime::TimeZone::Catalog                                                     [ MD5: f268ff50f712af35d34d85afa637bc7f ]
#        VL            2.11  DateTime::TimeZone::Floating                                                    [ MD5: 82b6e4566e977a9ff64252ca6cf14344 ]
#        VL            2.11  DateTime::TimeZone::Local                                                       [ MD5: 49293e5b72db897c903b21c30dc5ac56 ]
#        VL            2.11  DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly                                                  [ MD5: e0654b194471d54c83dbdc366672cb6c ]
#        VL            2.11  DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Change                                             [ MD5: bae225044408087793c1f99ae46a5a15 ]
#        VL            2.11  DateTime::TimeZone::UTC                                                         [ MD5: c55ac74221164cdd204c7b1faaa670d5 ]
#        VA            1.42  DateTime::Types                                                                 [ MD5: 5d487ecc2b67a7e7ccf3d932b6f8454a ]
#        VA           1.636  DBI                                                                             [ MD5: 251b4675dfff943bcd6a725645abbeba ]
#       BLL        0.082840  DBIx::Class                                                                     [ MD5: 8bfd568d750eaffd5f53546d6ab095bf ]
#        VL            0.13  Devel::GlobalDestruction                                                        [ MD5: bc0273114c876e5526239817c461a4f4 ]
#        VL           0.004  Devel::OverloadInfo                                                             [ MD5: e324a1b67fa94d816d070bff0d4a854c ]
#        VL            2.02  Devel::StackTrace                                                               [ MD5: f967ffdd0fc7eec4223e90f380e8417a ]
#        VL            2.02  Devel::StackTrace::Frame                                                        [ MD5: eaf1705707e5da7f25bbedf2f07b2af8 ]
#        SL            2.18  Devel::Symdump                                                                  [ MD5: e649ab91a4890ab2543e821daef73079 ]
#        VL            1.16  Digest::base                                                                    [ MD5: c46e2ebb720ee7d9c600ce5acbf34291 ]
#        VA            2.55  Digest::MD5                                                                     [ MD5: eb31899db132d674e1db22f4727234f6 ]
#        PA            1.38  DynaLoader                                                                      [ MD5: 383171a44ca44b925dfecc91ed62992b ]
#        VA            2.88  Encode                                                                          [ MD5: bc0d0c3e24f579760903d86fd1368ae5 ]
#        VA            2.21  Encode::Alias                                                                   [ MD5: c80393c9755f35aa7358e8a3090a3d73 ]
#        VA            2.05  Encode::Config                                                                  [ MD5: 7bdd1d8dffa8d3500086802451fc020d ]
#        VA            2.07  Encode::Encoding                                                                [ MD5: 34dc1ab677a5e9b9b4ab88acbde70db4 ]
#        VL            1.05  Encode::Locale                                                                  [ MD5: 31c986f082082ecdf0cb2fa7878c26b9 ]
#        PA            1.25  Errno                                                                           [ MD5: 18be03d6a34d4fe59e7967645b2e8003 ]
#        VL            0.14  Eval::Closure                                                                   [ MD5: 6c72ca7cb0924d00e0c1a8bee904c349 ]
#        VL            1.40  Exception::Class                                                                [ MD5: 0d9af42eeb57834a15b81ff2b7216fe7 ]
#        VL            1.40  Exception::Class::Base                                                          [ MD5: 1ca7b08ee77189025b8d22daa9d12c53 ]
#        VL            5.72  Exporter                                                                        [ MD5: 358c4022647b971c7c4f3a4157b8343e ]
#        VL            5.72  Exporter::Heavy                                                                 [ MD5: d8032ca40b44e010673e6dd5816ca66b ]
#        VL            7.24  ExtUtils::Liblist                                                               [ MD5: e2f26099d29a5f623dae683d3cd1830d ]
#        VL            7.24  ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid                                                          [ MD5: c9f416543d718ca94cbc3be3e144c6cf ]
#        VL            7.24  ExtUtils::MakeMaker                                                             [ MD5: 72129b396d708a0ab09d005cfdf10d9d ]
#        VL            7.24  ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config                                                     [ MD5: 356ee049ac3012508621d65f68e6d09a ]
#        VL            7.24  ExtUtils::MM                                                                    [ MD5: 9e150ea685a38e0b0e2929706034b8cc ]
#        VL            7.24  ExtUtils::MM_Any                                                                [ MD5: 4fa5e931e663ff16c3209e148fc51755 ]
#        VL            7.24  ExtUtils::MM_Unix                                                               [ MD5: cf0931f78e43d340fad8c0136909e34f ]
#        VL            7.24  ExtUtils::MY                                                                    [ MD5: 6b05b247d4b5cbddf4768614777c947c ]
#        PA            1.13  Fcntl                                                                           [ MD5: b337d563fd4bc958c7e0a2bba2ca86d2 ]
#        PL            2.85  File::Basename                                                                  [ MD5: 060f029d056cc44e536c7d278f69bf43 ]
#        PL            2.31  File::Copy                                                                      [ MD5: 90c6c9c0fc2b2025d9a0011d8a739b30 ]
#        PL            1.34  File::Find                                                                      [ MD5: 04150524197463018d3188f24e360c5e ]
#        PA            1.26  File::Glob                                                                      [ MD5: 492d05c53f04725e2c192d4e6494d70a ]
#        VL            1.00  File::HomeDir                                                                   [ MD5: dab54a50acb9cf1a884ac88be4294e82 ]
#        VL            1.00  File::HomeDir::Driver                                                           [ MD5: c4065f96c83394a428c8f78c5168f55a ]
#        VL            1.00  File::HomeDir::FreeDesktop                                                      [ MD5: 7a8ffb88390d30a637b72323b428e192 ]
#        VL            1.00  File::HomeDir::Unix                                                             [ MD5: 46e9b0369bce4571a5c72f2392db50b4 ]
#        VL            2.12  File::Path                                                                      [ MD5: bd7b1aafbfa538b60ece4aee7d7aa8dd ]
#        VA            3.63  File::Spec                                                                      [ MD5: eab218eb759f36ef18fdfd35e3509fcc ]
#        VA            3.63  File::Spec::Unix                                                                [ MD5: 874e9ccc943ffa7df0a73322ad114075 ]
#        PL            1.07  File::stat                                                                      [ MD5: d6fcb5be03ba2b0f34569f8dbc9c17c8 ]
#        VL          0.2304  File::Temp                                                                      [ MD5: 42d392eee808579f109684ac09d8649e ]
#        VL            1.21  File::Which                                                                     [ MD5: cdcf532119e982121ccf92387544f0cf ]
#        VL            2.49  Getopt::Long                                                                    [ MD5: 689ae0ab17c223ff71b2daedc105a7e7 ]
#        VL           0.100  Getopt::Long::Descriptive                                                       [ MD5: f0d74b79f8555696456d9681bbad6c31 ]
#        VL           0.100  Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Opts                                                 [ MD5: f3c13140184f94b8aace5e5a00084d6c ]
#        VL           0.100  Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Usage                                                [ MD5: 34979f7f1934389e80d38428a5b78198 ]
#        PA            0.13  I18N::Langinfo                                                                  [ MD5: 706de135fde051348167b99b4d87722f ]
#        PL          0.0606  if                                                                              [ MD5: 64ca426ae881664b5bf41c88b2c96963 ]
#        PL            1.01  integer                                                                         [ MD5: 3e5ff5fb486c95945e10e79859dd5bfb ]
#        PA         1.36_01  IO                                                                              [ MD5: d207c967e05877c22030026fb44a6463 ]
#        PA            1.10  IO::Dir                                                                         [ MD5: 3382ea44d8e267cc12a596fbfe73ff92 ]
#        PA            1.16  IO::File                                                                        [ MD5: 206278c02dd4a3fb7792a4a193d2588b ]
#        PA            1.36  IO::Handle                                                                      [ MD5: ba4d379aeccdf0982810a9ebc71aa1ce ]
#        PA            1.10  IO::Seekable                                                                    [ MD5: f62813b55c062f449160100dca67d043 ]
#        VL         2.27400  JSON::PP                                                                        [ MD5: fb5e5ce80225afa544346407addec95d ]
#                      1.01  JSON::PP::IncrParser                                                          ! -f $INC{'JSON/PP/'}
#        VA            3.02  JSON::XS                                                                        [ MD5: b95f5a5c4ba8415fac5f291fe1b4cc1e ]
#        VA            1.47  List::Util                                                                      [ MD5: c2f38938eed1e2f018667b2dd4c36ac9 ]
#        VL        1.999727  Math::BigInt                                                                    [ MD5: 63d30098fcfaeeb1018f4fe32e0ef57f ]
#        SA          2.2004  metaclass                                                                       [ MD5: 40f91cf92ae59c4677aeed0f819e1a0f ]
#        VL                  Method::Generate::Accessor                                                      [ MD5: 4ba49ec24d36eaad4123d1aa3a11ba18 ]
#        VL                  Method::Generate::Constructor                                                   [ MD5: 5bac94f23917eea91e352202ccc163f1 ]
#        VL            0.09  Module::Implementation                                                          [ MD5: 2a146bb117cd6b798e2b928231799546 ]
#        VL           0.014  Module::Runtime                                                                 [ MD5: fb1d248a05a99e7fc65e99178bce0c5b ]
#        VL        2.002004  Moo                                                                             [ MD5: 2817ff7529f318d3239d99fc43816942 ]
#        VL                  Moo::HandleMoose                                                                [ MD5: dab6bf41cd874f63f098a78443b9959b ]
#        VL                  Moo::HandleMoose::FakeMetaClass                                                 [ MD5: a8fa6ab2dcc260ba042b78de3e410644 ]
#        VL                  Moo::Object                                                                     [ MD5: 454a78f98f0239ac4044db19f07e8567 ]
#        VL                  Moo::sification                                                                 [ MD5: 061e62ee1cc9fa0d4877ea1b7d2aabb0 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose                                                                           [ MD5: 10b81620a47a0a0dba3bd3a54bc8e273 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Deprecated                                                               [ MD5: bbebaf35228e4ba0001b6fb844f34443 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Exporter                                                                 [ MD5: 629a038b60431e0d2f2c37def9a01b01 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Attribute                                                          [ MD5: 0ec2693432eab5dd544af75b28966286 ]
#                    2.1403  Moose::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Moose                                         ! -f $INC{'Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/'}
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native                                                  [ MD5: 571828f78d8a09c17a93d1fc908fe8fc ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Class                                                              [ MD5: 46690e27d4f3a3ca1243824c412f6101 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Class::Immutable::Trait                                            [ MD5: ecbdf0972a6e1db60a8990240693ba1f ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Instance                                                           [ MD5: fa7c4b970a81b7fe2849724d7f8fc6a4 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method                                                             [ MD5: d3fd8188cdc6293cab01a83988905ba6 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor                                                   [ MD5: d76683c23138fd46a5414900892a9f4b ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Augmented                                                  [ MD5: 3de96f4ab55545cec22c0c424cf112b2 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Constructor                                                [ MD5: c04e1bb0602d781f694d37a1892a0bf2 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation                                                 [ MD5: 84052b9d122feaf9908bd7c957cd2042 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Destructor                                                 [ MD5: 50665cbddd2d305a19afd29fb8eaec0f ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Meta                                                       [ MD5: 79a63ae9889880a789e19f63194a4ccd ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Overridden                                                 [ MD5: 9a48be97d9c86f863a138809219e01a8 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Mixin::AttributeCore                                               [ MD5: 74859a08813a815b06d86ae03d9e6100 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Object::Trait                                                      [ MD5: fc261fd461e7e6906af0e371de4ad8e5 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role                                                               [ MD5: c218b023cc879a009f0e173f69e6dd8b ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Application                                                  [ MD5: 62d0a1ad21abc186988f7fa9691b45a4 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation                                   [ MD5: 9b0bcff9d4edc3c88b8afe06f7744ee8 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToClass                                         [ MD5: d9daf35a3b5ec7701b96243717d58396 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToInstance                                      [ MD5: e98e049ec3792b4e24b5608fdc3b0dba ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToRole                                          [ MD5: bae27a61c1904dbf4df8117285bb199e ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Attribute                                                    [ MD5: f18fe0770545a97f66d4d98d8f974ed6 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Composite                                                    [ MD5: 65fc5863affe9854f56f965fb448d67d ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Method                                                       [ MD5: b470608cd54713ecdde159feca455123 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Conflicting                                          [ MD5: 5b0e88e8389737a0fded57eec7905fd9 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required                                             [ MD5: 9a2510a7714c5366aa850e242ab9e732 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion                                                       [ MD5: 4cad8b48da0cd1abc2c865ded1eb557a ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion::Union                                                [ MD5: 4a9ffd800b28218f8be941634f79ab06 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint                                                     [ MD5: 0b7a2ea93801fd65bb026bc2a90010c7 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Class                                              [ MD5: 7375a7ddf5d43eb43c7c15805d0d5cd6 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::DuckType                                           [ MD5: fe8f1758ec9473bf6b1337d25db9de72 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Enum                                               [ MD5: 56b716fb059fff59e5b11a5080e38173 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterizable                                    [ MD5: 0e02097ccfbc2daaf1706ef5add9ae21 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterized                                      [ MD5: 43c3507c21e9486467f0cb0aa0bf8eea ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Registry                                           [ MD5: 32f6a857aba7c735d2e76c5c9cbe3206 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Role                                               [ MD5: 4d621d0761cd4c9b23d0ab1b961cfb22 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Union                                              [ MD5: e7d6e9e8a955c36717defa300f6d659e ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Object                                                                   [ MD5: 9dfff6e86c3e30ff5f05ef2dc47396d0 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Role                                                                     [ MD5: 01d19c25ad232d50ddf5c86961c1260e ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Util                                                                     [ MD5: 8aeec47e7f993bdab374a8577961925e ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Util::MetaRole                                                           [ MD5: b92faeb029046f267f018a5d144e1504 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Util::TypeConstraints                                                    [ MD5: 4635aa927e6205c25101e560f96e9406 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::Builtins                                          [ MD5: 92a772131279c3b9c8cd368b7d474e3b ]
#        VL            0.71  MooseX::Getopt                                                                  [ MD5: 8d409fa0a61be828defa11465fea06ed ]
#        VL            0.71  MooseX::Getopt::Basic                                                           [ MD5: 8255ac74939ef164ea254569502ec30b ]
#        VL            0.71  MooseX::Getopt::GLD                                                             [ MD5: 2c35dbe6c132bdf83f64022beb484d58 ]
#        VL            0.71  MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute                                                 [ MD5: 0002642e385ec02c439d1aff5046360f ]
#        VL            0.71  MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::NoGetopt                                       [ MD5: e5dd88e5b37d39a294f1b6749b7740e1 ]
#        VL            0.71  MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait                                          [ MD5: 9f4836c34d0fa8a793a38b0aab2189fd ]
#        VL            0.71  MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait::NoGetopt                                [ MD5: 996611314bb7b6549cf88c7bb903c09f ]
#        VL            0.71  MooseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap                                                   [ MD5: 219e19df34100b30f53a3b76ece29a29 ]
#        VL            0.71  MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv                                                   [ MD5: e489703d4e9971508c532f2843530c49 ]
#        SL            1.10  MooseX::Role::Parameterized                                                     [ MD5: c6ecf44d7456cd53bee338220b23afa2 ]
#        SL            1.10  MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Meta::Role::Parameterized                          [ MD5: addc285533a3d5c5f53b1cda936882d5 ]
#        SL            1.10  MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Meta::Trait::Parameterizable                       [ MD5: fb7abe20d0610324ebdabecc9c257bc4 ]
#        SL            1.10  MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Meta::Trait::Parameterized                         [ MD5: 75ff9f26ba8a109d7a43bfd1911c946a ]
#        SL            1.10  MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Parameters                                         [ MD5: 8b52d8ddb1e662fb159fb1082eaac013 ]
#        VL            0.46  MooseX::Types                                                                   [ MD5: 6f345f0fbd35a16c81fa68a33de9dce9 ]
#        VL            0.46  MooseX::Types::Base                                                             [ MD5: ac605a998c7dfa5d0ac68780ad0cdc5e ]
#        VL            0.46  MooseX::Types::CheckedUtilExports                                               [ MD5: 95ef5d2e911f6e07c7bdbc17253eaa14 ]
#        VL            0.46  MooseX::Types::Moose                                                            [ MD5: eb083a3865bea0c98a5e44e06a8ca973 ]
#        VL            0.09  MooseX::Types::Path::Class                                                      [ MD5: fa4152eac64df55ede9de273d21bc2d3 ]
#        VL            0.46  MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator                                                    [ MD5: 8397f3122fc0504a4d96507d7009e948 ]
#        VL            0.46  MooseX::Types::UndefinedType                                                    [ MD5: e7c4024eb239ba4530328a6efd63ca33 ]
#        VL            0.46  MooseX::Types::Util                                                             [ MD5: 182e2eb8139e05a4e21887d30293150a ]
#        PA            1.18  mro                                                                             [ MD5: 93660969c79eb0ef068b3b7ffb78ede5 ]
#        VL            0.12  MRO::Compat                                                                     [ MD5: baa26363fce54b680b27331693f0bf47 ]
#        VL            0.28  namespace::autoclean                                                            [ MD5: bcf7b7af396c62ab1bbcec0a42fdb1c3 ]
#        VL            0.27  namespace::clean                                                                [ MD5: f3e03f7f5f26391565d98357834e909b ]
#        PL            1.26  overload                                                                        [ MD5: 3c13b1c95b630670a05772446e1d3258 ]
#        PL            0.02  overloading                                                                     [ MD5: 36e1b34f8175e036d57e51fd7d56becd ]
#        VL            0.17  Package::DeprecationManager                                                     [ MD5: 93dddddd7913b016f00963197be1c5f1 ]
#        VL            0.37  Package::Stash                                                                  [ MD5: e40c05afed4074ecb0455b05316523e8 ]
#        VA            0.28  Package::Stash::XS                                                              [ MD5: 5bafa791645794b7b7072bdefd80d787 ]
#        VA             2.2  PadWalker                                                                       [ MD5: 35ca6ec9f06e68f5df80d1232cc80361 ]
#        VA            1.07  Params::Util                                                                    [ MD5: dae515c40e02b36de308e51ddf0e8edd ]
#        VA            1.26  Params::Validate                                                                [ MD5: 88918019bb15fbdf79a9ef0c695ca79f ]
#        VA            1.26  Params::Validate::Constants                                                     [ MD5: 099bdf14fc5680a6c4ee1528e89163d7 ]
#        VA            1.26  Params::Validate::XS                                                            [ MD5: 231f171870626e99e95647d94219fa90 ]
#        VL            0.13  Params::ValidationCompiler                                                      [ MD5: 10dd3d9f14720f87ad69e89c11520dd4 ]
#        VL            0.13  Params::ValidationCompiler::Compiler                                            [ MD5: 1e96c8c47f16945d8f81303689e5f89c ]
#                       1.1  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::BadArguments                           ! -f $INC{'Params/ValidationCompiler/Exception/'}
#                       1.1  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Extra                           ! -f $INC{'Params/ValidationCompiler/Exception/Named/'}
#                       1.1  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Required                        ! -f $INC{'Params/ValidationCompiler/Exception/Named/'}
#                       1.1  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Extra                      ! -f $INC{'Params/ValidationCompiler/Exception/Positional/'}
#                       1.1  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Required                   ! -f $INC{'Params/ValidationCompiler/Exception/Positional/'}
#                       1.1  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::ValidationFailedForMooseTypeConstraint ! -f $INC{'Params/ValidationCompiler/Exception/'}
#        VL            0.13  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exceptions                                          [ MD5: 185f6699ee7674bb835300d3b1e8241f ]
#        VL           0.236  parent                                                                          [ MD5: 0e42f824a13eae5979d10017afc8227b ]
#        VL            0.37  Path::Class                                                                     [ MD5: 62b3248e0d25291933a8d0f09e731547 ]
#        VL            0.37  Path::Class::Dir                                                                [ MD5: 9b7bd783037e1e812d6a82d62bcecb92 ]
#        VL            0.37  Path::Class::Entity                                                             [ MD5: 8e14d34b8f5a0909736e9bdaac460848 ]
#        VL            0.37  Path::Class::File                                                               [ MD5: b7f9029ac9e90dc1d509a95d12103c69 ]
#                  5.024001  perl                                                                            [ MD5: 5385a1d9244d3045d3c158bacbd6148f ]
#        PL            1.09  PerlIO                                                                          [ MD5: d39a87a60835f4adf917148eef5e0c79 ]
#        SL            0.23  Pod::Coverage                                                                   [ MD5: d53035083682c2a78d56d998ad7239d2 ]
#        VL            1.07  Pod::Escapes                                                                    [ MD5: 66b73dccf48caa9ab161e8c3805cf955 ]
#        VL            1.63  Pod::Find                                                                       [ MD5: 1e09437d4c107f7ef2690f6b9995dbd7 ]
#        VL            1.63  Pod::InputObjects                                                               [ MD5: 6b7a4d75d42c87da3929354fafa2a5a6 ]
#        VL            1.63  Pod::Parser                                                                     [ MD5: 9b166f82ac0afacbb4e2c0140725f29d ]
#        VL            3.35  Pod::Simple                                                                     [ MD5: 03b172786576111ae1236c243895abbf ]
#        VL            3.35  Pod::Simple::BlackBox                                                           [ MD5: 7eab1220fc7b44eab792bbf9ccc44edb ]
#        VL            3.35  Pod::Simple::LinkSection                                                        [ MD5: 3fae92494f87b19babe726623f5af431 ]
#        PA            1.65  POSIX                                                                           [ MD5: 8afd83645ecd0f3ded2f84c492084eab ]
#        PA            0.32  re                                                                              [ MD5: 58cc6192d560d203d7ec359c37c1f6a3 ]
#        VL        2.000003  Role::Tiny                                                                      [ MD5: 21c696fac2f43797635ae5cdcce241c2 ]
#        VL        2.000003  Role::Tiny::With                                                                [ MD5: 188d52da9fa901aa14dad839d7723720 ]
#        VA            1.47  Scalar::Util                                                                    [ MD5: f3c089157aadb2b9cb1219f456983d10 ]
#        SL            0.21  Scope::Guard                                                                    [ MD5: 914494bdeb65cd340f14eae265635cf2 ]
#        PL            1.02  SelectSaver                                                                     [ MD5: bddc465e351ad0508581b94ef112d322 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio                                                                          [ MD5: 75418d37637bb31b4efb5f218d8fc82b ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Coercion                                                                [ MD5: 55efe69a4699d14691bb0fbb5fc1204d ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Constraint::AnyCan                                                      [ MD5: c00b0f4db334d37a3d5c21c5099e61f8 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Constraint::Enum                                                        [ MD5: 04251f96074627272b7c95762e8423ee ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Constraint::ObjectCan                                                   [ MD5: c0d4aca97a5d96f822ee3fa4cff3b455 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Constraint::ObjectIsa                                                   [ MD5: 2fddb98f4dad63ba03fa37053fe2f397 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Constraint::Parameterizable                                             [ MD5: e8a54d782b5f453cab040e8f35a68cc8 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Constraint::Parameterized                                               [ MD5: e4c9f7719f5b4c1d9e09a78f0b36a1f7 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Constraint::Role::CanType                                               [ MD5: 02dc7e88ea48a94acab1c1cc094aa64d ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Constraint::Role::Interface                                             [ MD5: 3bc50f16b1460d5603a8caadc826994e ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Constraint::Role::IsaType                                               [ MD5: d8538e70aa077d6a6123577a212d20a2 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Constraint::Simple                                                      [ MD5: f1d070fc2782ecec994fba095763a0e8 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Constraint::Union                                                       [ MD5: c3f58c022d8214a5bcf1c1d014d16bf0 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Declare                                                                 [ MD5: ccd3b0fe728113b952a10c35a1233870 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::DeclaredAt                                                              [ MD5: ed686b33d05a5ae12b3ee167be2a2be6 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Exception                                                               [ MD5: 752d5d0df4806ab5c12566476916dee7 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Exporter                                                                [ MD5: cb2b322dd937faecdcd42417b049dc9f ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Helpers                                                                 [ MD5: 040821de98c1c4bc4cccf2621c545427 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Library::Builtins                                                       [ MD5: a595a46a51b470532d9530e56cfec901 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Library::Numeric                                                        [ MD5: bd6732c970f34d7b81b2efbda5ec3c46 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Library::String                                                         [ MD5: ab26fa445b440f3d173c4d57fd4c1eb8 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::OO                                                                      [ MD5: ff3e3311e4b2e27eb87198269fbec593 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::PartialDump                                                             [ MD5: f2879e69851a91ee51274f08c9324ee8 ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Registry                                                                [ MD5: f125dbf5bbeac5eae67d52c06e64fb3a ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::Role::Inlinable                                                         [ MD5: dab7ee6b7ecd5cda76d1e5774bf5a75a ]
#        VL            0.30  Specio::TypeChecks                                                              [ MD5: 51fdefa18c68247dc775bc733f7dbaac ]
#        VL            1.81  SQL::Abstract                                                                   [ MD5: 671c03f308e5755d2b8ef3b1fe698685 ]
#        VA            2.56  Storable                                                                        [ MD5: e2d216a70ca18f59f01c923a5c2c833c ]
#        PL            1.11  strict                                                                          [ MD5: 441328c7ffbbe42a0226ec65bde71715 ]
#        VL        2.002004  Sub::Defer                                                                      [ MD5: fa03f90f4a39155a46df6daac8abbc76 ]
#        VL           0.987  Sub::Exporter                                                                   [ MD5: aa6b0dc0ffcf3831d4cee7da6d7e8330 ]
#        VL        0.100052  Sub::Exporter::ForMethods                                                       [ MD5: 50b7071f63f77815db48360df0b102c4 ]
#        VL        0.001013  Sub::Exporter::Progressive                                                      [ MD5: 5f37412f2438f87c7b088c7b2e6dd8ab ]
#        VL           0.987  Sub::Exporter::Util                                                             [ MD5: 9bfd22ab1afa835541f6a7d298ab90fc ]
#        VA            0.12  Sub::Identify                                                                   [ MD5: 9dc08f208a43dde109c691301d1578eb ]
#        VL           0.928  Sub::Install                                                                    [ MD5: f077d4c445e5cceebd5aab8460fd2d5e ]
#        VA            0.21  Sub::Name                                                                       [ MD5: f03f7cf0bb678e86d57149b9037b8970 ]
#        VL        2.002004  Sub::Quote                                                                      [ MD5: 5b3d90f43e99ad98d15b6c868efca394 ]
#        VA            1.47  Sub::Util                                                                       [ MD5: 1503a5e9b3273f9d223c2b3d0fcf6eab ]
#        PL            1.07  Symbol                                                                          [ MD5: 083c3fe866ec1be9c84540b9ac8e6eee ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::API                                                                      [ MD5: 9e4260bcfa6ce142085bc06b9a494d8e ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::API::Context                                                             [ MD5: eb4fbbd53d0723167e06962cd4f88e5d ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::API::Instance                                                            [ MD5: 5da24fadb5d467da90670d2697243d2a ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::API::Stack                                                               [ MD5: db96fd10c4e52f3fe626df874029a1eb ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Event                                                                    [ MD5: 5f243f826088079f97905755258ccf0e ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Event::Bail                                                              [ MD5: 3305ee3b087aacbf219b25e11a8cbc91 ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Event::Diag                                                              [ MD5: e5c7dfea5a00c36f69005618ed7f010f ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Event::Exception                                                         [ MD5: 26a7c46f28673055ad7943825a332217 ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Event::Info                                                              [ MD5: 53c1c8ad2e3956d7d3b001fd9a4586e3 ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Event::Note                                                              [ MD5: 576cdb53ae8ef117fe5dbc4fee22b2f5 ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Event::Ok                                                                [ MD5: dc99ca4119e8b13f90e97aa977c7c721 ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Event::Plan                                                              [ MD5: 6de41cb6ef0f8a68729d77fd86b3e729 ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Event::Skip                                                              [ MD5: bbacc8dce01a790f8d8580516e7f24fc ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Event::Subtest                                                           [ MD5: 64c7b9827eae7664abbed1aa5acb3f26 ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Event::Waiting                                                           [ MD5: 9f3872bc8d0a46ed08e4e761806a75eb ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Formatter                                                                [ MD5: 29d67703cc00d411e534403a1b55bbeb ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Formatter::TAP                                                           [ MD5: 15cd3aa9075e157a792dd010af31e16c ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Hub                                                                      [ MD5: 788f82137c1d50d9578e8e7db1e0d8c6 ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Hub::Interceptor                                                         [ MD5: e8577cb58d64b563e715537a904baa72 ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Hub::Interceptor::Terminator                                             [ MD5: 1b522f5daa7577dd8f0c9a9435b5c43a ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Hub::Subtest                                                             [ MD5: 6afe0c269043b18f6393b0c2674bcb4c ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Util                                                                     [ MD5: d85607a356dc84f4a39c424f370d79cf ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Util::ExternalMeta                                                       [ MD5: eb8c7a0151b125cbb94db6c95280962a ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Util::HashBase                                                           [ MD5: d839bc5517ed8c25026844cf4bbe8953 ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test2::Util::Trace                                                              [ MD5: 3701821852e3fe1a1f94355702494d1d ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test::Builder                                                                   [ MD5: ff1a665b9ee234ae0e6ff873cccb0d7c ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test::Builder::Formatter                                                        [ MD5: 7660a8626796764caa2e2b44aadf6f51 ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test::Builder::Module                                                           [ MD5: ddee6c6d556830e0b1e26b66e47c649b ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test::Builder::TodoDiag                                                         [ MD5: 815b408bc841afa678d1168a50e9ffc3 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Test::Moose                                                                     [ MD5: 96d423d1bed5ad24afc19209e1b2c820 ]
#        VL        1.302062  Test::More                                                                      [ MD5: 5e8f6f66195e27cfba9a064a5536308c ]
#        SL            1.51  Test::Pod                                                                       [ MD5: efb912ca5d0e3c57e132e039190ef4d1 ]
#        SL            1.10  Test::Pod::Coverage                                                             [ MD5: b751ee701f87277a9013c485f474424e ]
#        PL            1.05  Tie::Hash                                                                       [ MD5: acc4709f0adb89bef2863771b6995d2b ]
#        VA          1.9742  Time::HiRes                                                                     [ MD5: e9be8d1e703b6e4a55093eca2bc486c6 ]
#        VL            0.27  Try::Tiny                                                                       [ MD5: 1f32db3c4cc69547f04b56e4ce492e57 ]
#        VL             1.0  Types::Serialiser                                                               [ MD5: df95fb49bccfab686a3e9c5435dcca95 ]
#        PL            1.19  utf8                                                                            [ MD5: 1e81482deb175e2b15443c5223ec2e17 ]
#        VA            0.59  Variable::Magic                                                                 [ MD5: 34b5c8fb9f504ee1ed3d8d4e71c2de07 ]
#        PL            1.03  vars                                                                            [ MD5: 613c5318b87aa69b1145ca028f964445 ]
#        VA          0.9917  version                                                                         [ MD5: f2f7d9e747257d0c3774433ac2a64120 ]
#        VA          0.9917  version::regex                                                                  [ MD5: 20be5542bf2a20a4732c68d7e9e785be ]
#        VA          0.9917  version::vxs                                                                    [ MD5: 474eab2c1bdea92c4ff94b9694c594e7 ]
#        PL            1.36  warnings                                                                        [ MD5: 9bfcbe3034e5e73e47aaf86c9b39616b ]
#        PL            1.04  warnings::register                                                              [ MD5: 2d8f6ce093a2176b982c0e12c0194b3b ]
#        PL            0.22  XSLoader                                                                        [ MD5: 20fd04dd1e20ba6b35abd40f4c0bcaae ]
# =============================
# List of loadable modules within both the core and *OPTIONAL* dependency chains
# present on this system (modules sourced from ./blib, ./lib, ./t, and ./xt
# with versions identical to their parent namespace were omitted for brevity)
#     *** Note that *MANY* of these modules will *NEVER* be loaded ***
#             *** during normal operation of DBIx::Class ***
t/00describe_environment.t .......................... ok
t/04_c3_mro.t ....................................... ok
t/05components.t .................................... ok
t/100extra_source.t ................................. ok
t/100populate.t ..................................... ok
t/101populate_rs.t .................................. ok
t/101source.t ....................................... ok
t/102load_classes.t ................................. ok
t/103many_to_many_warning.t ......................... ok
t/104view.t ......................................... ok
t/106dbic_carp.t .................................... ok
t/107obj_result_class.t ............................. ok
t/18insert_default.t ................................ ok
t/19retrieve_on_insert.t ............................ ok
t/20setuperrors.t ................................... ok
t/26dumper.t ........................................ ok
t/33exception_wrap.t ................................ ok
t/34exception_action.t .............................. ok
t/35exception_inaction.t ............................ skipped: not running dangerous segfault-prone test on plain install
t/39load_namespaces_1.t ............................. ok
t/39load_namespaces_2.t ............................. ok
t/39load_namespaces_3.t ............................. ok
t/39load_namespaces_4.t ............................. ok
t/39load_namespaces_exception.t ..................... ok
t/39load_namespaces_rt41083.t ....................... ok
t/39load_namespaces_stress.t ........................ ok
t/40compose_connection.t ............................ ok
t/40resultsetmanager.t .............................. ok
t/46where_attribute.t ............................... ok
t/50fork.t .......................................... skipped: Test needs DBD::Pg (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/51threadnodb.t .................................... ok
t/51threads.t ....................................... skipped: Test needs DBD::Pg (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/51threadtxn.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_PG_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test (note: creates and drops a table named artist!)
t/52leaks.t ......................................... ok
t/53lean_startup.t .................................. ok
t/55namespaces_cleaned.t ............................ skipped: Skipping test on plain module install
t/60core.t .......................................... ok
t/61findnot.t ....................................... ok
t/63register_class.t ................................ ok
t/63register_column.t ............................... ok
t/63register_source.t ............................... ok
t/64db.t ............................................ ok
t/65multipk.t ....................................... ok
t/67pager.t ......................................... ok
t/69update.t ........................................ ok
t/70auto.t .......................................... ok
t/71mysql.t ......................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MYSQL_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/72pg.t ............................................ skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_PG_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/72pg_bytea.t ...................................... skipped: Test needs DBD::Pg (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/73oracle.t ........................................ skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test.
t/73oracle_blob.t ................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test.
t/73oracle_hq.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test.
t/745db2.t .......................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_DB2_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/746db2_400.t ...................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_DB2_400_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/746mssql.t ........................................ skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_ODBC_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/746sybase.t ....................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_SYBASE_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test. Warning: This test drops and creates the tables: 'artist', 'money_test' and 'bindtype_test'
t/747mssql_ado.t .................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_ADO_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/748informix.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_INFORMIX_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/749sqlanywhere.t .................................. skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_ODBC_DSN},
t/74mssql.t ......................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/750firebird.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_INTERBASE_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_ODBC_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run these tests. WARNING: this test creates and drops the tables "artist", "bindtype_test" and "sequence_test"; the generators "gen_artist_artistid", "pkid1_seq", "pkid2_seq" and "nonpkid_seq" and the trigger "artist_bi".
t/751msaccess.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ODBC_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ADO_DSN} (and optionally _USER and _PASS) to run these tests.
t/752sqlite.t ....................................... ok
t/76joins.t ......................................... ok
t/76select.t ........................................ ok
t/77join_count.t .................................... ok
t/78self_referencial.t .............................. ok
t/79aliasing.t ...................................... ok
t/80unique.t ........................................ ok
t/82cascade_copy.t .................................. ok
t/83cache.t ......................................... ok
t/84serialize.t ..................................... ok
t/85utf8.t .......................................... ok
t/86might_have.t .................................... ok
t/86sqlt.t .......................................... skipped: Test needs SQL::Translator >= 0.11018 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/87ordered.t ....................................... ok
t/88result_set_column.t ............................. ok
t/90ensure_class_loaded.t ........................... ok
t/90join_torture.t .................................. ok
t/91merge_joinpref_attr.t ........................... ok
t/93autocast.t ...................................... ok
t/93single_accessor_object.t ........................ ok
t/94pk_mutation.t ................................... ok
t/94versioning.t .................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MYSQL_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/96_is_deteministic_value.t ........................ skipped: Test needs DateTime::Format::Strptime >= 1.2
t/97result_class.t .................................. ok
t/99dbic_sqlt_parser.t .............................. skipped: Test needs SQL::Translator >= 0.11018 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/admin/01load.t .................................... skipped: Test needs JSON::Any >= 1.23, MooseX::Types::JSON >= 0.02, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/admin/02ddl.t ..................................... skipped: Test needs JSON::Any >= 1.23, MooseX::Types::JSON >= 0.02, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/admin/03data.t .................................... skipped: Test needs JSON::Any >= 1.23, MooseX::Types::JSON >= 0.02, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/admin/10script.t .................................. skipped: Test needs JSON, JSON::Any >= 1.31, JSON::DWIW, MooseX::Types::JSON >= 0.02, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011, Text::CSV >= 1.16
t/cdbi/01-columns.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/02-Film.t .................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/03-subclassing.t ............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/04-lazy.t .................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/06-hasa.t .................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/08-inheritcols.t ............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/09-has_many.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/11-triggers.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/12-filter.t .................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/13-constraint.t .............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/14-might_have.t .............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/15-accessor.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/16-reserved.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/18-has_a.t ................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/19-set_sql.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/21-iterator.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/22-deflate_order.t ........................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/22-self_referential.t ........................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/23-cascade.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/24-meta_info.t ............................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/26-mutator.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/30-pager.t ................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/68-inflate_has_a.t ........................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/70_implicit_inflate.t ........................ skipped: Test needs DateTime::Format::SQLite, DateTime::Format::Strptime >= 1.2
t/cdbi/71_column_object.t ........................... skipped: The tested functionality is only available in Class::DBI >= 3.0.5
t/cdbi/98-failure.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/abstract/search_where.t ...................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/columns_as_hashes.t .......................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/columns_dont_override_custom_accessors.t ..... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/construct.t .................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/copy.t ....................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/DeepAbstractSearch/01_search.t ............... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/early_column_heisenbug.t ..................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/has_many_loads_foreign_class.t ............... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/hasa_without_loading.t ....................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/max_min_value_of.t ........................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/mk_group_accessors.t ......................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/multi_column_set.t ........................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/object_cache.t ............................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/retrieve_from_sql_with_limit.t ............... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/set_to_undef.t ............................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/set_vs_DateTime.t ............................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/sweet/08pager.t .............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/count/count_rs.t .................................. ok
t/count/distinct.t .................................. ok
t/count/group_by_func.t ............................. ok
t/count/grouped_pager.t ............................. ok
t/count/in_subquery.t ............................... ok
t/count/joined.t .................................... ok
t/count/prefetch.t .................................. ok
t/count/search_related.t ............................ ok
t/delete/cascade_missing.t .......................... ok
t/delete/complex.t .................................. ok
t/delete/m2m.t ...................................... ok
t/delete/related.t .................................. ok
t/discard_changes_in_DESTROY.t ...................... ok
t/inflate/core.t .................................... skipped: Inflation tests need DateTime::Format::Strptime >= 1.2
t/inflate/datetime.t ................................ skipped: DT inflation tests need DateTime::Format::SQLite, DateTime::Format::Strptime >= 1.2
t/inflate/datetime_determine_parser.t ............... skipped: Test needs DateTime::Format::SQLite, DateTime::Format::Strptime >= 1.2
t/inflate/datetime_firebird.t ....................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_INTERBASE_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_ODBC_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run these tests. WARNING: This test drops and creates a table called 'event'
t/inflate/datetime_informix.t ....................... skipped: Test needs DateTime::Format::Strptime >= 1.2 and
t/inflate/datetime_missing_deps.t ................... ok
t/inflate/datetime_msaccess.t ....................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ODBC_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ADO_DSN} (and optionally _USER and _PASS) to run these tests.
t/inflate/datetime_mssql.t .......................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_ODBC_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_ADO_DSN} _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/inflate/datetime_mysql.t .......................... skipped: Inflation tests need DateTime::Format::MySQL, DateTime::Format::Strptime >= 1.2
t/inflate/datetime_oracle.t ......................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test. Warning: This test drops and creates a table called 'event'
t/inflate/datetime_pg.t ............................. skipped: Test needs DateTime::Format::Pg >= 0.16004, DateTime::Format::Strptime >= 1.2
t/inflate/datetime_sqlanywhere.t .................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_ODBC_DSN}
t/inflate/datetime_sybase.t ......................... skipped: Test needs DateTime::Format::Strptime >= 1.2 and
t/inflate/file_column.t ............................. ok
t/inflate/hri.t ..................................... ok
t/inflate/hri_torture.t ............................. ok
t/inflate/serialize.t ............................... ok
t/multi_create/cd_single.t .......................... ok
t/multi_create/diamond.t ............................ ok
t/multi_create/existing_in_chain.t .................. ok
t/multi_create/find_or_multicreate.t ................ ok
t/multi_create/has_many.t ........................... ok
t/multi_create/in_memory.t .......................... ok
t/multi_create/insert_defaults.t .................... ok
t/multi_create/m2m.t ................................ ok
t/multi_create/multilev_single_PKeqFK.t ............. ok
t/multi_create/reentrance_count.t ................... skipped: Disable test entirely until multicreate is rewritten in terms of subqueries
t/multi_create/standard.t ........................... ok
t/multi_create/torture.t ............................ ok
t/ordered/cascade_delete.t .......................... ok
t/ordered/unordered_movement.t ...................... ok
t/prefetch/attrs_untouched.t ........................ ok
t/prefetch/correlated.t ............................. ok
t/prefetch/count.t .................................. ok
t/prefetch/diamond.t ................................ ok
t/prefetch/double_prefetch.t ........................ ok
t/prefetch/empty_cache.t ............................ ok
t/prefetch/false_colvalues.t ........................ ok

#   Failed test 'Correct cd fetched on top'
#   at t/prefetch/grouped.t line 183.
#          got: '3'
#     expected: '2'
Can't call method "notes" on an undefined value at t/prefetch/grouped.t line 189, <> line 1.
# Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 31.
t/prefetch/grouped.t ................................ 
Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
Failed 1/31 subtests 
t/prefetch/incomplete.t ............................. ok
t/prefetch/join_type.t .............................. ok
t/prefetch/lazy_cursor.t ............................ ok
t/prefetch/manual.t ................................. ok
t/prefetch/multiple_hasmany.t ....................... ok
t/prefetch/multiple_hasmany_torture.t ............... ok
t/prefetch/o2m_o2m_order_by_with_limit.t ............ ok
t/prefetch/one_to_many_to_one.t ..................... ok
t/prefetch/refined_search_on_relation.t ............. ok
t/prefetch/restricted_children_set.t ................ ok
t/prefetch/standard.t ............................... ok
t/prefetch/via_search_related.t ..................... ok
t/prefetch/with_limit.t ............................. ok
t/relationship/after_update.t ....................... ok
t/relationship/core.t ............................... ok
t/relationship/custom.t ............................. ok
t/relationship/custom_opaque.t ...................... ok
t/relationship/custom_with_null_in_cond.t ........... ok
t/relationship/doesnt_exist.t ....................... ok
t/relationship/dynamic_foreign_columns.t ............ ok
t/relationship/info.t ............................... ok
t/relationship/malformed_declaration.t .............. ok
t/relationship/proxy.t .............................. ok
t/relationship/set_column_on_fk.t ................... ok
t/relationship/unresolvable.t ....................... ok
t/relationship/update_or_create_multi.t ............. ok
t/relationship/update_or_create_single.t ............ ok
t/resultset/as_query.t .............................. ok
t/resultset/as_subselect_rs.t ....................... ok
t/resultset/bind_attr.t ............................. ok
t/resultset/find_on_subquery_cond.t ................. ok
t/resultset/inflate_result_api.t .................... ok
t/resultset/inflatemap_abuse.t ...................... ok
t/resultset/is_ordered.t ............................ ok
t/resultset/is_paged.t .............................. ok
t/resultset/nulls_only.t ............................ ok
t/resultset/plus_select.t ........................... ok
t/resultset/rowparser_internals.t ................... ok
t/resultset/update_delete.t ......................... ok
t/resultset_class.t ................................. ok
t/resultset_overload.t .............................. ok
t/resultsource/bare_resultclass_exception.t ......... ok
t/resultsource/set_primary_key.t .................... ok
t/row/copy_with_extra_selection.t ................... ok
t/row/filter_column.t ............................... ok
t/row/find_one_has_many.t ........................... ok
t/row/inflate_result.t .............................. ok
t/row/pkless.t ...................................... ok
t/row/set_extra_column.t ............................ ok
t/schema/anon.t ..................................... ok
t/schema/clone.t .................................... ok
t/search/deprecated_attributes.t .................... ok
t/search/distinct.t ................................. ok
t/search/empty_attrs.t .............................. ok
t/search/preserve_original_rs.t ..................... ok
t/search/reentrancy.t ............................... ok
t/search/related_has_many.t ......................... ok
t/search/related_strip_prefetch.t ................... ok
t/search/select_chains.t ............................ ok
t/search/select_chains_unbalanced.t ................. ok
t/search/stack_cond.t ............................... ok
t/search/subquery.t ................................. ok
t/search/void.t ..................................... ok
t/sqlmaker/bind_transport.t ......................... ok
t/sqlmaker/core.t ................................... ok
t/sqlmaker/core_quoted.t ............................ ok
t/sqlmaker/dbihacks_internals.t ..................... ok
t/sqlmaker/hierarchical/oracle.t .................... skipped: Test needs Math::Base36 >= 0.07
t/sqlmaker/legacy_joins.t ........................... ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/basic.t ................... ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/custom.t .................. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/fetch_first.t ............. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/first_skip.t .............. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/generic_subq.t ............ ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/mssql_torture.t ........... ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/rno.t ..................... ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/rownum.t .................. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/skip_first.t .............. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/toplimit.t ................ ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/torture.t ................. ok
t/sqlmaker/literal_with_bind.t ...................... ok
t/sqlmaker/msaccess.t ............................... ok
t/sqlmaker/mysql.t .................................. ok
t/sqlmaker/nest_deprec.t ............................ ok
t/sqlmaker/oracle.t ................................. skipped: Test needs Math::Base36 >= 0.07
t/sqlmaker/oraclejoin.t ............................. skipped: Test needs Math::Base36 >= 0.07
t/sqlmaker/order_by_bindtransport.t ................. ok
t/sqlmaker/order_by_func.t .......................... ok
t/sqlmaker/pg.t ..................................... ok
t/sqlmaker/quotes.t ................................. ok
t/sqlmaker/sqlite.t ................................. ok
t/storage/base.t .................................... ok
t/storage/cursor.t .................................. ok
t/storage/dbh_do.t .................................. ok
t/storage/dbi_coderef.t ............................. ok
t/storage/dbi_env.t ................................. ok
t/storage/dbic_pretty.t ............................. skipped: Test needs JSON::Any >= 1.23
t/storage/debug.t ................................... ok
t/storage/deploy.t .................................. skipped: Test needs SQL::Translator >= 0.11018 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/storage/deprecated_exception_source_bind_attrs.t .. ok
t/storage/disable_sth_caching.t ..................... ok
t/storage/error.t ................................... ok
t/storage/exception.t ............................... ok
t/storage/global_destruction.t ...................... ok
t/storage/nobindvars.t .............................. ok
t/storage/on_connect_call.t ......................... ok
t/storage/on_connect_do.t ........................... ok
t/storage/ping_count.t .............................. ok
t/storage/prefer_stringification.t .................. ok
t/storage/quote_names.t ............................. ok
t/storage/reconnect.t ............................... ok
t/storage/replicated.t .............................. skipped: Test needs MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011
t/storage/savepoints.t .............................. ok
t/storage/stats.t ................................... ok
t/storage/txn.t ..................................... ok
t/storage/txn_scope_guard.t ......................... ok
t/update/all.t ...................................... ok
t/update/ident_cond.t ............................... ok
t/update/type_aware.t ............................... ok
# 208 contributors made this library what it is today
# Distinguished patrons:
#   * ( 2014 ~ 2015 ) Henry Van Styn, creator of
t/zzzzzzz_authors.t ................................. ok
t/zzzzzzz_perl_perf_bug.t ........................... ok
t/zzzzzzz_sqlite_deadlock.t ......................... skipped: Skipping test on plain module install

Test Summary Report
t/prefetch/grouped.t                              (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 31 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  28
  Non-zero exit status: 255
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
Files=308, Tests=12207, 88 wallclock secs ( 1.42 usr  0.24 sys + 81.39 cusr  4.54 csys = 87.59 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/308 test programs. 1/12207 subtests failed.
Makefile:1363: recipe for target 'test_dynamic' failed
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255


Prerequisite modules loaded:


    Module                   Need     Have    
    ------------------------ -------- --------
    Class::Accessor::Grouped 0.10012  0.10012 
    Class::C3::Componentised 1.0009   1.001000
    Class::Inspector         1.24     1.31    
    Config::Any              0.20     0.27    
    Context::Preserve        0.01     0.01    
    Data::Dumper::Concise    2.020    2.022   
    Data::Page               2.00     2.02    
    DBD::SQLite              1.29     1.50    
    DBI                      1.57     1.636   
    Devel::GlobalDestruction 0.09     0.13    
    File::Temp               0.22     0.2304  
    Hash::Merge              0.12     0.200   
    List::Util               1.16     1.47    
    Module::Find             0.07     0.13    
    Moo                      2.000    2.002004
    MRO::Compat              0.12     0.12    
    namespace::clean         0.24     0.27    
    Package::Stash           0.28     0.37    
    Path::Class              0.18     0.37    
    perl                     5.008001 5.024001
    Scope::Guard             0.03     0.21    
    SQL::Abstract            1.81     1.81    
    Sub::Name                0.04     0.21    
    Test::Deep               0.101    1.126   
    Test::Exception          0.31     0.43    
    Test::More               0.94     1.302062
    Test::Warn               0.21     0.32    
    Text::Balanced           2.00     2.03    
    Try::Tiny                0.07     0.27    


    Module                   Need     Have    
    ------------------------ -------- --------
    DBD::SQLite              1.29     1.50    
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker      6.59     7.24    
    File::Temp               0.22     0.2304  
    Package::Stash           0.28     0.37    
    Test::Deep               0.101    1.126   
    Test::Exception          0.31     0.43    
    Test::More               0.94     1.302062
    Test::Warn               0.21     0.32    


    Module                   Need     Have    
    ------------------------ -------- --------
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker      6.59     7.24    


Environment variables:

    LANG = en_US.UTF-8
    PATH = /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/home/coz/.local/bin:/home/coz/bin
    PERL5LIB = 
    PERL5OPT = 
    SHELL = /bin/bash
    TERM = xterm-256color

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    $^X = /usr/bin/perl
    $UID/$EUID = 1000 / 1000
    $GID = 1000 10 1000
    $EGID = 1000 10 1000

Perl module toolchain versions installed:

    Module              Have    
    ------------------- --------
    CPAN                2.16    
    CPAN::Meta          2.150005
    Cwd                 3.63    
    ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.280225
    ExtUtils::Command   7.24    
    ExtUtils::Install   2.04    
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.24    
    ExtUtils::Manifest  1.70    
    ExtUtils::ParseXS   3.31    
    File::Spec          3.63    
    JSON                n/a     
    JSON::PP            2.27400 
    Module::Build       0.4222  
    Module::Signature   n/a     
    Parse::CPAN::Meta   1.4422  
    Test::Harness       3.39    
    Test::More          1.302062
    YAML                n/a     
    YAML::Syck          n/a     
    version             0.9917  


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 24 subversion 1) configuration:
    osname=linux, osvers=4.10.1-1.fc25.x86_64, archname=x86_64-linux-thread-multi
    uname='linux 4.10.1-1.fc25.x86_64 #1 smp mon feb 27 20:37:34 utc 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 gnulinux '
    config_args='-des -Doptimize=none -Dccflags=-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches  -m64 -mtune=generic -Dldflags=-Wl,-z,relro  -Dccdlflags=-Wl,--enable-new-dtags -Wl,-z,relro  -Dlddlflags=-shared -Wl,-z,relro  -Dshrpdir=/usr/lib64 -DDEBUGGING=-g -Dversion=5.24.1 -Dmyhostname=localhost -Dperladmin=root@localhost -Dcc=gcc -Dcf_by=Red Hat, Inc. -Dprefix=/usr -Dvendorprefix=/usr -Dsiteprefix=/usr/local -Dsitelib=/usr/local/share/perl5 -Dsitearch=/usr/local/lib64/perl5 -Dprivlib=/usr/share/perl5 -Dvendorlib=/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl -Darchlib=/usr/lib64/perl5 -Dvendorarch=/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl -Darchname=x86_64-linux-thread-multi -Dlibpth=/usr/local/lib64 /lib64 /usr/lib64 -Duseshrplib -Dusethreads -Duseithreads -Dusedtrace=/usr/bin/dtrace -Duselargefiles -Dd_semctl_semun -Di_db -Ui_ndbm -Di_gdbm -Di_shadow -Di_syslog -Dman3ext=3pm -Duseperlio -Dinstallusrbinperl=n -Ubincompat5005 -Uversiononly -Dpager=/usr/bin/less -isr -Dd_gethostent_r_proto -Ud_endhostent_r_proto -Ud_sethostent_r_proto -Ud_endprotoent_r_proto -Ud_setprotoent_r_proto -Ud_endservent_r_proto -Ud_setservent_r_proto -Dscriptdir=/usr/bin -Dusesitecustomize -Duse64bitint1'
    hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
    useithreads=define, usemultiplicity=define
    use64bitint=define, use64bitall=define, uselongdouble=undef
    usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
    cc='gcc', ccflags ='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=generic -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64',
    optimize='  -g',
    cppflags='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=generic -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include'
    ccversion='', gccversion='6.3.1 20161221 (Red Hat 6.3.1-1)', gccosandvers=''
    intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678, doublekind=3
    d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16, longdblkind=3
    ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
    alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='gcc', ldflags ='-Wl,-z,relro  -fstack-protector-strong -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/local/lib64 /lib64 /usr/lib64 /usr/local/lib /usr/lib /lib/../lib64 /usr/lib/../lib64 /lib
    libs=-lpthread -lresolv -lnsl -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc -lgdbm_compat
    perllibs=-lpthread -lresolv -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc, so=so, useshrplib=true,
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-Wl,--enable-new-dtags -Wl,-z,relro '
    cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared -Wl,-z,relro  -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector-strong'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
                        PERL_PRESERVE_IVUV USE_64_BIT_ALL USE_64_BIT_INT
  Locally applied patches:
	Fedora Patch1: Removes date check, Fedora/RHEL specific
	Fedora Patch3: support for libdir64
	Fedora Patch4: use libresolv instead of libbind
	Fedora Patch5: USE_MM_LD_RUN_PATH
	Fedora Patch6: Provide MM::maybe_command independently (bug #1129443)
	Fedora Patch7: Dont run one io test due to random builder failures
	Fedora Patch15: Define SONAME for
	Fedora Patch16: Install to -Dshrpdir value
	Fedora Patch22: Document Math::BigInt::CalcEmu requires Math::BigInt (CPAN RT#85015)
	Fedora Patch26: Make *DBM_File desctructors thread-safe (RT#61912)
	Fedora Patch27: Make PadlistNAMES() lvalue again (CPAN RT#101063)
	Fedora Patch28: Make magic vtable writable as a work-around for Coro (CPAN RT#101063)
	Fedora Patch30: Replace EU::MakeMaker dependency with EU::MM::Utils in IPC::Cmd (bug #1129443)
	Fedora Patch31: Fix a memory leak in compiling a POSIX class (RT#128313)
	Fedora Patch32: Do not mangle errno from failed socket calls (RT#128316)
	Fedora Patch33: Fix compiling regular expressions like /\X*(?0)/ (RT#128109)
	Fedora Patch34: Do not use unitialized memory in $h{\const} warnings (RT#128189)
	Fedora Patch35: Fix precedence in hv_ename_delete (RT#128086)
	Fedora Patch36: Do not treat %: as a stash (RT#128238)
	Fedora Patch37: Do not crash when inserting a non-stash into a stash (RT#128238)
	Fedora Patch38: Fix line numbers with perl -x (RT#128508)
	Fedora Patch40: Fix a crash when vivifying a stub in a deleted package (RT#128532)
	Fedora Patch41: Fix a crash in "Subroutine redefined" warning (RT#128257)
	Fedora Patch42: Fix a crash in lexical scope warnings (RT#128597)
	Fedora Patch43: Fix handling \N{} in tr for characters in range 128--255 (RT#128734)
	Fedora Patch45: Fix crash in "evalbytes S" (RT#129196)
	Fedora Patch46: Fix crash in "evalbytes S" (RT#129196)
	Fedora Patch47: Fix crash in "evalbytes S" (RT#129196)
	Fedora Petch48: Fix crash in splice (RT#129164, RT#129166, RT#129167)
	Fedora Patch49: Fix string overrun in Perl_gv_fetchmethod_pvn_flags (RT#129267)
	Fedora Patch50: Fix string overrun in Perl_gv_fetchmethod_pvn_flags (RT#129267)
	Fedora Patch51: Fix string overrun in Perl_gv_fetchmethod_pvn_flags (RT#129267)
	Fedora Patch52: Fix string overrun in Perl_gv_fetchmethod_pvn_flags (RT#129267)
	Fedora Patch53: Fix string overrun in Perl_gv_fetchmethod_pvn_flags (RT#129267)
	Fedora Patch54: Fix crash when matching UTF-8 string with non-UTF-8 substrings (RT#129350)
	Fedora Patch55: Fix parsing perl options in shell bang line (RT#129336)
	Fedora Patch56: Fix firstchar bitmap under UTF-8 with prefix optimization (RT#129950)
	Fedora Patch57: Avoid infinite loop in h2xs tool if enum and type have the same name (RT130001)
	Fedora Patch58: Fix stack handling when calling chdir without an argument (RT#129130)
	Fedora Patch59: Fix crash in Storable when deserializing malformed code reference (RT#68348, RT#130098)
	Fedora Patch60: Fix crash on explicit return from regular expression substitution (RT#130188)
	Fedora Patch61: Fix assigning split() return values to an array
	Fedora Patch62: Fix const correctness in hv_func.h (RT#130169)
	Fedora Patch63: Fix a crash in optimized evaluation of "or ((0) x 0))" (RT#130247)
	Fedora Patch64: Fix a memory leak in IO::Poll (RT#129788)
	Fedora Patch65: Fix regular expression matching (RT#130307)
	Fedora Patch66: Fix a buffer overflow in split in scalar context (RT#130262)
	Fedora Patch67: Fix a heap overflow with pack "W" (RT129149)
	Fedora Patch69: Fix a use-after-free when processing scalar variables in forms (RT#129125)
	Fedora Patch70: Fix a heap overflow if invalid octal or hexadecimal number is used in transliteration expression (RT#129342)
	Fedora Patch71: Fix out-of-bound read in case of unmatched regexp backreference (RT#129377)
	Fedora Patch72: Fix UTF-8 string handling in & operator (RT#129287)
	Fedora Patch73: Fix recreation of *:: (RT#129869)
	Fedora Patch74: Fix a memory leak in B::RHE->HASH method (RT#130504)
	Fedora Patch75: Fix parsing goto statements in multicalled subroutine (RT#113938)
	Fedora Patch76: Fix a heap overlow in parsing $# (RT#129274)
	Fedora Patch77: Fix a crash when compiling a regexp with impossible quantifiers (RT#130561)
	Fedora Patch80: Fix a buffer overrun with format and "use bytes" (RT#130703)
	Fedora Patch81: Fix a buffer overflow when studying some regexps repeatedly (RT#129281, RT#129061)
	Fedora Patch83: Fix a heap buffer overflow when evaluating regexps with embedded code blocks from more than one source, RT#129881
	Fedora Patch84: Fix a memory leak in list assignment from or to magic values, (RT#130766)
	Fedora Patch85: Fix a null-pointer dereference on malformed code (RT#130815)
	Fedora Patch86: Fix an use-after-free in substr() that modifies a magic variable (RT#129340)
	Fedora Patch87: Fix a memory leak leak in Perl_reg_named_buff_fetch() (RT#130822)
	Fedora Patch88: Fix an invalid memory read when parsing a loop variable (RT#130814)
	Fedora Patch92: Fix a heap-use-after-free in four-arguments substr call (RT#130624)
	Fedora Patch200: Link XS modules to with EU::CBuilder on Linux
	Fedora Patch201: Link XS modules to with EU::MM on Linux
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Mar  8 2017 16:21:38