Report for Gtk2-1.2495

From: metabase:user:314402c4-2aae-11df-837a-5e0a49663a4f
Subject: PASS Gtk2-1.2495 v5.14.4 FreeBSD
Date: 2015-01-28T03:08:31Z

This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See for more information or email
questions to

Dear Brian Manning,

This is a computer-generated report for Gtk2-1.2495
on perl 5.14.4, created by CPAN-Reporter-1.2011.

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  Congratulations!
All tests were successful.

Sections of this report:

    * Tester comments
    * Program output
    * Prerequisites
    * Environment and other context


Additional comments from tester:

none provided


Output from '/usr/bin/make test':

Running Mkbootstrap for Gtk2 ()
chmod 644 ""
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/usr/perl5.14.4/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
# Testing Gtk2 1.2495
#    Running against gtk+ 2.24.25
#   Compiled against gtk+ 2.24.25
t/00.Gtk2.t ........................ ok
t/01.GtkWindow.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/02.GtkContainer.t ................ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/constants.t ...................... ok
t/Gdk.t ............................ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkCairo.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkColor.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkCursor.t ...................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkDisplay.t ..................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkDisplayManager.t .............. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkDrawable.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkEvent.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkGC.t .......................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkImage.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkInput.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkKeys.t ........................ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkPango.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkPixbuf.t ...................... ok
t/GdkPixbufLoader.t ................ ok
t/GdkPixbufSimpleAnim.t ............ ok
t/GdkPixmap.t ...................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkProperty.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkRegion.t ...................... ok
t/GdkRgb.t ......................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkScreen.t ...................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkSelection.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkVisual.t ...................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkWindow.t ...................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GdkX11.t ......................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkAboutDialog.t ................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkAccelGroup.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkAccelLabel.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkAccelMap.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkAction.t ...................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkActionGroup.t ................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkActivatable.t ................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkAdjustment.t .................. ok
t/GtkAlignment.t ................... ok
t/GtkArrow.t ....................... ok
t/GtkAspectFrame.t ................. ok
t/GtkAssistant.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkBin.t ......................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkBindings.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkBox.t ......................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkBuildable.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkBuildableIface.t .............. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkBuilder.t ..................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkButton.t ...................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkButtonBox.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkCalendar.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkCellEditable.t ................ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkCellLayout.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkCellLayoutIface.t ............. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkCellRenderer.t ................ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkCellRendererAccel.t ........... ok
t/GtkCellRendererCombo.t ........... ok
t/GtkCellRendererIface-Chaining.t .. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkCellRendererPixbuf.t .......... ok
t/GtkCellRendererProgress.t ........ ok
t/GtkCellRendererSpin.t ............ ok
t/GtkCellRendererSpinner.t ......... ok
t/GtkCellRendererText.t ............ ok
t/GtkCellRendererToggle.t .......... ok
t/GtkCellView.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkCheckButton.t ................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkCheckMenuItem.t ............... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkClipboard.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkColorButton.t ................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkColorSelection.t .............. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkColorSelectionDialog.t ........ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkCombo.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkComboBox.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkComboBoxEntry.t ............... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkCurve.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkDialog.t ...................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkDrawingArea.t ................. ok
t/GtkEditable.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkEntry.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkEntryBuffer.t ................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkEntryCompletion.t ............. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkEventBox.t .................... ok
t/GtkExpander.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkFileChooser.t ................. skipped: this test is unreliable
t/GtkFileChooserButton.t ........... skipped: need a perl compiled with "-pthread" on freebsd
t/GtkFileChooserDialog.t ........... skipped: need a perl compiled with "-pthread" on freebsd
t/GtkFileChooserWidget.t ........... skipped: need a perl compiled with "-pthread" on freebsd
t/GtkFileFilter.t .................. ok
t/GtkFileSelection.t ............... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkFixed.t ....................... ok
t/GtkFontButton.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkFontSelection.t ............... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkFrame.t ....................... ok
t/GtkGammaCurve.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkGC.t .......................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkHandleBox.t ................... ok
t/GtkHBox.t ........................ ok
t/GtkHButtonBox.t .................. ok
t/GtkHPaned.t ...................... ok
t/GtkHRuler.t ...................... ok
t/GtkHScale.t ...................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkHScrollbar.t .................. ok
t/GtkHSeparator.t .................. ok
t/GtkHSV.t ......................... ok
t/GtkIconFactory.t ................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkIconTheme.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkIconView.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkImage.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkImageMenuItem.t ............... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkIMContext.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkInfoBar.t ..................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkInputDialog.t ................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkInvisible.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkItemFactory.t ................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkLabel.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkLayout.t ...................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkLinkButton.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkListStore.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkMenu.t ........................ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkMenuBar.t ..................... ok
t/GtkMenuItem.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkMenuShell.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkMenuToolButton.t .............. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkMessageDialog.t ............... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkMisc.t ........................ ok
t/GtkNotebook.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkObject.t ...................... ok
t/GtkOffscreenWindow.t ............. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkOptionMenu.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkOrientable.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkPageSetup.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkPaned.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkPaperSize.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkPrintContext.t ................ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkPrintOperation.t .............. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkPrintOperationPreview.t ....... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkPrintSettings.t ............... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkProgressBar.t ................. ok
t/GtkRadioAction.t ................. ok
t/GtkRadioButton.t ................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkRadioMenuItem.t ............... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkRadioToolButton.t ............. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkRange.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkRc.t .......................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkRecentAction.t ................ skipped: need a perl compiled with "-pthread" on freebsd
t/GtkRecentChooser.t ............... skipped: need a perl compiled with "-pthread" on freebsd
t/GtkRecentChooserDialog.t ......... skipped: need a perl compiled with "-pthread" on freebsd
t/GtkRecentChooserMenu.t ........... skipped: need a perl compiled with "-pthread" on freebsd
t/GtkRecentChooserWidget.t ......... skipped: need a perl compiled with "-pthread" on freebsd
t/GtkRecentFilter.t ................ skipped: need a perl compiled with "-pthread" on freebsd
t/GtkRecentManager.t ............... skipped: need a perl compiled with "-pthread" on freebsd
t/GtkRuler.t ....................... ok
t/GtkScale.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkScaleButton.t ................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkScrolledWindow.t .............. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkSelection.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkSeparatorMenuItem.t ........... ok
t/GtkSeparatorToolItem.t ........... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkShow.t ........................ skipped: can only test interactively
t/GtkSimpleList.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkSimpleMenu.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkSizeGroup.t ................... ok
t/GtkSpinButton.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkSpinner.t ..................... ok
t/GtkStatusbar.t ................... ok
t/GtkStatusIcon.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkStock.t ....................... ok
t/GtkStyle.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkTable.t ....................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkTearoffMenuItem.t ............. ok
t/GtkTextBuffer.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkTextBufferRichText.t .......... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkTextChildAnchor.t ............. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkTextIter.t .................... ok
t/GtkTextMark.t .................... ok
t/GtkTextTag.t ..................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkTextTagTable.t ................ ok
t/GtkTextView.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkToggleAction.t ................ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkToggleButton.t ................ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkToggleToolButton.t ............ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkToolbar.t ..................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkToolButton.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkToolItem.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkToolItemGroup.t ............... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkToolPalette.t ................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkToolShell.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkTooltip.t ..................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkTooltips.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkTreeDnd.t ..................... ok
t/GtkTreeModel.t ................... ok
t/GtkTreeModelFilter.t ............. ok
t/GtkTreeModelIface.t .............. ok
t/GtkTreeModelSort.t ............... ok
t/GtkTreeSelection.t ............... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkTreeSortable.t ................ ok
t/GtkTreeStore.t ................... ok
t/GtkTreeView-Dnd.t ................ skipped: this test is interactive
t/GtkTreeView.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkUIManager.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkVBox.t ........................ ok
t/GtkVButtonBox.t .................. ok
t/GtkViewport.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkVolumeButton.t ................ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkVPaned.t ...................... ok
t/GtkVRuler.t ...................... ok
t/GtkVScale.t ...................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/GtkVScrollbar.t .................. ok
t/GtkVSeparator.t .................. ok
t/GtkWidget.t ...................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/options.t ........................ ok
t/pango-compat.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/PangoAttributes.t ................ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/PangoCairo.t ..................... ok
t/PangoContext.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/PangoFont.t ...................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/PangoFontMap.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/PangoFontset.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/PangoGravity.t ................... ok
t/PangoLayout.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/PangoMatrix.t .................... ok
t/PangoRenderer.t .................. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/PangoScript.t .................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/PangoTabs.t ...................... ok
t/PangoTypes.t ..................... ok
t/set-scroll-adjustments-signal.t .. skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/signal-chaining.t ................ skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/tied-objects.t ................... skipped: Gtk2->init_check failed, probably unable to open DISPLAY
t/version-checks.t ................. ok
All tests successful.
Files=228, Tests=1093, 47 wallclock secs ( 0.70 usr  0.81 sys + 39.96 cusr  4.49 csys = 45.96 CPU)
Result: PASS


Prerequisite modules loaded:


    Module              Need  Have 
    ------------------- ----- -----
    Cairo               1.000 1.105
    ExtUtils::Depends   0.300 0.403
    ExtUtils::PkgConfig 1.030 1.15 
    Glib                1.280 1.307
    Pango               1.220 1.226


    Module              Need  Have 
    ------------------- ----- -----
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0     7.04 


    Module              Need  Have 
    ------------------- ----- -----
    Cairo               1.000 1.105
    ExtUtils::Depends   0.300 0.403
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0     7.04 
    ExtUtils::PkgConfig 1.030 1.15 
    Glib                1.280 1.307
    Pango               1.220 1.226


Environment variables:

    LC_ALL = de_DE.ISO8859-1
    PATH = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/cpansand/bin/freebsd9.1:/home/cpansand/bin/sh:/home/cpansand/bin:/usr/games:/home/cpansand/devel:/usr/home/eserte/src/srezic-misc/scripts
    PERL5LIB = 
    PERL5OPT = 
    PERLDOC = -MPod::Perldoc::ToTextOverstrike
    PERL_BATCH = yes
    PERL_CPAN_REPORTER_CONFIG = /var/tmp/cpansmoker-1023/NQz8NtqJKb_config.ini
    PERL_HTML_DISPLAY_CLASS = HTML::Display::Mozilla
    SHELL = /usr/local/bin/zsh
    TERM = screen
    TMPDIR = /var/tmp/cpansmoker-1023

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    $^X = /usr/perl5.14.4/bin/perl
    $UID/$EUID = 1023 / 1023
    $GID = 1023 1023
    $EGID = 1023 1023

Perl module toolchain versions installed:

    Module              Have     
    ------------------- ---------
    CPAN                1.9600_01
    CPAN::Meta          2.142690 
    Cwd                 3.47     
    ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.280220 
    ExtUtils::Command   1.20     
    ExtUtils::Install   2.04     
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.04     
    ExtUtils::Manifest  1.69     
    ExtUtils::ParseXS   3.24     
    File::Spec          3.47     
    JSON                2.90     
    JSON::PP            2.27300  
    Module::Build       0.4211   
    Module::Signature   0.73     
    Parse::CPAN::Meta   1.4414   
    Test::Harness       3.35     
    Test::More          1.001014 
    YAML                1.14     
    YAML::Syck          1.29     
    version             0.9912   


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 14 subversion 4) configuration:
    osname=freebsd, osvers=9.2-release-p4, archname=amd64-freebsd
    uname='freebsd cvrsnica-freebsd-92 9.2-release-p4 freebsd 9.2-release-p4 #0: tue apr 8 18:08:22 utc 2014 amd64 '
    config_args='-ds -e -Dprefix=/usr/perl5.14.4'
    hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
    useithreads=undef, usemultiplicity=undef
    useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef
    use64bitint=define, use64bitall=define, uselongdouble=undef
    usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
    cc='cc', ccflags ='-DHAS_FPSETMASK -DHAS_FLOATINGPOINT_H -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include',
    cppflags='-DHAS_FPSETMASK -DHAS_FLOATINGPOINT_H -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include'
    ccversion='', gccversion='4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]', gccosandvers=''
    intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
    d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
    ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
    alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='cc', ldflags ='-Wl,-E  -fstack-protector -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/lib /usr/local/lib
    libs=-lgdbm -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
    perllibs=-lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
    libc=, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
    cccdlflags='-DPIC -fPIC', lddlflags='-shared  -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
                        PERL_PRESERVE_IVUV USE_64_BIT_ALL USE_64_BIT_INT
  Built under freebsd
  Compiled at May 16 2014 00:20:44