Report for Catalyst-Example-InstantCRUDStylish-0.0369

From: Thomas Fahle (TOMFAHLE)
Subject: PASS Catalyst-Example-InstantCRUDStylish-0.0369 v5.16.1 GNU/Linux
Date: 2013-02-26T07:41:13Z

This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See for more information or email
questions to

Dear Hernan Lopes,

This is a computer-generated report for Catalyst-Example-InstantCRUDStylish-0.0369
on perl 5.16.1, created by CPAN-Reporter-1.2009.

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  Congratulations!
All tests were successful.

Sections of this report:

    * Tester comments
    * Program output
    * Prerequisites
    * Environment and other context


Additional comments from tester:

this report is from an automated smoke testing program
and was not reviewed by a human for accuracy


Output from '/usr/bin/make test':

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /opt/perl/threads/5.16.1/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
Issuing rollback() due to DESTROY without explicit disconnect() of DBD::SQLite::db handle dbname=/home/tf/.cpan/build/Catalyst-Example-InstantCRUDStylish-0.0369-oS6Bon/t/tmp/test.db at t/00.createapp.t line 14.
/opt/perl/threads/5.16.1/bin/perl -I../../lib ../../script/ My::App -dsn='dbi:SQLite:dbname=/home/tf/.cpan/build/Catalyst-Example-InstantCRUDStylish-0.0369-oS6Bon/t/tmp/test.db' -noauth at t/00.createapp.t line 23.
Class::C3::Componentised::load_components(): Use of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns is strongly discouraged. See documentation of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns for more info
Dumping manual schema for My::App::DBSchema to directory /home/tf/.cpan/build/Catalyst-Example-InstantCRUDStylish-0.0369-oS6Bon/t/tmp/My-App/lib ...
Schema dump completed.
t/00.createapp.t .. ok
# Testing Catalyst::Example::InstantCRUDStylish 0.0369
t/00.load.t ....... ok
Plugin::PageCache config does not include disable_index, which currently defaults false but may default true in future
Class::C3::Componentised::load_components(): Use of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns is strongly discouraged. See documentation of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns for more info
[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Statistics enabled
[debug] Loaded plugins:
| Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication  0.10022                                  |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles  0.09                               |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Cache  0.12                                              |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::FastMmap  0.9                                     |
| Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader  0.30                                       |
| Catalyst::Plugin::PageCache  0.31                                          |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Session  0.37                                            |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie  0.17                             |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap  0.16                           |
| Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace  0.12                                         |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode  0.93                                            |

[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine"
[debug] Found home "/home/tf/.cpan/build/Catalyst-Example-InstantCRUDStylish-0.0369-oS6Bon/t/tmp/My-App"
[debug] Loaded Config "/home/tf/.cpan/build/Catalyst-Example-InstantCRUDStylish-0.0369-oS6Bon/t/tmp/My-App/my_app.yml"
[debug] Session Store file: /tmp/my/app/session_data
[debug] Loaded components:
| Class                                                           | Type     |
| My::App::Controller::Bookmark                                   | instance |
| My::App::Controller::Bookmark::BookmarkForm                     | class    |
| My::App::Controller::ComposedKey                                | instance |
| My::App::Controller::ComposedKey::ComposedKeyForm               | class    |
| My::App::Controller::Firsttable                                 | instance |
| My::App::Controller::Firsttable::FirsttableForm                 | class    |
| My::App::Controller::Firsttable::SecondtableField               | class    |
| My::App::Controller::Root                                       | instance |
| My::App::Controller::Secondtable                                | instance |
| My::App::Controller::Secondtable::SecondtableForm               | class    |
| My::App::Controller::Usr                                        | instance |
| My::App::Controller::Usr::BookmarkField                         | class    |
| My::App::Controller::Usr::UsrForm                               | class    |
| My::App::Model::DBICSchemamodel                                 | instance |
| My::App::Model::DBICSchemamodel::Bookmark                       | class    |
| My::App::Model::DBICSchemamodel::ComposedKey                    | class    |
| My::App::Model::DBICSchemamodel::Firsttable                     | class    |
| My::App::Model::DBICSchemamodel::Secondtable                    | class    |
| My::App::Model::DBICSchemamodel::Usr                            | class    |
| My::App::View::Ajax                                             | instance |
| My::App::View::TT                                               | instance |

[debug] Loaded Private actions:
| Private              | Class                                | Method       |
| /default             | My::App::Controller::Root            | default      |
| /end                 | My::App::Controller::Root            | end          |
| /index               | My::App::Controller::Root            | index        |
| /bookmark/base       | My::App::Controller::Bookmark        | base         |
| /bookmark/edit       | My::App::Controller::Bookmark        | edit         |
| /bookmark/index      | My::App::Controller::Bookmark        | index        |
| /bookmark/auto       | My::App::Controller::Bookmark        | auto         |
| /bookmark/destroy_m- | My::App::Controller::Bookmark        | destroy_mul- |
| ultiple              |                                      | tiple        |
| /bookmark/view       | My::App::Controller::Bookmark        | view         |
| /bookmark/edit_ajax  | My::App::Controller::Bookmark        | edit_ajax    |
| /bookmark/destroy    | My::App::Controller::Bookmark        | destroy      |
| /bookmark/list       | My::App::Controller::Bookmark        | list         |
| /bookmark/edit_item  | My::App::Controller::Bookmark        | edit_item    |
| /firsttable/base     | My::App::Controller::Firsttable      | base         |
| /firsttable/edit     | My::App::Controller::Firsttable      | edit         |
| /firsttable/index    | My::App::Controller::Firsttable      | index        |
| /firsttable/auto     | My::App::Controller::Firsttable      | auto         |
| /firsttable/destroy- | My::App::Controller::Firsttable      | destroy_mul- |
| _multiple            |                                      | tiple        |
| /firsttable/view     | My::App::Controller::Firsttable      | view         |
| /firsttable/edit_aj- | My::App::Controller::Firsttable      | edit_ajax    |
| ax                   |                                      |              |
| /firsttable/destroy  | My::App::Controller::Firsttable      | destroy      |
| /firsttable/list     | My::App::Controller::Firsttable      | list         |
| /firsttable/edit_it- | My::App::Controller::Firsttable      | edit_item    |
| em                   |                                      |              |
| /composedkey/base    | My::App::Controller::ComposedKey     | base         |
| /composedkey/edit    | My::App::Controller::ComposedKey     | edit         |
| /composedkey/index   | My::App::Controller::ComposedKey     | index        |
| /composedkey/auto    | My::App::Controller::ComposedKey     | auto         |
| /composedkey/destro- | My::App::Controller::ComposedKey     | destroy_mul- |
| y_multiple           |                                      | tiple        |
| /composedkey/view    | My::App::Controller::ComposedKey     | view         |
| /composedkey/edit_a- | My::App::Controller::ComposedKey     | edit_ajax    |
| jax                  |                                      |              |
| /composedkey/destroy | My::App::Controller::ComposedKey     | destroy      |
| /composedkey/list    | My::App::Controller::ComposedKey     | list         |
| /composedkey/edit_i- | My::App::Controller::ComposedKey     | edit_item    |
| tem                  |                                      |              |
| /usr/base            | My::App::Controller::Usr             | base         |
| /usr/edit            | My::App::Controller::Usr             | edit         |
| /usr/index           | My::App::Controller::Usr             | index        |
| /usr/auto            | My::App::Controller::Usr             | auto         |
| /usr/destroy_multip- | My::App::Controller::Usr             | destroy_mul- |
| le                   |                                      | tiple        |
| /usr/view            | My::App::Controller::Usr             | view         |
| /usr/edit_ajax       | My::App::Controller::Usr             | edit_ajax    |
| /usr/destroy         | My::App::Controller::Usr             | destroy      |
| /usr/list            | My::App::Controller::Usr             | list         |
| /usr/edit_item       | My::App::Controller::Usr             | edit_item    |
| /secondtable/base    | My::App::Controller::Secondtable     | base         |
| /secondtable/edit    | My::App::Controller::Secondtable     | edit         |
| /secondtable/index   | My::App::Controller::Secondtable     | index        |
| /secondtable/auto    | My::App::Controller::Secondtable     | auto         |
| /secondtable/destro- | My::App::Controller::Secondtable     | destroy_mul- |
| y_multiple           |                                      | tiple        |
| /secondtable/view    | My::App::Controller::Secondtable     | view         |
| /secondtable/edit_a- | My::App::Controller::Secondtable     | edit_ajax    |
| jax                  |                                      |              |
| /secondtable/destroy | My::App::Controller::Secondtable     | destroy      |
| /secondtable/list    | My::App::Controller::Secondtable     | list         |
| /secondtable/edit_i- | My::App::Controller::Secondtable     | edit_item    |
| tem                  |                                      |              |

[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path                                | Private                              |
| /bookmark/destroy_multiple/...      | /bookmark/destroy_multiple           |
| /composedkey/destroy_multiple/...   | /composedkey/destroy_multiple        |
| /firsttable/destroy_multiple/...    | /firsttable/destroy_multiple         |
| /secondtable/destroy_multiple/...   | /secondtable/destroy_multiple        |
| /usr/destroy_multiple/...           | /usr/destroy_multiple                |

[debug] Loaded Chained actions:
| Path Spec                           | Private                              |
| /bookmark/destroy/...               | /bookmark/base (0)                   |
|                                     | => /bookmark/destroy                 |
| /bookmark/destroy_multiple/...      | /bookmark/base (0)                   |
|                                     | => /bookmark/destroy_multiple        |
| /bookmark/edit/...                  | /bookmark/base (0)                   |
|                                     | => /bookmark/edit                    |
| /bookmark/edit_ajax/...             | /bookmark/base (0)                   |
|                                     | => /bookmark/edit_ajax               |
| /bookmark/list                      | /bookmark/base (0)                   |
|                                     | => /bookmark/list                    |
| /bookmark/view/...                  | /bookmark/base (0)                   |
|                                     | => /bookmark/view                    |
| /composedkey/destroy/...            | /composedkey/base (0)                |
|                                     | => /composedkey/destroy              |
| /composedkey/destroy_multiple/...   | /composedkey/base (0)                |
|                                     | => /composedkey/destroy_multiple     |
| /composedkey/edit/...               | /composedkey/base (0)                |
|                                     | => /composedkey/edit                 |
| /composedkey/edit_ajax/...          | /composedkey/base (0)                |
|                                     | => /composedkey/edit_ajax            |
| /composedkey/list                   | /composedkey/base (0)                |
|                                     | => /composedkey/list                 |
| /composedkey/view/...               | /composedkey/base (0)                |
|                                     | => /composedkey/view                 |
| /firsttable/destroy/...             | /firsttable/base (0)                 |
|                                     | => /firsttable/destroy               |
| /firsttable/destroy_multiple/...    | /firsttable/base (0)                 |
|                                     | => /firsttable/destroy_multiple      |
| /firsttable/edit/...                | /firsttable/base (0)                 |
|                                     | => /firsttable/edit                  |
| /firsttable/edit_ajax/...           | /firsttable/base (0)                 |
|                                     | => /firsttable/edit_ajax             |
| /firsttable/list                    | /firsttable/base (0)                 |
|                                     | => /firsttable/list                  |
| /firsttable/view/...                | /firsttable/base (0)                 |
|                                     | => /firsttable/view                  |
| /secondtable/destroy/...            | /secondtable/base (0)                |
|                                     | => /secondtable/destroy              |
| /secondtable/destroy_multiple/...   | /secondtable/base (0)                |
|                                     | => /secondtable/destroy_multiple     |
| /secondtable/edit/...               | /secondtable/base (0)                |
|                                     | => /secondtable/edit                 |
| /secondtable/edit_ajax/...          | /secondtable/base (0)                |
|                                     | => /secondtable/edit_ajax            |
| /secondtable/list                   | /secondtable/base (0)                |
|                                     | => /secondtable/list                 |
| /secondtable/view/...               | /secondtable/base (0)                |
|                                     | => /secondtable/view                 |
| /usr/destroy/...                    | /usr/base (0)                        |
|                                     | => /usr/destroy                      |
| /usr/destroy_multiple/...           | /usr/base (0)                        |
|                                     | => /usr/destroy_multiple             |
| /usr/edit/...                       | /usr/base (0)                        |
|                                     | => /usr/edit                         |
| /usr/edit_ajax/...                  | /usr/base (0)                        |
|                                     | => /usr/edit_ajax                    |
| /usr/list                           | /usr/base (0)                        |
|                                     | => /usr/list                         |
| /usr/view/...                       | /usr/base (0)                        |
|                                     | => /usr/view                         |

[info] My::App powered by Catalyst 5.90020
[info] *** Request 1 (0.500/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:08 2013] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "/" from ""
[debug] Rendering template ""
[debug] Created session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 4216
[info] Request took 0.035566s (28.117/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /index                                                     | 0.000231s |
| /end                                                       | 0.028440s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.027537s |

[info] *** Request 2 (1.000/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:08 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "firsttable"
[debug] "GET" request for "firsttable" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "firsttable/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 32344
[info] Request took 0.069147s (14.462/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /firsttable/auto                                           | 0.000264s |
| /firsttable/index                                          | 0.003031s |
|  -> /firsttable/list                                       | 0.002788s |
| /end                                                       | 0.061285s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.060805s |

[info] *** Request 3 (1.500/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:08 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "firsttable"
[debug] "GET" request for "firsttable" from ""
[debug] Query Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| order                               | intfield                             |
| page                                | 1                                    |
[debug] Rendering template "firsttable/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 32488
[info] Request took 0.030967s (32.292/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /firsttable/auto                                           | 0.000244s |
| /firsttable/index                                          | 0.000801s |
|  -> /firsttable/list                                       | 0.000556s |
| /end                                                       | 0.025307s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.024860s |

[info] *** Request 4 (2.000/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:08 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "firsttable"
[debug] "GET" request for "firsttable" from ""
[debug] Query Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| o2                                  | desc                                 |
| order                               | intfield                             |
| page                                | 1                                    |
[debug] Rendering template "firsttable/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 32546
[info] Request took 0.030806s (32.461/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /firsttable/auto                                           | 0.000262s |
| /firsttable/index                                          | 0.000784s |
|  -> /firsttable/list                                       | 0.000540s |
| /end                                                       | 0.025175s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.024726s |

[info] *** Request 5 (2.500/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:08 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "firsttable"
[debug] "GET" request for "firsttable" from ""
[debug] Query Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| o2                                  | desc                                 |
| order                               | intfield                             |
| page                                | 3                                    |
[debug] Rendering template "firsttable/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 14871
[info] Request took 0.017419s (57.409/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /firsttable/auto                                           | 0.000240s |
| /firsttable/index                                          | 0.000798s |
|  -> /firsttable/list                                       | 0.000557s |
| /end                                                       | 0.011862s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.011416s |

[info] *** Request 6 (3.000/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:08 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "/firsttable/edit"
[debug] Arguments are "2"
[debug] "GET" request for "firsttable/edit/2" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "firsttable/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 4415
[info] Request took 0.170105s (5.879/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /firsttable/auto                                           | 0.000236s |
| /firsttable/base                                           | 0.000072s |
| /firsttable/edit                                           | 0.155173s |
|  -> /firsttable/edit_item                                  | 0.154898s |
| /end                                                       | 0.009616s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.009075s |

[info] *** Request 7 (3.500/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:08 2013] ***
[debug] Arguments are "control-panel/busca"
[debug] "GET" request for "control-panel/busca" from ""
[debug] Query Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| busca_por                           | client_name                          |
| busca_term                          |                                      |
| charfield                           | a                                    |
| intfield                            | 3                                    |
| varfield                            | Changed varchar field                |
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Response Code: 404; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 13
[info] Request took 0.005097s (196.194/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /default                                                   | 0.000117s |
| /end                                                       | 0.000147s |

[info] *** Request 8 (4.000/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:08 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "/firsttable/edit_ajax"
[debug] Arguments are "2"
[debug] "GET" request for "firsttable/edit_ajax/2" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "firsttable/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 2153
[info] Request took 0.021308s (46.931/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /firsttable/auto                                           | 0.000239s |
| /firsttable/base                                           | 0.000070s |
| /firsttable/edit_ajax                                      | 0.011157s |
|  -> /firsttable/edit_item                                  | 0.010894s |
| /end                                                       | 0.005024s |
|  -> My::App::View::Ajax->process                           | 0.004537s |

[info] *** Request 9 (4.500/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:08 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "/firsttable/edit_ajax"
[debug] Arguments are "2"
[debug] "POST" request for "firsttable/edit_ajax/2" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| charfield                           | a                                    |
| intfield                            | 3                                    |
| varfield                            | Changed varchar field with edit_ajax |
[debug] Rendering template "SCALAR(0x5b20480)"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 10
[info] Request took 0.202832s (4.930/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /firsttable/auto                                           | 0.000267s |
| /firsttable/base                                           | 0.000075s |
| /firsttable/edit_ajax                                      | 0.191569s |
|  -> /firsttable/edit_item                                  | 0.191243s |
| /end                                                       | 0.003310s |
|  -> My::App::View::Ajax->process                           | 0.002287s |

[info] *** Request 10 (3.333/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:09 2013] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "/" from ""
[debug] Rendering template ""
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 4216
[info] Request took 0.010446s (95.730/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /index                                                     | 0.000202s |
| /end                                                       | 0.003841s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.003173s |

[info] *** Request 11 (3.667/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:09 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "firsttable"
[debug] "GET" request for "firsttable" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "firsttable/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 32350
[info] Request took 0.046188s (21.651/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /firsttable/auto                                           | 0.000359s |
| /firsttable/index                                          | 0.001339s |
|  -> /firsttable/list                                       | 0.000967s |
| /end                                                       | 0.038166s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.037426s |

[info] *** Request 12 (4.000/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:09 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "/firsttable/destroy"
[debug] Arguments are "2"
[debug] "GET" request for "firsttable/destroy/2" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "SCALAR(0x82f1c88)"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 225
[info] Request took 0.011450s (87.336/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /firsttable/auto                                           | 0.000361s |
| /firsttable/base                                           | 0.000182s |
| /firsttable/destroy                                        | 0.002052s |
| /end                                                       | 0.002077s |
|  -> My::App::View::Ajax->process                           | 0.001502s |

[info] *** Request 13 (4.333/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:09 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "/firsttable/destroy"
[debug] Arguments are "2"
[debug] "POST" request for "firsttable/destroy/2" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "SCALAR(0x5b19478)"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 12
[info] Request took 0.158472s (6.310/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /firsttable/auto                                           | 0.000341s |
| /firsttable/base                                           | 0.000072s |
| /firsttable/destroy                                        | 0.149216s |
| /end                                                       | 0.002250s |
|  -> My::App::View::Ajax->process                           | 0.001539s |

[info] *** Request 14 (4.667/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:09 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "firsttable"
[debug] "GET" request for "firsttable" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "firsttable/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 32344
[info] Request took 0.033237s (30.087/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /firsttable/auto                                           | 0.000345s |
| /firsttable/index                                          | 0.001240s |
|  -> /firsttable/list                                       | 0.000843s |
| /end                                                       | 0.025762s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.025069s |

[info] *** Request 15 (5.000/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:09 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "composedkey"
[debug] "GET" request for "composedkey" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "composedkey/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 8452
[info] Request took 0.019359s (51.656/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /composedkey/auto                                          | 0.000280s |
| /composedkey/index                                         | 0.000811s |
|  -> /composedkey/list                                      | 0.000568s |
| /end                                                       | 0.013949s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.013505s |

[info] *** Request 16 (5.333/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:09 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "/composedkey/edit"
[debug] "GET" request for "composedkey/edit" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "composedkey/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 4326
[info] Request took 0.019491s (51.306/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /composedkey/auto                                          | 0.000232s |
| /composedkey/base                                          | 0.000076s |
| /composedkey/edit                                          | 0.009143s |
|  -> /composedkey/edit_item                                 | 0.008896s |
| /end                                                       | 0.005422s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.004963s |

[info] *** Request 17 (5.667/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:09 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "/composedkey/edit"
[debug] "POST" request for "composedkey/edit" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| id1                                 | 34745                                |
| id2                                 | 899155                               |
| value                               | Varchar Field                        |
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Redirecting to "http://localhost/composedkey/view/34745/899155"
[debug] Response Code: 302; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 325
[info] Request took 0.151972s (6.580/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /composedkey/auto                                          | 0.000227s |
| /composedkey/base                                          | 0.000071s |
| /composedkey/edit                                          | 0.143768s |
|  -> /composedkey/edit_item                                 | 0.143443s |
| /end                                                       | 0.000357s |

[info] *** Request 18 (6.000/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:09 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "/composedkey/view"
[debug] Arguments are "34745/899155"
[debug] "GET" request for "composedkey/view/34745/899155" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "composedkey/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 6243
[info] Request took 0.020455s (48.888/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /composedkey/auto                                          | 0.000496s |
| /composedkey/base                                          | 0.000076s |
| /composedkey/view                                          | 0.002344s |
| /end                                                       | 0.009564s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.008747s |

[info] *** Request 19 (6.333/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:09 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "/composedkey/edit"
[debug] Arguments are "34745/899155"
[debug] "GET" request for "composedkey/edit/34745/899155" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "composedkey/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 4355
[info] Request took 0.030505s (32.782/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /composedkey/auto                                          | 0.000337s |
| /composedkey/base                                          | 0.000185s |
| /composedkey/edit                                          | 0.016467s |
|  -> /composedkey/edit_item                                 | 0.016050s |
| /end                                                       | 0.006555s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.005951s |

[info] *** Request 20 (6.667/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:09 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "/composedkey/edit"
[debug] Arguments are "34745/899155"
[debug] "POST" request for "composedkey/edit/34745/899155" from ""
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           | Value                                |
| id1                                 | 34745                                |
| id2                                 | 899155                               |
| value                               | random rONybQtzJFGohnZcSdXy          |
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Redirecting to "http://localhost/composedkey/view/34745/899155"
[debug] Response Code: 302; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 325
[info] Request took 0.148657s (6.727/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /composedkey/auto                                          | 0.000328s |
| /composedkey/base                                          | 0.000077s |
| /composedkey/edit                                          | 0.139661s |
|  -> /composedkey/edit_item                                 | 0.139276s |
| /end                                                       | 0.000402s |

[info] *** Request 21 (7.000/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:09 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "/composedkey/view"
[debug] Arguments are "34745/899155"
[debug] "GET" request for "composedkey/view/34745/899155" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "composedkey/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 6257
[info] Request took 0.013425s (74.488/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /composedkey/auto                                          | 0.000329s |
| /composedkey/base                                          | 0.000093s |
| /composedkey/view                                          | 0.001953s |
| /end                                                       | 0.004389s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.003775s |

[info] *** Request 22 (7.333/s) [14880] [Tue Feb 26 08:41:09 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "/composedkey/list"
[debug] "GET" request for "composedkey/list" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "composedkey/"
[debug] Found sessionid "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "00d6ccd5bd3e51431c48107fd4055c9bfb4bfed0"
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 10750
[info] Request took 0.018178s (55.012/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /composedkey/auto                                          | 0.000335s |
| /composedkey/base                                          | 0.000074s |
| /composedkey/list                                          | 0.000654s |
| /end                                                       | 0.010523s |
|  -> My::App::View::TT->process                             | 0.009880s |

t/10.apptest.t .... ok
t/pod-coverage.t .. skipped: Author test
t/pod.t ........... ok
All tests successful.
Files=5, Tests=40,  7 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.01 sys +  5.86 cusr  0.28 csys =  6.18 CPU)
Result: PASS


Prerequisite modules loaded:


    Module                                     Need    Have      
    ------------------------------------------ ------- ----------
    Catalyst::Devel                            1.00    1.37      
    Catalyst::Helper::Model::DBIC::Schema      0       0.60      
    Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema              0.29    0.60      
    Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication           0       0.10022   
    Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles     0       0.09      
    Catalyst::Plugin::Cache                    0       0.12      
    Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::FastMmap          0       0.9       
    Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader             0       0.30      
    Catalyst::Plugin::PageCache                0       0.31      
    Catalyst::Plugin::Session                  0       0.37      
    Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie   0       0.17      
    Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap 0       0.16      
    Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace               0       0.12      
    Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple           0       0.30      
    Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode                  0       0.93      
    Catalyst::Runtime                          5.80006 5.90020   
    Catalyst::View::TT                         0.21    0.40      
    DBIx::Class                                0.08003 0.08208   
    DBIx::Class::ResultSet::RecursiveUpdate    0       0.26      
    DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader                0.03    0.07034_02
    DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns                   0       0         
    File::Slurp                                0       9999.19   
    HTML::FormHandler                          0.26    0.40020   
    HTML::FormHandler::Generator::DBIC         0.03    0.04      
    HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC             0.04    0.23      
    List::Util                                 0       1.27      
    Path::Class                                0       0.31      
    Pod::Usage                                 0       1.61      
    String::Random                             0       0.22      


    Module                                     Need    Have      
    ------------------------------------------ ------- ----------
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker                        0       6.64      


    Module                                     Need    Have      
    ------------------------------------------ ------- ----------
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker                        0       6.64      


Environment variables:

    LANG = C
    PATH = /opt/perl/threads/5.16.1/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games
    PERL5LIB = 
    PERL5OPT = 
    PERL_CR_SMOKER_CURRENT = Catalyst-Example-InstantCRUDStylish-0.0369
    SHELL = /bin/bash
    TERM = screen

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    $^X = /opt/perl/threads/5.16.1/bin/perl
    $UID/$EUID = 1000 / 1000
    $GID = 1000 4 24 27 30 46 112 113 1000
    $EGID = 1000 4 24 27 30 46 112 113 1000

Perl module toolchain versions installed:

    Module              Have    
    ------------------- --------
    CPAN                1.9800  
    CPAN::Meta          2.120351
    Cwd                 3.40    
    ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.280205
    ExtUtils::Command   1.17    
    ExtUtils::Install   1.58    
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.64    
    ExtUtils::Manifest  1.61    
    ExtUtils::ParseXS   3.18    
    File::Spec          3.40    
    JSON                2.53    
    JSON::PP            2.27200 
    Module::Build       0.4003  
    Module::Signature   0.70    
    Parse::CPAN::Meta   1.4404  
    Test::Harness       3.26    
    Test::More          0.98    
    YAML                0.84    
    YAML::Syck          1.23_01 
    version             0.9901  


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 16 subversion 1) configuration:
    osname=linux, osvers=3.2.0-31-virtual, archname=x86_64-linux-thread-multi
    uname='linux cpansmoker 3.2.0-31-virtual #50-ubuntu smp fri sep 7 16:36:36 utc 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 gnulinux '
    config_args='-des -Dprefix=/opt/perl/threads/5.16.1 -Dusethreads'
    hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
    useithreads=define, usemultiplicity=define
    useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef
    use64bitint=define, use64bitall=define, uselongdouble=undef
    usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
    cc='cc', ccflags ='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64',
    cppflags='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include'
    ccversion='', gccversion='4.6.3', gccosandvers=''
    intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
    d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
    ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
    alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='cc', ldflags =' -fstack-protector -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib /usr/lib
    libs=-lnsl -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc -lgdbm_compat
    perllibs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc
    libc=, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-Wl,-E'
    cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared -O2 -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
                        USE_64_BIT_INT USE_ITHREADS USE_LARGE_FILES
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Oct  7 2012 11:59:52