Report for DBIx-Class-0.082840

From: metabase:user:320bfe00-2aae-11df-837a-5e0a49663a4f
Subject: PASS DBIx-Class-0.082840 v5.24.0 GNU/Linux
Date: 2017-03-20T06:50:14Z

This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See for more information or email
questions to

Dear Peter Rabbitson,

This is a computer-generated report for DBIx-Class-0.082840
on perl 5.24.0, created by CPAN-Reporter-1.2018.

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  Congratulations!
All tests were successful.

Sections of this report:

    * Tester comments
    * Program output
    * Prerequisites
    * Environment and other context


Additional comments from tester:

this report is from an automated smoke testing program
and was not reviewed by a human for accuracy


Output from '/usr/bin/make test':

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93msid/v5.24.0/276a/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/admin/*.t t/cdbi/*.t t/cdbi/DeepAbstractSearch/*.t t/cdbi/abstract/*.t t/cdbi/sweet/*.t t/count/*.t t/delete/*.t t/inflate/*.t t/multi_create/*.t t/ordered/*.t t/prefetch/*.t t/relationship/*.t t/resultset/*.t t/resultsource/*.t t/row/*.t t/schema/*.t t/search/*.t t/sqlmaker/*.t t/sqlmaker/hierarchical/*.t t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/*.t t/storage/*.t t/update/*.t xt/*.t

Mismatch of versions '1.1' and '1.42', obtained respectively via `Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Extra->VERSION` and parsing the version out of <<SL>>/Exception/ with ExtUtils::MakeMaker@7.24. This should never happen - please check whether this is still present in the latest version, and then file a bug with the distribution containing Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Extra.

Mismatch of versions '1.1' and '1.42', obtained respectively via `Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Required->VERSION` and parsing the version out of <<SL>>/Exception/ with ExtUtils::MakeMaker@7.24. This should never happen - please check whether this is still present in the latest version, and then file a bug with the distribution containing Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Required.

Mismatch of versions '1.1' and '1.42', obtained respectively via `Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::ValidationFailedForMooseTypeConstraint->VERSION` and parsing the version out of <<SL>>/Exception/ with ExtUtils::MakeMaker@7.24. This should never happen - please check whether this is still present in the latest version, and then file a bug with the distribution containing Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::ValidationFailedForMooseTypeConstraint.

Mismatch of versions '1.1' and '1.42', obtained respectively via `Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Extra->VERSION` and parsing the version out of <<SL>>/Exception/ with ExtUtils::MakeMaker@7.24. This should never happen - please check whether this is still present in the latest version, and then file a bug with the distribution containing Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Extra.

Mismatch of versions '1.1' and '1.42', obtained respectively via `Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Required->VERSION` and parsing the version out of <<SL>>/Exception/ with ExtUtils::MakeMaker@7.24. This should never happen - please check whether this is still present in the latest version, and then file a bug with the distribution containing Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Required.

Mismatch of versions '1.1' and '1.42', obtained respectively via `Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::BadArguments->VERSION` and parsing the version out of <<SL>>/Exception/ with ExtUtils::MakeMaker@7.24. This should never happen - please check whether this is still present in the latest version, and then file a bug with the distribution containing Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::BadArguments.

# List of loadable modules within both the core and *OPTIONAL* dependency chains
# present on this system (modules sourced from ./blib, ./lib, ./t, and ./xt
# with versions identical to their parent namespace were omitted for brevity)
#     *** Note that *MANY* of these modules will *NEVER* be loaded ***
#             *** during normal operation of DBIx::Class ***
# @INC at startup (does not reflect manipulation at runtime):
#   0: ./inc/
#   1: ./blib/lib/
#   2: ./blib/arch/
#   3: <<SA>>/
#   4: <<SL>>/
#   5: <<PA>>/
#   6: <<PL>>/
#   7: ./
# Sourcing markers:
#        PA: $Config{archlib}
#        PL: $Config{privlib}
#        SA: $Config{sitearch}
#        SL: $Config{sitelib}
#       BLL: ./blib/lib/
# =============================
#        PA            0.27  attributes                                                                      [ MD5: 3f679d570ed0b6cb8746686bb7169e26 ]
#        PL            5.74  AutoLoader                                                                      [ MD5: c923fac66a84c6b5dbbf01250e7c1a42 ]
#        PA            1.62  B                                                                               [ MD5: 2070df46368dd143080c85b6b6ca4691 ]
#        SL            0.21  B::Hooks::EndOfScope                                                            [ MD5: a004874dd5b76eb1119b90c7a03158c6 ]
#        SL            0.21  B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS                                                        [ MD5: a3cd2087d9dba94277ba4e15fb5e39ad ]
#        PL            2.23  base                                                                            [ MD5: 0f4800ddf0d621dc9554398c26c4020e ]
#        PL            1.05  bytes                                                                           [ MD5: 0b1f4cf7f07548ffd51cd5ddb6644fe2 ]
#        PL            1.40  Carp                                                                            [ MD5: a3cb0babdfa022a5decf1052634e2918 ]
#        PL            1.40  Carp::Heavy                                                                     [ MD5: e4a36ff2089c607229ed6b31594a6d73 ]
#        SL            0.34  Class::Accessor                                                                 [ MD5: 79a573e4c523b52dcffb91b5390d9d20 ]
#        SL                  Class::Accessor::Chained::Fast                                                  [ MD5: 544678632aaf294dc280944a83c509bc ]
#        SL            0.34  Class::Accessor::Fast                                                           [ MD5: 69232ed8cbca035a8eb6c73e40b695f9 ]
#        SL         0.10012  Class::Accessor::Grouped                                                        [ MD5: e7c277f33b36ef2ef9f68a564c26e753 ]
#        SL        1.001000  Class::C3::Componentised                                                        [ MD5: c8c95fc2278592a66aacfd18ed7a5645 ]
#        SL            0.08  Class::Data::Inheritable                                                        [ MD5: eaa489d785a175db193d92b13674d96d ]
#        SL            1.31  Class::Inspector                                                                [ MD5: bcc5969dc33b7728aec240eed3fe0798 ]
#        SL            0.23  Class::Load                                                                     [ MD5: 5f9a96076965a6f0824c876dcd6b8f37 ]
#        SA            0.09  Class::Load::XS                                                                 [ MD5: 56faee781cf17a205052b52033246b37 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP                                                                      [ MD5: 47e96d667d20fccab24ce7d1098b8711 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Attribute                                                           [ MD5: 1079b3e55d48cb7e98d5e149d2e0e4d8 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Class                                                               [ MD5: fa8496aca6cb787adacc002a791c811f ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::Trait                                             [ MD5: 38efac9f62d212da15cd3dd38ff592a7 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Deprecated                                                          [ MD5: 6653da2b04b565caa512db16bef3eb4b ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Instance                                                            [ MD5: 79521d66c15f20df1338eff77a2c228f ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method                                                              [ MD5: ab39d7c8cd35c47ce0d6d9a8959c4a3a ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method::Accessor                                                    [ MD5: 9a9a1527d650fd89c235c7207f19f627 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method::Constructor                                                 [ MD5: 90135640aae62dcf0fc9a4942f27fb19 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method::Generated                                                   [ MD5: 5b54ecfcbac05f2d9bf07adb4b83bd69 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method::Inlined                                                     [ MD5: 9b061513a1c54663430dd86ab94487a5 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method::Meta                                                        [ MD5: 56f51fec952b3b67387992b117158979 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped                                                     [ MD5: e3397ed0e683fcc89e9548d23c0dfe01 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::MiniTrait                                                           [ MD5: 5be50f740246b3333ebbfa265727c402 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Mixin                                                               [ MD5: d3065f163ad0c59155885b943fdba46b ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Mixin::AttributeCore                                                [ MD5: 8588091d80df2f7adc66a51553d4c6c0 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Mixin::HasAttributes                                                [ MD5: 4b2a162665f3cf419c4f85b777ed3191 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Mixin::HasMethods                                                   [ MD5: 6282a3fe3eb63ecbe108ea002dc9661f ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Mixin::HasOverloads                                                 [ MD5: 90a459c32b36e58acbc7e09af4b81138 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Module                                                              [ MD5: 3a687692ebf28328bddda92157f332a4 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Object                                                              [ MD5: 24f22937951f8d9c8e2559287d52b1d1 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Overload                                                            [ MD5: 5d4d2b3628ec01a6068edb7d5fee332e ]
#        SA          2.2004  Class::MOP::Package                                                             [ MD5: 226e86bdc3b0dfc102431f41794e6d03 ]
#        SL             1.5  Class::Singleton                                                                [ MD5: d1b724a6b51de027cc1656e67ada9a32 ]
#        PL            0.65  Class::Struct                                                                   [ MD5: cf060e4d87730484dcdf246d806fec93 ]
#        SA            1.19  Class::XSAccessor                                                               [ MD5: 0b7adfcc61192a80f97463e89d6d1696 ]
#        SA            1.19  Class::XSAccessor::Heavy                                                        [ MD5: db9379a668d6133fce801e4648cdef45 ]
#        SA            0.38  Clone                                                                           [ MD5: 95bff4a1ac34730d9af65033a3c72448 ]
#        SA            3.74  common::sense                                                                   [ MD5: b1e72808f5077da423a60362525a916f ]
#        PA        5.024000  Config                                                                          [ MD5: 68420d03fcea0b572dd627d4d25e5dde ]
#        PL            1.33  constant                                                                        [ MD5: 56cde6eba0f667ab56196613df3933c1 ]
#        SL            0.01  Context::Preserve                                                               [ MD5: 26e18569523ddfcaaa8bf29790e8c1f0 ]
#        PA            3.63  Cwd                                                                             [ MD5: c099e9436632e31f91f6cdb537bdfe65 ]
#        PA           2.161  Data::Dumper                                                                    [ MD5: eeecd67170fe96cd7b9e1158df7d456c ]
#        SL           2.022  Data::Dumper::Concise                                                           [ MD5: 84f113e489b3fa5fa5f1d3b7a169d849 ]
#        SL           0.110  Data::OptList                                                                   [ MD5: abf71027225f7e71ffb99d9e60f1c817 ]
#        SL            2.02  Data::Page                                                                      [ MD5: 52f4b3f7348e51e0654aa4f0b3503ab0 ]
#        SA            1.42  DateTime                                                                        [ MD5: c0278f692ef9c5eab6c5aabfbac784f0 ]
#        SA            1.42  DateTime::Duration                                                              [ MD5: e8bf3b3f8186933356c6dff7455c10e9 ]
#        SL            1.73  DateTime::Format::Strptime                                                      [ MD5: f3f0db3f7bf24fcdf605ece2b4dd67f5 ]
#        SL            1.73  DateTime::Format::Strptime::Types                                               [ MD5: 72cefd8e48ade9bc96454c8a91a3e914 ]
#        SA            1.42  DateTime::Helpers                                                               [ MD5: 6b8eaf1caf8bf1fccad935464aed105c ]
#        SA            1.42  DateTime::Infinite                                                              [ MD5: f58e8a23c67d8d46a87e7e248d27bc9b ]
#        SL            1.14  DateTime::Locale                                                                [ MD5: abf871e58b4b5762da2b7be8ab836beb ]
#        SL            1.14  DateTime::Locale::Base                                                          [ MD5: 0ffe2d68197bb92d134d67b20069be95 ]
#        SL            1.14  DateTime::Locale::Data                                                          [ MD5: f3a30f93bfc6f7d846a263a2fffd7ff1 ]
#        SL            1.14  DateTime::Locale::FromData                                                      [ MD5: 6f96b11afa3ffc4f620d961abbece487 ]
#        SL            1.14  DateTime::Locale::Util                                                          [ MD5: 34146f277b687f89cd8403cfc1bc7932 ]
#        SL            2.10  DateTime::TimeZone                                                              [ MD5: c71173a4d12113b1cd8d1cd1f060b5ed ]
#        SL            2.10  DateTime::TimeZone::Catalog                                                     [ MD5: e246554b67afe689c0ad510ce15def70 ]
#        SL            2.10  DateTime::TimeZone::Floating                                                    [ MD5: c4c5be0a2c20a160cd7f33debcfdcabc ]
#        SL            2.10  DateTime::TimeZone::Local                                                       [ MD5: 58482d11b514bff1731c924983051556 ]
#        SL            2.10  DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly                                                  [ MD5: 810b927a186f14de172a3f58a4fbc824 ]
#        SL            2.10  DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Change                                             [ MD5: 2b8058838cf3c45267ec980dc1192bfc ]
#        SL            2.10  DateTime::TimeZone::UTC                                                         [ MD5: d59d03ce128535a5452259192707ab00 ]
#        SA            1.42  DateTime::Types                                                                 [ MD5: 5d487ecc2b67a7e7ccf3d932b6f8454a ]
#        SA           1.636  DBI                                                                             [ MD5: 251b4675dfff943bcd6a725645abbeba ]
#       BLL        0.082840  DBIx::Class                                                                     [ MD5: 8bfd568d750eaffd5f53546d6ab095bf ]
#        SL            0.14  Devel::GlobalDestruction                                                        [ MD5: fa8dcedeb9a8a3d29fbef7dfce342970 ]
#        SL           0.004  Devel::OverloadInfo                                                             [ MD5: e324a1b67fa94d816d070bff0d4a854c ]
#        SL            2.02  Devel::StackTrace                                                               [ MD5: f967ffdd0fc7eec4223e90f380e8417a ]
#        SL            2.02  Devel::StackTrace::Frame                                                        [ MD5: eaf1705707e5da7f25bbedf2f07b2af8 ]
#        SL            2.18  Devel::Symdump                                                                  [ MD5: e649ab91a4890ab2543e821daef73079 ]
#        PL            1.16  Digest::base                                                                    [ MD5: c46e2ebb720ee7d9c600ce5acbf34291 ]
#        PA            2.54  Digest::MD5                                                                     [ MD5: 17734b8e5d67e9158617290e76474da1 ]
#        PA            1.38  DynaLoader                                                                      [ MD5: 383171a44ca44b925dfecc91ed62992b ]
#        PA            2.80  Encode                                                                          [ MD5: 481cd57d473177645233428f54d35bb4 ]
#        PA            2.20  Encode::Alias                                                                   [ MD5: 7a38d7cffbb79b5e300711a344b64ce1 ]
#        PA            2.05  Encode::Config                                                                  [ MD5: 7bdd1d8dffa8d3500086802451fc020d ]
#        PA            2.07  Encode::Encoding                                                                [ MD5: 34dc1ab677a5e9b9b4ab88acbde70db4 ]
#        PA            1.25  Errno                                                                           [ MD5: 02bd60a365a2c0897d9a2f47ff3e8e7a ]
#        SL            0.14  Eval::Closure                                                                   [ MD5: 6c72ca7cb0924d00e0c1a8bee904c349 ]
#        SL            1.42  Exception::Class                                                                [ MD5: ba45056932b7ffe2b13998ba089ad93f ]
#        SL            1.42  Exception::Class::Base                                                          [ MD5: ef48b6618ccd8b292568df9b87633478 ]
#        PL            5.72  Exporter                                                                        [ MD5: 358c4022647b971c7c4f3a4157b8343e ]
#        PL            5.72  Exporter::Heavy                                                                 [ MD5: d8032ca40b44e010673e6dd5816ca66b ]
#        SL            7.24  ExtUtils::Liblist                                                               [ MD5: 67a5281be16b6a38bd6ee668e1e629c8 ]
#        SL            7.24  ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid                                                          [ MD5: c9f416543d718ca94cbc3be3e144c6cf ]
#        SL            7.24  ExtUtils::MakeMaker                                                             [ MD5: 27cf678277a5d4812d0d5120bb9accc0 ]
#        SL            7.24  ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config                                                     [ MD5: 356ee049ac3012508621d65f68e6d09a ]
#        SL            7.24  ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale                                                     [ MD5: e87da15952e5eb9f4de9b1efe1adb893 ]
#        SL            7.24  ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version                                                    [ MD5: ed031209c6103427ffa19c83c030a154 ]
#        SL            7.24  ExtUtils::MM                                                                    [ MD5: 9e150ea685a38e0b0e2929706034b8cc ]
#        SL            7.24  ExtUtils::MM_Any                                                                [ MD5: 4fa5e931e663ff16c3209e148fc51755 ]
#        SL            7.24  ExtUtils::MM_Unix                                                               [ MD5: 94cd530573a6925c632ab60ae7619a0a ]
#        SL            7.24  ExtUtils::MY                                                                    [ MD5: 6b05b247d4b5cbddf4768614777c947c ]
#        PA            1.13  Fcntl                                                                           [ MD5: b337d563fd4bc958c7e0a2bba2ca86d2 ]
#        PL            2.85  File::Basename                                                                  [ MD5: 060f029d056cc44e536c7d278f69bf43 ]
#        PL            2.31  File::Copy                                                                      [ MD5: 90c6c9c0fc2b2025d9a0011d8a739b30 ]
#        PL            1.34  File::Find                                                                      [ MD5: 04150524197463018d3188f24e360c5e ]
#        PA            1.26  File::Glob                                                                      [ MD5: 492d05c53f04725e2c192d4e6494d70a ]
#        SL            1.00  File::HomeDir                                                                   [ MD5: dab54a50acb9cf1a884ac88be4294e82 ]
#        SL            1.00  File::HomeDir::Driver                                                           [ MD5: c4065f96c83394a428c8f78c5168f55a ]
#        SL            1.00  File::HomeDir::FreeDesktop                                                      [ MD5: 7a8ffb88390d30a637b72323b428e192 ]
#        SL            1.00  File::HomeDir::Unix                                                             [ MD5: 46e9b0369bce4571a5c72f2392db50b4 ]
#        PL         2.12_01  File::Path                                                                      [ MD5: b71c56316d768bc029229b0ee4e40f5e ]
#        PA            3.63  File::Spec                                                                      [ MD5: eab218eb759f36ef18fdfd35e3509fcc ]
#        PA            3.63  File::Spec::Unix                                                                [ MD5: 874e9ccc943ffa7df0a73322ad114075 ]
#        PL            1.07  File::stat                                                                      [ MD5: d6fcb5be03ba2b0f34569f8dbc9c17c8 ]
#        PL          0.2304  File::Temp                                                                      [ MD5: 42d392eee808579f109684ac09d8649e ]
#        SL            1.21  File::Which                                                                     [ MD5: cdcf532119e982121ccf92387544f0cf ]
#        PL            2.48  Getopt::Long                                                                    [ MD5: 977afd4855a3e8ef65fd728883075ad6 ]
#        SL           0.100  Getopt::Long::Descriptive                                                       [ MD5: f0d74b79f8555696456d9681bbad6c31 ]
#        SL           0.100  Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Opts                                                 [ MD5: f3c13140184f94b8aace5e5a00084d6c ]
#        SL           0.100  Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Usage                                                [ MD5: 34979f7f1934389e80d38428a5b78198 ]
#        PA            0.13  I18N::Langinfo                                                                  [ MD5: 706de135fde051348167b99b4d87722f ]
#        PL          0.0606  if                                                                              [ MD5: 64ca426ae881664b5bf41c88b2c96963 ]
#        PL            1.01  integer                                                                         [ MD5: 3e5ff5fb486c95945e10e79859dd5bfb ]
#        PA            1.36  IO                                                                              [ MD5: e28f86431c1799964071497d4571e037 ]
#        PA            1.10  IO::Dir                                                                         [ MD5: 3382ea44d8e267cc12a596fbfe73ff92 ]
#        PA            1.16  IO::File                                                                        [ MD5: 206278c02dd4a3fb7792a4a193d2588b ]
#        PA            1.36  IO::Handle                                                                      [ MD5: ba4d379aeccdf0982810a9ebc71aa1ce ]
#        PA            1.10  IO::Seekable                                                                    [ MD5: f62813b55c062f449160100dca67d043 ]
#        SL            2.90  JSON                                                                            [ MD5: e0370519fe2c243fefdeba07e7a78697 ]
#        PL         2.27300  JSON::PP                                                                        [ MD5: 3a80cd48608561229c3641b0b52bafaf ]
#                      1.01  JSON::PP::IncrParser                                                          ! -f $INC{'JSON/PP/'}
#        SA            3.03  JSON::XS                                                                        [ MD5: baa251dcf7501acd5079f83714d2531c ]
#        SA            1.47  List::Util                                                                      [ MD5: c2f38938eed1e2f018667b2dd4c36ac9 ]
#        PL        1.999715  Math::BigInt                                                                    [ MD5: 93d5c1f6884d5a1e6253d37991b0c1ff ]
#        SA          2.2004  metaclass                                                                       [ MD5: 40f91cf92ae59c4677aeed0f819e1a0f ]
#        SL                  Method::Generate::Accessor                                                      [ MD5: 8a8a82ab859cb3d2e4a33f22f98e8182 ]
#        SL                  Method::Generate::Constructor                                                   [ MD5: 65d3a011070e91b35113a075a80cdeac ]
#        SL            0.09  Module::Implementation                                                          [ MD5: 2a146bb117cd6b798e2b928231799546 ]
#        SL           0.014  Module::Runtime                                                                 [ MD5: fb1d248a05a99e7fc65e99178bce0c5b ]
#        SL        2.003001  Moo                                                                             [ MD5: 28da1d8d558f18d4c2dffae551c7bc1a ]
#        SL                  Moo::HandleMoose                                                                [ MD5: ed0b031e284427345cf74a5e883683e1 ]
#        SL                  Moo::HandleMoose::FakeMetaClass                                                 [ MD5: a8fa6ab2dcc260ba042b78de3e410644 ]
#        SL                  Moo::Object                                                                     [ MD5: 454a78f98f0239ac4044db19f07e8567 ]
#        SL                  Moo::sification                                                                 [ MD5: 061e62ee1cc9fa0d4877ea1b7d2aabb0 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose                                                                           [ MD5: 10b81620a47a0a0dba3bd3a54bc8e273 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Deprecated                                                               [ MD5: bbebaf35228e4ba0001b6fb844f34443 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Exporter                                                                 [ MD5: 629a038b60431e0d2f2c37def9a01b01 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Attribute                                                          [ MD5: 0ec2693432eab5dd544af75b28966286 ]
#                    2.1403  Moose::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Moose                                         ! -f $INC{'Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/'}
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native                                                  [ MD5: 571828f78d8a09c17a93d1fc908fe8fc ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Class                                                              [ MD5: 46690e27d4f3a3ca1243824c412f6101 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Class::Immutable::Trait                                            [ MD5: ecbdf0972a6e1db60a8990240693ba1f ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Instance                                                           [ MD5: fa7c4b970a81b7fe2849724d7f8fc6a4 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method                                                             [ MD5: d3fd8188cdc6293cab01a83988905ba6 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor                                                   [ MD5: d76683c23138fd46a5414900892a9f4b ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Augmented                                                  [ MD5: 3de96f4ab55545cec22c0c424cf112b2 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Constructor                                                [ MD5: c04e1bb0602d781f694d37a1892a0bf2 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation                                                 [ MD5: 84052b9d122feaf9908bd7c957cd2042 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Destructor                                                 [ MD5: 50665cbddd2d305a19afd29fb8eaec0f ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Meta                                                       [ MD5: 79a63ae9889880a789e19f63194a4ccd ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Method::Overridden                                                 [ MD5: 9a48be97d9c86f863a138809219e01a8 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Mixin::AttributeCore                                               [ MD5: 74859a08813a815b06d86ae03d9e6100 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Object::Trait                                                      [ MD5: fc261fd461e7e6906af0e371de4ad8e5 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role                                                               [ MD5: c218b023cc879a009f0e173f69e6dd8b ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Application                                                  [ MD5: 62d0a1ad21abc186988f7fa9691b45a4 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation                                   [ MD5: 9b0bcff9d4edc3c88b8afe06f7744ee8 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToClass                                         [ MD5: d9daf35a3b5ec7701b96243717d58396 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToInstance                                      [ MD5: e98e049ec3792b4e24b5608fdc3b0dba ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToRole                                          [ MD5: bae27a61c1904dbf4df8117285bb199e ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Attribute                                                    [ MD5: f18fe0770545a97f66d4d98d8f974ed6 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Composite                                                    [ MD5: 65fc5863affe9854f56f965fb448d67d ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Method                                                       [ MD5: b470608cd54713ecdde159feca455123 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Conflicting                                          [ MD5: 5b0e88e8389737a0fded57eec7905fd9 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required                                             [ MD5: 9a2510a7714c5366aa850e242ab9e732 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion                                                       [ MD5: 4cad8b48da0cd1abc2c865ded1eb557a ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion::Union                                                [ MD5: 4a9ffd800b28218f8be941634f79ab06 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint                                                     [ MD5: 0b7a2ea93801fd65bb026bc2a90010c7 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Class                                              [ MD5: 7375a7ddf5d43eb43c7c15805d0d5cd6 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::DuckType                                           [ MD5: fe8f1758ec9473bf6b1337d25db9de72 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Enum                                               [ MD5: 56b716fb059fff59e5b11a5080e38173 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterizable                                    [ MD5: 0e02097ccfbc2daaf1706ef5add9ae21 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterized                                      [ MD5: 43c3507c21e9486467f0cb0aa0bf8eea ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Registry                                           [ MD5: 32f6a857aba7c735d2e76c5c9cbe3206 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Role                                               [ MD5: 4d621d0761cd4c9b23d0ab1b961cfb22 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Union                                              [ MD5: e7d6e9e8a955c36717defa300f6d659e ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Object                                                                   [ MD5: 9dfff6e86c3e30ff5f05ef2dc47396d0 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Role                                                                     [ MD5: 01d19c25ad232d50ddf5c86961c1260e ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Util                                                                     [ MD5: 8aeec47e7f993bdab374a8577961925e ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Util::MetaRole                                                           [ MD5: b92faeb029046f267f018a5d144e1504 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Util::TypeConstraints                                                    [ MD5: 4635aa927e6205c25101e560f96e9406 ]
#        SA          2.2004  Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::Builtins                                          [ MD5: 92a772131279c3b9c8cd368b7d474e3b ]
#        PA            1.18  mro                                                                             [ MD5: 93660969c79eb0ef068b3b7ffb78ede5 ]
#        SL            0.12  MRO::Compat                                                                     [ MD5: baa26363fce54b680b27331693f0bf47 ]
#        SL            0.28  namespace::autoclean                                                            [ MD5: bcf7b7af396c62ab1bbcec0a42fdb1c3 ]
#        SL            0.27  namespace::clean                                                                [ MD5: f3e03f7f5f26391565d98357834e909b ]
#        PL            1.26  overload                                                                        [ MD5: 3c13b1c95b630670a05772446e1d3258 ]
#        PL            0.02  overloading                                                                     [ MD5: 36e1b34f8175e036d57e51fd7d56becd ]
#        SL            0.17  Package::DeprecationManager                                                     [ MD5: 93dddddd7913b016f00963197be1c5f1 ]
#        SL            0.37  Package::Stash                                                                  [ MD5: e40c05afed4074ecb0455b05316523e8 ]
#        SA            0.28  Package::Stash::XS                                                              [ MD5: 5bafa791645794b7b7072bdefd80d787 ]
#        SA            1.07  Params::Util                                                                    [ MD5: dae515c40e02b36de308e51ddf0e8edd ]
#        SA            1.26  Params::Validate                                                                [ MD5: 88918019bb15fbdf79a9ef0c695ca79f ]
#        SA            1.26  Params::Validate::Constants                                                     [ MD5: 099bdf14fc5680a6c4ee1528e89163d7 ]
#        SA            1.26  Params::Validate::XS                                                            [ MD5: 231f171870626e99e95647d94219fa90 ]
#        SL            0.23  Params::ValidationCompiler                                                      [ MD5: 81562b3622525ec15735e2498a9336c5 ]
#        SL            0.23  Params::ValidationCompiler::Compiler                                            [ MD5: 69ac7acabbdb3f3ebfedf01149d998c8 ]
#        SL            1.42  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::BadArguments                             [ MD5: ba45056932b7ffe2b13998ba089ad93f ]
#        SL            1.42  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Extra                             [ MD5: ba45056932b7ffe2b13998ba089ad93f ]
#        SL            1.42  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Required                          [ MD5: ba45056932b7ffe2b13998ba089ad93f ]
#        SL            1.42  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Extra                        [ MD5: ba45056932b7ffe2b13998ba089ad93f ]
#        SL            1.42  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Required                     [ MD5: ba45056932b7ffe2b13998ba089ad93f ]
#        SL            1.42  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::ValidationFailedForMooseTypeConstraint   [ MD5: ba45056932b7ffe2b13998ba089ad93f ]
#        SL            0.23  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exceptions                                          [ MD5: 3bb3d948b090844011d04e46ef8f84fb ]
#        PL           0.234  parent                                                                          [ MD5: bc8ab538eb7a4ef2fce1962729785f0f ]
#        SL            0.37  Path::Class                                                                     [ MD5: 62b3248e0d25291933a8d0f09e731547 ]
#        SL            0.37  Path::Class::Dir                                                                [ MD5: 9b7bd783037e1e812d6a82d62bcecb92 ]
#        SL            0.37  Path::Class::Entity                                                             [ MD5: 8e14d34b8f5a0909736e9bdaac460848 ]
#        SL            0.37  Path::Class::File                                                               [ MD5: b7f9029ac9e90dc1d509a95d12103c69 ]
#                  5.024000  perl                                                                            [ MD5: 8add41ea5cff53956f3b5435737f4394 ]
#        PL            1.09  PerlIO                                                                          [ MD5: d39a87a60835f4adf917148eef5e0c79 ]
#        SL            0.23  Pod::Coverage                                                                   [ MD5: d53035083682c2a78d56d998ad7239d2 ]
#        PL            1.07  Pod::Escapes                                                                    [ MD5: 66b73dccf48caa9ab161e8c3805cf955 ]
#        PL            1.63  Pod::Find                                                                       [ MD5: 1e09437d4c107f7ef2690f6b9995dbd7 ]
#        PL            1.63  Pod::InputObjects                                                               [ MD5: 6b7a4d75d42c87da3929354fafa2a5a6 ]
#        PL            1.63  Pod::Parser                                                                     [ MD5: 9b166f82ac0afacbb4e2c0140725f29d ]
#        PL            3.32  Pod::Simple                                                                     [ MD5: 051123d355bbb1cd8bd301ad96a6ced1 ]
#        PL            3.32  Pod::Simple::BlackBox                                                           [ MD5: ef5a556fc819cea04af2627668841d24 ]
#        PL            3.32  Pod::Simple::LinkSection                                                        [ MD5: 267299a71079c87c2bf57ac003dcbe6f ]
#        PA            1.65  POSIX                                                                           [ MD5: 8afd83645ecd0f3ded2f84c492084eab ]
#        PA            0.32  re                                                                              [ MD5: 58cc6192d560d203d7ec359c37c1f6a3 ]
#        SL        2.000005  Role::Tiny                                                                      [ MD5: 755b1d9f4002fda0230aaf57596f5402 ]
#        SL        2.000005  Role::Tiny::With                                                                [ MD5: 5116a125b643bdb3b1ab3a74a5e40af4 ]
#        SA            1.47  Scalar::Util                                                                    [ MD5: f3c089157aadb2b9cb1219f456983d10 ]
#        SL            0.21  Scope::Guard                                                                    [ MD5: 914494bdeb65cd340f14eae265635cf2 ]
#        PL            1.02  SelectSaver                                                                     [ MD5: bddc465e351ad0508581b94ef112d322 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio                                                                          [ MD5: 397312de2a58bc03c2e6fdd310947c50 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Coercion                                                                [ MD5: c758c9375aafcaccae7c8f671c9b793d ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Constraint::AnyCan                                                      [ MD5: fb714e93bde9a3c1374434dbe084d8b3 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Constraint::Enum                                                        [ MD5: 7c527d7e57f38ea31a29070f9d985936 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Constraint::ObjectCan                                                   [ MD5: 9102471eac6d2a55ff77ecd686b7a95a ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Constraint::ObjectIsa                                                   [ MD5: a38d09a4d9f044663da89e9dc44c668b ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Constraint::Parameterizable                                             [ MD5: 5cedf0a3d42242d5d1c1352082b544a0 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Constraint::Parameterized                                               [ MD5: 7e1b39a9eda3647bc8a6896e9e1283d6 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Constraint::Role::CanType                                               [ MD5: e642c47c6732a94f677c8dd5b98b143b ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Constraint::Role::Interface                                             [ MD5: c8f8eb305adfc09bdfe50da91de1a813 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Constraint::Role::IsaType                                               [ MD5: 045623a96a69669359b439f5d61fcf45 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Constraint::Simple                                                      [ MD5: 1d3ff021f811fa7aa8dde1d6a668a9f0 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Constraint::Union                                                       [ MD5: 195226fbba9295dc3c2afc0165fe9d7f ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Declare                                                                 [ MD5: 1cd95446b4d7f869a2cffb77d87ba2f4 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::DeclaredAt                                                              [ MD5: 0bbdcb008505fe4875df24e45cf9ffe6 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Exception                                                               [ MD5: f812bf0f518f886716592087d342cdbb ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Exporter                                                                [ MD5: d4da5792f6da5ee669dfeb07ccf6ce56 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Helpers                                                                 [ MD5: f200cce482186cf9794d9a8798432935 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Library::Builtins                                                       [ MD5: 67906a8795a3d129b1cf84d567c6b9fa ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Library::Numeric                                                        [ MD5: 622ce0dabbd2cd2fa2034fa1024526c2 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Library::String                                                         [ MD5: b0c08201812c42ece2ac0dd989c457fc ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::OO                                                                      [ MD5: cefc55e20754108cd57b69a9e4f87ce6 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::PartialDump                                                             [ MD5: e62aa1a9f6bc7fb43a65ab1b20edbe18 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Registry                                                                [ MD5: cde9f29a4dd86a20c621cfd087fb20e1 ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::Role::Inlinable                                                         [ MD5: 7006f032290a63543bd2714ea42ff02e ]
#        SL            0.36  Specio::TypeChecks                                                              [ MD5: f344b3d5d54420e8993f6b261b6ba8ad ]
#        SL            1.81  SQL::Abstract                                                                   [ MD5: 671c03f308e5755d2b8ef3b1fe698685 ]
#        PA            2.56  Storable                                                                        [ MD5: e6ef4e3996b214ad31b3f6b2f18315fa ]
#        PL            1.11  strict                                                                          [ MD5: 441328c7ffbbe42a0226ec65bde71715 ]
#        SL        2.003001  Sub::Defer                                                                      [ MD5: 8c8a1a6879473fa9c3d675a7b5eadc0b ]
#        SL           0.987  Sub::Exporter                                                                   [ MD5: aa6b0dc0ffcf3831d4cee7da6d7e8330 ]
#        SL        0.001013  Sub::Exporter::Progressive                                                      [ MD5: 5f37412f2438f87c7b088c7b2e6dd8ab ]
#        SL           0.987  Sub::Exporter::Util                                                             [ MD5: 9bfd22ab1afa835541f6a7d298ab90fc ]
#        SA            0.12  Sub::Identify                                                                   [ MD5: 9dc08f208a43dde109c691301d1578eb ]
#        SL           0.928  Sub::Install                                                                    [ MD5: f077d4c445e5cceebd5aab8460fd2d5e ]
#        SA            0.21  Sub::Name                                                                       [ MD5: f03f7cf0bb678e86d57149b9037b8970 ]
#        SL        2.003001  Sub::Quote                                                                      [ MD5: f6d42cf3dbd389c78bb46d528e353800 ]
#        SA            1.47  Sub::Util                                                                       [ MD5: 1503a5e9b3273f9d223c2b3d0fcf6eab ]
#        PL            1.07  Symbol                                                                          [ MD5: 083c3fe866ec1be9c84540b9ac8e6eee ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::API                                                                      [ MD5: ae21d77495b524d16ccdec50168a43cd ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::API::Context                                                             [ MD5: 92e2e7f8aa63e0829fe76e253775ce69 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::API::Instance                                                            [ MD5: 327378d470ac4742504556dd0728019f ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::API::Stack                                                               [ MD5: 804bca31bfaa13446cd109efe6ae2aaf ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Event                                                                    [ MD5: f160dd251a93904efd7d26bebf2fada5 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Event::Bail                                                              [ MD5: 1df7e28bed31b75d6f495aa600dabc42 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Event::Diag                                                              [ MD5: c8ecdba21ce5645aea33216b1ffae63e ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Event::Exception                                                         [ MD5: 6648d4d08caa9d790379afde67a32087 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Event::Info                                                              [ MD5: 792acd836e243f95e5a5c9921d34282d ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Event::Note                                                              [ MD5: a82bf9681e93134dd614412e753c522b ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Event::Ok                                                                [ MD5: a83a386c795039ff7839a8966cb6bc7f ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Event::Plan                                                              [ MD5: bc6aaab3dc0007ca19b3e46c9d88bfd3 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Event::Skip                                                              [ MD5: 1d8e05026fb5691ba77fb1d3e889ee14 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Event::Subtest                                                           [ MD5: 28ac6d07773315705744d3bfea358454 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Event::Waiting                                                           [ MD5: 5cace7b720e3ec3f7ee92c1a0dae7bb2 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Formatter                                                                [ MD5: d8ad7a9fb4881ce45ca27411fa5d03c2 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Formatter::TAP                                                           [ MD5: 4db91bd964605c66f64f2bf28cc43f35 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Hub                                                                      [ MD5: abe45d425d110ffcfe5c471d1541c827 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Hub::Interceptor                                                         [ MD5: fe49f30de4ec74487e42c13b14a7503c ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Hub::Interceptor::Terminator                                             [ MD5: adf095858108128d8a4e8c846577547e ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Hub::Subtest                                                             [ MD5: 8c4c2b5eaa7cb29916be07c194c49c35 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Util                                                                     [ MD5: 0a9e9eb2e5480df18db4e1634d36b4f5 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Util::ExternalMeta                                                       [ MD5: 26cd7f7249f6104332e498fe507bd6ed ]
#        SL           0.002  Test2::Util::HashBase                                                           [ MD5: 1d40b9fc9546ef50625d3e685a54068d ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test2::Util::Trace                                                              [ MD5: 35ef34e8c9d4cb50b3a5396466eafa57 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test::Builder                                                                   [ MD5: 13d9de5690eaf5ce2e998d9608972c0e ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test::Builder::Formatter                                                        [ MD5: bc155651b87424aadb642a8d924fecb2 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test::Builder::Module                                                           [ MD5: 0c1cc5dc1f2688c43f5668c468742e9f ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test::Builder::TodoDiag                                                         [ MD5: b6301f8483b94d6298a0a55bdde4a36e ]
#        SA          2.2004  Test::Moose                                                                     [ MD5: 96d423d1bed5ad24afc19209e1b2c820 ]
#        SL        1.302078  Test::More                                                                      [ MD5: 744cd9c992e64eb847e2a0e2ebbe231f ]
#        SL            1.51  Test::Pod                                                                       [ MD5: efb912ca5d0e3c57e132e039190ef4d1 ]
#        SL            1.10  Test::Pod::Coverage                                                             [ MD5: b751ee701f87277a9013c485f474424e ]
#        PL            1.05  Tie::Hash                                                                       [ MD5: acc4709f0adb89bef2863771b6995d2b ]
#        PA          1.9741  Time::HiRes                                                                     [ MD5: 1d000317cf75b2f0496533568e8a2711 ]
#        SL            0.28  Try::Tiny                                                                       [ MD5: 53090a582032d6f4bb682dbbfa545876 ]
#        SL             1.0  Types::Serialiser                                                               [ MD5: b409e70ebab79d5b48b44dde9574b411 ]
#        PL            1.19  utf8                                                                            [ MD5: 1e81482deb175e2b15443c5223ec2e17 ]
#        SA            0.61  Variable::Magic                                                                 [ MD5: 1ed36b259c5ee4b761dc107487cbdfd6 ]
#        PL            1.03  vars                                                                            [ MD5: 613c5318b87aa69b1145ca028f964445 ]
#        PL          0.9916  version                                                                         [ MD5: e3326a627b8b8baa94eed1a7e6efaba9 ]
#        PL          0.9916  version::regex                                                                  [ MD5: 498e6aa9fa74d8333fe57fc669ea0939 ]
#        PL            1.36  warnings                                                                        [ MD5: 9bfcbe3034e5e73e47aaf86c9b39616b ]
#        PL            1.04  warnings::register                                                              [ MD5: 2d8f6ce093a2176b982c0e12c0194b3b ]
#        SA            0.24  XSLoader                                                                        [ MD5: 72da868415a8e2600860bf1c534d490d ]
# =============================
# List of loadable modules within both the core and *OPTIONAL* dependency chains
# present on this system (modules sourced from ./blib, ./lib, ./t, and ./xt
# with versions identical to their parent namespace were omitted for brevity)
#     *** Note that *MANY* of these modules will *NEVER* be loaded ***
#             *** during normal operation of DBIx::Class ***
t/00describe_environment.t .......................... ok
t/04_c3_mro.t ....................................... ok
t/05components.t .................................... ok
t/100extra_source.t ................................. ok
t/100populate.t ..................................... ok
t/101populate_rs.t .................................. ok
t/101source.t ....................................... ok
t/102load_classes.t ................................. ok
t/103many_to_many_warning.t ......................... ok
t/104view.t ......................................... ok
t/106dbic_carp.t .................................... ok
t/107obj_result_class.t ............................. ok
t/18insert_default.t ................................ ok
t/19retrieve_on_insert.t ............................ ok
t/20setuperrors.t ................................... ok
t/26dumper.t ........................................ ok
t/33exception_wrap.t ................................ ok
t/34exception_action.t .............................. ok
t/35exception_inaction.t ............................ ok
t/39load_namespaces_1.t ............................. ok
t/39load_namespaces_2.t ............................. ok
t/39load_namespaces_3.t ............................. ok
t/39load_namespaces_4.t ............................. ok
t/39load_namespaces_exception.t ..................... ok
t/39load_namespaces_rt41083.t ....................... ok
t/39load_namespaces_stress.t ........................ ok
t/40compose_connection.t ............................ ok
t/40resultsetmanager.t .............................. ok
t/46where_attribute.t ............................... ok
t/50fork.t .......................................... skipped: Test needs DBD::Pg (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/51threadnodb.t .................................... ok
t/51threads.t ....................................... skipped: Test needs DBD::Pg (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/51threadtxn.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_PG_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test (note: creates and drops a table named artist!)
t/52leaks.t ......................................... ok
t/53lean_startup.t .................................. ok
t/55namespaces_cleaned.t ............................ ok
t/60core.t .......................................... ok
t/61findnot.t ....................................... ok
t/63register_class.t ................................ ok
t/63register_column.t ............................... ok
t/63register_source.t ............................... ok
t/64db.t ............................................ ok
t/65multipk.t ....................................... ok
t/67pager.t ......................................... ok
t/69update.t ........................................ ok
t/70auto.t .......................................... ok
t/71mysql.t ......................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MYSQL_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/72pg.t ............................................ skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_PG_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/72pg_bytea.t ...................................... skipped: Test needs DBD::Pg (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/73oracle.t ........................................ skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test.
t/73oracle_blob.t ................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test.
t/73oracle_hq.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test.
t/745db2.t .......................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_DB2_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/746db2_400.t ...................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_DB2_400_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/746mssql.t ........................................ skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_ODBC_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/746sybase.t ....................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_SYBASE_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test. Warning: This test drops and creates the tables: 'artist', 'money_test' and 'bindtype_test'
t/747mssql_ado.t .................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_ADO_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/748informix.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_INFORMIX_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/749sqlanywhere.t .................................. skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_ODBC_DSN},
t/74mssql.t ......................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/750firebird.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_INTERBASE_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_ODBC_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run these tests. WARNING: this test creates and drops the tables "artist", "bindtype_test" and "sequence_test"; the generators "gen_artist_artistid", "pkid1_seq", "pkid2_seq" and "nonpkid_seq" and the trigger "artist_bi".
t/751msaccess.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ODBC_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ADO_DSN} (and optionally _USER and _PASS) to run these tests.
t/752sqlite.t ....................................... ok
t/76joins.t ......................................... ok
t/76select.t ........................................ ok
t/77join_count.t .................................... ok
t/78self_referencial.t .............................. ok
t/79aliasing.t ...................................... ok
t/80unique.t ........................................ ok
t/82cascade_copy.t .................................. ok
t/83cache.t ......................................... ok
t/84serialize.t ..................................... ok
t/85utf8.t .......................................... ok
t/86might_have.t .................................... ok
t/86sqlt.t .......................................... skipped: Test needs SQL::Translator >= 0.11018 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/87ordered.t ....................................... ok
t/88result_set_column.t ............................. ok
t/90ensure_class_loaded.t ........................... ok
t/90join_torture.t .................................. ok
t/91merge_joinpref_attr.t ........................... ok
t/93autocast.t ...................................... ok
t/93single_accessor_object.t ........................ ok
t/94pk_mutation.t ................................... ok
t/94versioning.t .................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MYSQL_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/96_is_deteministic_value.t ........................ ok
t/97result_class.t .................................. ok
t/99dbic_sqlt_parser.t .............................. skipped: Test needs SQL::Translator >= 0.11018 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/admin/01load.t .................................... skipped: Test needs JSON::Any >= 1.23, MooseX::Types >= 0.21, MooseX::Types::JSON >= 0.02, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011, MooseX::Types::Path::Class >= 0.05 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/admin/02ddl.t ..................................... skipped: Test needs JSON::Any >= 1.23, MooseX::Types >= 0.21, MooseX::Types::JSON >= 0.02, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011, MooseX::Types::Path::Class >= 0.05 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/admin/03data.t .................................... skipped: Test needs JSON::Any >= 1.23, MooseX::Types >= 0.21, MooseX::Types::JSON >= 0.02, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011, MooseX::Types::Path::Class >= 0.05 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/admin/10script.t .................................. skipped: Test needs Cpanel::JSON::XS, JSON::Any >= 1.31, JSON::DWIW, MooseX::Types >= 0.21, MooseX::Types::JSON >= 0.02, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011, MooseX::Types::Path::Class >= 0.05, Text::CSV >= 1.16
t/cdbi/01-columns.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/02-Film.t .................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/03-subclassing.t ............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/04-lazy.t .................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/06-hasa.t .................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/08-inheritcols.t ............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/09-has_many.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/11-triggers.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/12-filter.t .................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/13-constraint.t .............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/14-might_have.t .............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/15-accessor.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/16-reserved.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/18-has_a.t ................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/19-set_sql.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/21-iterator.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/22-deflate_order.t ........................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/22-self_referential.t ........................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/23-cascade.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/24-meta_info.t ............................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/26-mutator.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/30-pager.t ................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/68-inflate_has_a.t ........................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/70_implicit_inflate.t ........................ skipped: Test needs DateTime::Format::SQLite
t/cdbi/71_column_object.t ........................... skipped: The tested functionality is only available in Class::DBI >= 3.0.5
t/cdbi/98-failure.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/abstract/search_where.t ...................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/columns_as_hashes.t .......................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/columns_dont_override_custom_accessors.t ..... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/construct.t .................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/copy.t ....................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/DeepAbstractSearch/01_search.t ............... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/early_column_heisenbug.t ..................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/has_many_loads_foreign_class.t ............... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/hasa_without_loading.t ....................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/max_min_value_of.t ........................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/mk_group_accessors.t ......................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/multi_column_set.t ........................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/object_cache.t ............................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/retrieve_from_sql_with_limit.t ............... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/set_to_undef.t ............................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/set_vs_DateTime.t ............................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/sweet/08pager.t .............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/count/count_rs.t .................................. ok
t/count/distinct.t .................................. ok
t/count/group_by_func.t ............................. ok
t/count/grouped_pager.t ............................. ok
t/count/in_subquery.t ............................... ok
t/count/joined.t .................................... ok
t/count/prefetch.t .................................. ok
t/count/search_related.t ............................ ok
t/delete/cascade_missing.t .......................... ok
t/delete/complex.t .................................. ok
t/delete/m2m.t ...................................... ok
t/delete/related.t .................................. ok
t/discard_changes_in_DESTROY.t ...................... ok
t/inflate/core.t .................................... ok
t/inflate/datetime.t ................................ skipped: DT inflation tests need DateTime::Format::SQLite
t/inflate/datetime_determine_parser.t ............... skipped: Test needs DateTime::Format::SQLite
t/inflate/datetime_firebird.t ....................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_INTERBASE_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_ODBC_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run these tests. WARNING: This test drops and creates a table called 'event'
t/inflate/datetime_informix.t ....................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_INFORMIX_DSN} _USER and _PASS to run this test'.
t/inflate/datetime_missing_deps.t ................... ok
t/inflate/datetime_msaccess.t ....................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ODBC_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ADO_DSN} (and optionally _USER and _PASS) to run these tests.
t/inflate/datetime_mssql.t .......................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_ODBC_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_ADO_DSN} _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/inflate/datetime_mysql.t .......................... skipped: Inflation tests need DateTime::Format::MySQL
t/inflate/datetime_oracle.t ......................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test. Warning: This test drops and creates a table called 'event'
t/inflate/datetime_pg.t ............................. skipped: Test needs DateTime::Format::Pg >= 0.16004
t/inflate/datetime_sqlanywhere.t .................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_ODBC_DSN}
t/inflate/datetime_sybase.t ......................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_SYBASE_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/inflate/file_column.t ............................. ok
t/inflate/hri.t ..................................... ok
t/inflate/hri_torture.t ............................. ok
t/inflate/serialize.t ............................... ok
t/multi_create/cd_single.t .......................... ok
t/multi_create/diamond.t ............................ ok
t/multi_create/existing_in_chain.t .................. ok
t/multi_create/find_or_multicreate.t ................ ok
t/multi_create/has_many.t ........................... ok
t/multi_create/in_memory.t .......................... ok
t/multi_create/insert_defaults.t .................... ok
t/multi_create/m2m.t ................................ ok
t/multi_create/multilev_single_PKeqFK.t ............. ok
t/multi_create/reentrance_count.t ................... skipped: Disable test entirely until multicreate is rewritten in terms of subqueries
t/multi_create/standard.t ........................... ok
t/multi_create/torture.t ............................ ok
t/ordered/cascade_delete.t .......................... ok
t/ordered/unordered_movement.t ...................... ok
t/prefetch/attrs_untouched.t ........................ ok
t/prefetch/correlated.t ............................. ok
t/prefetch/count.t .................................. ok
t/prefetch/diamond.t ................................ ok
t/prefetch/double_prefetch.t ........................ ok
t/prefetch/empty_cache.t ............................ ok
t/prefetch/false_colvalues.t ........................ ok
t/prefetch/grouped.t ................................ ok
t/prefetch/incomplete.t ............................. ok
t/prefetch/join_type.t .............................. ok
t/prefetch/lazy_cursor.t ............................ ok
t/prefetch/manual.t ................................. ok
t/prefetch/multiple_hasmany.t ....................... ok
t/prefetch/multiple_hasmany_torture.t ............... ok
t/prefetch/o2m_o2m_order_by_with_limit.t ............ ok
t/prefetch/one_to_many_to_one.t ..................... ok
t/prefetch/refined_search_on_relation.t ............. ok
t/prefetch/restricted_children_set.t ................ ok
t/prefetch/standard.t ............................... ok
t/prefetch/via_search_related.t ..................... ok
t/prefetch/with_limit.t ............................. ok
t/relationship/after_update.t ....................... ok
t/relationship/core.t ............................... ok
t/relationship/custom.t ............................. ok
t/relationship/custom_opaque.t ...................... ok
t/relationship/custom_with_null_in_cond.t ........... ok
t/relationship/doesnt_exist.t ....................... ok
t/relationship/dynamic_foreign_columns.t ............ ok
t/relationship/info.t ............................... ok
t/relationship/malformed_declaration.t .............. ok
t/relationship/proxy.t .............................. ok
t/relationship/set_column_on_fk.t ................... ok
t/relationship/unresolvable.t ....................... ok
t/relationship/update_or_create_multi.t ............. ok
t/relationship/update_or_create_single.t ............ ok
t/resultset/as_query.t .............................. ok
t/resultset/as_subselect_rs.t ....................... ok
t/resultset/bind_attr.t ............................. ok
t/resultset/find_on_subquery_cond.t ................. ok
t/resultset/inflate_result_api.t .................... ok
t/resultset/inflatemap_abuse.t ...................... ok
t/resultset/is_ordered.t ............................ ok
t/resultset/is_paged.t .............................. ok
t/resultset/nulls_only.t ............................ ok
t/resultset/plus_select.t ........................... ok
t/resultset/rowparser_internals.t ................... ok
t/resultset/update_delete.t ......................... ok
t/resultset_class.t ................................. ok
t/resultset_overload.t .............................. ok
t/resultsource/bare_resultclass_exception.t ......... ok
t/resultsource/set_primary_key.t .................... ok
t/row/copy_with_extra_selection.t ................... ok
t/row/filter_column.t ............................... ok
t/row/find_one_has_many.t ........................... ok
t/row/inflate_result.t .............................. ok
t/row/pkless.t ...................................... ok
t/row/set_extra_column.t ............................ ok
t/schema/anon.t ..................................... ok
t/schema/clone.t .................................... ok
t/search/deprecated_attributes.t .................... ok
t/search/distinct.t ................................. ok
t/search/empty_attrs.t .............................. ok
t/search/preserve_original_rs.t ..................... ok
t/search/reentrancy.t ............................... ok
t/search/related_has_many.t ......................... ok
t/search/related_strip_prefetch.t ................... ok
t/search/select_chains.t ............................ ok
t/search/select_chains_unbalanced.t ................. ok
t/search/stack_cond.t ............................... ok
t/search/subquery.t ................................. ok
t/search/void.t ..................................... ok
t/sqlmaker/bind_transport.t ......................... ok
t/sqlmaker/core.t ................................... ok
t/sqlmaker/core_quoted.t ............................ ok
t/sqlmaker/dbihacks_internals.t ..................... ok
t/sqlmaker/hierarchical/oracle.t .................... skipped: Test needs Math::Base36 >= 0.07
t/sqlmaker/legacy_joins.t ........................... ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/basic.t ................... ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/custom.t .................. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/fetch_first.t ............. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/first_skip.t .............. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/generic_subq.t ............ ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/mssql_torture.t ........... ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/rno.t ..................... ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/rownum.t .................. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/skip_first.t .............. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/toplimit.t ................ ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/torture.t ................. ok
t/sqlmaker/literal_with_bind.t ...................... ok
t/sqlmaker/msaccess.t ............................... ok
t/sqlmaker/mysql.t .................................. ok
t/sqlmaker/nest_deprec.t ............................ ok
t/sqlmaker/oracle.t ................................. skipped: Test needs Math::Base36 >= 0.07
t/sqlmaker/oraclejoin.t ............................. skipped: Test needs Math::Base36 >= 0.07
t/sqlmaker/order_by_bindtransport.t ................. ok
t/sqlmaker/order_by_func.t .......................... ok
t/sqlmaker/pg.t ..................................... ok
t/sqlmaker/quotes.t ................................. ok
t/sqlmaker/sqlite.t ................................. ok
t/storage/base.t .................................... ok
t/storage/cursor.t .................................. ok
t/storage/dbh_do.t .................................. ok
t/storage/dbi_coderef.t ............................. ok
t/storage/dbi_env.t ................................. ok
t/storage/dbic_pretty.t ............................. skipped: Test needs JSON::Any >= 1.23
t/storage/debug.t ................................... ok
t/storage/deploy.t .................................. skipped: Test needs SQL::Translator >= 0.11018 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/storage/deprecated_exception_source_bind_attrs.t .. ok
t/storage/disable_sth_caching.t ..................... ok
t/storage/error.t ................................... ok
t/storage/exception.t ............................... ok
t/storage/global_destruction.t ...................... ok
t/storage/nobindvars.t .............................. ok
t/storage/on_connect_call.t ......................... ok
t/storage/on_connect_do.t ........................... ok
t/storage/ping_count.t .............................. ok
t/storage/prefer_stringification.t .................. ok
t/storage/quote_names.t ............................. ok
t/storage/reconnect.t ............................... ok
t/storage/replicated.t .............................. skipped: Test needs MooseX::Types >= 0.21, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011
t/storage/savepoints.t .............................. ok
t/storage/stats.t ................................... ok
t/storage/txn.t ..................................... ok
t/storage/txn_scope_guard.t ......................... ok
t/update/all.t ...................................... ok
t/update/ident_cond.t ............................... ok
t/update/type_aware.t ............................... ok
# 208 contributors made this library what it is today
# Distinguished patrons:
#   * ( 2014 ~ 2015 ) Henry Van Styn, creator of
t/zzzzzzz_authors.t ................................. ok
t/zzzzzzz_perl_perf_bug.t ........................... skipped: Skipping as system appears to be a smoker
t/zzzzzzz_sqlite_deadlock.t ......................... ok
xt/authors.t ........................................ ok
xt/dbictest_unlink_guard.t .......................... ok
xt/footers.t ........................................ ok
xt/old_envvars.t .................................... ok
xt/optional_deps.t .................................. ok
xt/pod.t ............................................ ok
xt/podcoverage.t .................................... ok
xt/quote_sub.t ...................................... ok
xt/standalone_testschema_resultclasses.t ............ ok
xt/strictures.t ..................................... skipped: Test needs: Test::Strict >= 0.20
xt/whitespace.t ..................................... skipped: Test needs: Test::EOL >= 1.0, Test::NoTabs >= 0.9
All tests successful.
Files=319, Tests=41339, 365 wallclock secs ( 3.57 usr  3.60 sys + 193.14 cusr 23.94 csys = 224.25 CPU)
Result: PASS


Prerequisite modules loaded:


    Module                   Need     Have    
    ------------------------ -------- --------
    Class::Accessor::Grouped 0.10012  0.10012 
    Class::C3::Componentised 1.0009   1.001000
    Class::Inspector         1.24     1.31    
    Config::Any              0.20     0.29    
    Context::Preserve        0.01     0.01    
    Data::Dumper::Concise    2.020    2.022   
    Data::Page               2.00     2.02    
    DBD::SQLite              1.29     1.54    
    DBI                      1.57     1.636   
    Devel::GlobalDestruction 0.09     0.14    
    File::Temp               0.22     0.2304  
    Hash::Merge              0.12     0.200   
    List::Util               1.16     1.47    
    Module::Find             0.07     0.13    
    Moo                      2.000    2.003001
    MRO::Compat              0.12     0.12    
    namespace::clean         0.24     0.27    
    Package::Stash           0.28     0.37    
    Path::Class              0.18     0.37    
    perl                     5.008001 5.024000
    Scope::Guard             0.03     0.21    
    SQL::Abstract            1.81     1.81    
    Sub::Name                0.04     0.21    
    Test::Deep               0.101    1.126   
    Test::Exception          0.31     0.43    
    Test::More               0.94     1.302078
    Test::Warn               0.21     0.32    
    Text::Balanced           2.00     2.03    
    Try::Tiny                0.07     0.28    


    Module                   Need     Have    
    ------------------------ -------- --------
    DBD::SQLite              1.29     1.54    
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker      6.59     7.24    
    File::Temp               0.22     0.2304  
    Package::Stash           0.28     0.37    
    Test::Deep               0.101    1.126   
    Test::Exception          0.31     0.43    
    Test::More               0.94     1.302078
    Test::Warn               0.21     0.32    


    Module                   Need     Have    
    ------------------------ -------- --------
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker      6.59     7.24    


Environment variables:

    LANG = en_US.UTF-8
    PATH = /home/sand/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/perl/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
    PERL5LIB = 
    PERL5OPT = 
    SHELL = /usr/bin/zsh
    TERM = screen

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    $^X = /home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93msid/v5.24.0/276a/bin/perl
    $UID/$EUID = 1005 / 1005
    $GID = 1005 1005
    $EGID = 1005 1005

Perl module toolchain versions installed:

    Module              Have    
    ------------------- --------
    CPAN                2.17    
    CPAN::Meta          2.150010
    Cwd                 3.63    
    ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.280225
    ExtUtils::Command   7.24    
    ExtUtils::Install   2.04    
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.24    
    ExtUtils::Manifest  1.70    
    ExtUtils::ParseXS   3.31    
    File::Spec          3.63    
    JSON                2.90    
    JSON::PP            2.27300 
    Module::Build       0.4220  
    Module::Signature   0.81    
    Parse::CPAN::Meta   2.150010
    Test::Harness       3.38    
    Test::More          1.302078
    YAML                1.23    
    YAML::Syck          1.29    
    version             0.9916  


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 24 subversion 0) configuration:
  Derived from: be2c0c650b028f54e427f2469a59942edfdff8a9
    osname=linux, osvers=4.9.0-2-amd64, archname=x86_64-linux-thread-multi
    uname='linux k93msid 4.9.0-2-amd64 #1 smp debian 4.9.13-1 (2017-02-27) x86_64 gnulinux '
    config_args='-Dprefix=/home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93msid/v5.24.0/276a -Dmyhostname=k93msid -Dinstallusrbinperl=n -Uversiononly -Dusedevel -des -Ui_db -Dlibswanted=cl pthread socket inet nsl gdbm dbm malloc dl ld sun m crypt sec util c cposix posix ucb BSD gdbm_compat -Duseithreads -Uuselongdouble -DDEBUGGING=both'
    hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
    useithreads=define, usemultiplicity=define
    use64bitint=define, use64bitall=define, uselongdouble=undef
    usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
    cc='cc', ccflags ='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -fwrapv -DDEBUGGING -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64',
    optimize='-O2 -g',
    cppflags='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -fwrapv -DDEBUGGING -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -I/usr/local/include'
    ccversion='', gccversion='6.3.0 20170316', gccosandvers=''
    intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678, doublekind=3
    d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16, longdblkind=3
    ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
    alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='cc', ldflags =' -fstack-protector-strong -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/include-fixed /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib
    libs=-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
    perllibs=-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-Wl,-E'
    cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared -O2 -g -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector-strong'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
                        USE_64_BIT_ALL USE_64_BIT_INT USE_ITHREADS
  Locally applied patches:
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Mar 19 2017 07:21:47