Report for Games-Framework-RCP-0.04_01

From: metabase:user:320bfe00-2aae-11df-837a-5e0a49663a4f
Subject: FAIL Games-Framework-RCP-0.04_01 v5.12.4 GNU/Linux
Date: 2012-09-20T16:12:20Z

This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See for more information or email
questions to

Dear Jason Felds,

This is a computer-generated report for Games-Framework-RCP-0.04_01
on perl 5.12.4, created by CPAN-Reporter-1.2006.

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  However, there was a problem
testing your distribution.

If you think this report is invalid, please consult the CPAN Testers Wiki
for suggestions on how to avoid getting FAIL reports for missing library
or binary dependencies, unsupported operating systems, and so on:

Sections of this report:

    * Tester comments
    * Program output
    * Prerequisites
    * Environment and other context


Additional comments from tester:

this report is from an automated smoke testing program
and was not reviewed by a human for accuracy


Output from '/usr/bin/make test':

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /mnt/k75/homesand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.12.4/165a/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/*/*.t t/*/*/*.t
Class::C3::Componentised::load_components(): Use of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns is strongly discouraged. See documentation of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns for more info
t/00-load.t .............. ok
Class::C3::Componentised::load_components(): Use of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns is strongly discouraged. See documentation of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns for more info
t/01_pod/pod-coverage.t .. ok

#   Failed test 'POD test for blib/lib/Games/Framework/RCP/Database/Result/'
#   at /home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.12.4/165a/lib/site_perl/5.12.4/Test/ line 182.
Wide character in print at /home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.12.4/165a/lib/5.12.4/Test/ line 1813.
# blib/lib/Games/Framework/RCP/Database/Result/ (152): Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '☺'. Assuming UTF-8

#   Failed test 'POD test for blib/lib/Games/Framework/RCP/Database/Result/'
#   at /home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.12.4/165a/lib/site_perl/5.12.4/Test/ line 182.
Wide character in print at /home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.12.4/165a/lib/5.12.4/Test/ line 1813.
# blib/lib/Games/Framework/RCP/Database/Result/ (115): Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '−'. Assuming UTF-8
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 46.
t/01_pod/pod.t ........... 
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/46 subtests 
Class::C3::Componentised::load_components(): Use of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns is strongly discouraged. See documentation of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns for more info
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: near "(": syntax error [for Statement "CREATE TABLE combatants (
  -- ID of the combatant.
  -- Time the combatant joined.
  join_time datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  -- ID of the character.
  fkey_character integer NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the primary class.
  fkey_class integer NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the class the combatant joined as.
  starting_job integer NOT NULL,
  -- The secondary class a fighter may bring.
  secondary varchar(32),
  -- A support skill a fighter may bring.
  support varchar(32),
  -- A reaction skill a fighter may bring.
  reaction varchar(32),
  -- The current name of the fighter.  Can be renamed mid-fight.
  display_name varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  -- HP
  hp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- MP
  mp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- PP
  pp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Max HP.
  max_hp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Max MP.
  max_mp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Max PP
  max_pp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Charge Time.  Unit of measurement to see who moves.
  ct numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Speed
  spd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Attack
  patk numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Attack
  matk numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Defense
  pdef numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Defense
  mdef numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Accuracy
  pacc numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Accuracy
  macc numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Evade
  pevd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Evade
  mevd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY (fkey_character) REFERENCES characters(id_character) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  FOREIGN KEY (starting_job) REFERENCES classes(id_class)
)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE TABLE combatants (
  -- ID of the combatant.
  -- Time the combatant joined.
  join_time datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  -- ID of the character.
  fkey_character integer NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the primary class.
  fkey_class integer NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the class the combatant joined as.
  starting_job integer NOT NULL,
  -- The secondary class a fighter may bring.
  secondary varchar(32),
  -- A support skill a fighter may bring.
  support varchar(32),
  -- A reaction skill a fighter may bring.
  reaction varchar(32),
  -- The current name of the fighter.  Can be renamed mid-fight.
  display_name varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  -- HP
  hp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- MP
  mp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- PP
  pp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Max HP.
  max_hp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Max MP.
  max_mp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Max PP
  max_pp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Charge Time.  Unit of measurement to see who moves.
  ct numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Speed
  spd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Attack
  patk numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Attack
  matk numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Defense
  pdef numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Defense
  mdef numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Accuracy
  pacc numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Accuracy
  macc numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Evade
  pevd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Evade
  mevd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY (fkey_character) REFERENCES characters(id_character) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  FOREIGN KEY (starting_job) REFERENCES classes(id_class)
)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.combatants [for Statement "CREATE INDEX combatants_idx_fkey_character ON combatants (fkey_character)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE INDEX combatants_idx_fkey_character ON combatants (fkey_character)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.combatants [for Statement "CREATE INDEX combatants_idx_starting_job ON combatants (starting_job)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE INDEX combatants_idx_starting_job ON combatants (starting_job)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.combatants [for Statement "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX combatants_fkey_character ON combatants (fkey_character)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX combatants_fkey_character ON combatants (fkey_character)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: near "(": syntax error [for Statement "CREATE TABLE combatant_equip_history (
  -- ID of the combatant / item combination.
  id_combatant_equip_history INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the combatant.
  fkey_combatant integer NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the item.
  fkey_item integer NOT NULL,
  -- Time the item was used ont he combatant.
  equip_time datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  -- How far in the battle when the item was equipped.
  fight_length integer,
  FOREIGN KEY (fkey_combatant) REFERENCES combatants(id_combatant) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE TABLE combatant_equip_history (
  -- ID of the combatant / item combination.
  id_combatant_equip_history INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the combatant.
  fkey_combatant integer NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the item.
  fkey_item integer NOT NULL,
  -- Time the item was used ont he combatant.
  equip_time datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  -- How far in the battle when the item was equipped.
  fight_length integer,
  FOREIGN KEY (fkey_combatant) REFERENCES combatants(id_combatant) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.combatant_equip_history [for Statement "CREATE INDEX combatant_equip_history_idx_fkey_combatant ON combatant_equip_history (fkey_combatant)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE INDEX combatant_equip_history_idx_fkey_combatant ON combatant_equip_history (fkey_combatant)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.combatant_equip_history [for Statement "CREATE INDEX combatant_equip_history_idx_fkey_item ON combatant_equip_history (fkey_item)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE INDEX combatant_equip_history_idx_fkey_item ON combatant_equip_history (fkey_item)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.combatant_equip_history [for Statement "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX combatant_equip_history_fkey_combatant_fkey_item_equip_time ON combatant_equip_history (fkey_combatant, fkey_item, equip_time)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX combatant_equip_history_fkey_combatant_fkey_item_equip_time ON combatant_equip_history (fkey_combatant, fkey_item, equip_time)") at t/lib// line 17
t/11_dblogin/01_setup.t .. ok
Class::C3::Componentised::load_components(): Use of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns is strongly discouraged. See documentation of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns for more info
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: near "(": syntax error [for Statement "CREATE TABLE combatants (
  -- ID of the combatant.
  -- Time the combatant joined.
  join_time datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  -- ID of the character.
  fkey_character integer NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the primary class.
  fkey_class integer NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the class the combatant joined as.
  starting_job integer NOT NULL,
  -- The secondary class a fighter may bring.
  secondary varchar(32),
  -- A support skill a fighter may bring.
  support varchar(32),
  -- A reaction skill a fighter may bring.
  reaction varchar(32),
  -- The current name of the fighter.  Can be renamed mid-fight.
  display_name varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  -- HP
  hp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- MP
  mp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- PP
  pp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Max HP.
  max_hp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Max MP.
  max_mp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Max PP
  max_pp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Charge Time.  Unit of measurement to see who moves.
  ct numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Speed
  spd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Attack
  patk numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Attack
  matk numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Defense
  pdef numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Defense
  mdef numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Accuracy
  pacc numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Accuracy
  macc numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Evade
  pevd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Evade
  mevd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY (fkey_character) REFERENCES characters(id_character) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  FOREIGN KEY (starting_job) REFERENCES classes(id_class)
)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE TABLE combatants (
  -- ID of the combatant.
  -- Time the combatant joined.
  join_time datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  -- ID of the character.
  fkey_character integer NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the primary class.
  fkey_class integer NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the class the combatant joined as.
  starting_job integer NOT NULL,
  -- The secondary class a fighter may bring.
  secondary varchar(32),
  -- A support skill a fighter may bring.
  support varchar(32),
  -- A reaction skill a fighter may bring.
  reaction varchar(32),
  -- The current name of the fighter.  Can be renamed mid-fight.
  display_name varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  -- HP
  hp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- MP
  mp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- PP
  pp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Max HP.
  max_hp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Max MP.
  max_mp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Max PP
  max_pp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Charge Time.  Unit of measurement to see who moves.
  ct numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Speed
  spd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Attack
  patk numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Attack
  matk numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Defense
  pdef numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Defense
  mdef numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Accuracy
  pacc numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Accuracy
  macc numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Physical Evade
  pevd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  -- Magical Evade
  mevd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY (fkey_character) REFERENCES characters(id_character) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  FOREIGN KEY (starting_job) REFERENCES classes(id_class)
)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.combatants [for Statement "CREATE INDEX combatants_idx_fkey_character ON combatants (fkey_character)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE INDEX combatants_idx_fkey_character ON combatants (fkey_character)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.combatants [for Statement "CREATE INDEX combatants_idx_starting_job ON combatants (starting_job)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE INDEX combatants_idx_starting_job ON combatants (starting_job)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.combatants [for Statement "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX combatants_fkey_character ON combatants (fkey_character)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX combatants_fkey_character ON combatants (fkey_character)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: near "(": syntax error [for Statement "CREATE TABLE combatant_equip_history (
  -- ID of the combatant / item combination.
  id_combatant_equip_history INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the combatant.
  fkey_combatant integer NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the item.
  fkey_item integer NOT NULL,
  -- Time the item was used ont he combatant.
  equip_time datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  -- How far in the battle when the item was equipped.
  fight_length integer,
  FOREIGN KEY (fkey_combatant) REFERENCES combatants(id_combatant) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE TABLE combatant_equip_history (
  -- ID of the combatant / item combination.
  id_combatant_equip_history INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the combatant.
  fkey_combatant integer NOT NULL,
  -- ID of the item.
  fkey_item integer NOT NULL,
  -- Time the item was used ont he combatant.
  equip_time datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  -- How far in the battle when the item was equipped.
  fight_length integer,
  FOREIGN KEY (fkey_combatant) REFERENCES combatants(id_combatant) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.combatant_equip_history [for Statement "CREATE INDEX combatant_equip_history_idx_fkey_combatant ON combatant_equip_history (fkey_combatant)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE INDEX combatant_equip_history_idx_fkey_combatant ON combatant_equip_history (fkey_combatant)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.combatant_equip_history [for Statement "CREATE INDEX combatant_equip_history_idx_fkey_item ON combatant_equip_history (fkey_item)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE INDEX combatant_equip_history_idx_fkey_item ON combatant_equip_history (fkey_item)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such table: main.combatant_equip_history [for Statement "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX combatant_equip_history_fkey_combatant_fkey_item_equip_time ON combatant_equip_history (fkey_combatant, fkey_item, equip_time)"] at t/lib// line 17
 (running "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX combatant_equip_history_fkey_combatant_fkey_item_equip_time ON combatant_equip_history (fkey_combatant, fkey_item, equip_time)") at t/lib// line 17
DBIx::Class::ResultSet::count(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db prepare_cached failed: no such table: combatant_equip_history [for Statement "SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM combatant_equip_history me"] at t/11_dblogin/02_empty.t line 13
# Looks like you planned 43 tests but ran 34.
# Looks like your test exited with 2 just after 34.
t/11_dblogin/02_empty.t .. 
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 9/43 subtests 

Test Summary Report
t/01_pod/pod.t         (Wstat: 512 Tests: 46 Failed: 2)
  Failed tests:  21, 45
  Non-zero exit status: 2
t/11_dblogin/02_empty.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 34 Failed: 0)
  Non-zero exit status: 2
  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 43 tests but ran 34.
Files=5, Tests=174,  2 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.02 sys +  1.35 cusr  0.20 csys =  1.59 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 2/5 test programs. 2/174 subtests failed.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2


Prerequisite modules loaded:


    Module              Need   Have   
    ------------------- ------ -------
    DBIx::Class         0.0801 0.08200
    Exception::Class    1.23   1.35   
    SQL::Translator     0.08   0.11012
    Sub::Exporter       0.981  0.984  


    Module              Need   Have   
    ------------------- ------ -------
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0      6.62   


Environment variables:

    LANG = en_US.UTF-8
    LANGUAGE = en_US:en
    PATH = /home/sand/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games:/usr/local/perl/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
    PERL5LIB = 
    PERL5OPT = 
    SHELL = /usr/bin/zsh
    TERM = screen

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    $^X = /mnt/k75/homesand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.12.4/165a/bin/perl
    $UID/$EUID = 1005 / 1005
    $GID = 1005 1005
    $EGID = 1005 1005

Perl module toolchain versions installed:

    Module              Have    
    ------------------- --------
    CPAN                1.9800  
    CPAN::Meta          2.120921
    Cwd                 3.33    
    ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.280205
    ExtUtils::Command   1.17    
    ExtUtils::Install   1.55    
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.62    
    ExtUtils::Manifest  1.61    
    ExtUtils::ParseXS   3.15    
    File::Spec          3.33    
    JSON                2.53    
    JSON::PP            2.27200 
    Module::Build       0.4003  
    Module::Signature   0.68    
    Parse::CPAN::Meta   1.4404  
    Test::Harness       3.25    
    Test::More          0.98_03 
    YAML                0.84    
    YAML::Syck          1.21_01 
    version             0.9901  


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 12 subversion 4) configuration:
  Commit id: 0cfb50b2327c758fdfe77a5cda07b115e58aed0b
    osname=linux, osvers=3.2.0-3-amd64, archname=x86_64-linux
    uname='linux k83 3.2.0-3-amd64 #1 smp mon jul 23 02:45:17 utc 2012 x86_64 gnulinux '
    config_args='-Dprefix=/home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.12.4/165a -Dmyhostname=k83 -Dinstallusrbinperl=n -Uversiononly -Dusedevel -des -Ui_db -Uuseithreads -Uuselongdouble -DDEBUGGING=-g'
    hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
    useithreads=undef, usemultiplicity=undef
    useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef
    use64bitint=define, use64bitall=define, uselongdouble=undef
    usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
    cc='cc', ccflags ='-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64',
    optimize='-O2 -g',
    cppflags='-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include'
    ccversion='', gccversion='4.7.1', gccosandvers=''
    intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
    d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
    ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
    alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='cc', ldflags =' -fstack-protector -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib /usr/lib
    libs=-lnsl -ldb -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
    perllibs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
    libc=, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-Wl,-E'
    cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared -O2 -g -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
                        USE_64_BIT_ALL USE_64_BIT_INT USE_LARGE_FILES
                        USE_PERLIO USE_PERL_ATOF
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Aug 16 2012 07:14:29