DateTime-Format-ISO8601 v0.12 Perl 5 v5.22.2 x86_64-linux

Slaven Rezić (SREZIC)
DateTime-Format-ISO8601 v0.12
Perl 5 v5.22.2 x86_64-linux
2020-08-15 19:59:11
This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See for more information or email
questions to

Dear Dave Rolsky,

This is a computer-generated report for DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12
on perl 5.22.2, created by CPAN-Reporter-1.2018.

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  However, there was a problem
testing your distribution.

If you think this report is invalid, please consult the CPAN Testers Wiki
for suggestions on how to avoid getting FAIL reports for missing library
or binary dependencies, unsupported operating systems, and so on:

Sections of this report:

    * Tester comments
    * Program output
    * Prerequisites
    * Environment and other context


Additional comments from tester:

none provided


Output from '/usr/bin/make test':

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/opt/perl-5.22.2/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
# Versions for all modules listed in MYMETA.json (including optional ones):
# === Configure Requires ===
#     Module              Want Have
#     ------------------- ---- ----
#     ExtUtils::MakeMaker  any 7.24
# === Build Requires ===
#     Module              Want Have
#     ------------------- ---- ----
#     ExtUtils::MakeMaker  any 7.24
# === Test Requires ===
#     Module                  Want     Have
#     ------------------- -------- --------
#     ExtUtils::MakeMaker      any     7.24
#     File::Spec               any     3.62
#     Test2::V0                any 0.000132
#     Test::More          1.302015 1.302177
# === Test Recommends ===
#     Module         Want     Have
#     ---------- -------- --------
#     CPAN::Meta 2.120900 2.150010
# === Runtime Requires ===
#     Module                     Want  Have
#     -------------------------- ---- -----
#     Carp                        any  1.38
#     DateTime                   0.18  1.36
#     DateTime::Format::Builder  0.77  0.81
#     Params::ValidationCompiler 0.26  0.30
#     Specio                     0.18  0.25
#     Specio::Declare             any  0.25
#     Specio::Exporter            any  0.25
#     Specio::Library::Builtins   any  0.25
#     namespace::autoclean        any  0.28
#     parent                      any 0.232
#     strict                      any  1.09
#     warnings                    any  1.34
t/00-report-prereqs.t .. ok
t/bad-formats.t ........ ok
Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
# Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 after test #15.
# Seeded srand with seed '20200815' from local date.
t/base-datetime.t ...... 
Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
All 15 subtests passed 
t/cut-off-year.t ....... ok
    # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test 'YYWwwD'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test 'YY-Www-D'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test 'YYWww'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test 'YY-Www'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '-YWwwD'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '-Y-Www-D'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '-YWww'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '-Y-Www'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '-WwwD'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '-Www-D'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '-W-D'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '+[YY]YYYYWwwD'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '+[YY]YYYY-Www-D'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '+[YY]YYYYWww'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '+[YY]YYYY-Www'
    # at t/date.t line 75.
    # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.

# Failed test 'date formats with base_datetime'
# at t/date.t line 78.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-YWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-Y-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-YWww'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-Y-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-WwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-W-D'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '+[YY]YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '+[YY]YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '+[YY]YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '+[YY]YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test 'parse with object'
    # at t/date.t line 109.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-YWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-Y-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-YWww'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-Y-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-WwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '-W-D'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '+[YY]YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '+[YY]YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '+[YY]YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test '+[YY]YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 106.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test 'parse with class'
    # at t/date.t line 109.

# Failed test 'date formats without base_datetime'
# at t/date.t line 112.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1991-12-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1991-12-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1991-12-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-01-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-01-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-01-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-01-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-01-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-01-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-01-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-01-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-01-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-01-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-02-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-02-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-02-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-02-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-02-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-02-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-02-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-02-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-02-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-02-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-03-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-03-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-03-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-03-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-03-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-03-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-03-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-03-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-03-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-03-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-04-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-04-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-04-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-04-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-04-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-04-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-04-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-04-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-04-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-04-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-05-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-05-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-05-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-05-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-05-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-05-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-05-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-05-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-05-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-05-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-06-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-06-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-06-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-06-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-06-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-06-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-06-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-06-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-06-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-06-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-07-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-07-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-07-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-07-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-07-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-07-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-07-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-07-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-07-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-07-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-07-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-08-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-08-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-08-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-08-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-08-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-08-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-08-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-08-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-08-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-08-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-09-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-09-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-09-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-09-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-09-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-09-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-09-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-09-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-09-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-09-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-10-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-10-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-10-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-10-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-10-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-10-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-10-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-10-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-10-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-10-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-11-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-11-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-11-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-11-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-11-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-11-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-11-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-11-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-11-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-11-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-12-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-12-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-12-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-12-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-12-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-12-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-12-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-12-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-12-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-12-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1992-12-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-01-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-01-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-01-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-01-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-01-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-01-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-01-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-01-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-01-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-01-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-02-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-02-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-02-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-02-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-02-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-02-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-02-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-02-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-02-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-03-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-03-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-03-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-03-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-03-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-03-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-03-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-03-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-03-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-03-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-03-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-04-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-04-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-04-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-04-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-04-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-04-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-04-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-04-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-04-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-04-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-05-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-05-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-05-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-05-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-05-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-05-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-05-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-05-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-05-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-05-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-06-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-06-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-06-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-06-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-06-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-06-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-06-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-06-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-06-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-06-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-07-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-07-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-07-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-07-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-07-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-07-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-07-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-07-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-07-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-07-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-08-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-08-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-08-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-08-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-08-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-08-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-08-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-08-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-08-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-08-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-08-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-09-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-09-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-09-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-09-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-09-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-09-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-09-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-09-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-09-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-09-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-10-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-10-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-10-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-10-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-10-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-10-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-10-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-10-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-10-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-10-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-11-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-11-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-11-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-11-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-11-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-11-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-11-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-11-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-11-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-11-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-12-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-12-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-12-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-12-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-12-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-12-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-12-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-12-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-12-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1993-12-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-01-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-01-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-01-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-01-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-01-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-01-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-01-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-01-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-01-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-01-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-01-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-02-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-02-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-02-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-02-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-02-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-02-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-02-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-02-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-02-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-03-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-03-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-03-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-03-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-03-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-03-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-03-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-03-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-03-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-03-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-04-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-04-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-04-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-04-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-04-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-04-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-04-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-04-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-04-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-04-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-05-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-05-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-05-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-05-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-05-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-05-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-05-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-05-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-05-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-05-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-05-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-06-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-06-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-06-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-06-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-06-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-06-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-06-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-06-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-06-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-06-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-07-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-07-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-07-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-07-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-07-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-07-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-07-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-07-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-07-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-07-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-08-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-08-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-08-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-08-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-08-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-08-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-08-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-08-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-08-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-08-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-09-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-09-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-09-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-09-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-09-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-09-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-09-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-09-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-09-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-09-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-10-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-10-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-10-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-10-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-10-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-10-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-10-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-10-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-10-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-10-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-10-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-11-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-11-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-11-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-11-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-11-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-11-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-11-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-11-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-11-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-11-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-12-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-12-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-12-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-12-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-12-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-12-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-12-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-12-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-12-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1994-12-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-01-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-01-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-01-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-01-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-01-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-01-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-01-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-01-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-01-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-01-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-02-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-02-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-02-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-02-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-02-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-02-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-02-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-02-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-02-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-02-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-03-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-03-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-03-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-03-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-03-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-03-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-03-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-03-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-03-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-03-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-04-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-04-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-04-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-04-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-04-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-04-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-04-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-04-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-04-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-04-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-05-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-05-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-05-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-05-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-05-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-05-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-05-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-05-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-05-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-05-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-06-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-06-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-06-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-06-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-06-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-06-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-06-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-06-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-06-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-06-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-07-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-07-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-07-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-07-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-07-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-07-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-07-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-07-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-07-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-07-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-07-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-08-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-08-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-08-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-08-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-08-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-08-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-08-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-08-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-08-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-08-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-09-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-09-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-09-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-09-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-09-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-09-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-09-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-09-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-09-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-09-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-10-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-10-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-10-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-10-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-10-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-10-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-10-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-10-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-10-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-10-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-11-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-11-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-11-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-11-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-11-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-11-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-11-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-11-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-11-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-11-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-12-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-12-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-12-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-12-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-12-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-12-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-12-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-12-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-12-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-12-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1995-12-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-01-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-01-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-01-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-01-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-01-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-01-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-01-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-01-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-01-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-01-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-02-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-02-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-02-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-02-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-02-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-02-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-02-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-02-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-02-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-02-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-03-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-03-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-03-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-03-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-03-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-03-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-03-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-03-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-03-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-03-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-04-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-04-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-04-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-04-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-04-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-04-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-04-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-04-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-04-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-04-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-05-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-05-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-05-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-05-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-05-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-05-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-05-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-05-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-05-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-05-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-06-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-06-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-06-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-06-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-06-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-06-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-06-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-06-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-06-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-06-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-07-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-07-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-07-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-07-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-07-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-07-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-07-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-07-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-07-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-07-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-07-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-08-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-08-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-08-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-08-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-08-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-08-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-08-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-08-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-08-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-08-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-09-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-09-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-09-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-09-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-09-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-09-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-09-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-09-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-09-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-09-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-10-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-10-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-10-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-10-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-10-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-10-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-10-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-10-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-10-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-10-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-11-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-11-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-11-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-11-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-11-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-11-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-11-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-11-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-11-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-11-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-12-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-12-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-12-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-12-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-12-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-12-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-12-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-12-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-12-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-12-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1996-12-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-01-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-01-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-01-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-01-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-01-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-01-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-01-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-01-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-01-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-01-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-02-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-02-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-02-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-02-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-02-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-02-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-02-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-02-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-02-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-03-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-03-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-03-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-03-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-03-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-03-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-03-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-03-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-03-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-03-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-03-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-04-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-04-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-04-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-04-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-04-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-04-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-04-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-04-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-04-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-04-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-05-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-05-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-05-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-05-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-05-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-05-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-05-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-05-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-05-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-05-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-06-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-06-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-06-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-06-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-06-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-06-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-06-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-06-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-06-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-06-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-07-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-07-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-07-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-07-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-07-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-07-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-07-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-07-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-07-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-07-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-08-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-08-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-08-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-08-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-08-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-08-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-08-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-08-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-08-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-08-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-08-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-09-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-09-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-09-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-09-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-09-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-09-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-09-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-09-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-09-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-09-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-10-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-10-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-10-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-10-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-10-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-10-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-10-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-10-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-10-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-10-30'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-11-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-11-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-11-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-11-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-11-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-11-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-11-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-11-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-11-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-11-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-12-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-12-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-12-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-12-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-12-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-12-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-12-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-12-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-12-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1997-12-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-01-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1029, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-01-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-01-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-01-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-01-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-01-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-01-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-01-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-01-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-01-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-01-31'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-02-03'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-02-06'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-02-09'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-02-12'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-02-15'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-02-18'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-02-21'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-02-24'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-02-27'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-03-02'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-03-05'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-03-08'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-03-11'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-03-14'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-03-17'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-03-20'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-03-23'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-03-26'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-03-29'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-04-01'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-04-04'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-04-07'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-04-10'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-04-13'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-04-16'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-04-19'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-04-22'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-04-25'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWww'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYYWwwD'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
    # Failed test '1998-04-28'
    # at t/date.t line 161.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: Can't locate object method "year_length" via package "DateTime" at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.12-1/blib/lib/DateTime/Format/ line 1033, <DATA> line 1.
        # Failed test 'YYYY-Www-D'
        # at t/date.t line 158.
        # Caught exception in subtest: C

[Output truncated after 1000K]


Prerequisite modules loaded:


    Module                     Need     Have    
    -------------------------- -------- --------
    Carp                       0        1.38    
    DateTime                   0.18     1.36    
    DateTime::Format::Builder  0.77     0.81    
    namespace::autoclean       0        0.28    
    Params::ValidationCompiler 0.26     0.30    
    parent                     0        0.232   
    Specio                     0.18     0.25    
    Specio::Declare            0        0.25    
    Specio::Exporter           0        0.25    
    Specio::Library::Builtins  0        0.25    
    strict                     0        1.09    
    warnings                   0        1.34    


    Module                     Need     Have    
    -------------------------- -------- --------
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker        0        7.24    
    File::Spec                 0        3.62    
    Test2::V0                  0        0.000132
    Test::More                 1.302015 1.302177


    Module                     Need     Have    
    -------------------------- -------- --------
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker        0        7.24    


Environment variables:

    LANG = en_US.UTF-8
    LANGUAGE = en_US:en
    LC_ALL = en_US.UTF-8
    PATH = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/cpansand/bin/linux-gnu:/home/cpansand/bin/sh:/home/cpansand/bin:/usr/games:/home/cpansand/devel:/home/eserte/src/srezic-misc/scripts
    PERL5LIB = /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/Params-ValidationCompiler-0.30-1/blib/arch:/home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/Params-ValidationCompiler-0.30-1/blib/lib:/home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/Test2-Suite-0.000132-1/blib/arch:/home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/Test2-Suite-0.000132-1/blib/lib:/home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/Term-Table-0.015-1/blib/arch:/home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/Term-Table-0.015-1/blib/lib:/home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/Sub-Info-0.002-1/blib/arch:/home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/Sub-Info-0.002-1/blib/lib:/home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/Test-Simple-1.302177-1/blib/arch:/home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/Test-Simple-1.302177-1/blib/lib:/home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/Importer-0.025-1/blib/arch:/home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2020081518/Importer-0.025-1/blib/lib
    PERL5OPT = 
    PERLDOC = -MPod::Perldoc::ToTextOverstrike
    PERL_BATCH = yes
    PERL_CPAN_REPORTER_CONFIG = /var/tmp/cpansmoker-1023/2020081518/cpanreporter_000_config.ini
    SHELL = /bin/zsh
    TERM = screen
    TMPDIR = /var/tmp/cpansmoker-1023/2020081518

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    $^X = /opt/perl-5.22.2/bin/perl
    $UID/$EUID = 1023 / 1023
    $GID = 1023 1023
    $EGID = 1023 1023

Perl module toolchain versions installed:

    Module              Have    
    ------------------- --------
    CPAN                2.16    
    CPAN::Meta          2.150010
    Cwd                 3.62    
    ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.280221
    ExtUtils::Command   7.24    
    ExtUtils::Install   2.04    
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.24    
    ExtUtils::Manifest  1.70    
    ExtUtils::ParseXS   3.28    
    File::Spec          3.62    
    JSON                2.90    
    JSON::PP            2.27300 
    Module::Build       0.4220  
    Module::Signature   0.81    
    Parse::CPAN::Meta   2.150010
    Test::Harness       3.35    
    Test::More          1.302177
    YAML                1.17    
    YAML::Syck          1.29    
    version             0.9917  


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 22 subversion 2) configuration:
    osname=linux, osvers=3.2.0-4-amd64, archname=x86_64-linux
    uname='linux cvrsnica-wheezy 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 smp debian 3.2.54-2 x86_64 gnulinux '
    config_args='-ds -e -Dprefix=/opt/perl-5.22.2'
    hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
    useithreads=undef, usemultiplicity=undef
    use64bitint=define, use64bitall=define, uselongdouble=undef
    usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
    cc='cc', ccflags ='-fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2',
    cppflags='-fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include'
    ccversion='', gccversion='4.7.2', gccosandvers=''
    intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678, doublekind=3
    d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16, longdblkind=3
    ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
    alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='cc', ldflags =' -fstack-protector -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/include-fixed /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib
    libs=-lpthread -lnsl -ldb -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
    perllibs=-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-Wl,-E'
    cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared -O2 -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
                        USE_64_BIT_ALL USE_64_BIT_INT USE_LARGE_FILES
  Built under linux
  Compiled at May 29 2016 23:41:57