From: metabase:user:322078bc-2aae-11df-837a-5e0a49663a4f
Subject: FAIL Data-BitStream-XS-0.02 v5.12.0 OpenBSD
Date: 2011-11-16T15:01:23Z
This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language. See for more information or email
questions to
This is a computer-generated error report created automatically by
CPANPLUS, version 0.9111. Testers personal comments may appear
at the end of this report.
Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN. However, it appears that
there were some problems testing your distribution.
Below is the error stack from stage 'make test':
[MSG] [Wed Nov 16 15:01:20 2011] cp lib/Data/BitStream/ blib/lib/Data/BitStream/
cc -c -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include -O2 -DVERSION=\"0.02\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.02\" -DPIC -fPIC "-I/home/cpan/pit/64bit/perl-5.12.0/lib/5.12.0/OpenBSD.i386-openbsd-64int/CORE" bitlist.c
/home/cpan/pit/64bit/perl-5.12.0/bin/perl /home/cpan/pit/64bit/perl-5.12.0/lib/site_perl/5.12.0/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /home/cpan/pit/64bit/perl-5.12.0/lib/5.12.0/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap XS.xs > XS.xsc && mv XS.xsc XS.c
cc -c -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include -O2 -DVERSION=\"0.02\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.02\" -DPIC -fPIC "-I/home/cpan/pit/64bit/perl-5.12.0/lib/5.12.0/OpenBSD.i386-openbsd-64int/CORE" XS.c
Running Mkbootstrap for Data::BitStream::XS ()
chmod 644
rm -f blib/arch/auto/Data/BitStream/XS/
cc -shared -fPIC -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector bitlist.o XS.o -o blib/arch/auto/Data/BitStream/XS/
chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/Data/BitStream/XS/
cp blib/arch/auto/Data/BitStream/XS/
chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/Data/BitStream/XS/
Manifying blib/man3/Data::BitStream::XS.3
[ERROR] [Wed Nov 16 15:01:23 2011] MAKE TEST failed: PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/cpan/pit/64bit/perl-5.12.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/01-load.t ......... ok
t/02-rw.t ........... ok
t/03-rw.t ........... ok
t/04-rw.t ........... ok
t/05-rw.t ........... ok
t/06-unary.t ........ ok
t/06-unaryarray.t ... ok
t/07-gamma.t ........ ok
t/08-string-rand.t .. ok
t/08-string1.t ...... ok
t/08-string2.t ...... ok
t/09-unary1.t ....... ok
t/10-delta.t ........ ok
t/11-omega.t ........ ok
t/12-fib.t .......... ok
t/13-lev.t .......... ok
t/14-arice.t ........ ok
t/15-rice.t ......... ok
t/16-golomb-sub.t ... ok
t/16-golomb.t ....... ok
t/17-baer.t ......... ok
t/18-evenrodeh.t .... ok
t/19-boldivigna.t ... ok
t/20-startstep.t .... ok
t/21-putstream.t .... ok
t/22-text.t ......... ok
# Failed test 'Stored 4294967412'
# at t/23-maxbits.t line 34.
# got: '116'
# expected: '4294967412'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 2.
t/23-maxbits.t ......
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/2 subtests
t/50-stream1.t ...... ok
t/60-coding-01.t .... ok
t/60-coding-02.t .... ok
t/60-coding-03.t .... ok
t/60-coding-04.t .... ok
t/60-coding-05.t .... ok
t/60-coding-06.t .... ok
t/60-coding-07.t .... ok
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using Gamma'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using Delta'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using Omega'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using Fibonacci'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using EvenRodeh'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using Levenstein'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using GammaGolomb(3)'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using GammaGolomb(128)'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using ExpGolomb(5)'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using BoldiVigna(2)'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using Baer(0)'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using Baer(-2)'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using Baer(2)'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using StartStepStop(3-3-99)'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using StartStop(1-0-1-0-2-12-99)'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Failed test 'encoded F[0]-F[73]-F[0] using ARice(2)'
# at t/60-coding-08.t line 45.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[48] = '512559680'
# $expected->[48] = '4807526976'
# Looks like you failed 16 tests of 23.
t/60-coding-08.t ....
Dubious, test returned 16 (wstat 4096, 0x1000)
Failed 16/23 subtests
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using Gamma'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using Delta'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using Omega'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using Fibonacci'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using EvenRodeh'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using Levenstein'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using GammaGolomb(3)'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using GammaGolomb(128)'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using ExpGolomb(5)'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using BoldiVigna(2)'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using Baer(0)'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using Baer(-2)'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using Baer(2)'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using StartStepStop(3-3-99)'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using StartStop(1-0-1-0-2-12-99)'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Failed test 'encoded bit patterns using ARice(2)'
# at t/60-coding-09.t line 40.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->[160] = '4294967295'
# $expected->[160] = '8589934591'
# Looks like you failed 16 tests of 23.
t/60-coding-09.t ....
Dubious, test returned 16 (wstat 4096, 0x1000)
Failed 16/23 subtests
t/61-exporting.t .... ok
t/62-interleave.t ... ok
t/63-range.t ........ ok
t/70-failures.t ..... ok
Test Summary Report
t/23-maxbits.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 2
Non-zero exit status: 1
t/60-coding-08.t (Wstat: 4096 Tests: 23 Failed: 16)
Failed tests: 3-8, 14-23
Non-zero exit status: 16
t/60-coding-09.t (Wstat: 4096 Tests: 23 Failed: 16)
Failed tests: 3-8, 14-23
Non-zero exit status: 16
Files=41, Tests=1423, 3 wallclock secs ( 0.18 usr 0.47 sys + 1.69 cusr 0.71 csys = 3.05 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 3/41 test programs. 33/1423 subtests failed.
*** Error code 255
Stop in /home/cpan/pit/64bit/conf/perl-5.12.0/.cpanplus/5.12.0/build/Data-BitStream-XS-0.02 (line 975 of Makefile).
[MSG] [Wed Nov 16 15:01:23 2011] DEFAULT 'proceed_on_test_failure' HANDLER RETURNING 'sub return value'
Here is a list of prerequisites you specified and versions we
managed to load:
Module Name Have Want
Exporter 5.64_01 5.562
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.62 0
Test::More 0.98 0.47
Perl module toolchain versions installed:
Module Name Have
CPANPLUS::Dist::Build 0.60
Cwd 3.33
ExtUtils::CBuilder 0.280202
ExtUtils::Command 1.16
ExtUtils::Install 1.55
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.62
ExtUtils::Manifest 1.60
ExtUtils::ParseXS 3.05
File::Spec 3.33
Module::Build 0.3800
Test::Harness 3.23
Test::More 0.98
version 0.94
******************************** NOTE ********************************
The comments above are created mechanically, possibly without manual
checking by the sender. As there are many people performing automatic
tests on each upload to CPAN, it is likely that you will receive
identical messages about the same problem.
If you believe that the message is mistaken, please reply to the first
one with correction and/or additional informations, and do not take
it personally. We appreciate your patience. :)
Additional comments:
This report was machine-generated by CPANPLUS::Dist::YACSmoke 0.64.
Powered by minismokebox version 0.54
Environment variables:
PATH = /home/cpan/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/games:.
PERL5LIB = :/home/cpan/pit/64bit/conf/perl-5.12.0/.cpanplus/5.12.0/build/Data-BitStream-XS-0.02/blib/lib:/home/cpan/pit/64bit/conf/perl-5.12.0/.cpanplus/5.12.0/build/Data-BitStream-XS-0.02/blib/arch
PERL5_YACSMOKE_BASE = /home/cpan/pit/64bit/conf/perl-5.12.0
SHELL = /usr/local/bin/bash
TERM = screen
Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):
Perl: $^X = /home/cpan/pit/64bit/perl-5.12.0/bin/perl
UID: $< = 1001
EUID: $> = 1001
GID: $( = 1001 1001
EGID: $) = 1001 1001
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 12 subversion 0) configuration:
osname=openbsd, osvers=4.9, archname=OpenBSD.i386-openbsd-64int
uname='openbsd 4.9 generic#671 i386 '
config_args='-des -Dprefix=/home/cpan/pit/64bit/perl-5.12.0 -Duse64bitint'
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
useithreads=undef, usemultiplicity=undef
useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef
use64bitint=define, use64bitall=undef, uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=y, bincompat5005=undef
cc='cc', ccflags ='-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include',
cppflags='-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include'
ccversion='', gccversion='4.2.1 20070719 ', gccosandvers='openbsd4.9'
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
ivtype='long long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
alignbytes=4, prototype=define
Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags ='-Wl,-E -fstack-protector -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib
libs=-lgdbm -lm -lutil -lc
perllibs=-lm -lutil -lc
libc=/usr/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags='-DPIC -fPIC ', lddlflags='-shared -fPIC -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector'
Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
Built under openbsd
Compiled at Jul 28 2011 12:54:19