DBI v1.645 Perl 5 v5.12.3 i386-freebsd-64int

Chris Williams (BINGOS)
DBI v1.645
Perl 5 v5.12.3 i386-freebsd-64int
2024-10-19 11:59:06
This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See
http://wiki.cpantesters.org/ for more information or email
questions to cpan-testers-discuss@perl.org


Dear H.Merijn Brand,

This is a computer-generated error report created automatically by
CPANPLUS, version 0.9914. Testers personal comments may appear
at the end of this report.

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  Congratulations!
All tests were successful.


Below is the error stack from stage 'make test':

"/home/cpan/pit/64bit/perl-5.12.3/bin/perl" -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e 'cp_nonempty' -- DBI.bs blib/arch/auto/DBI/DBI.bs 644
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/home/cpan/pit/64bit/perl-5.12.3/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
# --- Perl 5.012003 on i386-freebsd-64int
t/01basics.t .................... ok
	(in cleanup) dbih_getcom handle DBI::dr=HASH(0x20dba820) is not a DBI handle (has no magic) during global destruction.
t/02dbidrv.t .................... ok
t/03handle.t .................... ok
t/04mods.t ...................... ok
t/05concathash.t ................ ok
t/06attrs.t ..................... ok
t/07kids.t ...................... ok
t/08keeperr.t ................... ok
t/09trace.t ..................... ok
t/10examp.t ..................... ok
t/11fetch.t ..................... ok
t/12quote.t ..................... ok
t/13taint.t ..................... ok
t/14utf8.t ...................... ok
t/15array.t ..................... ok
t/16destroy.t ................... ok
t/17handle_error.t .............. ok
t/19fhtrace.t ................... ok
t/20meta.t ...................... ok
t/30subclass.t .................. ok
t/31methcache.t ................. ok
t/35thrclone.t .................. skipped: this freebsd perl 5.012003 not supported for DBI iThreads
t/40profile.t ................... ok
t/41prof_dump.t ................. ok
t/42prof_data.t ................. ok
t/43prof_env.t .................. ok
t/48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ......... ok
t/49dbd_file.t .................. ok
t/50dbm_simple.t ................ ok
t/51dbm_file.t .................. ok
t/52dbm_complex.t ............... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/53sqlengine_adv.t ............. ok
t/54_dbd_mem.t .................. ok
t/60preparse.t .................. ok
t/65transact.t .................. ok
t/70callbacks.t ................. ok
t/72childhandles.t .............. ok
t/73cachedkids.t ................ ok
t/80proxy.t ..................... skipped: modules required for proxy are probably not installed (e.g., RPC/PlClient.pm)
t/85gofer.t ..................... ok
t/86gofer_fail.t ................ ok
t/87gofer_cache.t ............... ok
t/90sql_type_cast.t ............. ok
t/91_store_warning.t ............ ok
# --- Perl 5.012003 on i386-freebsd-64int
t/zvg_01basics.t ................ ok
	(in cleanup) dbih_getcom handle DBI::dr=HASH(0x20db88d4) is not a DBI handle (has no magic) during global destruction.
t/zvg_02dbidrv.t ................ ok
t/zvg_03handle.t ................ ok
t/zvg_04mods.t .................. ok
t/zvg_05concathash.t ............ ok
t/zvg_06attrs.t ................. ok
t/zvg_07kids.t .................. ok
t/zvg_08keeperr.t ............... ok
t/zvg_09trace.t ................. ok
t/zvg_10examp.t ................. ok
t/zvg_11fetch.t ................. ok
t/zvg_12quote.t ................. ok
t/zvg_13taint.t ................. skipped: Taint attribute tests not functional with DBI_AUTOPROXY
t/zvg_14utf8.t .................. ok
t/zvg_15array.t ................. ok
t/zvg_16destroy.t ............... ok
t/zvg_17handle_error.t .......... ok
t/zvg_19fhtrace.t ............... ok
t/zvg_20meta.t .................. ok
t/zvg_30subclass.t .............. ok
t/zvg_31methcache.t ............. ok
t/zvg_35thrclone.t .............. skipped: this freebsd perl 5.012003 not supported for DBI iThreads
t/zvg_40profile.t ............... ok
t/zvg_41prof_dump.t ............. ok
t/zvg_42prof_data.t ............. ok
t/zvg_43prof_env.t .............. ok
t/zvg_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ..... ok
t/zvg_49dbd_file.t .............. ok
t/zvg_50dbm_simple.t ............ ok
t/zvg_51dbm_file.t .............. ok
t/zvg_52dbm_complex.t ........... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvg_53sqlengine_adv.t ......... skipped: Modifying driver state won't compute running behind Gofer
t/zvg_54_dbd_mem.t .............. skipped: modifying meta data doesn't work with Gofer-AutoProxy
t/zvg_60preparse.t .............. ok
t/zvg_65transact.t .............. skipped: Transactions not supported by DBD::Gofer
t/zvg_70callbacks.t ............. ok
t/zvg_72childhandles.t .......... ok
t/zvg_73cachedkids.t ............ ok
t/zvg_80proxy.t ................. skipped: modules required for proxy are probably not installed (e.g., RPC/PlClient.pm)
t/zvg_85gofer.t ................. ok
t/zvg_86gofer_fail.t ............ skipped: Gofer DBI_AUTOPROXY
t/zvg_87gofer_cache.t ........... skipped: Gofer DBI_AUTOPROXY
t/zvg_90sql_type_cast.t ......... ok
t/zvg_91_store_warning.t ........ ok
t/zvn_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ..... ok
t/zvn_49dbd_file.t .............. ok
t/zvn_50dbm_simple.t ............ ok
t/zvn_51dbm_file.t .............. ok
t/zvn_52dbm_complex.t ........... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvn_85gofer.t ................. ok
# --- Perl 5.012003 on i386-freebsd-64int
t/zvp_01basics.t ................ ok
t/zvp_02dbidrv.t ................ ok
t/zvp_03handle.t ................ ok
t/zvp_04mods.t .................. ok
t/zvp_05concathash.t ............ ok
t/zvp_06attrs.t ................. ok
t/zvp_07kids.t .................. skipped: $h->{Kids} attribute not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_08keeperr.t ............... ok
t/zvp_09trace.t ................. ok
t/zvp_10examp.t ................. ok
t/zvp_11fetch.t ................. ok
t/zvp_12quote.t ................. ok
t/zvp_13taint.t ................. skipped: Taint attributes not supported with DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_14utf8.t .................. ok
t/zvp_15array.t ................. ok
t/zvp_16destroy.t ............... ok
t/zvp_17handle_error.t .......... ok
t/zvp_19fhtrace.t ............... ok
t/zvp_20meta.t .................. ok
t/zvp_30subclass.t .............. ok
t/zvp_31methcache.t ............. ok
t/zvp_35thrclone.t .............. skipped: this freebsd perl 5.012003 not supported for DBI iThreads
t/zvp_40profile.t ............... skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_41prof_dump.t ............. skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_42prof_data.t ............. skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_43prof_env.t .............. skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ..... ok
t/zvp_49dbd_file.t .............. ok
t/zvp_50dbm_simple.t ............ ok
t/zvp_51dbm_file.t .............. ok
t/zvp_52dbm_complex.t ........... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvp_53sqlengine_adv.t ......... ok
t/zvp_54_dbd_mem.t .............. ok
t/zvp_60preparse.t .............. skipped: preparse not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_65transact.t .............. ok
t/zvp_70callbacks.t ............. skipped: $h->{Callbacks} attribute not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_72childhandles.t .......... ok
t/zvp_73cachedkids.t ............ ok
t/zvp_80proxy.t ................. skipped: modules required for proxy are probably not installed (e.g., RPC/PlClient.pm)
t/zvp_85gofer.t ................. ok
t/zvp_86gofer_fail.t ............ skipped: requires Callbacks which are not supported with PurePerl
t/zvp_87gofer_cache.t ........... ok
t/zvp_90sql_type_cast.t ......... ok
t/zvp_91_store_warning.t ........ ok
t/zvxgn_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ... ok
t/zvxgn_49dbd_file.t ............ ok
t/zvxgn_50dbm_simple.t .......... ok
t/zvxgn_51dbm_file.t ............ ok
t/zvxgn_52dbm_complex.t ......... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvxgn_85gofer.t ............... ok
t/zvxgnp_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t .. ok
t/zvxgnp_49dbd_file.t ........... ok
t/zvxgnp_50dbm_simple.t ......... ok
t/zvxgnp_51dbm_file.t ........... ok
t/zvxgnp_52dbm_complex.t ........ skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvxgnp_85gofer.t .............. ok
# --- Perl 5.012003 on i386-freebsd-64int
t/zvxgp_01basics.t .............. ok
t/zvxgp_02dbidrv.t .............. ok
t/zvxgp_03handle.t .............. ok
t/zvxgp_04mods.t ................ ok
t/zvxgp_05concathash.t .......... ok
t/zvxgp_06attrs.t ............... ok
t/zvxgp_07kids.t ................ skipped: $h->{Kids} attribute not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_08keeperr.t ............. ok
t/zvxgp_09trace.t ............... ok
t/zvxgp_10examp.t ............... ok
t/zvxgp_11fetch.t ............... ok
t/zvxgp_12quote.t ............... ok
t/zvxgp_13taint.t ............... skipped: Taint attributes not supported with DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_14utf8.t ................ ok
t/zvxgp_15array.t ............... ok
t/zvxgp_16destroy.t ............. ok
t/zvxgp_17handle_error.t ........ ok
t/zvxgp_19fhtrace.t ............. ok
t/zvxgp_20meta.t ................ ok
t/zvxgp_30subclass.t ............ ok
t/zvxgp_31methcache.t ........... ok
t/zvxgp_35thrclone.t ............ skipped: this freebsd perl 5.012003 not supported for DBI iThreads
t/zvxgp_40profile.t ............. skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_41prof_dump.t ........... skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_42prof_data.t ........... skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_43prof_env.t ............ skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ... ok
t/zvxgp_49dbd_file.t ............ ok
t/zvxgp_50dbm_simple.t .......... ok
t/zvxgp_51dbm_file.t ............ ok
t/zvxgp_52dbm_complex.t ......... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvxgp_53sqlengine_adv.t ....... skipped: Modifying driver state won't compute running behind Gofer
t/zvxgp_54_dbd_mem.t ............ skipped: modifying meta data doesn't work with Gofer-AutoProxy
t/zvxgp_60preparse.t ............ skipped: preparse not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_65transact.t ............ skipped: Transactions not supported by DBD::Gofer
t/zvxgp_70callbacks.t ........... skipped: $h->{Callbacks} attribute not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_72childhandles.t ........ ok
t/zvxgp_73cachedkids.t .......... ok
t/zvxgp_80proxy.t ............... skipped: modules required for proxy are probably not installed (e.g., RPC/PlClient.pm)
t/zvxgp_85gofer.t ............... ok
t/zvxgp_86gofer_fail.t .......... skipped: requires Callbacks which are not supported with PurePerl
t/zvxgp_87gofer_cache.t ......... skipped: Gofer DBI_AUTOPROXY
t/zvxgp_90sql_type_cast.t ....... ok
t/zvxgp_91_store_warning.t ...... ok
t/zvxnp_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ... ok
t/zvxnp_49dbd_file.t ............ ok
t/zvxnp_50dbm_simple.t .......... ok
t/zvxnp_51dbm_file.t ............ ok
t/zvxnp_52dbm_complex.t ......... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvxnp_85gofer.t ............... ok
All tests successful.
Files=200, Tests=9363, 200 wallclock secs ( 3.84 usr  1.59 sys + 147.63 cusr 41.73 csys = 194.79 CPU)
Result: PASS


Here is a list of prerequisites you specified and versions we
managed to load:

	  Module Name                        Have     Want
	  ExtUtils::MakeMaker                7.70     6.48
	  Test::Simple                   1.302199     0.90

Perl module toolchain versions installed:
	Module Name                        Have
	CPANPLUS                         0.9914
	CPANPLUS::Dist::Build              0.90
	Cwd                                3.75
	ExtUtils::CBuilder             0.280236
	ExtUtils::Command                  7.70
	ExtUtils::Install                  2.22
	ExtUtils::MakeMaker                7.70
	ExtUtils::Manifest                 1.75
	ExtUtils::ParseXS                  3.51
	File::Spec                         3.75
	Module::Build                    0.4234
	Pod::Parser                        1.37
	Pod::Simple                        3.14
	Test2                          1.302199
	Test::Harness                      3.48
	Test::More                     1.302199
	version                          0.9932

******************************** NOTE ********************************
The comments above are created mechanically, possibly without manual
checking by the sender.  As there are many people performing automatic
tests on each upload to CPAN, it is likely that you will receive
identical messages about the same problem.

If you believe that the message is mistaken, please reply to the first
one with correction and/or additional informations, and do not take
it personally.  We appreciate your patience. :)

Additional comments:

This report was machine-generated by CPANPLUS::Dist::YACSmoke 1.08.
Powered by minismokebox version 0.68

CPANPLUS is prefering Build.PL


Environment variables:

    LANG = C.UTF-8
    PATH = /home/cpan/pit/64bit/conf/perl-5.12.3/.cpanplus/5.12.3/build/Gt7FAaZP7Q/DBI-1.645/blib/script:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/home/cpan/bin
    PERL5LIB = /home/cpan/pit/jail/UVgS99Ub6_/lib/perl5:/home/cpan/pit/64bit/conf/perl-5.12.3/.cpanplus/5.12.3/build/Gt7FAaZP7Q/DBI-1.645/blib/lib:/home/cpan/pit/64bit/conf/perl-5.12.3/.cpanplus/5.12.3/build/Gt7FAaZP7Q/DBI-1.645/blib/arch
    PERL5_YACSMOKE_BASE = /home/cpan/pit/64bit/conf/perl-5.12.3
    PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT = /home/cpan/pit/jail/UVgS99Ub6_
    PERL_MB_OPT = --install_base "/home/cpan/pit/jail/UVgS99Ub6_"
    PERL_MM_OPT = INSTALL_BASE=/home/cpan/pit/jail/UVgS99Ub6_
    SHELL = /usr/local/bin/bash
    TERM = screen

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    Perl: $^X = /home/cpan/pit/64bit/perl-5.12.3/bin/perl
    UID:  $<  = 1002
    EUID: $>  = 1002
    GID:  $(  = 1002 1002
    EGID: $)  = 1002 1002



Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 12 subversion 3) configuration:
    osname=freebsd, osvers=14.1-release, archname=i386-freebsd-64int
    uname='freebsd felgarten 14.1-release freebsd 14.1-release releng14.1-n267679-10e31f0946d8 generic i386 '
    config_args='-des -Dprefix=/home/cpan/pit/64bit/perl-5.12.3 -Duse64bitint'
    hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
    useithreads=undef, usemultiplicity=undef
    useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef
    use64bitint=define, use64bitall=undef, uselongdouble=undef
    usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
    cc='cc', ccflags ='-DHAS_FPSETMASK -DHAS_FLOATINGPOINT_H -DNO_POSIX_2008_LOCALE -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include',
    cppflags='-DHAS_FPSETMASK -DHAS_FLOATINGPOINT_H -DNO_POSIX_2008_LOCALE -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include'
    ccversion='', gccversion='FreeBSD Clang 18.1.5 (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git llvmorg-18.1.5-0-g617a15a9eac9)', gccosandvers=''
    intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
    d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
    ivtype='long long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
    alignbytes=4, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='cc', ldflags ='-Wl,-E  -fstack-protector -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/lib /usr/local/lib
    libs=-lgdbm -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
    perllibs=-ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
    libc=, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
    cccdlflags='-DPIC -fPIC', lddlflags='-shared  -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Locally applied patches:
	Devel::PatchPerl 2.09
  Built under freebsd
  Compiled at Jun 26 2024 16:44:18
    PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base "/home/cpan/pit/jail/UVgS99Ub6_""