DBIx-Class v0.082840 Perl 5 v5.27.0 x86_64-linux

Serguei Trouchelle (STRO)
DBIx-Class v0.082840
Perl 5 v5.27.0 x86_64-linux
2017-09-22 10:44:16
This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See
http://wiki.cpantesters.org/ for more information or email
questions to cpan-testers-discuss@perl.org

Dear Peter Rabbitson,

This is a computer-generated report for DBIx-Class-0.082840
on perl 5.27.0, created by CPAN-Reporter-1.2018.

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  Congratulations!
All tests were successful.

Sections of this report:

    * Tester comments
    * Program output
    * Prerequisites
    * Environment and other context


Additional comments from tester:

this report is from an automated smoke testing program
and was not reviewed by a human for accuracy


Output from '/usr/bin/make test':

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/home/stro/perl/5.27.0/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/admin/*.t t/cdbi/*.t t/cdbi/DeepAbstractSearch/*.t t/cdbi/abstract/*.t t/cdbi/sweet/*.t t/count/*.t t/delete/*.t t/inflate/*.t t/multi_create/*.t t/ordered/*.t t/prefetch/*.t t/relationship/*.t t/resultset/*.t t/resultsource/*.t t/row/*.t t/schema/*.t t/search/*.t t/sqlmaker/*.t t/sqlmaker/hierarchical/*.t t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/*.t t/storage/*.t t/update/*.t xt/*.t

Mismatch of versions '1.1' and '1.43', obtained respectively via `Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::BadArguments->VERSION` and parsing the version out of <<SL>>/Exception/Class.pm with ExtUtils::MakeMaker@7.24. This should never happen - please check whether this is still present in the latest version, and then file a bug with the distribution containing Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::BadArguments.

Mismatch of versions '1.1' and '1.43', obtained respectively via `Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::ValidationFailedForMooseTypeConstraint->VERSION` and parsing the version out of <<SL>>/Exception/Class.pm with ExtUtils::MakeMaker@7.24. This should never happen - please check whether this is still present in the latest version, and then file a bug with the distribution containing Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::ValidationFailedForMooseTypeConstraint.

Mismatch of versions '1.1' and '1.43', obtained respectively via `Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Extra->VERSION` and parsing the version out of <<SL>>/Exception/Class.pm with ExtUtils::MakeMaker@7.24. This should never happen - please check whether this is still present in the latest version, and then file a bug with the distribution containing Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Extra.

Mismatch of versions '1.1' and '1.43', obtained respectively via `Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Required->VERSION` and parsing the version out of <<SL>>/Exception/Class.pm with ExtUtils::MakeMaker@7.24. This should never happen - please check whether this is still present in the latest version, and then file a bug with the distribution containing Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Required.

Mismatch of versions '1.1' and '1.43', obtained respectively via `Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Extra->VERSION` and parsing the version out of <<SL>>/Exception/Class.pm with ExtUtils::MakeMaker@7.24. This should never happen - please check whether this is still present in the latest version, and then file a bug with the distribution containing Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Extra.

Mismatch of versions '1.1' and '1.43', obtained respectively via `Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Required->VERSION` and parsing the version out of <<SL>>/Exception/Class.pm with ExtUtils::MakeMaker@7.24. This should never happen - please check whether this is still present in the latest version, and then file a bug with the distribution containing Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Required.

# List of loadable modules within both the core and *OPTIONAL* dependency chains
# present on this system (modules sourced from ./blib, ./lib, ./t, and ./xt
# with versions identical to their parent namespace were omitted for brevity)
#     *** Note that *MANY* of these modules will *NEVER* be loaded ***
#             *** during normal operation of DBIx::Class ***
# @INC at startup (does not reflect manipulation at runtime):
#   0: ./inc/
#   1: ./blib/lib/
#   2: ./blib/arch/
#   3: <<SA>>/
#   4: <<SL>>/
#   5: <<PA>>/
#   6: <<PL>>/
#   7: ./
# Sourcing markers:
#        PA: $Config{archlib}
#        PL: $Config{privlib}
#        SA: $Config{sitearch}
#        SL: $Config{sitelib}
#       BLL: ./blib/lib/
# =============================
#        PA            0.29  attributes                                                                      [ MD5: 3c7494a1e2daadab4c2438772daf1f26 ]
#        PL            5.74  AutoLoader                                                                      [ MD5: c923fac66a84c6b5dbbf01250e7c1a42 ]
#        PA            1.68  B                                                                               [ MD5: a1b96c83bbb9e72e40c4ef0ad7ccb9ac ]
#        SL            0.21  B::Hooks::EndOfScope                                                            [ MD5: a004874dd5b76eb1119b90c7a03158c6 ]
#        SL            0.21  B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS                                                        [ MD5: a3cd2087d9dba94277ba4e15fb5e39ad ]
#        PL            2.25  base                                                                            [ MD5: d0772f6e62a24d2a7fcc3e7179db2c37 ]
#        PL            1.05  bytes                                                                           [ MD5: 0b1f4cf7f07548ffd51cd5ddb6644fe2 ]
#        PL            1.42  Carp                                                                            [ MD5: 5e505f781edb59d1bc7d50192aca1d0b ]
#        PL            1.42  Carp::Heavy                                                                     [ MD5: 79f092eecb710ba166304e7a88bfa45d ]
#        SL            0.34  Class::Accessor                                                                 [ MD5: 79a573e4c523b52dcffb91b5390d9d20 ]
#        SL                  Class::Accessor::Chained::Fast                                                  [ MD5: 544678632aaf294dc280944a83c509bc ]
#        SL            0.34  Class::Accessor::Fast                                                           [ MD5: 69232ed8cbca035a8eb6c73e40b695f9 ]
#        SL         0.10012  Class::Accessor::Grouped                                                        [ MD5: e7c277f33b36ef2ef9f68a564c26e753 ]
#        SL        1.001000  Class::C3::Componentised                                                        [ MD5: c8c95fc2278592a66aacfd18ed7a5645 ]
#        SL            0.08  Class::Data::Inheritable                                                        [ MD5: eaa489d785a175db193d92b13674d96d ]
#        SL            1.32  Class::Inspector                                                                [ MD5: 4fa3edab7513f6f0afb42de5157d07da ]
#        SL            0.24  Class::Load                                                                     [ MD5: 20b28c033b6f95f5cbc5aad69ec4b884 ]
#        SA            0.10  Class::Load::XS                                                                 [ MD5: cc30760936bb48922d9898c915555a19 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP                                                                      [ MD5: 04a2aa87688679d48c6a15f2de0a5b11 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Attribute                                                           [ MD5: 7b56a7e329c77326f886845f9c999edd ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Class                                                               [ MD5: 3bc6d66cc10c990fcc98299dd71d870d ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::Trait                                             [ MD5: 5674616cdff197a600f52c4ce1f48996 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Deprecated                                                          [ MD5: 6249129373bb5e5994fa984870251548 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Instance                                                            [ MD5: 94cab6aa51e28604414febc627de57bd ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Method                                                              [ MD5: feb371594b73dab147e5d86fed77a0a2 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Method::Accessor                                                    [ MD5: 38c023988be39c5f4eedda7152acc233 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Method::Constructor                                                 [ MD5: 320ed079dabf43996e50a13e7ab35bf3 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Method::Generated                                                   [ MD5: 08427fee7bdac6f75bc2af7383aa6c23 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Method::Inlined                                                     [ MD5: aa765477c7ea54a60e6f4d32a8c080c0 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Method::Meta                                                        [ MD5: bfb3e16589821da4ae3a78242adcc7f3 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped                                                     [ MD5: ad4146b0f7d2f864485427510b6991c2 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::MiniTrait                                                           [ MD5: df5227050cda26c6af8337d775a91233 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Mixin                                                               [ MD5: e68154941cd1b97d6c730cca37bebf75 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Mixin::AttributeCore                                                [ MD5: 58be2c311466997cc1b6d883d7d00028 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Mixin::HasAttributes                                                [ MD5: 13de95b2123e379c0a91eb2abcad6e2c ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Mixin::HasMethods                                                   [ MD5: 7c2481343d5fa32d973c72ec58bc5c5c ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Mixin::HasOverloads                                                 [ MD5: dc942dabdb17f6b64085761118acc936 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Module                                                              [ MD5: b7882fb9829d797e95ae47df6b82b4a1 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Object                                                              [ MD5: d64c22c58682b1e2d682818bee42e004 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Overload                                                            [ MD5: 7e79d62477426df174b75b981aae49ec ]
#        SA          2.2006  Class::MOP::Package                                                             [ MD5: 28d6f8f865babcde0ddeae0095dea0e3 ]
#        SL             1.5  Class::Singleton                                                                [ MD5: d1b724a6b51de027cc1656e67ada9a32 ]
#        PL            0.65  Class::Struct                                                                   [ MD5: cf060e4d87730484dcdf246d806fec93 ]
#        SA            1.19  Class::XSAccessor                                                               [ MD5: 0b7adfcc61192a80f97463e89d6d1696 ]
#        SA            1.19  Class::XSAccessor::Heavy                                                        [ MD5: db9379a668d6133fce801e4648cdef45 ]
#        SA            0.39  Clone                                                                           [ MD5: 870e2c14d77151fd9c98899781071512 ]
#        SA            3.74  common::sense                                                                   [ MD5: cd5a5150815b6f9da0b0020c9a403819 ]
#        PA        5.027000  Config                                                                          [ MD5: 2d18ac43b13619e514a52428bd0bb9ba ]
#        PL            1.33  constant                                                                        [ MD5: 56cde6eba0f667ab56196613df3933c1 ]
#        SL            0.02  Context::Preserve                                                               [ MD5: 81bcb0a3844f0c6e414afa9fb173bff5 ]
#        SA          3.0239  Cpanel::JSON::XS                                                                [ MD5: aabbc1806ed5d1cd61a91cc92da0ff0b ]
#        PA            3.67  Cwd                                                                             [ MD5: 826e1121066fd1032d72159f160944ae ]
#        PA           2.167  Data::Dumper                                                                    [ MD5: e8d4d16a5dbdb2708c2422caa0887a7b ]
#        SL           2.023  Data::Dumper::Concise                                                           [ MD5: b18cb47e46e385ccee825ac7e5e59d9e ]
#        SL           0.110  Data::OptList                                                                   [ MD5: abf71027225f7e71ffb99d9e60f1c817 ]
#        SL            2.02  Data::Page                                                                      [ MD5: 52f4b3f7348e51e0654aa4f0b3503ab0 ]
#        SA            1.44  DateTime                                                                        [ MD5: 42c171b7fbfeabc47f32ad68941dada1 ]
#        SA            1.44  DateTime::Duration                                                              [ MD5: 104fae21f5f681f889d8c31e5c0d9bb6 ]
#        SL            1.74  DateTime::Format::Strptime                                                      [ MD5: c76b76b4f26e0b086993cad45398476e ]
#        SL            1.74  DateTime::Format::Strptime::Types                                               [ MD5: bc3db8fbf80a8b0519af5d33670a361f ]
#        SA            1.44  DateTime::Helpers                                                               [ MD5: cae7dfaf5b15dda271ed4ecf461597a9 ]
#        SA            1.44  DateTime::Infinite                                                              [ MD5: 277cf0f3275e07266f2200f168858f64 ]
#        SL            1.16  DateTime::Locale                                                                [ MD5: db9482ff8a2b7275fbd3a06c7f2ce4b4 ]
#        SL            1.16  DateTime::Locale::Base                                                          [ MD5: cfcb634809cdc30ea0d9c46794dc2173 ]
#        SL            1.16  DateTime::Locale::Data                                                          [ MD5: e65570507597729dd7ad91080fd14f50 ]
#        SL            1.16  DateTime::Locale::FromData                                                      [ MD5: f51244eee7c41c04e2f000f33e7b3c45 ]
#        SL            1.16  DateTime::Locale::Util                                                          [ MD5: 7ac3bf78c23d407342252e36c3e3b8b8 ]
#        SL            2.13  DateTime::TimeZone                                                              [ MD5: f0366634562ea80bba05530bfb5dc8f7 ]
#        SL            2.13  DateTime::TimeZone::Catalog                                                     [ MD5: d25c37b75614e77bdbc16526a45bcbbd ]
#        SL            2.13  DateTime::TimeZone::Floating                                                    [ MD5: 0c8e863338842dfaba4ce2db66925f19 ]
#        SL            2.13  DateTime::TimeZone::Local                                                       [ MD5: a162cc4bf720dfa19beef180bcf7c5bb ]
#        SL            2.13  DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly                                                  [ MD5: bfc462c1488f46d6250f0cd531b08f0b ]
#        SL            2.13  DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Change                                             [ MD5: 378ed4411308cb2187944b56827127a0 ]
#        SL            2.13  DateTime::TimeZone::UTC                                                         [ MD5: 5c7fc681c4716fe58151e359be72e14e ]
#        SA            1.44  DateTime::Types                                                                 [ MD5: 1621d52937d136a2ec549f617bc82163 ]
#        SA           1.637  DBI                                                                             [ MD5: aedbec0b1616db6541df4ba24bd7a0c9 ]
#       BLL        0.082840  DBIx::Class                                                                     [ MD5: 8bfd568d750eaffd5f53546d6ab095bf ]
#        SL            0.14  Devel::GlobalDestruction                                                        [ MD5: fa8dcedeb9a8a3d29fbef7dfce342970 ]
#        SL           0.004  Devel::OverloadInfo                                                             [ MD5: e324a1b67fa94d816d070bff0d4a854c ]
#        SL            2.02  Devel::StackTrace                                                               [ MD5: f967ffdd0fc7eec4223e90f380e8417a ]
#        SL            2.02  Devel::StackTrace::Frame                                                        [ MD5: eaf1705707e5da7f25bbedf2f07b2af8 ]
#        SL            2.18  Devel::Symdump                                                                  [ MD5: e649ab91a4890ab2543e821daef73079 ]
#        PL            1.16  Digest::base                                                                    [ MD5: c46e2ebb720ee7d9c600ce5acbf34291 ]
#        PA            2.55  Digest::MD5                                                                     [ MD5: eb31899db132d674e1db22f4727234f6 ]
#        PA            1.42  DynaLoader                                                                      [ MD5: 946142306a2c4799cb2f003e42da5d86 ]
#        SA            2.92  Encode                                                                          [ MD5: 35204b235a821c66f9fbfe07045e8b1b ]
#        SA            2.23  Encode::Alias                                                                   [ MD5: b79eae517393bb58b4d069befd72c00a ]
#        SA            2.05  Encode::Config                                                                  [ MD5: 7bdd1d8dffa8d3500086802451fc020d ]
#        SA            2.08  Encode::Encoding                                                                [ MD5: 3f40faa217288ed2cb4e34af87b6bfd6 ]
#        SA            1.02  Encode::MIME::Name                                                              [ MD5: d5005f803a02bff68eb2f0621c620bde ]
#        PA            1.28  Errno                                                                           [ MD5: 8907bd33367c3aad8584cca0b78853cb ]
#        SL            0.14  Eval::Closure                                                                   [ MD5: 6c72ca7cb0924d00e0c1a8bee904c349 ]
#        SL            1.43  Exception::Class                                                                [ MD5: fe19367e69345715e7008917bfda3def ]
#        SL            1.43  Exception::Class::Base                                                          [ MD5: b915725233437285ae6c1adaf05e7817 ]
#        PL            5.72  Exporter                                                                        [ MD5: 358c4022647b971c7c4f3a4157b8343e ]
#        PL            5.72  Exporter::Heavy                                                                 [ MD5: d8032ca40b44e010673e6dd5816ca66b ]
#        PL            7.24  ExtUtils::Liblist                                                               [ MD5: 67a5281be16b6a38bd6ee668e1e629c8 ]
#        PL            7.24  ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid                                                          [ MD5: c9f416543d718ca94cbc3be3e144c6cf ]
#        PL            7.24  ExtUtils::MakeMaker                                                             [ MD5: 27cf678277a5d4812d0d5120bb9accc0 ]
#        PL            7.24  ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config                                                     [ MD5: 356ee049ac3012508621d65f68e6d09a ]
#        PL            7.24  ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale                                                     [ MD5: e87da15952e5eb9f4de9b1efe1adb893 ]
#        PL            7.24  ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version                                                    [ MD5: ed031209c6103427ffa19c83c030a154 ]
#        PL            7.24  ExtUtils::MM                                                                    [ MD5: 9e150ea685a38e0b0e2929706034b8cc ]
#        PL            7.24  ExtUtils::MM_Any                                                                [ MD5: 4fa5e931e663ff16c3209e148fc51755 ]
#        PL            7.24  ExtUtils::MM_Unix                                                               [ MD5: 94cd530573a6925c632ab60ae7619a0a ]
#        PL            7.24  ExtUtils::MY                                                                    [ MD5: 6b05b247d4b5cbddf4768614777c947c ]
#        PA            1.13  Fcntl                                                                           [ MD5: b337d563fd4bc958c7e0a2bba2ca86d2 ]
#        PL            2.85  File::Basename                                                                  [ MD5: 060f029d056cc44e536c7d278f69bf43 ]
#        PL            2.32  File::Copy                                                                      [ MD5: 6bd3ccbef5e29781e19ab4d4a4dfc779 ]
#        PL            1.34  File::Find                                                                      [ MD5: 04150524197463018d3188f24e360c5e ]
#        PA            1.28  File::Glob                                                                      [ MD5: 3924cc309b6830781e15c9b95f1c6e2c ]
#        SL           1.002  File::HomeDir                                                                   [ MD5: 9150c5cecc3a8fa8d493b3b9b1e48b5f ]
#        SL           1.002  File::HomeDir::Driver                                                           [ MD5: f6db920ef00e5f2dfe95b44c10c2abd3 ]
#        SL           1.002  File::HomeDir::FreeDesktop                                                      [ MD5: 83e8daea3a61c35155c594004ea42bfb ]
#        SL           1.002  File::HomeDir::Unix                                                             [ MD5: cd28e9f59a051caee22e2b02c33afc2e ]
#        PL         2.12_01  File::Path                                                                      [ MD5: b71c56316d768bc029229b0ee4e40f5e ]
#        SL           1.104  File::ShareDir                                                                  [ MD5: 19a51f60e6c3500357c2afadb8fe5050 ]
#        PA            3.67  File::Spec                                                                      [ MD5: bb472e80a6326541da70981255396119 ]
#        PA            3.67  File::Spec::Unix                                                                [ MD5: 3ca720052529b88b8fe32661a4f6990c ]
#        PL            1.07  File::stat                                                                      [ MD5: d6fcb5be03ba2b0f34569f8dbc9c17c8 ]
#        PL          0.2304  File::Temp                                                                      [ MD5: 42d392eee808579f109684ac09d8649e ]
#        SL            1.22  File::Which                                                                     [ MD5: 4a630ecc26c8f2611494363a0d5edeff ]
#        PL            2.49  Getopt::Long                                                                    [ MD5: 689ae0ab17c223ff71b2daedc105a7e7 ]
#        SL           0.100  Getopt::Long::Descriptive                                                       [ MD5: f0d74b79f8555696456d9681bbad6c31 ]
#        SL           0.100  Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Opts                                                 [ MD5: f3c13140184f94b8aace5e5a00084d6c ]
#        SL           0.100  Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Usage                                                [ MD5: 34979f7f1934389e80d38428a5b78198 ]
#        PA            0.13  I18N::Langinfo                                                                  [ MD5: 706de135fde051348167b99b4d87722f ]
#        PL          0.0606  if                                                                              [ MD5: 64ca426ae881664b5bf41c88b2c96963 ]
#        PL            1.01  integer                                                                         [ MD5: 3e5ff5fb486c95945e10e79859dd5bfb ]
#        PA            1.38  IO                                                                              [ MD5: 0fd9a20e71a733dbe5859bd96e32334d ]
#        PA            1.10  IO::Dir                                                                         [ MD5: 3382ea44d8e267cc12a596fbfe73ff92 ]
#        PA            1.16  IO::File                                                                        [ MD5: 206278c02dd4a3fb7792a4a193d2588b ]
#        PA            1.36  IO::Handle                                                                      [ MD5: ba4d379aeccdf0982810a9ebc71aa1ce ]
#        PA            1.10  IO::Seekable                                                                    [ MD5: f62813b55c062f449160100dca67d043 ]
#        SL            2.94  JSON                                                                            [ MD5: 2f2743473672e01aa919230f6ae0df3d ]
#        SL            1.39  JSON::Any                                                                       [ MD5: 58091791762a014d447fdd6f05000e17 ]
#                      3.04  JSON::Backend::XS                                                             ! -f $INC{'JSON/Backend/XS.pm'}
#        PL      2.27400_02  JSON::PP                                                                        [ MD5: 41a51e893f3f4b4e9cf1c50f415577c2 ]
#                      1.01  JSON::PP::IncrParser                                                          ! -f $INC{'JSON/PP/IncrParser.pm'}
#        SA            3.04  JSON::XS                                                                        [ MD5: 3567e10f9d6deec84dfd5f2d59594f15 ]
#        PA         1.46_02  List::Util                                                                      [ MD5: a7be2ad5372cc4930892d5242c5134a2 ]
#        PL        1.999806  Math::BigInt                                                                    [ MD5: b67876533973c62afd04fe167dd12795 ]
#        SA          2.2006  metaclass                                                                       [ MD5: 1dc0cbaffb3b6b9b4a2e3e26bf4879e4 ]
#        SL                  Method::Generate::Accessor                                                      [ MD5: 8a8a82ab859cb3d2e4a33f22f98e8182 ]
#        SL                  Method::Generate::Constructor                                                   [ MD5: 65d3a011070e91b35113a075a80cdeac ]
#        SL            0.09  Module::Implementation                                                          [ MD5: 2a146bb117cd6b798e2b928231799546 ]
#        SL           0.015  Module::Runtime                                                                 [ MD5: 95117b4758f0ee470b8ee403e7361434 ]
#        SL        2.003002  Moo                                                                             [ MD5: 1c0bcc5d6d83f5d3c30eac11b62bda9b ]
#        SL                  Moo::HandleMoose                                                                [ MD5: ed0b031e284427345cf74a5e883683e1 ]
#        SL                  Moo::HandleMoose::FakeMetaClass                                                 [ MD5: a8fa6ab2dcc260ba042b78de3e410644 ]
#        SL                  Moo::Object                                                                     [ MD5: 454a78f98f0239ac4044db19f07e8567 ]
#        SL                  Moo::sification                                                                 [ MD5: 061e62ee1cc9fa0d4877ea1b7d2aabb0 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose                                                                           [ MD5: b90de571594c4764eb05174f7e63fe10 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Deprecated                                                               [ MD5: 4265340149ce4557005327bed36f4fab ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Exporter                                                                 [ MD5: b76d476e3772bba57fe208da03a63cf0 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Attribute                                                          [ MD5: 133dd988ae9e7de7236572f079bc9522 ]
#                    2.1403  Moose::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Moose                                         ! -f $INC{'Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/Moose.pm'}
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native                                                  [ MD5: cec7b1c6c566247c95c9a0aaee19ba5a ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Class                                                              [ MD5: 2080cfb83f2eeec2ab9f0bce14a3e124 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Class::Immutable::Trait                                            [ MD5: c6b4ba6cf3082a56b7353fbcda3f5a58 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Instance                                                           [ MD5: a9a6aae47c765e5743feb774cd6584c3 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Method                                                             [ MD5: 78a9ffb1dea325ce413bc9ce7411a068 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor                                                   [ MD5: d5293e36c8f8e73b8697124c47e6cbcf ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Method::Augmented                                                  [ MD5: 7d44a5a0c1aa56cc684b764bc1289252 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Method::Constructor                                                [ MD5: 87583c2810177160ed496c0ef708fa5e ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation                                                 [ MD5: fd9cd5125ae76edfc52de371d6ae08bd ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Method::Destructor                                                 [ MD5: 9b01ac753e126a8a7380e509b7fde8b1 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Method::Meta                                                       [ MD5: d0ebc50767451b58ef452d35f72b1f25 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Method::Overridden                                                 [ MD5: 392f6faaa8ab25baada6b05e6de4b671 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Mixin::AttributeCore                                               [ MD5: 3cfb6cb6bc36155e368129cc3ca01829 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Object::Trait                                                      [ MD5: e24203fe7c9c3a5c4248c2c5b3df0184 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Role                                                               [ MD5: c3ddc9d1e816a14855092744d5eae0c6 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Role::Application                                                  [ MD5: 40f1a685ac2efe59e93b60ddd2aa40aa ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation                                   [ MD5: f54d218f9474ade5fbabee320a3210c6 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToClass                                         [ MD5: 35a870265a7b071b4de91bad373b6bc6 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToInstance                                      [ MD5: 97842bcc8552710e7e0948ef6e3cbccc ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToRole                                          [ MD5: 19906c19aea478ac59c94c5a688de41e ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Role::Attribute                                                    [ MD5: 0482abda203cb4c529e39ce38c87e0f9 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Role::Composite                                                    [ MD5: 1a4bda4f84f2d30d8d111aa11bb3b66e ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Role::Method                                                       [ MD5: 65a3605df993dc030de5f0517583b547 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Conflicting                                          [ MD5: c49b92b2cab2dcf7c6b1d3b431c5a4ed ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required                                             [ MD5: 66a9feda6b01e59c80e3a41ddeacf3b5 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion                                                       [ MD5: e427ee350584f8ec73fffe392169b9af ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion::Union                                                [ MD5: 68f5b601fe42ab279c245d6747a8847b ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint                                                     [ MD5: 760b9d4cc3379fd1dd6a9c4ad2dee993 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Class                                              [ MD5: 88f8ec7ab2b8f6fe03c264aa93b6e2ab ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::DuckType                                           [ MD5: f19899e5726ed7308f8ae46b5c1de00f ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Enum                                               [ MD5: af30786bab4e0edb5fa9450d28d794bf ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterizable                                    [ MD5: ed2b42647ef425c68a117171f94973fe ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterized                                      [ MD5: 04915fac81e501c3a257ef06287457d2 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Registry                                           [ MD5: c6e581a5aed5be260a6ef6cece7a437a ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Role                                               [ MD5: 8cfcc1d0e3df5d81d7243fd9f9e71702 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Union                                              [ MD5: d604a51c4c2f9364edce39d32db91636 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Object                                                                   [ MD5: b412401d6919dea5db1ff5175e7ca8c0 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Role                                                                     [ MD5: 25dfa22a43b530d72f5337342a254c01 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Util                                                                     [ MD5: 95d76e86543d6739d4348fa9b099d93f ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Util::MetaRole                                                           [ MD5: b68e899c8b57465e743ae8609508d74a ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Util::TypeConstraints                                                    [ MD5: cf0421d4587f19455aa5fce42ec776d6 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::Builtins                                          [ MD5: 4f2b9f164cbe49decbc4dd806fd709be ]
#        PA            1.20  mro                                                                             [ MD5: 55e173fa7c4aa8a39d0b12f002d01a84 ]
#        SL            0.13  MRO::Compat                                                                     [ MD5: 0e22f9bf6be934a1ef7ecc18c01ea6be ]
#        SL            0.28  namespace::autoclean                                                            [ MD5: bcf7b7af396c62ab1bbcec0a42fdb1c3 ]
#        SL            0.27  namespace::clean                                                                [ MD5: f3e03f7f5f26391565d98357834e909b ]
#        PL            1.28  overload                                                                        [ MD5: c62689b45e22bba17c624608526f4735 ]
#        PL            0.02  overloading                                                                     [ MD5: 36e1b34f8175e036d57e51fd7d56becd ]
#        SL            0.17  Package::DeprecationManager                                                     [ MD5: 93dddddd7913b016f00963197be1c5f1 ]
#        SL            0.37  Package::Stash                                                                  [ MD5: e40c05afed4074ecb0455b05316523e8 ]
#        SA            0.28  Package::Stash::XS                                                              [ MD5: 5bafa791645794b7b7072bdefd80d787 ]
#        SA             2.2  PadWalker                                                                       [ MD5: 35ca6ec9f06e68f5df80d1232cc80361 ]
#        SA            1.07  Params::Util                                                                    [ MD5: dae515c40e02b36de308e51ddf0e8edd ]
#        SA            1.29  Params::Validate                                                                [ MD5: 4533877989c6fa2c3b03cc56ba0db066 ]
#        SA            1.29  Params::Validate::Constants                                                     [ MD5: a3aace4389f328e3ff0461aeff514947 ]
#        SA            1.29  Params::Validate::XS                                                            [ MD5: 9e61da3ba690d844355689dbc98ae5c8 ]
#        SL            0.24  Params::ValidationCompiler                                                      [ MD5: 09ed16305d47b53db7487b57c8f39dcc ]
#        SL            0.24  Params::ValidationCompiler::Compiler                                            [ MD5: c0276f900a9a032fc217274db783d223 ]
#        SL            1.43  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::BadArguments                             [ MD5: fe19367e69345715e7008917bfda3def ]
#        SL            1.43  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Extra                             [ MD5: fe19367e69345715e7008917bfda3def ]
#        SL            1.43  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Named::Required                          [ MD5: fe19367e69345715e7008917bfda3def ]
#        SL            1.43  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Extra                        [ MD5: fe19367e69345715e7008917bfda3def ]
#        SL            1.43  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::Positional::Required                     [ MD5: fe19367e69345715e7008917bfda3def ]
#        SL            1.43  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exception::ValidationFailedForMooseTypeConstraint   [ MD5: fe19367e69345715e7008917bfda3def ]
#        SL            0.24  Params::ValidationCompiler::Exceptions                                          [ MD5: 1816ae95327435373db78b253ecc8bdc ]
#        PL           0.236  parent                                                                          [ MD5: 0e42f824a13eae5979d10017afc8227b ]
#        SL            0.37  Path::Class                                                                     [ MD5: 62b3248e0d25291933a8d0f09e731547 ]
#        SL            0.37  Path::Class::Dir                                                                [ MD5: 9b7bd783037e1e812d6a82d62bcecb92 ]
#        SL            0.37  Path::Class::Entity                                                             [ MD5: 8e14d34b8f5a0909736e9bdaac460848 ]
#        SL            0.37  Path::Class::File                                                               [ MD5: b7f9029ac9e90dc1d509a95d12103c69 ]
#                  5.027000  perl                                                                            [ MD5: 4c1f2f20ce65246651be85f8cf75caaf ]
#        PL            1.10  PerlIO                                                                          [ MD5: 66c4f1af51bbeb98e0f6ca863f8d1615 ]
#        SL            0.23  Pod::Coverage                                                                   [ MD5: d53035083682c2a78d56d998ad7239d2 ]
#        PL            1.07  Pod::Escapes                                                                    [ MD5: 66b73dccf48caa9ab161e8c3805cf955 ]
#        PL            1.63  Pod::Find                                                                       [ MD5: 1e09437d4c107f7ef2690f6b9995dbd7 ]
#        PL            1.63  Pod::InputObjects                                                               [ MD5: 6b7a4d75d42c87da3929354fafa2a5a6 ]
#        PL            1.63  Pod::Parser                                                                     [ MD5: 9b166f82ac0afacbb4e2c0140725f29d ]
#        PL            3.35  Pod::Simple                                                                     [ MD5: 03b172786576111ae1236c243895abbf ]
#        PL            3.35  Pod::Simple::BlackBox                                                           [ MD5: 7eab1220fc7b44eab792bbf9ccc44edb ]
#        PL            3.35  Pod::Simple::LinkSection                                                        [ MD5: 3fae92494f87b19babe726623f5af431 ]
#        PA            1.76  POSIX                                                                           [ MD5: 8aae02d248a1a31666c00a44087aa82f ]
#        PA            0.34  re                                                                              [ MD5: 556fa9f92f0c82877d05589af0b73acb ]
#        SL           0.203  Ref::Util                                                                       [ MD5: ebf3a8907aeb4fb1781790871409f25d ]
#        SA           0.116  Ref::Util::XS                                                                   [ MD5: d7e10299add49afb849c1fd095e28f07 ]
#        SL        2.000005  Role::Tiny                                                                      [ MD5: 755b1d9f4002fda0230aaf57596f5402 ]
#        SL        2.000005  Role::Tiny::With                                                                [ MD5: 5116a125b643bdb3b1ab3a74a5e40af4 ]
#        PA         1.46_02  Scalar::Util                                                                    [ MD5: ecae1b10069f01e9e57bdfb10a0b0a2d ]
#        SL            0.21  Scope::Guard                                                                    [ MD5: 914494bdeb65cd340f14eae265635cf2 ]
#        PL            1.02  SelectSaver                                                                     [ MD5: bddc465e351ad0508581b94ef112d322 ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio                                                                          [ MD5: c2367afb59af21f6d376766d4a8833f6 ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Coercion                                                                [ MD5: 56ec2977bb841360053babce81f160d9 ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Constraint::AnyCan                                                      [ MD5: 577d9bc34e151348ab732a1dd09702ec ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Constraint::Enum                                                        [ MD5: 1e9736c0d4625b7e89ee8653d898d0a3 ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Constraint::ObjectCan                                                   [ MD5: a26f393ac46505a36dee61c9c56bb43f ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Constraint::ObjectIsa                                                   [ MD5: bc27a6defee145d6e421a704576e0b35 ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Constraint::Parameterizable                                             [ MD5: 3dfdd5eec3fdc7ab03b6785c0bc08f10 ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Constraint::Parameterized                                               [ MD5: cadae79be071e76e854f363a78ea761e ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Constraint::Role::CanType                                               [ MD5: 903f7c847831a0ab8f360ba6fb2e9dfe ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Constraint::Role::Interface                                             [ MD5: 53e51673950ded91fc7ac61eeb298b7d ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Constraint::Role::IsaType                                               [ MD5: 430be101d4eba4741062b893398f8906 ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Constraint::Simple                                                      [ MD5: b99b6bd3add617b77121f29573fb9abf ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Constraint::Union                                                       [ MD5: 6bfe171435c3dad02bac7cc35565aa50 ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Declare                                                                 [ MD5: 84b2923babb5bb442d8b70d7f1c13c2e ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::DeclaredAt                                                              [ MD5: c2531ceef0c9fa5eef9cfeae2f05cd6b ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Exception                                                               [ MD5: f608472518d812fa0c8be405a825978f ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Exporter                                                                [ MD5: 0bbbfc68d485eb0f9a2e7e44583137b7 ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Helpers                                                                 [ MD5: 63a47ce67200f78900b97ae6fee06c3b ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Library::Builtins                                                       [ MD5: c64effefffd25814c4190daa56565aae ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Library::Numeric                                                        [ MD5: a608b114865b85187b0e2db850434949 ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Library::String                                                         [ MD5: 8ba9bf23a5fece3b28acabfac9a10b2c ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::OO                                                                      [ MD5: 00edf473e8675dd28382dafbe6b346bc ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::PartialDump                                                             [ MD5: 8d0fbc16b52c96f5120f26854e1024a5 ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Registry                                                                [ MD5: dfe0d7ebd49dcc5861268fa195d7d911 ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::Role::Inlinable                                                         [ MD5: 2ffeff3b998d40ea86534b07c995cb92 ]
#        SL            0.40  Specio::TypeChecks                                                              [ MD5: fd404b13bbc44043efb362d2663f00e2 ]
#        SL            1.84  SQL::Abstract                                                                   [ MD5: 054f92aa3facdeac09d1b230a9fd6877 ]
#        PA            2.62  Storable                                                                        [ MD5: 73d816d785406bc5c2de9059918a9a3c ]
#        PL            1.11  strict                                                                          [ MD5: 441328c7ffbbe42a0226ec65bde71715 ]
#        SL        2.004000  Sub::Defer                                                                      [ MD5: fe3f07cc2efa25ff3372e5c9bbf77969 ]
#        SL           0.987  Sub::Exporter                                                                   [ MD5: aa6b0dc0ffcf3831d4cee7da6d7e8330 ]
#        SL        0.001013  Sub::Exporter::Progressive                                                      [ MD5: 5f37412f2438f87c7b088c7b2e6dd8ab ]
#        SL           0.987  Sub::Exporter::Util                                                             [ MD5: 9bfd22ab1afa835541f6a7d298ab90fc ]
#        SA            0.14  Sub::Identify                                                                   [ MD5: c5aa7af217a6440b522298715d770472 ]
#        SL           0.928  Sub::Install                                                                    [ MD5: f077d4c445e5cceebd5aab8460fd2d5e ]
#        SA            0.21  Sub::Name                                                                       [ MD5: f03f7cf0bb678e86d57149b9037b8970 ]
#        SL        2.004000  Sub::Quote                                                                      [ MD5: a0ffb5b408a2443d9a36d742d2faf7a4 ]
#        PA         1.46_02  Sub::Util                                                                       [ MD5: 44ac17c070ae630a659627b6cc1764c2 ]
#        PL            1.08  Symbol                                                                          [ MD5: f261ff12097b376fceb636639aa228c8 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::API                                                                      [ MD5: d7e64f2b1c84b49910de59bad974af0e ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::API::Context                                                             [ MD5: 13e2ee77c8e0325d14c1f812d764e191 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::API::Instance                                                            [ MD5: f8ebd846f85bd95c32cde6c5e9fcf13e ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::API::Stack                                                               [ MD5: eb025b904473a465960a5407c92fff2f ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Event                                                                    [ MD5: b5b41e098c7be585ff1fb3b203020a19 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Event::Bail                                                              [ MD5: 10e88ab00a4cb97fdee030f6cc67e061 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Event::Diag                                                              [ MD5: c046361daa7631e4b82321f9944891dd ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Event::Exception                                                         [ MD5: 8067ba18d30bc8d6b0c72dd0a8c54c96 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Event::Fail                                                              [ MD5: 50c19e88c9cc9bb08913361f1aeb8e2d ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Event::Note                                                              [ MD5: deeba3b07d318dc89656340fa8371ba3 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Event::Ok                                                                [ MD5: e2ecf141679528d01a64aaad4a82409f ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Event::Pass                                                              [ MD5: ac536509719d599832a65f3caac07bff ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Event::Plan                                                              [ MD5: 825c4196aa3e586ff6fb9cc11054a85a ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Event::Skip                                                              [ MD5: b27e939c15b84882be42bae4e8455ddd ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Event::Subtest                                                           [ MD5: fd49e63abc2cc02ba503754e5a66ea40 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Event::Waiting                                                           [ MD5: 3c09712410dad6a5757adaf97fb71eb6 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::EventFacet                                                               [ MD5: e993696ae43a6f70a344e08664334978 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::EventFacet::About                                                        [ MD5: be7c48eb1929478325346ef08480c990 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::EventFacet::Amnesty                                                      [ MD5: 9d381e1dad52b6e4aa86d0ce2221002c ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::EventFacet::Assert                                                       [ MD5: c3268e686770b8fd4f15fdfcd4db602f ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::EventFacet::Control                                                      [ MD5: d27f4554349333f2accdf4d268607f49 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::EventFacet::Error                                                        [ MD5: 421b1777093edd72b429f0fa46d67f16 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::EventFacet::Info                                                         [ MD5: ea88182c2f68b9520533b2fc0ece474d ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::EventFacet::Meta                                                         [ MD5: b445bda866a039d475a0d5a98b2992f2 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::EventFacet::Parent                                                       [ MD5: 4248e36b1f099ea4a9b57a9652bb43b8 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::EventFacet::Plan                                                         [ MD5: 59cd2b7b791c84401e56f17e4fc9c0e2 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::EventFacet::Trace                                                        [ MD5: 2d51d31258550290c6ae13d7b107add5 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Formatter                                                                [ MD5: f3cb9ac529f59eb199330ab1d2bdc0c2 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Formatter::TAP                                                           [ MD5: c696d3bdcec62983149459626f1380fc ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Hub                                                                      [ MD5: 9c4aa61e3d2588180fc5da08d08f3521 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Hub::Interceptor                                                         [ MD5: 4664d4d5f45e991f5979bbae8ace829b ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Hub::Interceptor::Terminator                                             [ MD5: 0824bd87a97ee07679f4ec7ad4f16ef2 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Hub::Subtest                                                             [ MD5: 688cfec5db8d838d342fa19c0f2e1676 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Util                                                                     [ MD5: 8c9f92491884f2490a306976f01f7536 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Util::ExternalMeta                                                       [ MD5: 70e248aee042a299a748f96fca172bae ]
#        SL           0.005  Test2::Util::HashBase                                                           [ MD5: 5fa4df36d8b22dc38d03d3bafe23a02e ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test2::Util::Trace                                                              [ MD5: a3e95f09434eb6ea652c7d4cd332fa59 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test::Builder                                                                   [ MD5: df98f60a70b529e00da952cb6628026a ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test::Builder::Formatter                                                        [ MD5: 98cafa83fab8cf6190882bdbe0a4cf85 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test::Builder::Module                                                           [ MD5: 28a841c7b864c5d7855864bd4fdd1846 ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test::Builder::TodoDiag                                                         [ MD5: 062de7e3aa7d2bc54d689033aa8cf411 ]
#        SA          2.2006  Test::Moose                                                                     [ MD5: d2d6f1116e264db18fb76f1c2b193aaa ]
#        SL        1.302096  Test::More                                                                      [ MD5: 75ac97fde16bffbb2f308f15bc91524b ]
#        SL            1.51  Test::Pod                                                                       [ MD5: efb912ca5d0e3c57e132e039190ef4d1 ]
#        SL            1.10  Test::Pod::Coverage                                                             [ MD5: b751ee701f87277a9013c485f474424e ]
#        SL            1.95  Text::CSV                                                                       [ MD5: 365e6970bdf030c6994cd418bfbabcd8 ]
#        SA            1.32  Text::CSV_XS                                                                    [ MD5: c1463c0639f42332f3645efdc52d43e2 ]
#        PL            1.05  Tie::Hash                                                                       [ MD5: acc4709f0adb89bef2863771b6995d2b ]
#        PA          1.9741  Time::HiRes                                                                     [ MD5: 1d000317cf75b2f0496533568e8a2711 ]
#        SL            0.28  Try::Tiny                                                                       [ MD5: 53090a582032d6f4bb682dbbfa545876 ]
#        SL             1.0  Types::Serialiser                                                               [ MD5: b409e70ebab79d5b48b44dde9574b411 ]
#        PL            1.19  utf8                                                                            [ MD5: 1e81482deb175e2b15443c5223ec2e17 ]
#        SA            0.61  Variable::Magic                                                                 [ MD5: 1ed36b259c5ee4b761dc107487cbdfd6 ]
#        PL            1.03  vars                                                                            [ MD5: 613c5318b87aa69b1145ca028f964445 ]
#        PL          0.9917  version                                                                         [ MD5: 0fbc5ad8182938d1d4069286b234f4a4 ]
#        PL          0.9917  version::regex                                                                  [ MD5: 20be5542bf2a20a4732c68d7e9e785be ]
#        PL            1.37  warnings                                                                        [ MD5: 0e16d816918d9c552dd93339cd3c7b49 ]
#        PL            1.04  warnings::register                                                              [ MD5: 2d8f6ce093a2176b982c0e12c0194b3b ]
#        PL            0.27  XSLoader                                                                        [ MD5: 899f9728852e657e953bac9b376308bb ]
# =============================
# List of loadable modules within both the core and *OPTIONAL* dependency chains
# present on this system (modules sourced from ./blib, ./lib, ./t, and ./xt
# with versions identical to their parent namespace were omitted for brevity)
#     *** Note that *MANY* of these modules will *NEVER* be loaded ***
#             *** during normal operation of DBIx::Class ***
t/00describe_environment.t .......................... ok
t/04_c3_mro.t ....................................... ok
t/05components.t .................................... ok
t/100extra_source.t ................................. ok
t/100populate.t ..................................... ok
t/101populate_rs.t .................................. ok
t/101source.t ....................................... ok
t/102load_classes.t ................................. ok
t/103many_to_many_warning.t ......................... ok
t/104view.t ......................................... ok
t/106dbic_carp.t .................................... ok
t/107obj_result_class.t ............................. ok
t/18insert_default.t ................................ ok
t/19retrieve_on_insert.t ............................ ok
t/20setuperrors.t ................................... ok
t/26dumper.t ........................................ ok
t/33exception_wrap.t ................................ ok
t/34exception_action.t .............................. ok
t/35exception_inaction.t ............................ ok
t/39load_namespaces_1.t ............................. ok
t/39load_namespaces_2.t ............................. ok
t/39load_namespaces_3.t ............................. ok
t/39load_namespaces_4.t ............................. ok
t/39load_namespaces_exception.t ..................... ok
t/39load_namespaces_rt41083.t ....................... ok
t/39load_namespaces_stress.t ........................ ok
t/40compose_connection.t ............................ ok
t/40resultsetmanager.t .............................. ok
t/46where_attribute.t ............................... ok
t/50fork.t .......................................... skipped: Test needs DBD::Pg (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/51threadnodb.t .................................... skipped: your perl does not support ithreads
t/51threads.t ....................................... skipped: your perl does not support ithreads
t/51threadtxn.t ..................................... skipped: your perl does not support ithreads
t/52leaks.t ......................................... ok
t/53lean_startup.t .................................. ok
t/55namespaces_cleaned.t ............................ ok
t/60core.t .......................................... ok
t/61findnot.t ....................................... ok
t/63register_class.t ................................ ok
t/63register_column.t ............................... ok
t/63register_source.t ............................... ok
t/64db.t ............................................ ok
t/65multipk.t ....................................... ok
t/67pager.t ......................................... ok
t/69update.t ........................................ ok
t/70auto.t .......................................... ok
t/71mysql.t ......................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MYSQL_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/72pg.t ............................................ skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_PG_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/72pg_bytea.t ...................................... skipped: Test needs DBD::Pg (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/73oracle.t ........................................ skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test.
t/73oracle_blob.t ................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test.
t/73oracle_hq.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test.
t/745db2.t .......................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_DB2_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/746db2_400.t ...................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_DB2_400_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/746mssql.t ........................................ skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_ODBC_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/746sybase.t ....................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_SYBASE_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test. Warning: This test drops and creates the tables: 'artist', 'money_test' and 'bindtype_test'
t/747mssql_ado.t .................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_ADO_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/748informix.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_INFORMIX_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/749sqlanywhere.t .................................. skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_ODBC_DSN},
t/74mssql.t ......................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/750firebird.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_INTERBASE_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_ODBC_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run these tests. WARNING: this test creates and drops the tables "artist", "bindtype_test" and "sequence_test"; the generators "gen_artist_artistid", "pkid1_seq", "pkid2_seq" and "nonpkid_seq" and the trigger "artist_bi".
t/751msaccess.t ..................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ODBC_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ADO_DSN} (and optionally _USER and _PASS) to run these tests.
t/752sqlite.t ....................................... ok
t/76joins.t ......................................... ok
t/76select.t ........................................ ok
t/77join_count.t .................................... ok
t/78self_referencial.t .............................. ok
t/79aliasing.t ...................................... ok
t/80unique.t ........................................ ok
t/82cascade_copy.t .................................. ok
t/83cache.t ......................................... ok
t/84serialize.t ..................................... ok
t/85utf8.t .......................................... ok
t/86might_have.t .................................... ok
t/86sqlt.t .......................................... skipped: Test needs SQL::Translator >= 0.11018 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/87ordered.t ....................................... ok
t/88result_set_column.t ............................. ok
t/90ensure_class_loaded.t ........................... ok
t/90join_torture.t .................................. ok
t/91merge_joinpref_attr.t ........................... ok
t/93autocast.t ...................................... ok
t/93single_accessor_object.t ........................ ok
t/94pk_mutation.t ................................... ok
t/94versioning.t .................................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MYSQL_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/96_is_deteministic_value.t ........................ ok
t/97result_class.t .................................. ok
t/99dbic_sqlt_parser.t .............................. skipped: Test needs SQL::Translator >= 0.11018 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/admin/01load.t .................................... skipped: Test needs MooseX::Types >= 0.21, MooseX::Types::JSON >= 0.02, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011, MooseX::Types::Path::Class >= 0.05 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/admin/02ddl.t ..................................... skipped: Test needs MooseX::Types >= 0.21, MooseX::Types::JSON >= 0.02, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011, MooseX::Types::Path::Class >= 0.05 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/admin/03data.t .................................... skipped: Test needs MooseX::Types >= 0.21, MooseX::Types::JSON >= 0.02, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011, MooseX::Types::Path::Class >= 0.05 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/admin/10script.t .................................. skipped: Test needs JSON::DWIW, MooseX::Types >= 0.21, MooseX::Types::JSON >= 0.02, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011, MooseX::Types::Path::Class >= 0.05
t/cdbi/01-columns.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/02-Film.t .................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/03-subclassing.t ............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/04-lazy.t .................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/06-hasa.t .................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/08-inheritcols.t ............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/09-has_many.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/11-triggers.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/12-filter.t .................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/13-constraint.t .............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/14-might_have.t .............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/15-accessor.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/16-reserved.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/18-has_a.t ................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/19-set_sql.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/21-iterator.t ................................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/22-deflate_order.t ........................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/22-self_referential.t ........................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/23-cascade.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/24-meta_info.t ............................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/26-mutator.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/30-pager.t ................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/68-inflate_has_a.t ........................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/70_implicit_inflate.t ........................ skipped: Test needs DateTime::Format::SQLite
t/cdbi/71_column_object.t ........................... skipped: The tested functionality is only available in Class::DBI >= 3.0.5
t/cdbi/98-failure.t ................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/abstract/search_where.t ...................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/columns_as_hashes.t .......................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/columns_dont_override_custom_accessors.t ..... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/construct.t .................................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/copy.t ....................................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/DeepAbstractSearch/01_search.t ............... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/early_column_heisenbug.t ..................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/has_many_loads_foreign_class.t ............... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/hasa_without_loading.t ....................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/max_min_value_of.t ........................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/mk_group_accessors.t ......................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/multi_column_set.t ........................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/object_cache.t ............................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/retrieve_from_sql_with_limit.t ............... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/set_to_undef.t ............................... skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/set_vs_DateTime.t ............................ skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/cdbi/sweet/08pager.t .............................. skipped: Class::DBI required for this test
t/count/count_rs.t .................................. ok
t/count/distinct.t .................................. ok
t/count/group_by_func.t ............................. ok
t/count/grouped_pager.t ............................. ok
t/count/in_subquery.t ............................... ok
t/count/joined.t .................................... ok
t/count/prefetch.t .................................. ok
t/count/search_related.t ............................ ok
t/delete/cascade_missing.t .......................... ok
t/delete/complex.t .................................. ok
t/delete/m2m.t ...................................... ok
t/delete/related.t .................................. ok
t/discard_changes_in_DESTROY.t ...................... ok
t/inflate/core.t .................................... ok
t/inflate/datetime.t ................................ skipped: DT inflation tests need DateTime::Format::SQLite
t/inflate/datetime_determine_parser.t ............... skipped: Test needs DateTime::Format::SQLite
t/inflate/datetime_firebird.t ....................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_INTERBASE_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_ODBC_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run these tests. WARNING: This test drops and creates a table called 'event'
t/inflate/datetime_informix.t ....................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_INFORMIX_DSN} _USER and _PASS to run this test'.
t/inflate/datetime_missing_deps.t ................... ok
t/inflate/datetime_msaccess.t ....................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ODBC_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_MSACCESS_ADO_DSN} (and optionally _USER and _PASS) to run these tests.
t/inflate/datetime_mssql.t .......................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_ODBC_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_ADO_DSN} _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/inflate/datetime_mysql.t .......................... skipped: Inflation tests need DateTime::Format::MySQL
t/inflate/datetime_oracle.t ......................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test. Warning: This test drops and creates a table called 'event'
t/inflate/datetime_pg.t ............................. skipped: Test needs DateTime::Format::Pg >= 0.16004
t/inflate/datetime_sqlanywhere.t .................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_DSN} and/or $ENV{DBICTEST_SQLANYWHERE_ODBC_DSN}
t/inflate/datetime_sybase.t ......................... skipped: Set $ENV{DBICTEST_SYBASE_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test
t/inflate/file_column.t ............................. ok
t/inflate/hri.t ..................................... ok
t/inflate/hri_torture.t ............................. ok
t/inflate/serialize.t ............................... ok
t/multi_create/cd_single.t .......................... ok
t/multi_create/diamond.t ............................ ok
t/multi_create/existing_in_chain.t .................. ok
t/multi_create/find_or_multicreate.t ................ ok
t/multi_create/has_many.t ........................... ok
t/multi_create/in_memory.t .......................... ok
t/multi_create/insert_defaults.t .................... ok
t/multi_create/m2m.t ................................ ok
t/multi_create/multilev_single_PKeqFK.t ............. ok
t/multi_create/reentrance_count.t ................... skipped: Disable test entirely until multicreate is rewritten in terms of subqueries
t/multi_create/standard.t ........................... ok
t/multi_create/torture.t ............................ ok
t/ordered/cascade_delete.t .......................... ok
t/ordered/unordered_movement.t ...................... ok
t/prefetch/attrs_untouched.t ........................ ok
t/prefetch/correlated.t ............................. ok
t/prefetch/count.t .................................. ok
t/prefetch/diamond.t ................................ ok
t/prefetch/double_prefetch.t ........................ ok
t/prefetch/empty_cache.t ............................ ok
t/prefetch/false_colvalues.t ........................ ok
t/prefetch/grouped.t ................................ ok
t/prefetch/incomplete.t ............................. ok
t/prefetch/join_type.t .............................. ok
t/prefetch/lazy_cursor.t ............................ ok
t/prefetch/manual.t ................................. ok
t/prefetch/multiple_hasmany.t ....................... ok
t/prefetch/multiple_hasmany_torture.t ............... ok
t/prefetch/o2m_o2m_order_by_with_limit.t ............ ok
t/prefetch/one_to_many_to_one.t ..................... ok
t/prefetch/refined_search_on_relation.t ............. ok
t/prefetch/restricted_children_set.t ................ ok
t/prefetch/standard.t ............................... ok
t/prefetch/via_search_related.t ..................... ok
t/prefetch/with_limit.t ............................. ok
t/relationship/after_update.t ....................... ok
t/relationship/core.t ............................... ok
t/relationship/custom.t ............................. ok
t/relationship/custom_opaque.t ...................... ok
t/relationship/custom_with_null_in_cond.t ........... ok
t/relationship/doesnt_exist.t ....................... ok
t/relationship/dynamic_foreign_columns.t ............ ok
t/relationship/info.t ............................... ok
t/relationship/malformed_declaration.t .............. ok
t/relationship/proxy.t .............................. ok
t/relationship/set_column_on_fk.t ................... ok
t/relationship/unresolvable.t ....................... ok
t/relationship/update_or_create_multi.t ............. ok
t/relationship/update_or_create_single.t ............ ok
t/resultset/as_query.t .............................. ok
t/resultset/as_subselect_rs.t ....................... ok
t/resultset/bind_attr.t ............................. ok
t/resultset/find_on_subquery_cond.t ................. ok
t/resultset/inflate_result_api.t .................... ok
t/resultset/inflatemap_abuse.t ...................... ok
t/resultset/is_ordered.t ............................ ok
t/resultset/is_paged.t .............................. ok
t/resultset/nulls_only.t ............................ ok
t/resultset/plus_select.t ........................... ok
t/resultset/rowparser_internals.t ................... ok
t/resultset/update_delete.t ......................... ok
t/resultset_class.t ................................. ok
t/resultset_overload.t .............................. ok
t/resultsource/bare_resultclass_exception.t ......... ok
t/resultsource/set_primary_key.t .................... ok
t/row/copy_with_extra_selection.t ................... ok
t/row/filter_column.t ............................... ok
t/row/find_one_has_many.t ........................... ok
t/row/inflate_result.t .............................. ok
t/row/pkless.t ...................................... ok
t/row/set_extra_column.t ............................ ok
t/schema/anon.t ..................................... ok
t/schema/clone.t .................................... ok
t/search/deprecated_attributes.t .................... ok
t/search/distinct.t ................................. ok
t/search/empty_attrs.t .............................. ok
t/search/preserve_original_rs.t ..................... ok
t/search/reentrancy.t ............................... ok
t/search/related_has_many.t ......................... ok
t/search/related_strip_prefetch.t ................... ok
t/search/select_chains.t ............................ ok
t/search/select_chains_unbalanced.t ................. ok
t/search/stack_cond.t ............................... ok
t/search/subquery.t ................................. ok
t/search/void.t ..................................... ok
t/sqlmaker/bind_transport.t ......................... ok
t/sqlmaker/core.t ................................... ok
t/sqlmaker/core_quoted.t ............................ ok
t/sqlmaker/dbihacks_internals.t ..................... ok
t/sqlmaker/hierarchical/oracle.t .................... skipped: Test needs Math::Base36 >= 0.07
t/sqlmaker/legacy_joins.t ........................... ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/basic.t ................... ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/custom.t .................. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/fetch_first.t ............. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/first_skip.t .............. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/generic_subq.t ............ ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/mssql_torture.t ........... ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/rno.t ..................... ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/rownum.t .................. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/skip_first.t .............. ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/toplimit.t ................ ok
t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/torture.t ................. ok
t/sqlmaker/literal_with_bind.t ...................... ok
t/sqlmaker/msaccess.t ............................... ok
t/sqlmaker/mysql.t .................................. ok
t/sqlmaker/nest_deprec.t ............................ ok
t/sqlmaker/oracle.t ................................. skipped: Test needs Math::Base36 >= 0.07
t/sqlmaker/oraclejoin.t ............................. skipped: Test needs Math::Base36 >= 0.07
t/sqlmaker/order_by_bindtransport.t ................. ok
t/sqlmaker/order_by_func.t .......................... ok
t/sqlmaker/pg.t ..................................... ok
t/sqlmaker/quotes.t ................................. ok
t/sqlmaker/sqlite.t ................................. ok
t/storage/base.t .................................... ok
t/storage/cursor.t .................................. ok
t/storage/dbh_do.t .................................. ok
t/storage/dbi_coderef.t ............................. ok
t/storage/dbi_env.t ................................. ok
t/storage/dbic_pretty.t ............................. ok
t/storage/debug.t ................................... ok
t/storage/deploy.t .................................. skipped: Test needs SQL::Translator >= 0.11018 (see DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies for details)
t/storage/deprecated_exception_source_bind_attrs.t .. ok
t/storage/disable_sth_caching.t ..................... ok
t/storage/error.t ................................... ok
t/storage/exception.t ............................... ok
t/storage/global_destruction.t ...................... ok
t/storage/nobindvars.t .............................. ok
t/storage/on_connect_call.t ......................... ok
t/storage/on_connect_do.t ........................... ok
t/storage/ping_count.t .............................. ok
t/storage/prefer_stringification.t .................. ok
t/storage/quote_names.t ............................. ok
t/storage/reconnect.t ............................... ok
t/storage/replicated.t .............................. skipped: Test needs MooseX::Types >= 0.21, MooseX::Types::LoadableClass >= 0.011
t/storage/savepoints.t .............................. ok
t/storage/stats.t ................................... ok
t/storage/txn.t ..................................... ok
t/storage/txn_scope_guard.t ......................... ok
t/update/all.t ...................................... ok
t/update/ident_cond.t ............................... ok
t/update/type_aware.t ............................... ok
# 208 contributors made this library what it is today
# Distinguished patrons:
#   * ( 2014 ~ 2015 ) Henry Van Styn, creator of http://p3rl.org/RapidApp
t/zzzzzzz_authors.t ................................. ok
t/zzzzzzz_perl_perf_bug.t ........................... skipped: Skipping as system appears to be a smoker
t/zzzzzzz_sqlite_deadlock.t ......................... ok
xt/authors.t ........................................ ok
xt/dbictest_unlink_guard.t .......................... ok
xt/footers.t ........................................ ok
xt/old_envvars.t .................................... ok
xt/optional_deps.t .................................. ok
xt/pod.t ............................................ ok
xt/podcoverage.t .................................... ok
xt/quote_sub.t ...................................... ok
xt/standalone_testschema_resultclasses.t ............ ok
xt/strictures.t ..................................... skipped: Test needs: Test::Strict >= 0.20
xt/whitespace.t ..................................... skipped: Test needs: Test::EOL >= 1.0, Test::NoTabs >= 0.9
All tests successful.
Files=319, Tests=41407, 123 wallclock secs ( 3.61 usr  0.43 sys + 101.01 cusr  5.82 csys = 110.87 CPU)
Result: PASS


Prerequisite modules loaded:


    Module                   Need     Have    
    ------------------------ -------- --------
    Class::Accessor::Grouped 0.10012  0.10012 
    Class::C3::Componentised 1.0009   1.001000
    Class::Inspector         1.24     1.32    
    Config::Any              0.20     0.32    
    Context::Preserve        0.01     0.02    
    Data::Dumper::Concise    2.020    2.023   
    Data::Page               2.00     2.02    
    DBD::SQLite              1.29     1.54    
    DBI                      1.57     1.637   
    Devel::GlobalDestruction 0.09     0.14    
    File::Temp               0.22     0.2304  
    Hash::Merge              0.12     0.200   
    List::Util               1.16     1.46_02 
    Module::Find             0.07     0.13    
    Moo                      2.000    2.003002
    MRO::Compat              0.12     0.13    
    namespace::clean         0.24     0.27    
    Package::Stash           0.28     0.37    
    Path::Class              0.18     0.37    
    perl                     5.008001 5.027000
    Scope::Guard             0.03     0.21    
    SQL::Abstract            1.81     1.84    
    Sub::Name                0.04     0.21    
    Test::Deep               0.101    1.127   
    Test::Exception          0.31     0.43    
    Test::More               0.94     1.302096
    Test::Warn               0.21     0.32    
    Text::Balanced           2.00     2.03    
    Try::Tiny                0.07     0.28    


    Module                   Need     Have    
    ------------------------ -------- --------
    DBD::SQLite              1.29     1.54    
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker      6.59     7.24    
    File::Temp               0.22     0.2304  
    Package::Stash           0.28     0.37    
    Test::Deep               0.101    1.127   
    Test::Exception          0.31     0.43    
    Test::More               0.94     1.302096
    Test::Warn               0.21     0.32    


    Module                   Need     Have    
    ------------------------ -------- --------
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker      6.59     7.24    


Environment variables:

    LANG = en_US.UTF-8
    PATH = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games
    PERL5LIB = 
    PERL5OPT = 
    PERL_CR_SMOKER_CURRENT = OpusVL-Preferences-0.27
    SHELL = /bin/bash
    TERM = xterm

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    $^X = /home/stro/perl/5.27.0/bin/perl
    $UID/$EUID = 1000 / 1000
    $GID = 1000 24 25 29 30 44 46 108 114 1000
    $EGID = 1000 24 25 29 30 44 46 108 114 1000

Perl module toolchain versions installed:

    Module              Have      
    ------------------- ----------
    CPAN                2.18      
    CPAN::Meta          2.150010  
    Cwd                 3.67      
    ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.280225  
    ExtUtils::Command   7.24      
    ExtUtils::Install   2.04      
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.24      
    ExtUtils::Manifest  1.70      
    ExtUtils::ParseXS   3.34      
    File::Spec          3.67      
    JSON                2.94      
    JSON::PP            2.27400_02
    Module::Build       0.4224    
    Module::Signature   n/a       
    Parse::CPAN::Meta   2.150010  
    Test::Harness       3.38      
    Test::More          1.302096  
    YAML                1.23      
    YAML::Syck          1.30      
    version             0.9917    


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 27 subversion 0) configuration:
    uname='linux vm-debian-001 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 smp debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1 (2015-05-24) x86_64 gnulinux '
    ccflags ='-fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2'
    cppflags='-fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -I/usr/local/include'
  Linker and Libraries:
    ldflags =' -fstack-protector-strong -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/include-fixed /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib
    libs=-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
    perllibs=-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
  Dynamic Linking:
    lddlflags='-shared -O2 -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector-strong'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Compile-time options:
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Sep 17 2017 04:31:29