Acme-TLDR v0.004 Perl 5 v5.37.9 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld

Andreas J. König (ANDK)
Acme-TLDR v0.004
Perl 5 v5.37.9 x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld
This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See for more information or email
questions to

Dear Stanislaw Pusep,

This is a computer-generated report for Acme-TLDR-0.004
on perl 5.37.9, created by CPAN-Reporter-1.2018.

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  Congratulations!
All tests were successful.

Sections of this report:

    * Tester comments
    * Program output
    * Prerequisites
    * Environment and other context


Additional comments from tester:

this report is from an automated smoke testing program
and was not reviewed by a human for accuracy


Output from '/usr/bin/make test':

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/tmp/basesmoker-reloperl-KTe1/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/00-compile.t ............... ok
# Acme::TLDR v0.004, Perl 5.037009, /tmp/basesmoker-reloperl-KTe1/bin/perl
t/00-load.t .................. ok
ExtUtils::Installed cache: /home/sand/.local/share/.Acme-TLDR-6e8b6c20af95e9eebec62d2ecd5afa90.cache
no cache found; generating
ACME::MyFirstModule::SETHS                                       => ACME::MyFM::SETHS
AI::MegaHAL                                                      => AI::MHAL
AI::NeuralNet::SOM                                               => AI::NNet::SOM
API::Eulerian                                                    => API::E
API::ParallelsWPB                                                => API::PWPB
API::Plesk                                                       => API::P
APP::REST::RestTestSuite                                         => APP::REST::RTS
ARGV::Struct                                                     => ARGV::S
AWS-Signature4                                                   => AWS-S4
Acme::Acotie                                                     => A::A
Acme::Aheui                                                      => *undef*
Acme::Base64                                                     => A::B64
Acme::CPANAuthors                                                => A::CPANA
Acme::CPANAuthors::Nonhuman                                      => A::CPANA::N
Acme::CPANModules::BrowsingTableInteractively                    => A::CPANM::BTI
Acme::CPANModules::GettingTempDir                                => A::CPANM::GTDir
Acme::CPANModules::PortedFrom::Java                              => A::CPANM::PF::J
Acme::CPANModules::fgets                                         => A::CPANM::f
Acme::CPANModulesUtil::Bencher                                   => A::CPANMU::B
Acme::CPANModulesUtil::FeatureMatrix                             => A::CPANMU::FM
Acme::ComeFrom                                                   => A::CF
Acme::Damn                                                       => A::D
Acme::Dice                                                       => *undef*
Acme::Echo                                                       => A::E
Acme::EyeDrops                                                   => A::EyeD
Acme::FixIO                                                      => A::FixIO
Acme::HTTP                                                       => A::HTTP
Acme::Homer                                                      => A::H
Acme::Honkidasu                                                  => *undef*
Acme::LSD                                                        => A::LSD
Acme::MadokaMagica                                               => A::MM
Acme::Monme                                                      => A::M
Acme::PlayCode                                                   => A::PC
Acme::Prereq::C                                                  => A::P::C
Acme::Prereq::D                                                  => A::P::D
Acme::Prereq::E                                                  => A::P::E
Acme::Prereq::F                                                  => A::P::F
Acme::SWUECHO::Meta                                              => A::SWUECHO::M
Acme::Shining                                                    => A::S
Acme::Sneeze                                                     => *undef*
Acme::Sneeze::JP                                                 => A::S::JP
Acme::Songmu                                                     => *undef*
Acme::Test::LogicalEquivalence                                   => A::T::LE
Acme::Wabby                                                      => A::W
Acpi::Class                                                      => A::C
Adapter::Async                                                   => *undef*
Address::PostCode::UK                                            => A::PC::UK
Address::PostCode::UserAgent                                     => A::PC::UA
Affix::Infix2Postfix                                             => A::I2P
Algorithm::AM                                                    => A::AM
Algorithm::AhoCorasick                                           => A::AhoC
Algorithm::Backoff                                               => A::B
Algorithm::C3                                                    => A::C3
Algorithm::CheckDigits                                           => A::CD
Algorithm::Combinatorics                                         => *undef*
Algorithm::ConsistentHash::CHash                                 => A::CH::CH
Algorithm::Dependency                                            => *undef*
Algorithm::Dependency::Source::DBI                               => A::D::S::DBI
Algorithm::Diff                                                  => *undef*
Algorithm::Diff::HTMLTable                                       => A::D::HTMLT
Algorithm::Evolve                                                => *undef*
Algorithm::FeatureSelection                                      => A::FS
Algorithm::Hamming::Perl                                         => A::H::P
Algorithm::LUHN                                                  => A::LUHN
Algorithm::Numerical::Shuffle                                    => A::N::S
Algorithm::Shape::RandomTree                                     => A::S::RT
Algorithm::SpatialIndex                                          => A::SI
Algorithm::SpatialIndex::Strategy::MedianQuadTree                => A::SI::S::MQT
Algorithm::StringHash::FromCSharp35::XS                          => A::SH::FCS35::XS
Alien::Base::ModuleBuild                                         => A::B::MB
Alien::Build                                                     => *undef*
Alien::Build::Plugin::Decode::SourceForge                        => A::B::P::D::SF
Alien::Build::Plugin::Download::GitHub                           => A::B::P::D::GitHub
Alien::Build::Plugin::Download::GitLab                           => A::B::P::D::GitLab
Alien::Build::Plugin::Probe::GnuWin32                            => A::B::P::P::GnuWin32
Alien::CFITSIO                                                   => A::CFITSIO
Alien::FFCall                                                    => A::FFC
Alien::GMP                                                       => A::GMP
Alien::Hunspell                                                  => *undef*
Alien::LZO                                                       => A::LZO
Alien::LibJQ                                                     => A::LibJQ
Alien::Libxml2                                                   => A::L2
Alien::Meson                                                     => *undef*
Alien::Ninja                                                     => A::N
Alien::Role::Dino                                                => A::R::D
Alien::SLOCCount                                                 => A::SLOCC
Alien::Sodium                                                    => *undef*
Alien::Tidyp                                                     => A::T
Alien::TinyCC                                                    => A::TCC
Alien::VideoLAN::LibVLC                                          => A::VLAN::LibVLC
Alien::Web                                                       => A::Web
Alien::Web::ExtJS::V3                                            => A::Web::ExtJS::V3
Alien::autoconf                                                  => A::a
Alien::automake                                                  => *undef*
Alien::bison                                                     => A::b
Alien::cmake3                                                    => A::c3
Alien::flex                                                      => A::f
Alien::gmake                                                     => A::g
Alien::gperf                                                     => *undef*
Alien::libmaxminddb                                              => A::l
Alien::libtool                                                   => *undef*
Alien::m4                                                        => A::m4
Alien::psl                                                       => A::psl
Alien::wxWidgets                                                 => A::wxW
Alt::Acme::Math::XS::CPP                                         => Alt::A::M::XS::CPP
Alt::Crypt::RSA::BigInt                                          => Alt::C::RSA::BigInt
Amazon::Credentials                                              => *undef*
Amiga::ARexx                                                     => A::AR
Amiga::Exec                                                      => *undef*
Amon2::Auth::Site::LINE                                          => A2::A::S::LINE
Ananke::Template                                                 => *undef*
Anansi::Actor                                                    => *undef*
Anansi::Class                                                    => *undef*
Anansi::Component                                                => *undef*
Anansi::Database::PostgreSQL                                     => A::D::PSQL
Anansi::DatabaseComponent                                        => A::DC
Anansi::ObjectManager                                            => A::OM
Anansi::Singleton                                                => *undef*
Any::Moose                                                       => Any::M
Any::URI::Escape                                                 => Any::URI::E
AnyDBM_File                                                      => AnyDBM_F
AnyData                                                          => AnyD
AnyEvent                                                         => AnyE
AnyEvent::AIO                                                    => AnyE::AIO
AnyEvent::BDB                                                    => AnyE::BDB
AnyEvent::Connector                                              => AnyE::C
AnyEvent::DBI::MySQL                                             => AnyE::DBI::MySQL
AnyEvent::DateTime::Cron                                         => AnyE::DT::C
AnyEvent::Feed                                                   => AnyE::F
AnyEvent::Fork                                                   => *undef*
AnyEvent::Fork::RPC                                              => AnyE::F::RPC
AnyEvent::FriendFeed::Realtime                                   => AnyE::FF::R
AnyEvent::HTTP                                                   => AnyE::HTTP
AnyEvent::HTTPD                                                  => AnyE::HTTPD
AnyEvent::HTTPD::SendMultiHeaderPatch                            => AnyE::HTTPD::SMHP
AnyEvent::Handle::UDP                                            => AnyE::H::UDP
AnyEvent::IRC                                                    => AnyE::IRC
AnyEvent::Open3::Simple                                          => AnyE::O3::S
AnyEvent::Ping                                                   => AnyE::P
AnyEvent::Processor                                              => *undef*
AnyEvent::RabbitMQ                                               => AnyE::RMQ
AnyEvent::ReadLine::Gnu                                          => AnyE::RL::Gnu
AnyEvent::SMTP                                                   => AnyE::SMTP
AnyEvent::SlackRTM                                               => AnyE::SRTM
AnyEvent::Twitter                                                => AnyE::T
AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream                                        => AnyE::T::S
AnyEvent::UserAgent                                              => AnyE::UA
AnyEvent::Watchdog                                               => AnyE::W
AnyEvent::WebService::Notifo                                     => AnyE::WebS::N
AnyEvent::WebSocket::Client                                      => AnyE::WebS::C
AnyEvent::XMPP                                                   => AnyE::XMPP
AnySan::Provider::Slack                                          => AnySan::P::S
Apache::AuthPOP3                                                 => A::APOP3
Apache::AuthPerLDAP                                              => A::APerLDAP
Apache::Bootstrap                                                => *undef*
Apache::Htgroup                                                  => *undef*
Apache::Htpasswd                                                 => *undef*
Apache::LogFormat::Compiler                                      => A::LogF::C
Apache::PrettyText                                               => A::PT
Apache::Session                                                  => *undef*
Apache::Session::Browseable                                      => A::S::B
Apache::Test                                                     => *undef*
Apache::Tika                                                     => *undef*
Apachish::Examples                                               => *undef*
App::AutoBuild                                                   => App::AB
App::Cache                                                       => App::C
App::Cpan                                                        => *undef*
App::DistSync                                                    => App::DS
App::Dochazka::Common                                            => App::D::C
App::DoubleUp                                                    => App::DUp
App::Git::IssueManager                                           => App::Git::IM
App::Git::IssueManager::SyncJira                                 => App::Git::IM::SJ
App::GitGrepPerlStatement                                        => App::GitGPS
App::GitHub::update                                              => App::GitHub::u
App::Greple                                                      => App::G
App::Greple::aozora                                              => App::G::a
App::Greple::msdoc                                               => App::G::m
App::Greple::subst                                               => App::G::s
App::Greple::update                                              => App::G::u
App::HomeBank2Ledger                                             => App::HB2L
App::Info                                                        => App::I
App::IsGitSynced                                                 => App::IsGitS
App::Memcached::Tool                                             => App::M::T
App::Microsite::Assemble                                         => App::M::A
App::Nopaste                                                     => App::N
App::Nopaste::Service::PastebinCa                                => App::N::S::PCa
App::Notifier::Service                                           => App::N::S
App::PYX::Optimization                                           => App::PYX::O
App::Pinpp                                                       => App::P
App::Procapult                                                   => *undef*
App::Prove                                                       => *undef*
App::Prove::State                                                => App::P::S
App::Prove::State::Result                                        => App::P::S::R
App::Prove::State::Result::Test                                  => App::P::S::R::T
App::SVG::Graph                                                  => App::SVG::G
App::Spec                                                        => App::S
App::Starter                                                     => *undef*
App::TailRabbit                                                  => App::TR
App::TestOnTap                                                   => App::TOnTap
App::TimeTracker                                                 => App::TT
App::TimeTracker::Command::Gitlab                                => App::TT::C::G
App::Todo                                                        => App::T
App::Utils                                                       => App::U
App::Virtualenv                                                  => App::V
App::Wallflower                                                  => App::W
App::WordPressTools                                              => App::WPT
App::Zapzi                                                       => App::Z
App::after                                                       => App::a
App::bmkpasswd                                                   => App::b
App::chkfacl                                                     => App::c
App::cointoss                                                    => *undef*
App::cpangitify                                                  => *undef*
App::cpanm::script                                               => App::c::s
App::cpanminus                                                   => *undef*
App::diff2vba                                                    => App::d2
App::eachperl                                                    => App::e
App::envset                                                      => *undef*
App::expskip                                                     => *undef*
App::freq                                                        => App::f
App::geoip                                                       => App::g
App::gitwrap                                                     => *undef*
App::migrate                                                     => App::m
App::nioscli                                                     => App::n
App::optex                                                       => App::o
App::optex::rpn                                                  => App::o::rpn
App::optex::textconv                                             => App::o::t
App::perlbrew                                                    => App::p
App::powerdiff                                                   => *undef*
App::sdif                                                        => App::s
App::setop                                                       => *undef*
App::sourcepan                                                   => *undef*
App::term::hr                                                    => App::t::hr
App::traveller                                                   => App::t
AppConfig                                                        => AppC
Archive::Any::Lite                                               => A::Any::L
Archive::Ar                                                      => A::Ar
Archive::Cpio                                                    => *undef*
Archive::Extract                                                 => *undef*
Archive::Libarchive                                              => A::L
Archive::Libarchive::Extract                                     => A::L::E
Archive::Peek                                                    => A::P
Archive::Tar                                                     => A::Tar
Archive::Tar::Constant                                           => A::Tar::C
Archive::Tar::File                                               => A::Tar::F
Archive::Tar::Wrapper                                            => A::Tar::W
Archive::Zip                                                     => A::Zip
Archive::Zip::Crypt                                              => A::Zip::C
Ark::Plugin::ReproxyCallback                                     => Ark::P::RC
Array::Columnize                                                 => *undef*
Array::Compare                                                   => *undef*
Array::Diff                                                      => *undef*
Array::RefElem                                                   => A::RefE
Array::Utils                                                     => A::U
Assert::Conditional                                              => *undef*
Assert::Refute                                                   => A::R
Assert::Refute::T::Array                                         => A::R::T::A
Assert::Refute::T::Scalar                                        => A::R::T::S
Asterisk::config::syntax::highlight                              => A::c::s::h
Astro-Montenbruck                                                => A-M
Astro::Coord::ECI                                                => A::C::ECI
Astro::FITS::CFITSIO                                             => A::FITS::CFITSIO
Astro::Utils                                                     => *undef*
Async::Interrupt                                                 => A::I
Attribute::Deprecated                                            => *undef*
Attribute::Handlers                                              => *undef*
Attribute::QueueStack                                            => A::QS
Attribute::Storage                                               => *undef*
Audio::Audacious                                                 => *undef*
Audio::Cuefile::Parser                                           => A::C::P
Audio::MPD::Common                                               => A::MPD::C
Audio::SID                                                       => A::SID
Authen::DecHpwd                                                  => A::DecH
Authen::GoogleAccount                                            => A::GA
Authen::ModAuthToken                                             => A::ModAT
Authen::NTLM                                                     => A::NTLM
Authen::Passphrase                                               => *undef*
Authen::Prepare                                                  => *undef*
Authen::SASL                                                     => A::SASL
Authen::SASL::SASLprep                                           => A::SASL::SASL
Authen::SCRAM                                                    => A::SCRAM
Authen::Simple                                                   => *undef*
AutoLoader                                                       => AL
AutoSplit                                                        => AS
B::CallChecker                                                   => B::CC
B::CodeLines                                                     => B::CL
B::CompilerPhase::Hook                                           => B::CP::H
B::Compiling                                                     => B::C
B::Concise                                                       => *undef*
B::Debug                                                         => B::D
B::Deparse                                                       => *undef*
B::Flags                                                         => B::F
B::Generate                                                      => B::G
B::Hooks::AtRuntime                                              => B::H::AtR
B::Hooks::EndOfScope                                             => B::H::EndOfS
B::Hooks::OP::Annotation                                         => B::H::OP::A
B::Hooks::OP::Check                                              => B::H::OP::C
B::Hooks::OP::PPAddr                                             => B::H::OP::PPA
B::Keywords                                                      => B::K
B::OPCheck                                                       => B::OPC
B::Op_private                                                    => B::O
B::Showlex                                                       => B::S
B::Terse                                                         => B::T
B::Utils                                                         => B::U
B::Xref                                                          => B::X
BEGIN::Lift                                                      => BEGIN::L
BSD::Resource                                                    => BSD::R
Backup::Hanoi                                                    => B::H
Barcode::Code128                                                 => B::C128
Baseball::Simulation                                             => *undef*
Bb::Collaborate::V3                                              => Bb::C::V3
Benchmark::Featureset::SetOps                                    => B::F::SetOps
Benchmark::Stopwatch                                             => *undef*
BerkeleyDB                                                       => *undef*
BerkeleyDB::Manager                                              => BDB::M
BettingStrategy::MonteCarlo                                      => BS::MC
Biblio::COUNTER                                                  => B::COUNTER
Bio::GenomeMap                                                   => Bio::GMap
Bio::Phylo                                                       => Bio::P
Bio::Sketch                                                      => Bio::S
Bit::Util                                                        => Bit::U
Bit::Vector                                                      => Bit::V
Blessed::Merge                                                   => B::M
Book::Collate                                                    => *undef*
BorderStyle                                                      => BS
BorderStyles::Standard                                           => BS::S
Bot::BasicBot                                                    => Bot::BBot
Broadworks::OCIP                                                 => B::OCIP
Browser::Find::Windows                                           => B::F::W
Browser::Open                                                    => *undef*
Build::PPK                                                       => B::PPK
Business-BR-Ids                                                  => B-BR-Ids
Business::AU::ACN                                                => B::AU::ACN
Business::AU::Ledger                                             => B::AU::L
Business::CUSIP                                                  => B::CUSIP
Business::CUSIP::Random                                          => B::CUSIP::R
Business::CreditCard                                             => *undef*
Business::ISBN                                                   => B::ISBN
Business::ISBN::Data                                             => B::ISBN::D
Business::RU                                                     => B::RU
Business::cXML                                                   => B::cXML
Bytes::Random::Secure                                            => B::R::S
Bytes::Random::Secure::Tiny                                      => B::R::S::T
C::Tokenize                                                      => C::T
C::Utility                                                       => C::U
CAD::Calc                                                        => CAD::C
CAM::PDF::Annot                                                  => CAM::PDF::A
CCCP::SQLiteWrap                                                 => CCCP::SQLW
CDB_File                                                         => CDB_F
CGI::Application                                                 => CGI::A
CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication                         => CGI::A::P::A
CGI::Application::Plugin::DBH                                    => CGI::A::P::DBH
CGI::Application::Plugin::RateLimit                              => CGI::A::P::RL
CGI::Application::Plugin::Session                                => CGI::A::P::S
CGI::AutoForm                                                    => CGI::AF
CGI::Compile                                                     => CGI::C
CGI::Deurl::XS                                                   => CGI::D::XS
CGI::Emulate::PSGI                                               => CGI::E::PSGI
CGI::Enurl                                                       => CGI::E
CGI::ExceptionManager                                            => CGI::EM
CGI::Expand                                                      => *undef*
CGI::ExtDirect                                                   => CGI::ExtD
CGI::Fast                                                        => CGI::F
CGI::FastTemplate                                                => CGI::FT
CGI::Form2XML                                                    => CGI::F2XML
CGI::FormBuilder                                                 => CGI::FB
CGI::Header                                                      => CGI::H
CGI::Lite                                                        => CGI::L
CGI::Session                                                     => CGI::S
CGI::Session::ID::crypt_openssl                                  => CGI::S::ID::c
CGI::Simple                                                      => *undef*
CGI::Struct                                                      => *undef*
CGI::Test                                                        => CGI::T
CGI::Untaint                                                     => CGI::U
CGI::Untaint::date                                               => CGI::U::d
CGI::Untaint::email                                              => CGI::U::e
CGI::Untaint::uk_postcode                                        => CGI::U::u
CGI::Untaint::zipcode                                            => CGI::U::z
CLI::Application                                                 => CLI::A
CLI::Contingency::Table                                          => CLI::C::T
CLI::Osprey                                                      => CLI::O
CONFIG::Plain                                                    => CONFIG::P
CPAN::Author                                                     => CPAN::A
CPAN::Bundle                                                     => CPAN::B
CPAN::CacheMgr                                                   => CPAN::CMgr
CPAN::Changes                                                    => CPAN::C
CPAN::Common::Index                                              => CPAN::C::I
CPAN::Complete                                                   => *undef*
CPAN::Debug                                                      => CPAN::D
CPAN::DeferredCode                                               => CPAN::DC
CPAN::DistnameInfo                                               => CPAN::DI
CPAN::Distribution                                               => *undef*
CPAN::Distroprefs                                                => *undef*
CPAN::Distrostatus                                               => *undef*
CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency                             => CPAN::E::RD
CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist                                 => CPAN::E::b
CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed                              => CPAN::E::y
CPAN::Exception::yaml_process_error                              => *undef*
CPAN::FTP::netrc                                                 => CPAN::FTP::n
CPAN::FirstTime                                                  => CPAN::FT
CPAN::HTTP::Client                                               => CPAN::HTTP::C
CPAN::HTTP::Credentials                                          => *undef*
CPAN::HandleConfig                                               => CPAN::HC
CPAN::Index                                                      => CPAN::I
CPAN::Indexer::Mirror                                            => CPAN::I::M
CPAN::InfoObj                                                    => CPAN::IObj
CPAN::Kwalify                                                    => CPAN::K
CPAN::LWP::UserAgent                                             => CPAN::LWP::UA
CPAN::Meta                                                       => CPAN::M
CPAN::Meta::Check                                                => CPAN::M::C
CPAN::Meta::Converter                                            => *undef*
CPAN::Meta::Feature                                              => CPAN::M::F
CPAN::Meta::History                                              => CPAN::M::H
CPAN::Meta::Merge                                                => CPAN::M::M
CPAN::Meta::Prereqs                                              => CPAN::M::P
CPAN::Meta::Requirements                                         => CPAN::M::R
CPAN::Meta::Spec                                                 => CPAN::M::S
CPAN::Meta::Validator                                            => CPAN::M::V
CPAN::Meta::YAML                                                 => CPAN::M::YAML
CPAN::Mini                                                       => *undef*
CPAN::Mirror::Finder                                             => *undef*
CPAN::Mirrors                                                    => *undef*
CPAN::Module                                                     => *undef*
CPAN::Perl::Releases                                             => CPAN::P::R
CPAN::Plugin                                                     => CPAN::P
CPAN::Plugin::Specfile                                           => CPAN::P::S
CPAN::Prompt                                                     => *undef*
CPAN::Queue                                                      => CPAN::Q
CPAN::ReleaseHistory                                             => CPAN::RH
CPAN::Reporter                                                   => CPAN::R
CPAN::Shell                                                      => CPAN::S
CPAN::Tarzip                                                     => CPAN::T
CPAN::Test::Dummy::Perl5::VersionBump                            => CPAN::T::D::P5::VB
CPAN::Test::Dummy::Perl5::VersionQV                              => CPAN::T::D::P5::VQV
CPAN::Testers::Common::DBUtils                                   => CPAN::T::C::DBU
CPAN::Testers::Data::Addresses                                   => CPAN::T::D::A
CPAN::Testers::Report                                            => CPAN::T::R
CPAN::Uploader                                                   => CPAN::U
CPAN::Version                                                    => CPAN::V
CPAN::Webserver                                                  => CPAN::W
CPANPLUS::Dist::Build                                            => CPANPLUS::D::B
CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo                                           => CPANPLUS::D::G
CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::CPANIDX                             => CPANPLUS::I::S::CPANIDX
CPANPLUS::Test::Dummy::HasScript                                 => CPANPLUS::T::D::HasS
CQL::Parser                                                      => CQL::P
CSS::Minifier                                                    => CSS::M
CSS::Minifier::XS                                                => CSS::M::XS
CSS::Packer                                                      => CSS::P
CSS::Sass                                                        => CSS::S
CSS::Scopifier                                                   => *undef*
CSS::Tiny                                                        => CSS::T
Cache::Adaptive                                                  => C::A
Cache::Adaptive::ByLoad                                          => C::A::ByL
Cache::Cache                                                     => C::C
Cache::FastMmap                                                  => C::FM
Cache::KyotoTycoon                                               => C::KT
Cache::LRU                                                       => C::LRU
Cache::Memcached                                                 => C::M
Cache::Memcached::AnyEvent                                       => C::M::AnyE
Cache::Memcached::Managed                                        => C::M::M
Cache::Memcached::Mock                                           => *undef*
Cache::Redis                                                     => C::R
Cache::RedisDB                                                   => C::RDB
Cache::Ref                                                       => C::Ref
Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry                                       => C::S::TE
Cairo::GObject                                                   => C::GO
CalDAV::Simple                                                   => CalDAV::S
Calendar::Any                                                    => C::Any
Calendar::Bahai                                                  => C::B
Calendar::Plugin::Renderer                                       => C::P::R
Calendar::Simple                                                 => C::S
Call::Context                                                    => *undef*
Canary::Stability                                                => *undef*
Captcha::noCAPTCHA                                               => C::noCAPTCHA
Capture::Tiny                                                    => *undef*
Carp::Always                                                     => *undef*
Carp::Assert                                                     => *undef*
Carp::Assert::More                                               => C::A::M
Carp::Clan                                                       => *undef*
Carp::Clan::Share                                                => C::C::S
Carp::Heavy                                                      => C::H
Catalyst::Action::REST                                           => C::A::REST
Catalyst::Action::RenderView                                     => C::A::RV
Catalyst::ActionRole::ExpiresHeader                              => C::AR::EH
Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::Flickr                     => C::A::C::F
Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::MultiFactor                => C::A::C::MF
Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class                     => C::A::S::DBIx::C
Catalyst::Component::InstancePerContext                          => C::C::IPerC
Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole                                 => C::C::AR
Catalyst::Controller::AutoAssets                                 => C::C::AA
Catalyst::Controller::SimpleCAS                                  => C::C::SCAS
Catalyst::Devel                                                  => C::D
Catalyst::Helper::Doc                                            => C::H::Doc
Catalyst::Helper::Dojo                                           => C::H::D
Catalyst::Model::Bitcoin                                         => C::M::B
Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema                                    => C::M::DBIC::S
Catalyst::Model::DBIx::Raw                                       => C::M::DBIx::Raw
Catalyst::Model::Jifty::DBI                                      => C::M::J::DBI
Catalyst::Model::Proxy                                           => C::M::P
Catalyst::Plugin::Alarm                                          => C::P::A
Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication                                 => *undef*
Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles                           => C::P::A::R
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Memcached                               => C::P::C::M
Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader                                   => C::P::CL
Catalyst::Plugin::ExternalURI                                    => C::P::EURI
Catalyst::Plugin::Hooks                                          => C::P::H
Catalyst::Plugin::I18N                                           => C::P::I18N
Catalyst::Plugin::I18N::PathPrefixGeoIP                          => C::P::I18N::PPGeoIP
Catalyst::Plugin::Log::Message                                   => C::P::Log::M
Catalyst::Plugin::Session                                        => C::P::S
Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie                         => C::P::S::S::C
Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::DBIC                           => C::P::S::S::DBIC
Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Delegate                       => C::P::S::S::D
Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::File                           => C::P::S::S::F
Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Memcached                      => C::P::S::S::M
Catalyst::Plugin::Setenv                                         => *undef*
Catalyst::Plugin::Singleton                                      => *undef*
Catalyst::Plugin::SpecialAction::Trail                           => C::P::SA::T
Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple                                 => C::P::S::S
Catalyst::Plugin::Widget                                         => C::P::W
Catalyst::Runtime                                                => *undef*
Catalyst::TraitFor::Controller::RenderView                       => C::TFor::C::RV
Catalyst::TraitFor::Request::StrongParameters                    => C::TFor::R::SP
Catalyst::View::Component::ESI                                   => C::V::C::ESI
Catalyst::View::Image::Empty                                     => C::V::I::E
Catalyst::View::JSON                                             => C::V::JSON
Catalyst::View::Petal                                            => C::V::P
Catalyst::View::TT                                               => C::V::TT
CatalystX::Component::Traits                                     => CX::C::T
CatalystX::InjectComponent                                       => CX::IC
CatalystX::RequestRole::StrictParams                             => CX::RR::SP
CatalystX::RoleApplicator                                        => CX::RA
CatalystX::Starter                                               => CX::S
Catmandu::Adlib                                                  => *undef*
Catmandu::Blacklight                                             => *undef*
Catmandu::DBI                                                    => C::DBI
Catmandu::Importer::getJSON                                      => C::I::getJSON
Catmandu::LIDO                                                   => C::LIDO
Catmandu::OAI                                                    => C::OAI
Catmandu::Pure                                                   => C::P
Catmandu::Solr                                                   => *undef*
Catmandu::Store::Datahub                                         => C::S::D
Catmandu::XML                                                    => C::XML
Char-Latin3                                                      => C-L3
Char-Windows1258                                                 => C-W1258
Chart::Clicker                                                   => *undef*
Chart::Dygraphs                                                  => *undef*
Chart::Gnuplot                                                   => C::G
Chart::Plot                                                      => *undef*
Chart::Plot::Tagged                                              => C::P::T
Check::ISA                                                       => C::ISA
Check::UnitCheck                                                 => C::UC
Chemistry::PointGroup::C4h                                       => C::PG::C4h
Chess::PGN::EPD                                                  => C::PGN::EPD
Chess::PGN::Filter                                               => C::PGN::F
Chess::PGN::Moves                                                => C::PGN::M
Chess::PGN::Parse                                                => C::PGN::P
Cisco::IronPort                                                  => C::IP
Class::Accessor                                                  => *undef*
Class::Accessor::Chained                                         => C::A::C
Class::Accessor::Children                                        => *undef*
Class::Accessor::Class                                           => *undef*
Class::Accessor::Complex                                         => *undef*
Class::Accessor::Grouped                                         => C::A::G
Class::Accessor::Inherited::XS                                   => C::A::I::XS
Class::Accessor::Installer                                       => C::A::I
Class::Accessor::Lite                                            => C::A::L
Class::Accessor::Lite::Lazy                                      => C::A::L::L
Class::Accessor::Lvalue                                          => *undef*
Class::Adapter                                                   => *undef*
Class::AutoAccess                                                => C::AA
Class::AutoloadCAN                                               => C::ACAN
Class::Autouse                                                   => *undef*
Class::Base                                                      => *undef*
Class::C3                                                        => C::C3
Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT                                           => C::C3::A::NEXT
Class::C3::Componentised                                         => C::C3::C
Class::Container                                                 => *undef*
Class::DBI                                                       => *undef*
Class::DBI::AbstractSearch                                       => C::DBI::AS
Class::DBI::Audit                                                => C::DBI::A
Class::DBI::Loader                                               => C::DBI::L
Class::DBI::Loader::Relationship                                 => C::DBI::L::R
Class::DBI::Pager                                                => C::DBI::P
Class::DBI::Plugin::Calendar                                     => C::DBI::P::C
Class::DBI::Plugin::RetrieveAll                                  => C::DBI::P::RAll
Class::DBI::ViewLoader                                           => C::DBI::VL
Class::Data::Accessor                                            => C::D::A
Class::Data::Inheritable                                         => C::D::I
Class::Decorator                                                 => *undef*
Class::Default                                                   => *undef*
Class::ErrorHandler                                              => C::EH
Class::Factory::Util                                             => C::F::U
Class::Fields                                                    => C::F
Class::Frame                                                     => *undef*
Class::GenSource                                                 => C::GenS
Class::Generate                                                  => *undef*
Class::Gomor                                                     => *undef*
Class::ISA                                                       => *undef*
Class::InsideOut                                                 => C::IOut
Class::Inspector                                                 => C::I
Class::Interface                                                 => *undef*
Class::Iterator                                                  => *undef*
Class::Load                                                      => C::L
Class::Load::XS                                                  => C::L::XS
Class::Loader                                                    => *undef*
Class::Measure                                                   => *undef*
Class::Meta                                                      => *undef*
Class::Method::Cache::FastMmap                                   => C::M::C::FM
Class::Method::Delegate                                          => C::M::D
Class::Method::Modifiers                                         => *undef*
Class::MethodMaker                                               => C::MM
Class::Mix                                                       => C::Mix
Class::Mixin                                                     => *undef*
Class::Multimethods                                              => *undef*
Class::Null                                                      => C::N
Class::Params                                                    => *undef*
Class::ReturnValue                                               => C::RV
Class::Roles                                                     => *undef*
Class::Simple                                                    => *undef*
Class::Singleton                                                 => *undef*
Class::Sniff                                                     => *undef*
Class::Std                                                       => C::Std
Class::Std::Fast                                                 => C::Std::F
Class::Std::Utils                                                => C::Std::U
Class::Struct                                                    => *undef*
Class::Tables                                                    => *undef*
Class::Throwable                                                 => *undef*
Class::Tiny                                                      => *undef*
Class::Tiny::Antlers                                             => C::T::A
Class::Tiny::Chained                                             => C::T::C
Class::Trigger                                                   => *undef*
Class::Unload                                                    => *undef*
Class::Usul                                                      => *undef*
Class::Utils                                                     => *undef*
Class::Virtual                                                   => C::V
Class::Wrapper                                                   => C::W
Class::XSAccessor                                                => C::XSA
Clone::Choose                                                    => *undef*
Clone::PP                                                        => C::PP
Clone::Util                                                      => *undef*
Clownfish::CFC                                                   => C::CFC
Code::TidyAll                                                    => C::TAll
Color::ANSI::Util                                                => C::ANSI::U
Color::Brewer                                                    => *undef*
Color::Calc                                                      => *undef*
Color::Library                                                   => *undef*
Color::RGB::Util                                                 => C::RGB::U
Color::Scheme                                                    => *undef*
ColorTheme::Distinct::WhiteBG                                    => CT::D::WBG
ColorTheme::Harmony::Analogous                                   => CT::H::A
ColorThemeBase::Static                                           => CTB::S
ColorThemeRole::ANSI                                             => CTR::ANSI
ColorThemeUtil::ANSI                                             => CTU::ANSI
ColorThemes::Standard                                            => CT::S
Colouring::In                                                    => C::In
Combine::Keys                                                    => C::K
Command::Template                                                => *undef*
Compare::Directory                                               => *undef*
Compiled::Params::OO                                             => C::P::OO
Compiler::Lexer                                                  => *undef*
Complete::Bash                                                   => *undef*
Complete::Common                                                 => *undef*
Complete::FS                                                     => C::FS
Complete::Fish                                                   => *undef*
Complete::Tcsh                                                   => *undef*
Complete::Zsh                                                    => C::Zsh
Compress::LZF                                                    => C::LZF
Compress::Raw::Bzip2                                             => C::Raw::B2
Compress::Raw::Zlib                                              => C::Raw::Z
Compress::Zlib                                                   => C::Z
Compress::Zopfli                                                 => *undef*
Cond::Expr                                                       => C::E
Config::AWS                                                      => C::AWS
Config::Any                                                      => *undef*
Config::AutoConf                                                 => C::AC
Config::AutoConf::INI                                            => C::AC::INI
Config::Crontab                                                  => *undef*
Config::Divide                                                   => *undef*
Config::DotNetXML                                                => C::DotNetXML
Config::Extensions                                               => *undef*
Config::File                                                     => *undef*
Config::Find                                                     => *undef*
Config::Format::Ini                                              => C::F::Ini
Config::General                                                  => *undef*
Config::GitLike                                                  => C::GitL
Config::INI                                                      => C::INI
Config::IOD::Reader                                              => C::IOD::R
Config::IPFilter                                                 => C::IPF
Config::Identity                                                 => *undef*
Config::IniFiles                                                 => C::IniF
Config::IniRegEx                                                 => C::IniRegEx
Config::JFDI                                                     => C::JFDI
Config::MVP                                                      => C::MVP
Config::MVP::Reader::INI                                         => C::MVP::R::INI
Config::MVP::Slicer                                              => C::MVP::S
Config::Merge                                                    => *undef*
Config::MyConfig2                                                => C::MyC2
Config::Neat                                                     => *undef*
Config::Onion                                                    => C::O
Config::Options                                                  => *undef*
Config::PL                                                       => C::PL
Config::PP                                                       => *undef*
Config::Perl                                                     => *undef*
Config::Perl::V                                                  => C::P::V
Config::Properties                                               => *undef*
Config::Scoped                                                   => *undef*
Config::Simple                                                   => *undef*
Config::Station                                                  => *undef*
Config::Std                                                      => *undef*
Config::Structured                                               => *undef*
Config::Tiny                                                     => *undef*
Config::Tiny::Ordered                                            => C::T::O
Const::Exporter                                                  => *undef*
Const::Fast                                                      => *undef*
Constant::Generate                                               => *undef*
Context::Preserve                                                => *undef*
Convert::ASCII::Armour                                           => C::ASCII::A
Convert::ASN1                                                    => C::ASN1
Convert::Base32                                                  => C::B32
Convert::Bencode                                                 => *undef*
Convert::BinHex                                                  => C::BinHex
Convert::Color                                                   => *undef*
Convert::Color::Library                                          => C::C::L
Convert::Color::XTerm                                            => C::C::XT
Convert::Dayi                                                    => *undef*
Convert::NLS_DATE_FORMAT                                         => C::NLS_DATE_FORMAT
Convert::Number::Armenian                                        => C::N::A
Convert::Number::Ethiopic                                        => C::N::E
Convert::Scalar                                                  => *undef*
Convert::Temperature                                             => *undef*
Convert::Wiki                                                    => *undef*
Convert::Z85                                                     => C::Z85
Cookie::Baker                                                    => *undef*
Cookie::Baker::XS                                                => C::B::XS
Coro::PatchSet                                                   => C::PSet
Cpanel::JSON::XS                                                 => C::JSON::XS
Crypt::Argon2                                                    => C::A2
Crypt::Blowfish                                                  => *undef*
Crypt::CAST5_PP                                                  => C::CAST5_PP
Crypt::CBC                                                       => C::CBC
Crypt::DES                                                       => C::DES
Crypt::DES_EDE3                                                  => C::DES_EDE3
Crypt::DH::GMP                                                   => C::DH::GMP
Crypt::DSA                                                       => C::DSA
Crypt::Digest::Scrypt                                            => C::D::S
Crypt::Eksblowfish                                               => *undef*
Crypt::Format                                                    => *undef*
Crypt::IDEA                                                      => C::IDEA
Crypt::JWT                                                       => C::JWT
Crypt::KDF                                                       => C::KDF
Crypt::Mode::CBC::Easy                                           => C::M::CBC::E
Crypt::MySQL                                                     => C::MySQL
Crypt::Nash                                                      => *undef*
Crypt::OTP                                                       => C::OTP
Crypt::OpenPGP                                                   => C::OPGP
Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum                                           => C::OSSL::B
Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA                                              => C::OSSL::DSA
Crypt::OpenSSL::Guess                                            => C::OSSL::G
Crypt::OpenSSL::PBKDF2                                           => C::OSSL::PBKDF2
Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA                                              => C::OSSL::RSA
Crypt::OpenSSL::Random                                           => C::OSSL::R
Crypt::OpenSSL::Verify                                           => C::OSSL::V
Crypt::OpenSSL::X509                                             => C::OSSL::X509
Crypt::PBKDF2                                                    => C::PBKDF2
Crypt::Passwd::XS                                                => C::P::XS
Crypt::PasswdMD5                                                 => C::PMD5
Crypt::Password::Util                                            => C::P::U
Crypt::Perl                                                      => *undef*
Crypt::RC4                                                       => C::RC4
Crypt::RIPEMD160                                                 => C::RIPEMD160
Crypt::RSA::Parse                                                => C::RSA::P
Crypt::Random                                                    => *undef*
Crypt::Random::Seed                                              => C::R::S
Crypt::Random::Source                                            => *undef*
Crypt::Random::TESHA2                                            => C::R::TESHA2
Crypt::Rijndael                                                  => *undef*
Crypt::SMIME                                                     => C::SMIME
Crypt::SaltedHash                                                => C::SH
Crypt::ScryptKDF                                                 => C::SKDF
Crypt::Sodium                                                    => *undef*
Crypt::TEA                                                       => C::TEA
Crypt::Twofish                                                   => *undef*
Crypt::Twofish2                                                  => C::T2
Crypt::URandom                                                   => C::UR
Crypt::UnixCrypt_XS                                              => C::UCXS
CryptX                                                           => CX
Cuckoo::Filter                                                   => *undef*
Curses::UI                                                       => C::UI
Curses::UI::Number                                               => C::UI::N
Curses::UI::Time                                                 => C::UI::T
Curses::UI::Volume                                               => C::UI::V
Cwd::Guard                                                       => Cwd::G
DBD::Mock                                                        => DBD::M
DBD::SQLite                                                      => DBD::SQL
DBD::Simulated                                                   => DBD::S
DBD::mysql                                                       => DBD::m
DBGp::Client                                                     => DBGp::C
DBGp::Client::AnyEvent                                           => DBGp::C::AnyE
DBICx::MaterializedPath                                          => DBICx::MP
DBICx::Sugar                                                     => DBICx::S
DBICx::TestDatabase                                              => DBICx::TD
DBIx::Admin::CreateTable                                         => DBIx::A::CT
DBIx::Class                                                      => DBIx::C
DBIx::Class::Candy                                               => DBIx::C::C
DBIx::Class::DynamicDefault                                      => DBIx::C::DD
DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn                                       => DBIx::C::EC
DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::MySQLHacks                       => DBIx::C::H::RSet::MySQLH
DBIx::Class::Helpers                                             => DBIx::C::H
DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Authen::Passphrase                   => DBIx::C::IC::A::P
DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Serializer                           => DBIx::C::IC::S
DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Serializer::Hstore                   => DBIx::C::IC::S::H
DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Serializer::Role::HashContentAccessor => DBIx::C::IC::S::R::HCA
DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Serializer::Sereal                   => DBIx::C::IC::S::S
DBIx::Class::PassphraseColumn                                    => DBIx::C::PC
DBIx::Class::Schema::Diff                                        => DBIx::C::S::D
DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader                                      => DBIx::C::S::L
DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore                                => DBIx::C::S::PM
DBIx::Class::Schema::ResultSetAccessors                          => DBIx::C::S::RSetA
DBIx::Class::TimeStamp                                           => DBIx::C::TS
DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns                                         => DBIx::C::UUIDC
DBIx::Connect::MySQL                                             => DBIx::C::MySQL
DBIx::Connector                                                  => *undef*
DBIx::ContextualFetch                                            => DBIx::CF
DBIx::Custom                                                     => *undef*
DBIx::DBSchema                                                   => DBIx::DBS
DBIx::Diff::Schema                                               => DBIx::D::S
DBIx::FixtureLoader                                              => DBIx::FL
DBIx::InsertHash                                                 => DBIx::IH
DBIx::Introspector                                               => DBIx::I
DBIx::Knowledge                                                  => DBIx::K
DBIx::Objects                                                    => DBIx::O
DBIx::Query                                                      => DBIx::Q
DBIx::RewriteDSN                                                 => DBIx::RDSN
DBIx::Schema::DSL                                                => DBIx::S::DSL
DBIx::Simple                                                     => DBIx::S
DBIx::SimplePerl                                                 => DBIx::SP
DBIx::Tracer                                                     => DBIx::T
DBIx::TransactionManager                                         => DBIx::TM
DBIx::UpdateTable::FromHoH                                       => DBIx::UT::FHoH
DBIx::Util::Schema                                               => DBIx::U::S
DBM_Filter                                                       => DBM_F
DBM_Filter::compress                                             => DBM_F::c
DBM_Filter::encode                                               => DBM_F::e
DBM_Filter::int32                                                => DBM_F::int32
DBM_Filter::null                                                 => DBM_F::n
DBM_Filter::utf8                                                 => DBM_F::utf8
DB_File                                                          => DB_F
DD::Dummy                                                        => DD::D
DIME::Tools                                                      => DIME::T
Daemon::Generic                                                  => D::G
Dancer2                                                          => D2
Dancer2::Plugin::Ajax                                            => D2::P::A
Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC                                            => D2::P::DBIC
Dancer2::Plugin::Deferred                                        => D2::P::D
Dancer2::Plugin::EncryptID                                       => D2::P::EID
Dancer2::Plugin::FormValidator                                   => D2::P::FV
Dancer2::Plugin::FormValidator::Extension::DBIC                  => D2::P::FV::E::DBIC
Dancer2::Plugin::Locale::Wolowitz                                => D2::P::L::W
Dancer2::Plugin::PrometheusTiny                                  => D2::P::PT
Dancer::Middleware::Rebase                                       => D::M::R
Danga::Socket                                                    => D::S
DarkPAN::Compare                                                 => DPAN::C
Data::Alias                                                      => D::A
Data::BiaB                                                       => D::BiaB
Data::Binary                                                     => D::B
Data::Buffer                                                     => *undef*
Data::CGIForm                                                    => D::CGIF
Data::COW                                                        => D::COW
Data::CSel                                                       => D::CSel
Data::CSel::WrapStruct                                           => D::CSel::WS
Data::Capture                                                    => D::C
Data::Check::Structure                                           => D::C::S
Data::Clean                                                      => *undef*
Data::Clean::ForJSON                                             => D::C::ForJSON
Data::Clean::FromJSON::Pregen                                    => D::C::FJSON::P
Data::Clean::JSON                                                => D::C::JSON
Data::Cmp                                                        => D::Cmp
Data::Compare                                                    => *undef*
Data::Container                                                  => *undef*
Data::DPath                                                      => D::DP
Data::Debug                                                      => D::D
Data::Decrement                                                  => *undef*
Data::Denter                                                     => *undef*
Data::Difflet                                                    => *undef*
Data::DigestPath                                                 => *undef*
Data::Display                                                    => *undef*
Data::Dmap                                                       => *undef*
Data::Dmp                                                        => D::Dmp
Data::Domain                                                     => *undef*
Data::DownSample::LargestTriangleThreeBuckets                    => D::DS::LTTB
Data::Dump                                                       => *undef*
Data::Dump::Color                                                => D::D::C
Data::Dump::ObjectAsString                                       => D::D::OAsS
Data::Dump::OneLine                                              => D::D::OneL
Data::Dump::Options                                              => D::D::O
Data::Dump::Partial                                              => D::D::P
Data::Dump::Streamer                                             => D::D::S
Data::Dumper                                                     => *undef*
Data::Dumper::Compact                                            => *undef*
Data::Dumper::Concise                                            => *undef*
Data::Dumper::LispLike                                           => D::D::LL
Data::Dumper::OneLine                                            => *undef*
Data::Dumper::Sorted                                             => *undef*
Data::Dx                                                         => D::Dx
Data::Edit                                                       => D::E
Data::Edit::Xml                                                  => D::E::Xml
Data::Edit::Xml::Reuse                                           => D::E::Xml::R
Data::Edit::Xml::Xref                                            => D::E::Xml::X
Data::Entropy                                                    => *undef*
Data::Filter                                                     => D::F
Data::Float                                                      => *undef*
Data::FormValidator                                              => D::FV
Data::FormValidator::Constraints::Words                          => D::FV::C::W
Data::FormValidator::Filters::Demoroniser                        => D::FV::F::D
Data::GUID                                                       => D::GUID
Data::Hexdumper                                                  => D::H
Data::Hexify                                                     => *undef*
Data::ICal                                                       => D::ICal
Data::IEEE754                                                    => D::IEEE754
Data::IEEE754::Tools                                             => D::IEEE754::T
Data::Inherited                                                  => D::I
Data::Integer                                                    => *undef*
Data::JavaScript::Anon                                           => D::JS::A
Data::LNPath                                                     => D::LNP
Data::Localize                                                   => D::L
Data::MEID                                                       => D::MEID
Data::Manager                                                    => D::M
Data::MessagePack                                                => D::MP
Data::Miscellany                                                 => *undef*
Data::ModeMerge                                                  => D::MM
Data::Multihash                                                  => *undef*
Data::Munge                                                      => *undef*
Data::NestedParams                                               => D::NP
Data::Object::Args                                               => D::O::A
Data::Object::Attributes                                         => *undef*
Data::Object::Cast                                               => D::O::C
Data::Object::Class                                              => *undef*
Data::Object::ClassHas                                           => D::O::CHas
Data::Object::Data                                               => D::O::D
Data::Object::Exception                                          => D::O::E
Data::Object::Kind                                               => D::O::K
Data::Object::Name                                               => D::O::N
Data::Object::Opts                                               => D::O::O
Data::Object::Plugin                                             => D::O::P
Data::Object::Role::Buildable                                    => D::O::R::B
Data::Object::Role::Dumpable                                     => D::O::R::D
Data::Object::Role::Proxyable                                    => D::O::R::P
Data::Object::Role::Stashable                                    => D::O::R::S
Data::Object::Role::Throwable                                    => D::O::R::T
Data::Object::RoleHas                                            => D::O::RHas
Data::Object::Space                                              => D::O::S
Data::Object::Try                                                => D::O::Try
Data::Object::Types                                              => D::O::T
Data::Object::Vars                                               => D::O::V
Data::ObjectDriver                                               => D::OD
Data::OptList                                                    => D::OptL
Data::Page                                                       => D::P
Data::Page::NoTotalEntries                                       => D::P::NoTE
Data::Pageset                                                    => *undef*
Data::Paginator                                                  => *undef*
Data::Pairs                                                      => *undef*
Data::Partial::Google                                            => D::P::G
Data::Password                                                   => *undef*
Data::Password::Entropy                                          => D::P::E
Data::Peek                                                       => *undef*
Data::Perl                                                       => *undef*
Data::Phrasebook                                                 => *undef*
Data::Phrasebook::Loader::Ini                                    => D::P::L::Ini
Data::PowerSet                                                   => D::PSet
Data::PowerSet::Hash                                             => D::PSet::H
Data::Prepare                                                    => *undef*
Data::Printer                                                    => *undef*
Data::Random                                                     => D::R
Data::Random::NL                                                 => D::R::NL
Data::Range::Compare                                             => D::R::C
Data::Record                                                     => *undef*
Data::Recursive::Encode                                          => D::R::E
Data::Region                                                     => *undef*
Data::RenderAsTree                                               => D::RAsT
Data::Rmap                                                       => *undef*
Data::Rx                                                         => D::Rx
Data::Sah::Coerce                                                => D::Sah::C
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_date::From_str::natural              => D::Sah::C::p::T::F::n
Data::Sah::Coerce::perl::To_str::From_str::to_upper              => D::Sah::C::p::T::F::t
Data::Sah::CoerceBundle::To_array::From_str::comma_sep           => D::Sah::CB::T::F::c
Data::Sah::CoerceBundle::To_num::From_str::num_id                => D::Sah::CB::T::F::n
Data::Sah::DefaultValue                                          => D::Sah::DV
Data::Sah::Filter                                                => D::Sah::F
Data::Sah::Filter::perl::Str::replace_dashes_with_underscores    => D::Sah::F::p::Str::r
Data::Sah::FilterBundle::Phone                                   => D::Sah::FB::P
Data::Sah::Format                                                => *undef*
Data::Sah::Normalize                                             => D::Sah::N
Data::Sah::Object                                                => D::Sah::O
Data::Sah::Resolve                                               => D::Sah::R
Data::Sah::Terse                                                 => D::Sah::T
Data::Sah::Util::Type                                            => D::Sah::U::T
Data::Section                                                    => *undef*
Data::Section::Seekable                                          => D::S::S
Data::Section::Simple                                            => *undef*
Data::Serializer                                                 => *undef*
Data::Stream::Bulk                                               => D::S::B
Data::Structure::Util                                            => D::S::U
Data::TUID                                                       => D::TUID
Data::Table::Text                                                => D::T::T
Data::TableData::Object                                          => D::TD::O
Data::TableData::Rank                                            => D::TD::R
Data::Taxi                                                       => D::T
Data::TemporaryBag                                               => D::TBag
Data::Transform                                                  => *undef*
Data::Transformer                                                => *undef*
Data::TreeDumper                                                 => D::TD
Data::Types                                                      => *undef*
Data::UUID                                                       => D::UUID
Data::UUID::MT                                                   => D::UUID::MT
Data::Undump                                                     => D::U
Data::Uniqid                                                     => *undef*
Data::Util                                                       => *undef*
Data::Validate                                                   => D::V
Data::Validate::Chemistry                                        => D::V::C
Data::Validate::Domain                                           => D::V::D
Data::Validate::IP                                               => D::V::IP
Data::Validate::Struct                                           => D::V::S
Data::Validate::Type                                             => D::V::T
Data::Validate::URI                                              => D::V::URI
Data::Validator                                                  => *undef*
Data::Verifier                                                   => *undef*
Data::Visitor                                                    => *undef*
Data::XML::Variant                                               => D::XML::V
DataFlow                                                         => DF
DataFlow::Proc::URLRetriever                                     => DF::P::URLR
DataStruct::Flat                                                 => DS::F
Database::Format::Text                                           => D::F::T
Datahub::Factory                                                 => *undef*
Date::Bahai::Simple                                              => D::B::S
Date::Calc                                                       => *undef*
Date::Calc::XS                                                   => D::C::XS
Date::Exception                                                  => *undef*
Date::Gregorian::Simple                                          => D::G::S
Date::Hijri                                                      => *undef*
Date::Holidays::Abstract                                         => D::H::A
Date::Holidays::BQ                                               => D::H::BQ
Date::Holidays::CZ                                               => D::H::CZ
Date::ISO8601                                                    => D::ISO8601
Date::Manip                                                      => *undef*
Date::Parse                                                      => *undef*
Date::Range                                                      => *undef*
Date::Range::Birth                                               => D::R::B
Date::Simple                                                     => *undef*
Date::Tolkien::Shire::Data                                       => D::T::S::D
Date::Utility                                                    => *undef*
Date::Utils                                                      => *undef*
DateLocale                                                       => DL
DateTime                                                         => DT
DateTime::Calendar::Hijri                                        => DT::C::H
DateTime::Calendar::Julian                                       => DT::C::J
DateTime::Event::Cron                                            => DT::E::C
DateTime::Event::Cron::Quartz                                    => DT::E::C::Q
DateTime::Event::Easter                                          => DT::E::E
DateTime::Event::ICal                                            => DT::E::ICal
DateTime::Event::Recurrence                                      => DT::E::R
DateTime::Fiction::JRRTolkien::Shire                             => DT::F::JRRT::S
DateTime::Fiscal::Retail454                                      => DT::F::R454
DateTime::Format::Atom                                           => DT::F::A
DateTime::Format::Builder                                        => DT::F::B
DateTime::Format::DateManip                                      => DT::F::DM
DateTime::Format::DateParse                                      => DT::F::DP
DateTime::Format::Duration                                       => DT::F::D
DateTime::Format::Duration::DurationString                       => DT::F::D::DS
DateTime::Format::Duration::ISO8601                              => DT::F::D::ISO8601
DateTime::Format::Epoch                                          => DT::F::E
DateTime::Format::Excel                                          => *undef*
DateTime::Format::Flexible                                       => DT::F::F
DateTime::Format::HTTP                                           => DT::F::HTTP
DateTime::Format::Human::Duration                                => DT::F::H::D
DateTime::Format::ICal                                           => DT::F::ICal
DateTime::Format::ISO8601                                        => DT::F::ISO8601
DateTime::Format::ISO8601::Format                                => DT::F::ISO8601::F
DateTime::Format::Mail                                           => DT::F::M
DateTime::Format::MySQL                                          => DT::F::MySQL
DateTime::Format::Natural                                        => DT::F::N
DateTime::Format::Oracle                                         => DT::F::O
DateTime::Format::PayPal::IPN                                    => DT::F::PayPal::IPN
DateTime::Format::Pg                                             => DT::F::Pg
DateTime::Format::RFC3339                                        => DT::F::RFC3339
DateTime::Format::SQLite                                         => DT::F::SQL
DateTime::Format::Strptime                                       => DT::F::S
DateTime::Format::Sybase                                         => *undef*
DateTime::Format::W3CDTF                                         => DT::F::W3CDTF
DateTime::Format::XSD                                            => DT::F::XSD
DateTime::Format::x509                                           => DT::F::x509
DateTime::Functions                                              => DT::F
DateTime::HiRes                                                  => DT::HiRes
DateTime::Locale                                                 => DT::L
DateTime::Set                                                    => DT::Set
DateTime::TimeZone                                               => DT::TZ
DateTime::TimeZone::Alias                                        => DT::TZ::A
DateTime::TimeZone::Catalog::Extend                              => DT::TZ::C::E
DateTime::TimeZone::Olson                                        => DT::TZ::O
DateTime::TimeZone::SystemV                                      => DT::TZ::SV
DateTime::TimeZone::Tzfile                                       => DT::TZ::T
DateTimeX::Easy                                                  => DTX::E
Debug::Client                                                    => *undef*
Debug::ShowStuff                                                 => D::SS
Debug::Simple                                                    => *undef*
Declare::CLI                                                     => D::CLI
Deeme::Backend::DBI                                              => D::B::DBI
Deeme::Backend::SQLite                                           => D::B::SQL
DelayLine                                                        => *undef*
Devel::Autoflush                                                 => *undef*
Devel::CallChecker                                               => D::CC
Devel::CallParser                                                => D::CP
Devel::Caller::Perl                                              => D::C::P
Devel::Caller::Util                                              => D::C::U
Devel::Callsite                                                  => *undef*
Devel::CheckBin                                                  => D::CBin
Devel::CheckCompiler                                             => *undef*
Devel::CheckLib                                                  => D::CLib
Devel::CheckOS                                                   => D::COS
Devel::Confess                                                   => *undef*
Devel::Cycle                                                     => *undef*
Devel::Declare                                                   => *undef*
Devel::Declare::Parser                                           => *undef*
Devel::Declare::Parser::Fennec                                   => D::D::P::F
Devel::Deprecations::Environmental                               => D::D::E
Devel::Dumpvar                                                   => *undef*
Devel::FindPerl                                                  => D::FP
Devel::FindRef                                                   => D::FRef
Devel::GlobalDestruction                                         => D::GD
Devel::GlobalPhase                                               => D::GP
Devel::Hide                                                      => *undef*
Devel::Hook                                                      => *undef*
Devel::INC::Sorted                                               => D::INC::S
Devel::Local                                                     => *undef*
Devel::MAT                                                       => D::MAT
Devel::MAT::Dumper                                               => D::MAT::D
Devel::Mutator                                                   => *undef*
Devel::NYTProf                                                   => D::NYTP
Devel::OverloadInfo                                              => D::OI
Devel::PPPort                                                    => D::PPP
Devel::PartialDump                                               => D::PD
Devel::PatchPerl                                                 => D::PP
Devel::Peek                                                      => *undef*
Devel::Platform::Info                                            => D::P::I
Devel::Refactor                                                  => *undef*
Devel::Refcount                                                  => *undef*
Devel::SelfStubber                                               => *undef*
Devel::Size                                                      => *undef*
Devel::StackTrace                                                => D::ST
Devel::StackTrace::AsHTML                                        => D::ST::AsHTML
Devel::StackTrace::WithLexicals                                  => D::ST::WL
Devel::StrictMode                                                => D::SM
Devel::SummarizedWarnings                                        => D::SW
Devel::Symdump                                                   => *undef*
Devel::TakeHashArgs                                              => D::THA
Devel::Timer                                                     => *undef*
Devel::Trace::Syscall                                            => D::T::S
Devel::tcltkdb                                                   => D::t
Devel::throttle                                                  => *undef*
Device::Chip                                                     => *undef*
Device::Manager                                                  => *undef*
Device::ParallelPort                                             => *undef*
Device::ParallelPort::drv::parport                               => D::PP::drv::p
Device::SerialPort                                               => D::SP
Dezi::App                                                        => D::App
Digest::Adler32                                                  => D::A32
Digest::CRC                                                      => D::CRC
Digest::HMAC                                                     => D::HMAC
Digest::JHash                                                    => D::JH
Digest::MD2                                                      => D::MD2
Digest::MD4                                                      => D::MD4
Digest::MD5                                                      => D::MD5
Digest::MD5::File                                                => D::MD5::F
Digest::Perl::MD5                                                => D::P::MD5
Digest::SHA                                                      => D::SHA
Digest::SHA1                                                     => D::SHA1
Digest::SHA2                                                     => D::SHA2
Digest::SHA256                                                   => D::SHA256
Digest::SHA3                                                     => D::SHA3
Digest::SHAvite3                                                 => *undef*
Digest::base                                                     => D::b
Digest::combined                                                 => D::c
Digest::file                                                     => D::f
Digest::ssdeep                                                   => D::s
Dir::Manifest                                                    => Dir::M
Dir::Self                                                        => Dir::S
DirHandle                                                        => DirH
Directory::Scratch                                               => *undef*
Dispatch::Class                                                  => *undef*
Dist::CheckConflicts                                             => *undef*
Dist::Util                                                       => *undef*
Dist::Zilla                                                      => D::Z
Dist::Zilla::App::Command::dumpphases                            => D::Z::App::C::d
Dist::Zilla::App::Command::dumpwith                              => *undef*
Dist::Zilla::Config::Slicer                                      => D::Z::C::S
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AbstractFromPOD                             => D::Z::P::AFPOD
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AlienBuild                                  => D::Z::P::AB
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AssertOS                                    => D::Z::P::AOS
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Authority                                   => D::Z::P::A
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Bootstrap::lib                              => D::Z::P::B::lib
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BorderStyle                                 => D::Z::P::BS
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Bugtracker                                  => D::Z::P::B
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BumpVersionAfterRelease                     => D::Z::P::BVAR
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckChangeLog                              => D::Z::P::CCLog
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckChangesHasContent                      => D::Z::P::CCHasC
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckExtraTests                             => D::Z::P::CET
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckMetaResources                          => D::Z::P::CMR
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckPrereqsIndexed                         => D::Z::P::CPI
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckVersionIncrement                       => D::Z::P::CVI
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Config::Git                                 => D::Z::P::C::Git
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CopyFilesFromBuild                          => D::Z::P::CFFB
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Data::Sah::Coerce                           => D::Z::P::D::Sah::C
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Docker                                      => D::Z::P::D
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::EmailNotify                                 => D::Z::P::EN
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git                                         => D::Z::P::Git
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Contributors                           => D::Z::P::Git::C
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Describe                               => D::Z::P::Git::D
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Remote::Check                          => D::Z::P::Git::R::C
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitFmtChanges                               => D::Z::P::GitFmtC
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitHub                                      => D::Z::P::GitHub
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitHub::UploadRelease                       => D::Z::P::GitHub::UR
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GithubMeta                                  => D::Z::P::GM
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::HasVersionTests                             => D::Z::P::HasVT
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Homepage                                    => D::Z::P::H
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InsertCopyright                             => D::Z::P::IC
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InsertExample                               => D::Z::P::IE
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InstallGuide                                => D::Z::P::IG
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InstallRelease                              => D::Z::P::IR
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Keywords                                    => D::Z::P::K
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::LicenseFromModule                           => D::Z::P::LFM
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ManifestInRoot                              => D::Z::P::MInR
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Meta::Dynamic::Config                       => D::Z::P::M::D::C
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides                                => D::Z::P::MP
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides::Package                       => D::Z::P::MP::P
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MinimumPerl                                 => *undef*
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleInstall                               => D::Z::P::MI
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MojibakeTests                               => D::Z::P::MT
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::OurPkgVersion                               => D::Z::P::OurPkgV
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::OverridePkgVersion                          => D::Z::P::OPkgV
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PERLANCAR::CheckPendingRelease              => D::Z::P::PERLANCAR::CPR
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PerlTidy                                    => D::Z::P::PT
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodInherit                                  => D::Z::P::PodI
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodWeaver                                   => D::Z::P::PodW
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::AuthorDeps                         => D::Z::P::P::AD
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::FromCPANfile                       => D::Z::P::P::FCPAN
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::MatchInstalled                     => D::Z::P::P::MI
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PromptIfStale                               => D::Z::P::PIfS
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeAnyFromPod                            => D::Z::P::RAnyFPod
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeFromPod                               => D::Z::P::RFPod
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReportPhase                                 => D::Z::P::RP
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReportVersions                              => D::Z::P::RV
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReportVersions::Tiny                        => D::Z::P::RV::T
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReversionOnRelease                          => D::Z::P::ROnR
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run                                         => D::Z::P::Run
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::SchwartzRatio                               => D::Z::P::SR
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ShareDir::Tarball                           => D::Z::P::SDir::T
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::SignReleaseNotes                            => D::Z::P::SRN
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Signature                                   => D::Z::P::S
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::SpellingCommonMistakesTests                 => D::Z::P::SCMT
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::StaticVersion                               => D::Z::P::SV
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Stenciller::HtmlExamples                    => D::Z::P::S::HE
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TaskWeaver                                  => D::Z::P::TW
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::CPAN::Changes                         => D::Z::P::T::CPAN::C
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON                      => D::Z::P::T::CPAN::M::JSON
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::CheckDeps                             => D::Z::P::T::CD
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::CheckManifest                         => D::Z::P::T::CM
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Compile                               => D::Z::P::T::C
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::DistManifest                          => D::Z::P::T::DM
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::EOL                                   => D::Z::P::T::EOL
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Kwalitee                              => D::Z::P::T::K
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Legal                                 => D::Z::P::T::L
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::MinimumVersion                        => D::Z::P::T::MV
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::NoTabs                                => D::Z::P::T::NoT
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Perl::Critic                          => D::Z::P::T::P::C
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Pod::Coverage::Configurable           => D::Z::P::T::Pod::C::C
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Pod::LinkCheck                        => D::Z::P::T::Pod::LC
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Pod::No404s                           => D::Z::P::T::Pod::No404s
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::PodSpelling                           => D::Z::P::T::PodS
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Portability                           => D::Z::P::T::P
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::ReportMetadata                        => D::Z::P::T::RM
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::ReportPrereqs                         => D::Z::P::T::RP
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Synopsis                              => D::Z::P::T::S
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::UseAllModules                         => D::Z::P::T::UseAllM
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Version                               => D::Z::P::T::V
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TravisCI::StatusBadge                       => D::Z::P::TCI::SB
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::VersionFromMainModule                       => D::Z::P::VFMM
Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::TEAM                          => D::Z::PB::A::TEAM
Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Git::CheckFor                         => D::Z::PB::Git::CFor
Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::TAPPER                                => D::Z::PB::TAPPER
Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::WCS                                   => D::Z::PB::WCS
Dist::Zilla::Plugins::CJM                                        => D::Z::P::CJM
Dist::Zilla::Role::Bootstrap                                     => D::Z::R::B
Dist::Zilla::Role::CheckPackageDeclared                          => D::Z::R::CPD
Dist::Zilla::Role::FileWatcher                                   => D::Z::R::FW
Dist::Zilla::Role::ModuleMetadata                                => D::Z::R::MM
Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Merged                          => D::Z::R::PB::M
Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::PluginRemover                   => D::Z::R::PB::PR
Dist::Zilla::Role::RequireFromBuild                              => D::Z::R::RFB
Dist::Zilla::Role::Tempdir                                       => D::Z::R::T
Dist::Zilla::Stash::Contributors                                 => D::Z::S::C
Dist::Zilla::Util::ConfigDumper                                  => D::Z::U::CD
Dist::Zilla::Util::Git::Wrapper                                  => D::Z::U::Git::W
Dist::Zilla::Util::RoleDB                                        => D::Z::U::RDB
Dist::Zilla::Util::Test::KENTNL                                  => D::Z::U::T::KENTNL
Dist::Zilla::UtilRole::MaybeZilla                                => D::Z::UR::MZ
Dita::GB::Standard                                               => D::GB::S
Docker::Construct                                                => *undef*
DublinCore::Record                                               => DC::R
DynaLoader                                                       => *undef*
DynaLoader::Functions                                            => DL::F
EBook::EPUB                                                      => EB::EPUB
EBook::MOBI                                                      => EB::MOBI
Echo360                                                          => E360
Eidolon::Driver::DB::MySQL                                       => E::D::DB::MySQL
ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder                                     => ES::SB
Electronics::SigGen::FY3200                                      => E::SigGen::FY3200
Email::Abstract                                                  => E::A
Email::Address                                                   => *undef*
Email::Address::XS                                               => E::A::XS
Email::Date                                                      => E::D
Email::Date::Format                                              => E::D::F
Email::Find                                                      => E::F
Email::MIME                                                      => E::MIME
Email::MIME::ContentType                                         => E::MIME::CT
Email::MIME::CreateHTML                                          => E::MIME::CHTML
Email::MIME::Encodings                                           => E::MIME::E
Email::MessageID                                                 => E::MID
Email::Send                                                      => E::S
Email::Send::SMTP::Gmail                                         => E::S::SMTP::G
Email::Sender                                                    => *undef*
Email::Simple                                                    => *undef*
Email::Stuffer                                                   => *undef*
Email::Valid                                                     => E::V
Email::Valid::Loose                                              => E::V::L
Encode::Alias                                                    => *undef*
Encode::Arabic                                                   => *undef*
Encode::Base32::Crockford                                        => E::B32::C
Encode::Byte                                                     => E::B
Encode::CJKConstants                                             => E::CJKC
Encode::CN                                                       => E::CN
Encode::CN::HZ                                                   => E::CN::HZ
Encode::Config                                                   => E::C
Encode::Detect                                                   => *undef*
Encode::EBCDIC                                                   => E::EBCDIC
Encode::Encoder                                                  => E::E
Encode::Encoding                                                 => *undef*
Encode::GSM0338                                                  => E::GSM0338
Encode::Guess                                                    => E::G
Encode::JP                                                       => E::JP
Encode::JP::H2Z                                                  => E::JP::H2Z
Encode::JP::JIS7                                                 => E::JP::JIS7
Encode::KR                                                       => E::KR
Encode::KR::2022_KR                                              => E::KR::2022_KR
Encode::Locale                                                   => E::L
Encode::MIME::Header                                             => E::MIME::H
Encode::MIME::Header::ISO_2022_JP                                => E::MIME::H::ISO_2022_JP
Encode::MIME::Name                                               => E::MIME::N
Encode::Symbol                                                   => *undef*
Encode::TW                                                       => E::TW
Encode::Unicode                                                  => E::U
Encode::Unicode::UTF7                                            => E::U::UTF7
Encode::ZapCP1252                                                => E::ZapCP1252
Encoding::FixLatin                                               => E::FixL
Encoding::FixLatin::XS                                           => E::FixL::XS
English::Name                                                    => E::N
Env::Path                                                        => Env::P
Env::Sanctify                                                    => Env::S
Env::ShellWords                                                  => Env::SW
Error::Helper                                                    => E::H
Error::Hierarchy                                                 => *undef*
Error::Pure                                                      => E::P
Error::Pure::Always                                              => E::P::A
Error::Pure::Output::Text                                        => E::P::O::T
Error::ROP                                                       => E::ROP
Etsy::StatsD                                                     => E::SD
Eval::Closure                                                    => *undef*
Eval::LineNumbers                                                => E::LN
Eval::Util                                                       => *undef*
Eval::WithLexicals                                               => E::WL
Event::SlidingWindow                                             => E::SW
Event::Stats                                                     => *undef*
Excel::Writer::XLSX                                              => E::W::XLSX
Exception::Base                                                  => *undef*
Exception::Class                                                 => *undef*
Exception::Class::TryCatch                                       => E::C::TryC
Exception::Died                                                  => *undef*
Exception::Warning                                               => E::W
Expect::Simple                                                   => *undef*
Export::Attrs                                                    => *undef*
Exporter::Auto                                                   => *undef*
Exporter::AutoClean                                              => E::AC
Exporter::ConditionalSubs                                        => E::CS
Exporter::Declare                                                => *undef*
Exporter::Declare::Magic                                         => E::D::M
Exporter::Easy                                                   => *undef*
Exporter::Heavy                                                  => *undef*
Exporter::Lite                                                   => *undef*
Exporter::Renaming                                               => E::R
Exporter::Rinci                                                  => *undef*
Exporter::Tidy                                                   => E::T
Exporter::Tiny                                                   => *undef*
ExtUtils::AutoInstall                                            => ExtU::AI
ExtUtils::BuildRC                                                => ExtU::BRC
ExtUtils::CBuilder                                               => ExtU::CB
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base                                         => ExtU::CB::B
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Unix                               => ExtU::CB::P::U
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::VMS                                => ExtU::CB::P::VMS
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows                            => ExtU::CB::P::W
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::BCC                       => ExtU::CB::P::W::BCC
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::GCC                       => ExtU::CB::P::W::GCC
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC                      => ExtU::CB::P::W::MSVC
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::aix                                => ExtU::CB::P::aix
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::android                            => ExtU::CB::P::a
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::cygwin                             => ExtU::CB::P::c
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::darwin                             => ExtU::CB::P::d
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::dec_osf                            => *undef*
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::os2                                => ExtU::CB::P::os2
ExtUtils::CChecker                                               => ExtU::CC
ExtUtils::Command                                                => ExtU::C
ExtUtils::Command::MM                                            => ExtU::C::MM
ExtUtils::Config                                                 => *undef*
ExtUtils::Constant                                               => *undef*
ExtUtils::Constant::Base                                         => ExtU::C::B
ExtUtils::Constant::ProxySubs                                    => ExtU::C::PS
ExtUtils::Constant::Utils                                        => ExtU::C::U
ExtUtils::Constant::XS                                           => ExtU::C::XS
ExtUtils::CppGuess                                               => ExtU::CppG
ExtUtils::Depends                                                => ExtU::D
ExtUtils::Embed                                                  => ExtU::E
ExtUtils::F77                                                    => ExtU::F77
ExtUtils::H2PM                                                   => ExtU::H2PM
ExtUtils::Helpers                                                => ExtU::H
ExtUtils::Install                                                => ExtU::I
ExtUtils::InstallPaths                                           => ExtU::IP
ExtUtils::Installed                                              => *undef*
ExtUtils::LibBuilder                                             => ExtU::LibB
ExtUtils::Liblist                                                => ExtU::L
ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid                                           => ExtU::L::Kid
ExtUtils::MM                                                     => ExtU::MM
ExtUtils::MM_AIX                                                 => ExtU::MM_AIX
ExtUtils::MM_Any                                                 => ExtU::MM_Any
ExtUtils::MM_BeOS                                                => ExtU::MM_BeOS
ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin                                              => ExtU::MM_C
ExtUtils::MM_DOS                                                 => ExtU::MM_DOS
ExtUtils::MM_Darwin                                              => ExtU::MM_D
ExtUtils::MM_MacOS                                               => ExtU::MM_MacOS
ExtUtils::MM_NW5                                                 => ExtU::MM_NW5
ExtUtils::MM_OS2                                                 => ExtU::MM_OS2
ExtUtils::MM_OS390                                               => ExtU::MM_OS390
ExtUtils::MM_QNX                                                 => ExtU::MM_QNX
ExtUtils::MM_UWIN                                                => ExtU::MM_UWIN
ExtUtils::MM_Unix                                                => ExtU::MM_U
ExtUtils::MM_VMS                                                 => ExtU::MM_VMS
ExtUtils::MM_VOS                                                 => ExtU::MM_VOS
ExtUtils::MM_Win32                                               => ExtU::MM_Win32
ExtUtils::MM_Win95                                               => ExtU::MM_Win95
ExtUtils::MY                                                     => ExtU::MY
ExtUtils::MakeMaker                                              => *undef*
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::CPANfile                                    => ExtU::MM::CPAN
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config                                      => ExtU::MM::C
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Locale                                      => ExtU::MM::L
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version                                     => ExtU::MM::v
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::regex                              => ExtU::MM::v::r
ExtUtils::Manifest                                               => ExtU::M
ExtUtils::Miniperl                                               => *undef*
ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap                                            => *undef*
ExtUtils::Mksymlists                                             => *undef*
ExtUtils::ModuleMaker                                            => *undef*
ExtUtils::PL2Bat                                                 => ExtU::PL2Bat
ExtUtils::Packlist                                               => ExtU::P
ExtUtils::ParseXS                                                => ExtU::PXS
ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants                                     => ExtU::PXS::C
ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines                                    => ExtU::PXS::CL
ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval                                          => ExtU::PXS::E
ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities                                     => ExtU::PXS::U
ExtUtils::PkgConfig                                              => ExtU::PkgC
ExtUtils::Typemaps                                               => ExtU::T
ExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd                                          => ExtU::T::Cmd
ExtUtils::Typemaps::InputMap                                     => ExtU::T::IMap
ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap                                    => ExtU::T::OMap
ExtUtils::Typemaps::Type                                         => ExtU::T::T
ExtUtils::XSSymSet                                               => ExtU::XSSymSet
ExtUtils::XSpp                                                   => ExtU::XSpp
ExtUtils::testlib                                                => ExtU::t
FCGI::Client                                                     => FCGI::C
FCGI::ProcManager                                                => FCGI::PM
FFI::C::Stat                                                     => FFI::C::S
FFI::CheckLib                                                    => FFI::CLib
FFI::Platypus                                                    => FFI::P
FFI::Platypus::Type::Enum                                        => FFI::P::T::E
FFI::Platypus::Type::PtrObject                                   => FFI::P::T::PtrO
FFI::TinyCC                                                      => FFI::TCC
FFmpeg::Stream::Helper                                           => FF::S::H
FSM::Simple                                                      => FSM::S
FTN::Bit_flags                                                   => FTN::B
FUSE::Client                                                     => FUSE::C
Fatal::Exception                                                 => F::E
Feature::Compat::Try                                             => F::C::Try
Feed::Find                                                       => F::F
Fennec::Declare                                                  => F::D
Fennec::Lite                                                     => F::L
File::AtomicWrite                                                => F::AW
File::BOM                                                        => F::BOM
File::BaseDir                                                    => F::BDir
File::Basename                                                   => F::B
File::Blarf                                                      => *undef*
File::Cache                                                      => F::C
File::ChangeNotify                                               => F::CN
File::Compare                                                    => *undef*
File::ConfigDir                                                  => F::CDir
File::Copy                                                       => *undef*
File::Copy::Recursive                                            => F::C::R
File::Copy::Recursive::Reduced                                   => F::C::R::R
File::DataClass                                                  => F::DC
File::DesktopEntry                                               => F::DE
File::Digest                                                     => *undef*
File::DosGlob                                                    => F::DosG
File::Dropbox                                                    => *undef*
File::Edit::Portable                                             => F::E::P
File::Fetch                                                      => *undef*
File::Find                                                       => *undef*
File::Find::Duplicates                                           => F::F::D
File::Find::Iterator                                             => F::F::I
File::Find::Node                                                 => F::F::N
File::Find::Object                                               => F::F::O
File::Find::Object::Rule                                         => F::F::O::R
File::Find::Parallel                                             => F::F::P
File::Find::Rule                                                 => F::F::R
File::Find::Rule::Filesys::Virtual                               => F::F::R::F::V
File::Find::Rule::Perl                                           => F::F::R::P
File::Flat                                                       => *undef*
File::Flock                                                      => *undef*
File::Flock::Retry                                               => *undef*
File::Format::RIFF                                               => F::F::RIFF
File::GetLineMaxLength                                           => F::GetLMaxL
File::Gettext                                                    => F::G
File::Glob                                                       => *undef*
File::GlobMapper                                                 => F::GM
File::HomeDir                                                    => F::HDir
File::HomeDir::PathClass                                         => F::HDir::PC
File::IfModified                                                 => F::IfM
File::KeePass                                                    => F::KeeP
File::LibMagic                                                   => F::LibM
File::Listing                                                    => *undef*
File::LoadLines                                                  => F::LL
File::Lock::ParentLock                                           => F::L::PL
File::MMagic                                                     => F::MM
File::MMagic::XS                                                 => F::MM::XS
File::Map                                                        => F::Map
File::MergeSort                                                  => F::MS
File::MimeInfo                                                   => F::MI
File::MoreUtil                                                   => F::MU
File::NFSLock                                                    => F::NFSL
File::Navigate                                                   => F::N
File::Next                                                       => *undef*
File::Object                                                     => F::O
File::Open::NoCache::ReadOnly                                    => F::O::NoC::RO
File::Path                                                       => F::P
File::Path::Expand                                               => F::P::E
File::Path::Stderr                                               => F::P::S
File::PlainPath                                                  => F::PP
File::Policy                                                     => *undef*
File::RandomGenerator                                            => F::RG
File::RandomLine                                                 => F::RL
File::ReadBackwards                                              => F::RB
File::Remove                                                     => F::R
File::Rsync                                                      => *undef*
File::Rules                                                      => *undef*
File::SAUCE                                                      => F::SAUCE
File::Share                                                      => F::S
File::ShareDir                                                   => F::SDir
File::ShareDir::Dist                                             => F::SDir::D
File::ShareDir::Install                                          => F::SDir::I
File::ShareDir::PathClass                                        => F::SDir::PC
File::ShareDir::Tarball                                          => F::SDir::T
File::Slurp                                                      => *undef*
File::Slurp::Tiny                                                => F::S::T
File::Slurper                                                    => *undef*
File::Slurper::Dash                                              => F::S::D
File::Sort                                                       => *undef*
File::SortedSeek                                                 => F::SS
File::Spec                                                       => *undef*
File::Spec::AmigaOS                                              => F::S::AOS
File::Spec::Cygwin                                               => F::S::C
File::Spec::Epoc                                                 => F::S::E
File::Spec::Functions                                            => F::S::F
File::Spec::Mac                                                  => F::S::Mac
File::Spec::OS2                                                  => F::S::OS2
File::Spec::Unix                                                 => F::S::U
File::Spec::VMS                                                  => F::S::VMS
File::Spec::Win32                                                => F::S::Win32
File::Stat::Bits                                                 => F::S::B
File::Symlink::Util                                              => *undef*
File::Tail                                                       => F::T
File::Tee                                                        => F::Tee
File::Temp                                                       => *undef*
File::Tempdir                                                    => *undef*
File::Touch                                                      => *undef*
File::Trash::FreeDesktop                                         => F::T::FD
File::TreeCreate                                                 => F::TC
File::Type                                                       => *undef*
File::UserConfig                                                 => F::UC
File::Util::Tempdir                                              => F::U::T
File::Versions                                                   => F::V
File::Which                                                      => F::W
File::Which::Patch::Hide                                         => F::W::P::H
File::Write::Rotate                                              => F::W::R
File::Xcopy                                                      => F::X
File::chdir                                                      => F::c
File::chmod                                                      => *undef*
File::chmod::Recursive                                           => F::c::R
File::pushd                                                      => F::p
File::stat                                                       => F::s
FileCache                                                        => FC
FileHandle                                                       => FH
FileHandle::Fmode                                                => FH::F
FileHandle::Unget                                                => FH::U
Filesys::Cap                                                     => F::Cap
Filesys::Notify::Simple                                          => F::N::S
Filesys::POSIX                                                   => F::POSIX
Filesys::Restrict                                                => *undef*
Filesys::Virtual                                                 => *undef*
Filesys::Virtual::Plain                                          => F::V::P
Filter::CommaEquals                                              => F::CE
Filter::Simple                                                   => *undef*
Filter::Util::Call                                               => F::U::C
Filter::signatures                                               => *undef*
Finance::Bank::BNPParibas                                        => F::B::BNPP
Finance::BitStamp::Socket                                        => F::BitS::S
Finance::Bitcoin                                                 => *undef*
Finance::Quote                                                   => F::Q
Finance::QuoteOptions                                            => F::QO
Finance::SE::IDX::Static                                         => F::SE::IDX::S
Finance::TW::EmergingQuote                                       => F::TW::EQ
Find::Lib                                                        => F::Lib
FindBin                                                          => FBin
FindBin::Real                                                    => FBin::R
FindBin::libs                                                    => FBin::l
Flickr::API                                                      => F::API
Flip::Flop                                                       => *undef*
Font::AFM                                                        => F::AFM
Font::TTF                                                        => F::TTF
Font::TTF::OpenTypeLigatures                                     => F::TTF::OTL
Food::Ratio                                                      => *undef*
Form::Processor                                                  => *undef*
Form::Processor::Model::DBIC                                     => F::P::M::DBIC
FormValidator::Lite                                              => FV::L
Format::Human::Bytes                                             => F::H::B
Freecell::App                                                    => F::App
Freecell::Deal::MS                                               => F::D::MS
FreezeThaw                                                       => FT
Function::Fallback::CoreOrPP                                     => F::F::COrPP
Function::Override                                               => *undef*
Function::Parameters                                             => *undef*
Functional::Utility                                              => F::U
Future::AsyncAwait                                               => F::AA
Future::IO                                                       => F::IO
GD::Chart::Radial                                                => GD::C::R
GD::Graph                                                        => GD::G
GD::Image::CopyIFS                                               => GD::I::CIFS
GD::Text                                                         => GD::T
GDBM_File                                                        => GDBM_F
GIS::Distance                                                    => GIS::D
GIS::Distance::Fast                                              => GIS::D::F
Game::LevelMap                                                   => G::LMap
Game::Life::Faster                                               => G::L::F
Game::Marad                                                      => G::M
Game::PseudoRand                                                 => G::PR                                        =>
Games::Maze                                                      => *undef*
Games::Nintendo::Mario                                           => G::N::M
Games::Solitaire::Verify                                         => G::S::V
Games::Sudoku::Component                                         => G::S::C
Gearman::Client                                                  => G::C
Gedcom::Date                                                     => G::D
Gen::Test::Rinci::FuncResult                                     => Gen::T::R::FR
Genealogy::Gedcom::Date                                          => G::G::D
Generic::ColorTheme::Kuler                                       => G::CT::K
Gentoo::Overlay                                                  => G::O
Gentoo::Overlay::Group                                           => G::O::G
Gentoo::Overlay::Group::INI                                      => G::O::G::INI
Geo::Cache                                                       => Geo::C
Geo::Code::XYZ                                                   => Geo::C::XYZ
Geo::Coder::Google                                               => Geo::C::G
Geo::Compass::Variation                                          => Geo::C::V
Geo::Distance                                                    => Geo::D
Geo::Hash::XS                                                    => Geo::H::XS
Geo::JSON::Simple                                                => Geo::JSON::S
Geo::Location::TimeZoneFinder                                    => Geo::L::TZF
Geo::OSM::Primitive                                              => Geo::OSM::P
Geo::OSM::Tiles                                                  => Geo::OSM::T
Geo::PostalAddress                                               => Geo::PA
Geo::ShapeFile                                                   => Geo::SF
Geo::UK::Postcode::Regex                                         => Geo::UK::P::R
Geo::WKT::Simple                                                 => Geo::WKT::S
Geo::WeatherNWS                                                  => Geo::WNWS
Geography::Countries                                             => *undef*
Geography::States                                                => G::S
Geometry::Primitive                                              => G::P
Getopt::ArgvFile                                                 => G::AF
Getopt::AsDocumented                                             => G::AsD
Getopt::Auto                                                     => G::A
Getopt::Base                                                     => G::B
Getopt::Casual                                                   => *undef*
Getopt::Compact                                                  => *undef*
Getopt::Complete                                                 => *undef*
Getopt::Declare                                                  => *undef*
Getopt::EX                                                       => G::EX
Getopt::EX::Hashed                                               => G::EX::H
Getopt::EX::termcolor                                            => G::EX::t
Getopt::Euclid                                                   => G::E
Getopt::EvaP                                                     => G::EvaP
Getopt::Inherited                                                => G::I
Getopt::Long                                                     => G::L
Getopt::Long::Descriptive                                        => G::L::D
Getopt::Long::EvenLess                                           => G::L::EL
Getopt::Long::Negate::EN                                         => G::L::N::EN
Getopt::Long::Util                                               => G::L::U
Getopt::Lucid                                                    => *undef*
Getopt::Simple                                                   => *undef*
Getopt::Std                                                      => G::Std
Getopt::Std::Strict                                              => G::Std::S
Getopt::Usaginator                                               => G::U
Getopt::optparse                                                 => G::o
Git::IssueManager                                                => Git::IM
Git::LowLevel                                                    => Git::LowL
Git::Version::Compare                                            => Git::V::C
Git::Wrapper                                                     => Git::W
Git::Wrapper::Plus                                               => Git::W::P
Glib-Ex-ObjectBits                                               => G-Ex-OB
Grammar::Marpa                                                   => *undef*
Graph::Easy                                                      => *undef*
Graph::ReadWrite                                                 => G::RW
Graph::Reader::LoadClassHierarchy                                => G::R::LCH
Graph::Reader::OID                                               => G::R::OID
Graph::Reader::TGF                                               => G::R::TGF
Graph::Reader::TGF::CSV                                          => G::R::TGF::CSV
Graph::Reader::UnicodeTree                                       => G::R::UT
GraphViz                                                         => GViz
GraphViz2                                                        => GViz2
GraphViz2::Abstract::Node                                        => GViz2::A::N
GraphViz2::Abstract::Util::Constants                             => GViz2::A::U::C
GraphViz::DBI                                                    => GViz::DBI
GraphViz::DBI::FromSchema                                        => GViz::DBI::FS
Graphics::Color                                                  => *undef*
Graphics::ColorNames                                             => G::CN
Graphics::ColorNames::EmergyC                                    => G::CN::EC
Graphics::ColorNames::HTML                                       => G::CN::HTML
Graphics::ColorNames::WWW                                        => G::CN::WWW
Graphics::ColorNamesLite::WWW                                    => G::CNL::WWW
Graphics::ColorUtils                                             => G::CU
Graphics::GVG                                                    => G::GVG
Graphics::Grid                                                   => G::G
Graphics::Primitive                                              => *undef*
Graphics::Primitive::Driver::Cairo                               => G::P::D::C
Gravatar::URL                                                    => G::URL
Grep::Query                                                      => G::Q
Gzip::Faster                                                     => G::F
HADaemon::Control                                                => HAD::C
HPC::Runner                                                      => HPC::R
HPC::Runner::Command::Utils::ManyConfigs                         => HPC::R::C::U::MC
HTML-TableExtract                                                => HTML-TE
HTML::Debug                                                      => HTML::D
HTML::Defang                                                     => *undef*
HTML::Display                                                    => *undef*
HTML::Dojo                                                       => *undef*
HTML::Encoding                                                   => HTML::E
HTML::Entities::Interpolate                                      => HTML::E::I
HTML::Entities::Numbered                                         => HTML::E::N
HTML::Escape                                                     => *undef*
HTML::ExtractMain                                                => HTML::EM
HTML::Form                                                       => HTML::F
HTML::FormRemove                                                 => HTML::FR
HTML::FormatExternal                                             => HTML::FE
HTML::FormatText::Html2textPY                                    => HTML::FT::H2PY
HTML::FormatText::WithLinks                                      => HTML::FT::WL
HTML::Formatter                                                  => *undef*
HTML::FromANSI::Tiny                                             => HTML::FANSI::T
HTML::FromText                                                   => HTML::FT
HTML::GoogleMaps::V3                                             => HTML::GM::V3
HTML::LinkAdd                                                    => HTML::LAdd
HTML::LinkExtractor                                              => HTML::LE
HTML::LinkList                                                   => HTML::LL
HTML::Lint                                                       => HTML::L
HTML::Mason                                                      => HTML::M
HTML::MasonX::ApacheLikePlackHandler                             => HTML::MX::ALPH
HTML::Packer                                                     => HTML::P
HTML::Parser                                                     => *undef*
HTML::Persistent                                                 => *undef*
HTML::ResolveLink                                                => HTML::RL
HTML::Restrict                                                   => HTML::R
HTML::Scrubber                                                   => HTML::S
HTML::Selector::XPath                                            => HTML::S::XP
HTML::Shakan                                                     => *undef*
HTML::Show                                                       => *undef*
HTML::SimpleParse                                                => HTML::SP
HTML::StickyQuery                                                => HTML::SQ
HTML::Strip                                                      => *undef*
HTML::StripScripts                                               => HTML::SS
HTML::StripScripts::Parser                                       => HTML::SS::P
HTML::TableParser                                                => HTML::TP
HTML::TableParser::Grid                                          => HTML::TP::G
HTML::TagCloud                                                   => HTML::TagC
HTML::Tagset                                                     => HTML::T
HTML::Template                                                   => *undef*
HTML::Template::Compiled                                         => HTML::T::C
HTML::Template::Compiled::Plugin::I18N                           => HTML::T::C::P::I18N
HTML::Template::Expr                                             => HTML::T::E
HTML::Template::Extension                                        => *undef*
HTML::Template::Pro                                              => HTML::T::Pro
HTML::Template::Pro::Extension                                   => HTML::T::Pro::E
HTML::Tested::JavaScript                                         => HTML::T::JS
HTML::Tidy                                                       => *undef*
HTML::Tidy::libXML                                               => HTML::T::libXML
HTML::Timeline                                                   => *undef*
HTML::Tmojo                                                      => *undef*
HTML::TokeParser::Simple                                         => HTML::TP::S
HTML::Tree                                                       => *undef*
HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath                                         => HTML::TB::XP
HTMLSimple                                                       => HTMLS
HTTP::AcceptLanguage                                             => HTTP::AL
HTTP::Async                                                      => HTTP::A
HTTP::Body                                                       => HTTP::B
HTTP::BrowserDetect                                              => HTTP::BD
HTTP::CookieJar                                                  => HTTP::CJar
HTTP::CookieMonster                                              => HTTP::CM
HTTP::Cookies                                                    => HTTP::C
HTTP::Cookies::Mozilla                                           => HTTP::C::M
HTTP::Daemon                                                     => HTTP::D
HTTP::Date                                                       => *undef*
HTTP::Entity::Parser                                             => HTTP::E::P
HTTP::Headers::ActionPack                                        => HTTP::H::AP
HTTP::Headers::Fast                                              => HTTP::H::F
HTTP::Lite                                                       => HTTP::L
HTTP::Message                                                    => HTTP::M
HTTP::MultiPartParser                                            => HTTP::MPP
HTTP::Negotiate                                                  => HTTP::N
HTTP::Online                                                     => HTTP::O
HTTP::Parser::XS                                                 => HTTP::P::XS
HTTP::Request::AsCGI                                             => HTTP::R::AsCGI
HTTP::Request::Params                                            => HTTP::R::P
HTTP::Request::StreamingUpload                                   => HTTP::R::SU
HTTP::Response::Stringable                                       => HTTP::R::S
HTTP::Router                                                     => HTTP::R
HTTP::Server::Simple                                             => HTTP::S::S
HTTP::Server::Simple::Authen                                     => HTTP::S::S::A
HTTP::Server::Simple::PSGI                                       => HTTP::S::S::PSGI
HTTP::ServerEvent                                                => HTTP::SE
HTTP::SimpleLinkChecker                                          => HTTP::SLC
HTTP::Thin                                                       => HTTP::T
HTTP::Tiny                                                       => *undef*
HTTP::Tiny::Mech                                                 => HTTP::T::M
HTTP::Tiny::Plugin                                               => HTTP::T::P
HTTP::Tiny::Plugin::NewestFirefox                                => HTTP::T::P::NF
HTTP::Tiny::UA                                                   => HTTP::T::UA
HTTP::Tiny::UNIX                                                 => HTTP::T::UNIX
HTTP::UserAgentStr::Util::ByNickname                             => HTTP::UAStr::U::ByN
HTTP::XSCookies                                                  => HTTP::XSC
HTTP::XSHeaders                                                  => HTTP::XSH
HackaMol                                                         => HMol
Hades::Realm::Moo                                                => H::R::Moo
Hades::Realm::OO                                                 => H::R::OO
Ham::Reference::Qsignals                                         => Ham::R::Q
Hash::AsObject                                                   => H::AsO
Hash::Diff                                                       => H::D
Hash::FieldHash                                                  => H::FH
Hash::Flatten                                                    => H::F
Hash::Inflator                                                   => H::I
Hash::Layout                                                     => H::L
Hash::Merge                                                      => H::M
Hash::Merge::Simple                                              => H::M::S
Hash::MoreUtils                                                  => H::MU
Hash::MostUtils                                                  => *undef*
Hash::MultiValue                                                 => H::MV
Hash::NoRef                                                      => H::NoRef
Hash::NoVivify                                                   => H::NoV
Hash::Objectify                                                  => H::O
Hash::Ordered                                                    => *undef*
Hash::SharedMem                                                  => H::SMem
Hash::Squash                                                     => H::S
Hash::Subset                                                     => *undef*
Hash::Typed                                                      => H::T
Hash::Util                                                       => H::U
Hash::Util::FieldHash                                            => H::U::FH
Hash::Util::FieldHash::Compat                                    => H::U::FH::C
Heap::Fibonacci::Fast                                            => H::F::F
Helios-Panoptes                                                  => H-P
Hook::LexWrap                                                    => H::LexW
I18N::AcceptLanguage                                             => I18N::AL
I18N::Charset                                                    => I18N::C
I18N::Collate                                                    => *undef*
I18N::LangTags                                                   => I18N::LT
I18N::LangTags::Detect                                           => I18N::LT::D
I18N::LangTags::List                                             => I18N::LT::L
I18N::Langinfo                                                   => I18N::L
INI_File                                                         => INI_F
IO::Async                                                        => IO::A
IO::Async::SSL                                                   => IO::A::SSL
IO::Callback                                                     => IO::C
IO::Callback::HTTP                                               => IO::C::HTTP
IO::Capture                                                      => *undef*
IO::CaptureOutput                                                => IO::CO
IO::Compress::Adapter::Bzip2                                     => IO::C::A::B2
IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate                                   => IO::C::A::D
IO::Compress::Adapter::Identity                                  => IO::C::A::I
IO::Compress::Base                                               => IO::C::B
IO::Compress::Base::Common                                       => IO::C::B::C
IO::Compress::Bzip2                                              => IO::C::B2
IO::Compress::Deflate                                            => IO::C::D
IO::Compress::Gzip                                               => IO::C::G
IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants                                    => IO::C::G::C
IO::Compress::RawDeflate                                         => IO::C::RawD
IO::Compress::Zip                                                => IO::C::Zip
IO::Compress::Zip::Constants                                     => IO::C::Zip::C
IO::Compress::Zlib::Constants                                    => IO::C::Z::C
IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra                                        => IO::C::Z::E
IO::Digest                                                       => IO::D
IO::Event                                                        => IO::E
IO::FDPass                                                       => IO::FDP
IO::File                                                         => IO::F
IO::Handle                                                       => IO::H
IO::Handle::Util                                                 => IO::H::U
IO::Interactive                                                  => IO::I
IO::Interface                                                    => *undef*
IO::LockedFile                                                   => IO::LF
IO::NonBlocking                                                  => IO::NonB
IO::Pager                                                        => IO::P
IO::Pipe                                                         => *undef*
IO::Pipely                                                       => *undef*
IO::Poll                                                         => *undef*
IO::Prompt                                                       => *undef*
IO::Prompt::I18N                                                 => IO::P::I18N
IO::Prompt::Simple                                               => IO::P::S
IO::Prompt::Tiny                                                 => IO::P::T
IO::ReadHandle::Include                                          => IO::RH::I
IO::Seekable                                                     => IO::S
IO::Select                                                       => *undef*
IO::SessionData                                                  => IO::SD
IO::Socket                                                       => *undef*
IO::Socket::INET                                                 => IO::S::INET
IO::Socket::INET6                                                => IO::S::INET6
IO::Socket::IP                                                   => IO::S::IP
IO::Socket::Multicast                                            => IO::S::M
IO::Socket::SSL                                                  => IO::S::SSL
IO::Socket::Socks                                                => IO::S::S
IO::Socket::TIPC                                                 => IO::S::TIPC
IO::Socket::Telnet                                               => IO::S::T
IO::Socket::Timeout                                              => *undef*
IO::Socket::UNIX                                                 => IO::S::UNIX
IO::String                                                       => *undef*
IO::Stringy                                                      => *undef*
IO::Term::Status                                                 => IO::T::S
IO::Termios                                                      => IO::T
IO::TieCombine                                                   => IO::TieC
IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Bunzip2                                 => IO::U::A::B2
IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Identity                                => IO::U::A::I
IO::Uncompress::Adapter::Inflate                                 => *undef*
IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate                                       => IO::U::AnyI
IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress                                    => IO::U::AnyU
IO::Uncompress::Base                                             => IO::U::B
IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2                                          => IO::U::B2
IO::Uncompress::Gunzip                                           => IO::U::G
IO::Uncompress::Inflate                                          => IO::U::I
IO::Uncompress::RawInflate                                       => IO::U::RawI
IO::Uncompress::Unzip                                            => IO::U::U
IO::Zlib                                                         => IO::Z
IOD::Examples                                                    => IOD::E
IOLayer::QuotedPrint                                             => IOL::QP
IP::Country                                                      => IP::C
IP::Country::DB_File                                             => IP::C::DB_F
IP::Country::DNSBL                                               => IP::C::DNSBL
IP::Geolocation::MMDB                                            => IP::G::MMDB
IPC::ConcurrencyLimit                                            => IPC::CL
IPC::Mmap                                                        => IPC::M
IPC::Open2                                                       => IPC::O2
IPC::Open3                                                       => IPC::O3
IPC::Open3::Simple                                               => IPC::O3::S
IPC::SRLock                                                      => IPC::SRL
IPC::Semaphore                                                   => IPC::S
IPC::Serial                                                      => *undef*
IPC::ShareLite                                                   => IPC::SL
IPC::SharedMem                                                   => IPC::SMem
IPC::Signal                                                      => *undef*
IPC::System::Options                                             => IPC::S::O
IPC::System::Simple                                              => IPC::S::S
IPTables::ChainMgr                                               => IPT::CMgr
IPTables::Parse                                                  => IPT::P
IPTables::Rule                                                   => IPT::R
IRC::Utils                                                       => IRC::U
Image::BMP                                                       => I::BMP
Image::CCV                                                       => I::CCV
Image::Empty                                                     => I::E
Image::ExifTool                                                  => I::ET
Image::Hash                                                      => I::H
Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed                                  => I::M::T::F
Image::PNG::Libpng                                               => I::PNG::L
Image::Size                                                      => I::S
Import::Export                                                   => *undef*
Import::Into                                                     => I::I
InfluxDB::LineProtocol                                           => IDB::LP
Inline::C                                                        => I::C
Inline::CPP                                                      => I::CPP
Inline::TT                                                       => I::TT
InlineX::C2XS                                                    => IX::C2XS
Intertangle::API::Glib                                           => I::API::G
Iterator::Simple                                                 => *undef*
Iterator::Util                                                   => I::U
JIRA::Client                                                     => JIRA::C
JIRA::Client::Automated                                          => JIRA::C::A
JSON::Color                                                      => JSON::C
JSON::Create                                                     => *undef*
JSON::Decode::Marpa                                              => JSON::D::M
JSON::Decode::Regexp                                             => JSON::D::R
JSON::MaybeXS                                                    => JSON::MXS
JSON::MultiValueOrdered                                          => JSON::MVO
JSON::PP::Boolean                                                => JSON::PP::B
JSON::Parse                                                      => JSON::P
JSON::Relaxed                                                    => JSON::R
JSON::Streaming::Reader                                          => JSON::S::R
JSON::Tiny                                                       => JSON::T
JSON::Types                                                      => *undef*
JSON_File                                                        => JSON_F
JavaScript::DataFormValidator                                    => JS::DFV
JavaScript::Minifier                                             => JS::M
JavaScript::Minifier::XS                                         => JS::M::XS
JavaScript::Packer                                               => JS::P
JavaScript::QuickJS                                              => JS::QJS
Jifty::DBI                                                       => J::DBI
Kelp::Module::Symbiosis                                          => K::M::S
Kelp::Module::Template::Xslate                                   => K::M::T::X
Kelp::Module::Template::XslateTT                                 => K::M::T::XTT
Keyword::Declare                                                 => K::D
Keyword::Simple                                                  => K::S
Konfidi::Client                                                  => K::C
Kwiki::CachedDisplay                                             => K::CD
Kwiki::FetchRSS                                                  => K::FRSS
Kwiki::Revisions                                                 => K::R
Kwiki::Technorati                                                => K::T
LEOCHARRE::Class2                                                => LEOCHARRE::C2
LEOCHARRE::Database                                              => LEOCHARRE::D
LEOCHARRE::Debug                                                 => *undef*
LWP::Authen::OAuth                                               => LWP::A::OA
LWP::ConsoleLogger                                               => LWP::CL
LWP::MediaTypes                                                  => LWP::MT
LWP::Online                                                      => LWP::O
LWP::Parallel                                                    => LWP::P
LWP::Protocol::PSGI                                              => LWP::P::PSGI
LWP::Protocol::Patch::CountBytesIn                               => LWP::P::P::CBIn
LWP::Protocol::connect                                           => LWP::P::c
LWP::Protocol::http::SocketUnixAlt                               => LWP::P::h::SUAlt
LWP::Protocol::http::SocksChain                                  => LWP::P::h::SC
LWP::Protocol::https                                             => LWP::P::h
LWP::Protocol::https::SocksChain10                               => LWP::P::h::SC10
LWP::Protocol::socks                                             => LWP::P::s
LWP::UserAgent::Determined                                       => LWP::UA::D
LWP::UserAgent::Patch::Delay                                     => LWP::UA::P::D
LWP::UserAgent::Plugin                                           => LWP::UA::P
LWP::UserAgent::Plugin::Retry                                    => LWP::UA::P::R
LWPx::ParanoidAgent                                              => LWPx::PA
LaTeX::Encode                                                    => LaTeX::E
LaTeX::Table                                                     => LaTeX::T
Labyrinth-Plugin-MP3s                                            => L-P-MP3s
Labyrinth::Plugin::Articles::Diary                               => L::P::A::D
Labyrinth::Plugin::Core                                          => L::P::C
Labyrinth::Test::Harness                                         => L::T::H
Lang::HL::Export                                                 => L::HL::E
Language::Expr                                                   => L::E
Layout::Manager                                                  => L::M
Lazy::Utils                                                      => L::U
Lemonldap::NG::Common                                            => L::NG::C
Lexical::Accessor                                                => L::A
Lexical::SealRequireHints                                        => L::SRH
Lido::XML                                                        => L::XML
Lingua::AF::Numbers                                              => L::AF::N
Lingua::AR::Regexp                                               => L::AR::R
Lingua::Any::Numbers                                             => L::Any::N
Lingua::AtD                                                      => L::AtD
Lingua::CS::Num2Word                                             => L::CS::Num2W
Lingua::DE::Num2Word                                             => L::DE::Num2W
Lingua::DE::Tagger                                               => L::DE::T
Lingua::EN::FindNumber                                           => L::EN::FN
Lingua::EN::Fractions                                            => L::EN::F
Lingua::EN::Grammarian                                           => L::EN::G
Lingua::EN::Inflect                                              => L::EN::I
Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number                                      => L::EN::I::N
Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase                                      => L::EN::I::P
Lingua::EN::Inflexion                                            => *undef*
Lingua::EN::Number::IsOrdinal                                    => L::EN::N::IsO
Lingua::EN::Numbers                                              => L::EN::N
Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate                                    => L::EN::N::O
Lingua::EN::Nums2Words                                           => L::EN::N2W
Lingua::EN::PluralToSingular                                     => L::EN::PToS
Lingua::EN::Sentence                                             => L::EN::S
Lingua::EN::Tagger                                               => L::EN::T
Lingua::EN::Titlecase                                            => *undef*
Lingua::EN::Titlecase::Simple                                    => L::EN::T::S
Lingua::EN::Words2Nums                                           => L::EN::W2N
Lingua::ES::Numeros                                              => L::ES::N
Lingua::EU::Numbers                                              => L::EU::N
Lingua::Han::CanonicalPinYin                                     => L::Han::CPinYin
Lingua::ID::Nums2Words                                           => L::ID::N2W
Lingua::IT::Numbers                                              => L::IT::N
Lingua::Identify                                                 => L::I
Lingua::Identify::CLD                                            => L::I::CLD
Lingua::JA::Kana                                                 => L::JA::K
Lingua::JA::Numbers                                              => L::JA::N
Lingua::JA::Regular::Unicode                                     => L::JA::R::U
Lingua::KO::Hangul::JamoCompatMapping                            => L::KO::H::JCM
Lingua::LA::Stemmer                                              => L::LA::S
Lingua::NL::Numbers                                              => L::NL::N
Lingua::NO::Num2Word                                             => L::NO::Num2W
Lingua::PL::Numbers                                              => L::PL::N
Lingua::PT::Abbrev                                               => L::PT::A
Lingua::PT::Nums2Ords                                            => L::PT::N2O
Lingua::PT::Nums2Words                                           => L::PT::N2W
Lingua::PT::PLNbase                                              => L::PT::PLN
Lingua::PT::Stemmer                                              => L::PT::S
Lingua::RO::Numbers                                              => L::RO::N
Lingua::ResourceAdequacy                                         => L::RA
Lingua::SA                                                       => L::SA
Lingua::SV::Numbers                                              => L::SV::N
Lingua::Slavic::Numbers                                          => L::S::N
Lingua::Stem                                                     => L::S
Lingua::Stem::Fr                                                 => L::S::Fr
Lingua::Stem::It                                                 => L::S::It
Lingua::Stem::Ru                                                 => L::S::Ru
Lingua::Stem::Snowball                                           => L::S::S
Lingua::Stem::Snowball::Da                                       => L::S::S::Da
Lingua::Stem::Snowball::No                                       => L::S::S::No
Lingua::Stem::Snowball::Se                                       => L::S::S::Se
Lingua::StopWords                                                => L::SW
Lingua::String                                                   => *undef*
Lingua::TR::Numbers                                              => L::TR::N
Linux::Distribution                                              => L::D
Linux::Fanotify                                                  => L::F
Linux::IO_Prio                                                   => L::IO_P
Linux::Inotify2                                                  => L::I2
Linux::Smaps                                                     => *undef*
Linux::usermod                                                   => L::u
List::AllUtils                                                   => L::AllU
List::BinarySearch                                               => L::BS
List::BinarySearch::XS                                           => L::BS::XS
List::Collection                                                 => L::C
List::Compare                                                    => *undef*
List::Cycle                                                      => *undef*
List::Extract                                                    => *undef*
List::Flatten::XS                                                => L::F::XS
List::GroupingPriorityQueue                                      => L::GPQ
List::Lazy                                                       => L::L
List::MoreUtils                                                  => L::MU
List::MoreUtils::XS                                              => L::MU::XS
List::Regexp                                                     => L::R
List::Rotation::Cycle                                            => L::R::C
List::SomeUtils                                                  => L::SU
List::SomeUtils::XS                                              => L::SU::XS
List::Uniq                                                       => *undef*
List::Util                                                       => *undef*
List::Util::Uniq                                                 => L::U::U
List::Util::WeightedChoice                                       => L::U::WC
List::Util::XS                                                   => L::U::XS
List::UtilsBy                                                    => L::UBy
List::UtilsBy::XS                                                => L::UBy::XS
Locale::CLDR                                                     => L::CLDR
Locale::CLDR::Locales::Ccp                                       => L::CLDR::L::Ccp
Locale::CLDR::Locales::Gsw                                       => L::CLDR::L::Gsw
Locale::CLDR::Locales::Hu                                        => L::CLDR::L::Hu
Locale::CLDR::Locales::Ig                                        => L::CLDR::L::Ig
Locale::CLDR::Locales::Jgo                                       => L::CLDR::L::Jgo
Locale::CLDR::Locales::Jmc                                       => L::CLDR::L::Jmc
Locale::CLDR::Locales::Kam                                       => L::CLDR::L::Kam
Locale::CLDR::Locales::Ps                                        => L::CLDR::L::Ps
Locale::CLDR::Locales::Ses                                       => L::CLDR::L::Ses
Locale::Codes                                                    => *undef*
Locale::Maketext                                                 => *undef*
Locale::Maketext::Gettext                                        => L::M::G
Locale::Maketext::Guts                                           => *undef*
Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader                                     => L::M::GL
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon                                        => L::M::L
Locale::Maketext::Simple                                         => L::M::S
Locale::Msgfmt                                                   => *undef*
Locale::Set                                                      => L::Set
Locale::SubCountry                                               => L::SubC
Locale::TextDomain::UTF8                                         => L::TD::UTF8
Locale::Wolowitz                                                 => L::W
Locale::gettext                                                  => L::g
LockFile::NetLock                                                => LF::NetL
LockFile::Simple                                                 => LF::S
Log::Agent                                                       => Log::A
Log::Any::Adapter::Callback                                      => Log::Any::A::C
Log::Any::Adapter::Dispatch                                      => Log::Any::A::D
Log::Any::Adapter::FileHandle                                    => Log::Any::A::FH
Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl                                      => Log::Any::A::Log4
Log::Any::Adapter::Screen                                        => Log::Any::A::S
Log::Any::Adapter::TAP                                           => Log::Any::A::TAP
Log::Contextual                                                  => Log::C
Log::Contextual::LogDispatchouli                                 => Log::C::LogD
Log::Deep                                                        => Log::D
Log::Delimited                                                   => *undef*
Log::Dispatch                                                    => *undef*
Log::Dispatch::Array                                             => Log::D::A
Log::Dispatch::ArrayWithLimits                                   => Log::D::AWL
Log::Dispatch::Binlog                                            => Log::D::B
Log::Dispatch::Config                                            => Log::D::C
Log::Dispatch::Configurator::YAML                                => Log::D::C::YAML
Log::Dispatch::DBI                                               => Log::D::DBI
Log::Dispatch::Email::Siffra                                     => Log::D::E::S
Log::Dispatch::FileRotate                                        => Log::D::FR
Log::Dispatchouli                                                => *undef*
Log::Facile                                                      => Log::F
Log::Fast                                                        => *undef*
Log::ForPerl                                                     => Log::ForP
Log::FreeSWITCH::Line                                            => Log::FSWITCH::L
Log::Handler                                                     => Log::H
Log::Log4perl                                                    => Log::Log4
Log::Log4perl::Appender::Lim::CLI                                => Log::Log4::A::Lim::CLI
Log::Log4perl::Appender::Stomp                                   => Log::Log4::A::S
Log::Log4perl::Appender::TAP                                     => Log::Log4::A::TAP
Log::Log4perl::Layout::Syslog                                    => Log::Log4::L::S
Log::LogLite                                                     => Log::LogL
Log::Message                                                     => Log::M
Log::Message::Simple                                             => Log::M::S
Log::Minimal                                                     => *undef*
Log::MixedColor                                                  => Log::MC
Log::Report                                                      => Log::R
Log::Report::Optional                                            => Log::R::O
Log::Sprintf                                                     => Log::S
Log::Statistics                                                  => *undef*
Log::Tiny                                                        => Log::T
Log::Trace                                                       => *undef*
Log::ger::Layout::Pattern                                        => Log::ger::L::P
Log::ger::Like::Log4perl                                         => Log::ger::L::Log4
Log::ger::Output::Composite                                      => Log::ger::O::C
Log::ger::Output::File                                           => Log::ger::O::F
Log::ger::Output::LogDispatchOutput                              => Log::ger::O::LogDO
Log::ger::Output::Screen                                         => Log::ger::O::S
Log::ger::Output::SimpleFile                                     => Log::ger::O::SF
Log::ger::Output::Syslog                                         => *undef*
Logfile::Rotate                                                  => *undef*
Logic::Expr                                                      => *undef*
LotusNotes::LoadExport                                           => LN::LE
LucyX::Search::NullTermQuery                                     => LX::S::NTQ
LucyX::Search::WildcardQuery                                     => LX::S::WQ
LucyX::Suggester                                                 => LX::S
Lyrics::Fetcher                                                  => *undef*
MARC::Charset                                                    => MARC::C
MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore                                      => MARC::C::DC
MARC::Record                                                     => MARC::R
MARC::Utils::MARC2Pairs                                          => MARC::U::MARC2P
MIDI-Perl                                                        => MIDI-P
MIDI::Chord::Guitar                                              => MIDI::C::G
MIDI::SoundFont                                                  => MIDI::SF
MIME-AltWords                                                    => MIME-AltW
MIME::Base32                                                     => MIME::B32
MIME::Base64                                                     => MIME::B64
MIME::Base64::URLSafe                                            => MIME::B64::URLS
MIME::Charset                                                    => MIME::C
MIME::Explode                                                    => MIME::E
MIME::Lite                                                       => MIME::L
MIME::Lite::TT::HTML                                             => MIME::L::TT::HTML
MIME::QuotedPrint                                                => MIME::QP
MIME::Tools                                                      => MIME::T
MIME::Type::FileName                                             => MIME::T::FN
MIME::Types                                                      => *undef*
MODS::Record                                                     => MODS::R
MP3::Cut::Gapless                                                => MP3::Cut::G
MP3::Info                                                        => MP3::I
MRO::Compat                                                      => MRO::C
MToken                                                           => MT
Mac::PropertyList                                                => Mac::PL
Mac::PropertyList::SAX                                           => Mac::PL::SAX
Mail::Action                                                     => M::A
Mail::Audit                                                      => *undef*
Mail::AuthenticationResults                                      => M::AR
Mail::Box                                                        => M::Box
Mail::DKIM                                                       => M::DKIM
Mail::Exim::ACL::Geolocation                                     => M::E::ACL::G
Mail::Message                                                    => M::M
Mail::POP3Client                                                 => M::POP3C
Mail::QmailRemote                                                => M::QR
Mail::RFC822::Address                                            => M::RFC822::A
Mail::SMI                                                        => M::SMI
Mail::SpamAssassin                                               => M::SA
Mail::Spool                                                      => M::S
Mail::Transport                                                  => M::T
Mail::URLFor                                                     => M::URLFor
MailTools                                                        => *undef*
Map::Tube                                                        => Map::T
Map::Tube::Athens                                                => Map::T::A
Map::Tube::Delhi                                                 => Map::T::D
Map::Tube::Exception                                             => Map::T::E
Map::Tube::Plugin::Formatter                                     => Map::T::P::F
Markdown::To::POD                                                => M::To::POD
Markup::Unified                                                  => M::U
Marpa::R2                                                        => M::R2
MarpaX::ESLIF                                                    => MX::ESLIF
MarpaX::ESLIF::ECMA404                                           => MX::ESLIF::ECMA404
MarpaX::ESLIF::URI                                               => MX::ESLIF::URI
MarpaX::Languages::Lua::Parser                                   => MX::L::Lua::P
MarpaX::RFC::RFC3629                                             => MX::RFC::RFC3629
MarpaX::Role::Parameterized::ResourceIdentifier                  => MX::R::P::RI
MarpaX::Simple                                                   => MX::S
MasonX::Request::ExtendedCompRoot                                => MX::R::ECR
Math::Base::Convert                                              => M::B::C
Math::BigFloat                                                   => M::BigF
Math::BigFloat::Trace                                            => M::BigF::T
Math::BigInt                                                     => M::BigInt
Math::BigInt::Calc                                               => M::BigInt::C
Math::BigInt::FastCalc                                           => M::BigInt::FC
Math::BigInt::GMP                                                => M::BigInt::GMP
Math::BigInt::Lib                                                => M::BigInt::Lib
Math::BigInt::Trace                                              => M::BigInt::T
Math::BigRat                                                     => M::BigRat
Math::BigRat::Trace                                              => M::BigRat::T
Math::CDF                                                        => M::CDF
Math::Calc::Units                                                => M::C::U
Math::Cartesian::Product                                         => M::C::P
Math::Combinatorics                                              => M::C
Math::Complex                                                    => *undef*
Math::Derivative                                                 => M::D
Math::FFT                                                        => M::FFT
Math::Factor::XS                                                 => M::F::XS
Math::Fibonacci                                                  => M::F
Math::Fibonacci::Phi                                             => M::F::Phi
Math::Fractal::Noisemaker                                        => M::F::N
Math::GMP                                                        => M::GMP
Math::GMPq                                                       => M::GMPq
Math::GMPz                                                       => M::GMPz
Math::Geometry                                                   => M::G
Math::Geometry::Multidimensional                                 => M::G::M
Math::Int128                                                     => M::Int128
Math::Int64                                                      => M::Int64
Math::Libm                                                       => M::L
Math::LinearCombination                                          => M::LC
Math::Matrix                                                     => *undef*
Math::MatrixLUP                                                  => M::MLUP
Math::NumSeq                                                     => M::NumSeq
Math::NumSeq::Alpha                                              => M::NumSeq::A
Math::NumberCruncher                                             => M::NC
Math::OEIS                                                       => M::OEIS
Math::Pari                                                       => M::P
Math::PhaseOnlyCorrelation                                       => M::POC
Math::Polygon                                                    => *undef*
Math::Prime::Util                                                => M::P::U
Math::Prime::Util::GMP                                           => M::P::U::GMP
Math::Prime::XS                                                  => M::P::XS
Math::ProvablePrime                                              => M::PP
Math::RNG::Microsoft                                             => M::RNG::M
Math::RPN                                                        => M::RPN
Math::Rand48                                                     => M::R48
Math::Random                                                     => M::R
Math::Random::BlumBlumShub                                       => M::R::BBS
Math::Random::ISAAC                                              => M::R::ISAAC
Math::Random::ISAAC::XS                                          => M::R::ISAAC::XS
Math::Random::MT::Auto                                           => M::R::MT::A
Math::Random::Secure                                             => M::R::S
Math::Revhash                                                    => *undef*
Math::Round                                                      => *undef*
Math::Round::Var                                                 => M::R::Var
Math::ScientificNotation::Util                                   => M::SN::U
Math::SimpleVariable                                             => M::SV
Math::SparseMatrix                                               => M::SM
Math::SparseVector                                               => *undef*
Math::Spline                                                     => *undef*
Math::StdDev                                                     => M::StdDev
Math::String                                                     => *undef*
Math::Trig                                                       => *undef*
Math::Util::CalculatedValue                                      => M::U::CV
Math::Utils                                                      => *undef*
Math::Vec                                                        => M::Vec
Math::Vector::Real                                               => M::V::R
Math::Vector::Real::Random                                       => M::V::R::R
Math::Vector::Real::XS                                           => M::V::R::XS
Math::Vector::Real::kdTree                                       => M::V::R::kdT
MathML::Entities                                                 => MML::E
MathML::Entities::Approximate                                    => MML::E::A
MaxMind::DB::Common                                              => MaxM::DB::C
MaxMind::DB::Reader                                              => MaxM::DB::R
MaxMind::DB::Reader::XS                                          => MaxM::DB::R::XS
McBain                                                           => McB
Measure::Everything                                              => M::E
Measure::Everything::Adapter::InfluxDB::TCP                      => M::E::A::IDB::TCP
MediaWiki::API                                                   => MW::API
MediaWiki::Bot                                                   => MW::Bot
Memcached::Client                                                => *undef*
Memoize::AnyDBM_File                                             => M::AnyDBM_F
Memoize::Expire                                                  => *undef*
Memoize::ExpireLRU                                               => M::ELRU
Memoize::NDBM_File                                               => M::NDBM_F
Memoize::SDBM_File                                               => M::SDBM_F
Memoize::Storable                                                => *undef*
Message::Match                                                   => *undef*
Message::Passing                                                 => *undef*
Message::Router                                                  => *undef*
Message::Stack                                                   => *undef*
Message::Stack::Parser                                           => M::S::P
Message::Transform                                               => *undef*
Meta::Builder                                                    => M::B
MetaCPAN::API                                                    => MCPAN::API
MetaCPAN::Client                                                 => MCPAN::C
MetaCPAN::Moose                                                  => MCPAN::M
MetaPOD                                                          => MPOD
Metabase::Client::Simple                                         => M::C::S
Metabase::Fact                                                   => *undef*
Method::Signatures                                               => *undef*
Method::Signatures::Simple                                       => M::S::S
Method::Traits                                                   => *undef*
Method::WeakCallback                                             => M::WC
Metrics::Any                                                     => M::Any
Mixin::Event::Dispatch                                           => M::E::D
Mixin::Linewise                                                  => *undef*
Mo::utils                                                        => Mo::u
Mock::Config                                                     => *undef*
Mock::Person                                                     => *undef*
Mock::Person::CZ                                                 => M::P::CZ
Mock::Person::DE                                                 => M::P::DE
Mock::Person::EN                                                 => M::P::EN
Mock::Person::JP                                                 => M::P::JP
Mock::Person::SK                                                 => M::P::SK
Mock::Person::SK::ROM                                            => M::P::SK::ROM
Mock::Quick                                                      => M::Q
Mock::Sub                                                        => M::Sub
Model::Envoy                                                     => *undef*
Modern::Perl                                                     => *undef*
Module-Overview                                                  => M-O
Module-Versions-Report                                           => M-V-R
Module::Abstract                                                 => *undef*
Module::Build                                                    => *undef*
Module::Build::Deprecated                                        => M::B::D
Module::Build::JSAN                                              => M::B::JSAN
Module::Build::Pluggable                                         => M::B::P
Module::Build::Pluggable::CPANfile                               => M::B::P::CPAN
Module::Build::Pluggable::PPPort                                 => M::B::P::PPP
Module::Build::Prereqs::FromCPANfile                             => M::B::P::FCPAN
Module::Build::Tiny                                              => M::B::T
Module::Build::Using::PkgConfig                                  => M::B::U::PkgC
Module::Build::XSUtil                                            => M::B::XSU
Module::CPANTS::Analyse                                          => M::CPANTS::A
Module::CPANfile                                                 => M::CPAN
Module::Compile                                                  => *undef*
Module::CoreList                                                 => M::CL
Module::CoreList::More                                           => M::CL::M
Module::CoreList::Utils                                          => M::CL::U
Module::Data                                                     => *undef*
Module::DataPack                                                 => M::DP
Module::Extract::Namespaces                                      => M::E::N
Module::Extract::Use                                             => M::E::Use
Module::Extract::VERSION                                         => M::E::VERSION
Module::ExtractUse                                               => M::EUse
Module::FatPack                                                  => M::FatP
Module::Features                                                 => *undef*
Module::Find                                                     => *undef*
Module::Functions                                                => *undef*
Module::Generate                                                 => *undef*
Module::Implementation                                           => M::I
Module::Info                                                     => *undef*
Module::Install                                                  => *undef*
Module::Install::AckXXX                                          => M::I::AckXXX
Module::Install::AssertOS                                        => M::I::AOS
Module::Install::AuthorTests                                     => M::I::AT
Module::Install::AutoLicense                                     => M::I::AL
Module::Install::AutomatedTester                                 => *undef*
Module::Install::CheckLib                                        => M::I::CLib
Module::Install::GithubMeta                                      => M::I::GM
Module::Install::NoAutomatedTesting                              => M::I::NoAT
Module::Install::ReadmeFromPod                                   => M::I::RFPod
Module::Install::TestBase                                        => M::I::TB
Module::Installed::Tiny                                          => M::I::T
Module::InstalledVersion                                         => M::IV
Module::List                                                     => *undef*
Module::List::Pluggable                                          => M::L::P
Module::List::Tiny                                               => M::L::T
Module::Load                                                     => *undef*
Module::Load::Conditional                                        => M::L::C
Module::Load::In::INIT                                           => M::L::In::INIT
Module::Load::Util                                               => M::L::U
Module::Loaded                                                   => *undef*
Module::Locate                                                   => *undef*
Module::Manifest                                                 => *undef*
Module::Mask                                                     => *undef*
Module::Metadata                                                 => *undef*
Module::Patch                                                    => *undef*
Module::Path                                                     => *undef*
Module::Path::More                                               => M::P::M
Module::Pluggable                                                => *undef*
Module::Provision                                                => *undef*
Module::Refresh                                                  => *undef*
Module::Reload                                                   => *undef*
Module::Runtime                                                  => *undef*
Module::Runtime::Conflicts                                       => M::R::C
Module::ScanDeps                                                 => M::SD
Module::Signature                                                => *undef*
Module::Starter                                                  => *undef*
Module::Stubber                                                  => *undef*
Module::Util                                                     => *undef*
Module::XSOrPP                                                   => M::XSOrPP
MogileFS-REST                                                    => MFS-REST
MogileFS::Client                                                 => MFS::C
Mojo::DOM58                                                      => M::DOM58
Mojo::Graphite::Writer                                           => M::G::W
Mojo::HTTPStatus                                                 => M::HTTPS
Mojo::Promise::Role::Get                                         => M::P::R::Get
Mojo::Server::AWSLambda                                          => M::S::AWSL
Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar::Role::Persistent                     => M::UA::CJar::R::P
MojoX::Encode::Gzip                                              => MX::E::G
MojoX::JSON::RPC                                                 => MX::JSON::RPC
MojoX::Log::Fast                                                 => MX::Log::F
MojoX::Log::Log4perl                                             => MX::Log::Log4
MojoX::Ping                                                      => MX::P
MojoX::Renderer::Xslate                                          => MX::R::X
Mojolicious::Command::bcrypt                                     => M::C::b
Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack                                   => M::P::AP
Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Che                              => M::P::AP::Che
Mojolicious::Plugin::AutoRoute                                   => M::P::AR
Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuth                                   => M::P::BA
Mojolicious::Plugin::CachePurge                                  => M::P::CP
Mojolicious::Plugin::Component                                   => M::P::C
Mojolicious::Plugin::DBViewer                                    => M::P::DBV
Mojolicious::Plugin::Database                                    => M::P::D
Mojolicious::Plugin::EventSource                                 => M::P::ES
Mojolicious::Plugin::GeoCoder                                    => M::P::GeoC
Mojolicious::Plugin::Mason2Renderer                              => M::P::M2R
Mojolicious::Plugin::MethodOverride                              => M::P::MO
Mojolicious::Plugin::Moai                                        => *undef*
Mojolicious::Plugin::ShareHelpers                                => M::P::SH
Mojolicious::Plugin::TemplatePerlish                             => M::P::TP
Mojolicious::Plugin::TextExceptions                              => M::P::TE
Mojolicious::Plugin::Webtail                                     => M::P::W
Money::PaymentPreparer                                           => *undef*
MongoDB                                                          => MDB
Monitoring::Plugin                                               => *undef*
Monitoring::Sneck::Boop_Snoot                                    => M::S::BS
Monkey::Patch                                                    => *undef*
Monkey::Patch::Action                                            => M::P::A
MooX::Aliases                                                    => MooX::A
MooX::ClassAttribute                                             => MooX::CA
MooX::ConfigFromFile                                             => MooX::CFF
MooX::Const                                                      => MooX::C
MooX::Enumeration                                                => MooX::E
MooX::File::ConfigDir                                            => MooX::F::CDir
MooX::HandlesVia                                                 => MooX::HVia
MooX::Locale::Passthrough                                        => MooX::L::P
MooX::Options                                                    => MooX::O
MooX::Params::CompiledValidators                                 => MooX::P::CV
MooX::Press                                                      => MooX::P
MooX::Private::Attribute                                         => MooX::P::A
MooX::ReturnModifiers                                            => MooX::RM
MooX::Role::CachedURL                                            => MooX::R::CURL
MooX::Role::Logger                                               => MooX::R::L
MooX::Role::Parameterized                                        => MooX::R::P
MooX::Role::Pluggable                                            => *undef*
MooX::ShortHas                                                   => MooX::SHas
MooX::Singleton                                                  => MooX::S
MooX::StrictConstructor                                          => MooX::SC
MooX::Struct                                                     => *undef*
MooX::Traits                                                     => MooX::T
MooX::TypeTiny                                                   => MooX::TT
MooX::Types::MooseLike                                           => MooX::T::ML
MooX::Types::MooseLike::Numeric                                  => MooX::T::ML::N
MooX::late                                                       => MooX::l
Moose::Autobox                                                   => *undef*
Moose::Tiny                                                      => *undef*
MooseX::Aliases                                                  => MX::A
MooseX::App                                                      => MX::App
MooseX::App::Cmd                                                 => MX::App::Cmd
MooseX::App::Plugin::ZshCompletion                               => MX::App::P::ZshC
MooseX::App::Role::Log4perl                                      => MX::App::R::Log4
MooseX::ArrayRef                                                 => MX::ARef
MooseX::Attribute::Chained                                       => MX::A::C
MooseX::Attribute::ENV                                           => MX::A::ENV
MooseX::Attribute::Handles::Expand                               => MX::A::H::E
MooseX::AttributeDocumented                                      => MX::AD
MooseX::AttributeHelpers                                         => MX::AH
MooseX::AttributeShortcuts                                       => MX::AS
MooseX::Blessed::Reconstruct                                     => MX::B::R
MooseX::ClassAttribute                                           => MX::CA
MooseX::Clone                                                    => MX::C
MooseX::ConfigFromFile                                           => MX::CFF
MooseX::Declare                                                  => MX::D
MooseX::EasyAcc                                                  => MX::EAcc
MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast                           => MX::E::C::A::F
MooseX::Enumeration                                              => MX::E
MooseX::ErsatzMethod                                             => MX::EM
MooseX::FollowPBP                                                => MX::FPBP
MooseX::Getopt                                                   => MX::G
MooseX::Getopt::Usage                                            => MX::G::U
MooseX::Has::Options                                             => MX::Has::O
MooseX::Has::Sugar                                               => MX::Has::S
MooseX::HasDefaults                                              => MX::HasD
MooseX::InlineTypes                                              => MX::IT
MooseX::Iterator                                                 => MX::I
MooseX::LazyRequire                                              => MX::LR
MooseX::LeakCheck                                                => MX::LC
MooseX::Log::Log4perl                                            => *undef*
MooseX::LogDispatch                                              => MX::LogD
MooseX::MarkAsMethods                                            => MX::MAsM
MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::ForceCoercion                      => MX::M::TC::FC
MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::Mooish                             => MX::M::TC::M
MooseX::Method::Signatures                                       => MX::M::S
MooseX::MethodAttributes                                         => MX::MA
MooseX::MungeHas                                                 => MX::MHas
MooseX::NonMoose                                                 => MX::NonM
MooseX::Object::Pluggable                                        => MX::O::P
MooseX::OneArgNew                                                => MX::OneArgNew
MooseX::POE                                                      => MX::POE
MooseX::Privacy                                                  => *undef*
MooseX::RW                                                       => MX::RW
MooseX::RelatedClassRoles                                        => MX::RCR
MooseX::Role::BuildInstanceOf                                    => MX::R::BIOf
MooseX::Role::Defaultable                                        => MX::R::D
MooseX::Role::Flyweight                                          => MX::R::F
MooseX::Role::JSONObject                                         => MX::R::JSONO
MooseX::Role::Loggable                                           => MX::R::L
MooseX::Role::Parameterized                                      => MX::R::P
MooseX::Role::Validatable                                        => MX::R::V
MooseX::Role::WithOverloading                                    => MX::R::WO
MooseX::Runnable                                                 => MX::R
MooseX::ScopedConfig                                             => MX::SC
MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor                                   => MX::SAA
MooseX::SetOnce                                                  => MX::SetO
MooseX::SimpleConfig                                             => *undef*
MooseX::Singleton                                                => *undef*
MooseX::Storage                                                  => *undef*
MooseX::Storage::Format::JSONpm                                  => MX::S::F::JSONpm
MooseX::StrictConstructor                                        => *undef*
MooseX::TraitFor::Meta::Class::BetterAnonClassNames              => MX::TFor::M::C::BACN
MooseX::Traits                                                   => MX::T
MooseX::Traits::Pluggable                                        => MX::T::P
MooseX::TypeMap                                                  => MX::TMap
MooseX::Types                                                    => *undef*
MooseX::Types::CIDR                                              => MX::T::CIDR
MooseX::Types::Common                                            => MX::T::C
MooseX::Types::CreditCard                                        => MX::T::CC
MooseX::Types::DBIx::Class                                       => MX::T::DBIx::C
MooseX::Types::DateTime                                          => MX::T::DT
MooseX::Types::DateTime::MySQL                                   => MX::T::DT::MySQL
MooseX::Types::DateTime::W3C                                     => MX::T::DT::W3C
MooseX::Types::Digest                                            => MX::T::D
MooseX::Types::Email                                             => MX::T::E
MooseX::Types::IO                                                => MX::T::IO
MooseX::Types::IPv4                                              => MX::T::IPv4
MooseX::Types::LoadableClass                                     => MX::T::LC
MooseX::Types::NumUnit                                           => MX::T::NumU
MooseX::Types::PIS                                               => MX::T::PIS
MooseX::Types::Parameterizable                                   => *undef*
MooseX::Types::Path::Class                                       => MX::T::P::C
MooseX::Types::Path::Tiny                                        => MX::T::P::T
MooseX::Types::Perl                                              => *undef*
MooseX::Types::Set::Object                                       => MX::T::Set::O
MooseX::Types::Stringlike                                        => MX::T::S
MooseX::Types::Structured                                        => *undef*
MooseX::Types::URI                                               => MX::T::URI
MooseX::Util                                                     => MX::U
MooseX::WithCache                                                => MX::WC
MooseX::XSAccessor                                               => MX::XSA
MooseX::YAML                                                     => MX::YAML
MooseY                                                           => MY
MouseX::ConfigFromFile                                           => *undef*
MouseX::Foreign                                                  => MX::F
MouseX::NativeTraits                                             => MX::NT
MouseX::SimpleConfig                                             => *undef*
MouseX::Traits                                                   => *undef*
MouseX::Types                                                    => *undef*
MouseX::Types::Path::Class                                       => *undef*
Mozilla::CA                                                      => M::CA
Mozilla::PublicSuffix                                            => M::PS
Mu::Tiny                                                         => Mu::T
Music::Lyrics::LRC                                               => M::L::LRC
Music::MelodicDevice::Transposition                              => M::MD::T
Music::Note                                                      => M::N
Music::PitchNum                                                  => M::PNum
Music::RhythmSet                                                 => M::RSet
Music::Scales                                                    => *undef*
Mysql::NameLocker                                                => M::NL
NDBM_File                                                        => NDBM_F
Nagios::Monitoring::Plugin                                       => N::M::P
Nagios::Passive                                                  => N::P
Nagios::Status::Host                                             => N::S::H
Nagios::Status::HostStatus                                       => N::S::HS
NcFTPd::Log::Parse                                               => NcFTPd::Log::P
Net-MemcacheQ                                                    => Net-MQ
Net::Address::IP::Local                                          => Net::A::IP::L
Net::Amazon::Signature                                           => Net::A::S
Net::Amazon::Signature::V4                                       => Net::A::S::V4
Net::Async::HTTP                                                 => Net::A::HTTP
Net::Async::IRC                                                  => Net::A::IRC
Net::Async::Matrix                                               => Net::A::M
Net::Async::Tangence                                             => Net::A::T
Net::BaruwaAPI                                                   => Net::BAPI
Net::CIDR::Lite                                                  => Net::CIDR::L
Net::CIDR::MobileJP                                              => Net::CIDR::MJP
Net::Config                                                      => Net::C
Net::Connection                                                  => *undef*
Net::Connection::Match                                           => Net::C::M
Net::Curl                                                        => *undef*
Net::Curl::Simple                                                => Net::C::S
Net::DBus::Skype::API                                            => Net::DBus::S::API
Net::DNS::Dynamic::Proxyserver                                   => Net::DNS::D::P
Net::DNS::Lite                                                   => Net::DNS::L
Net::DNS::Nslookup                                               => Net::DNS::N
Net::DNS::Resolver::Mock                                         => Net::DNS::R::M
Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable                                 => Net::DNS::R::P
Net::Dev::Tools::Syslog                                          => Net::Dev::T::S
Net::Domain                                                      => Net::D
Net::Domain::TLD                                                 => Net::D::TLD
Net::EC2::Tiny                                                   => Net::EC2::T
Net::FTP::Path::Iter                                             => Net::FTP::P::I
Net::FTP::Robust                                                 => Net::FTP::R
Net::FTP::dataconn                                               => Net::FTP::d
Net::Frame                                                       => Net::F
Net::Frame::Layer::SNMP                                          => Net::F::L::SNMP
Net::Google::Analytics                                           => Net::G::A
Net::Graphite                                                    => Net::G
Net::HTTP::Knork                                                 => Net::HTTP::K
Net::HTTP::Tiny                                                  => Net::HTTP::T
Net::HTTPServer                                                  => Net::HTTPS
Net::IDN::Encode                                                 => Net::IDN::E
Net::IMAP::Simple                                                => Net::IMAP::S
Net::IP::Match::XS                                               => Net::IP::M::XS
Net::IP::Minimal                                                 => Net::IP::M
Net::IPv6Addr                                                    => Net::IPv6A
Net::LDAP::Server                                                => Net::LDAP::S
Net::LDAP::posixAccount                                          => Net::LDAP::pA
Net::LDAP::posixGroup                                            => Net::LDAP::pG
Net::MQTT::Simple                                                => Net::MQTT::S
Net::MirapointAdmin                                              => Net::MA
Net::MySourceMatrix                                              => Net::MySM
Net::NBName                                                      => Net::NBN
Net::NetSend                                                     => Net::NetS
Net::Netmask                                                     => Net::N
Net::Netrc                                                       => *undef*
Net::OAuth                                                       => Net::OA
Net::OAuth2Server                                                => Net::OA2S
Net::OAuth2Server::PKCE                                          => Net::OA2S::PKCE
Net::OpenID::Common                                              => Net::OID::C
Net::OpenID::Consumer                                            => *undef*
Net::OpenID::Consumer::Lite                                      => Net::OID::C::L
Net::OpenSSH                                                     => Net::OSSH
Net::Partty                                                      => Net::P
Net::Patricia                                                    => *undef*
Net::Pcap                                                        => *undef*
Net::Ping                                                        => *undef*
Net::Prometheus                                                  => *undef*
Net::RabbitFoot                                                  => Net::RF
Net::SFTP::Foreign                                               => Net::SFTP::F
Net::SMTP_auth                                                   => *undef*
Net::SSLeay                                                      => Net::SSL
Net::Saasu                                                       => Net::S
Net::Server                                                      => *undef*
Net::Soma                                                        => *undef*
Net::Stomp                                                       => *undef*
Net::TCP::PtyServer                                              => Net::TCP::PtyS
Net::Telnet                                                      => Net::T
Net::Time                                                        => *undef*
Net::Trackback                                                   => *undef*
Net::Travis::API                                                 => Net::T::API
Net::Twitter::Stream                                             => Net::T::S
Net::Wigle                                                       => Net::W
Net::Wireless::802_11::WPA::CLI                                  => Net::W::802_11::WPA::CLI
Net::Works                                                       => *undef*
Net::Write                                                       => *undef*
Net::Xero                                                        => Net::X
Net::hostent                                                     => Net::h
Net::netent                                                      => Net::n
Net::protoent                                                    => Net::p
Net::servent                                                     => Net::s
NetAddr::IP                                                      => NetA::IP
NetHack::Engravings                                              => NetH::E
NetServer::Portal                                                => NetS::P
Netscape::Bookmarks                                              => N::B
Nexus::REST                                                      => N::REST
Nice::Try                                                        => N::Try
Nmap::Scanner                                                    => N::S
Nodejs::Util                                                     => N::U
Number::Bytes::Human                                             => N::B::H
Number::Compare                                                  => N::C
Number::Format::BigFloat                                         => N::F::BigF
Number::Format::Metric                                           => N::F::M
Number::RGB                                                      => N::RGB
Number::RecordLocator                                            => N::RL
Number::Tolerant                                                 => N::T
Number::Util::Range                                              => N::U::R
Number::WithError                                                => N::WE
OAuth::Lite                                                      => OA::L
ODBM_File                                                        => ODBM_F
OLE::Storage_Lite                                                => OLE::SL
OO::Closures                                                     => OO::C
OODoc::Template                                                  => OODoc::T
OS2::ExtAttr                                                     => OS2::ExtA
OS2::Process                                                     => OS2::P
Object::Accessor                                                 => O::A
Object::ArrayType::New                                           => O::AT::New
Object::AutoAccessor                                             => O::AA
Object::Container                                                => O::C
Object::Declare                                                  => O::D
Object::Destroyer                                                => *undef*
Object::Event                                                    => O::E
Object::ID                                                       => O::ID
Object::InsideOut                                                => O::IOut
Object::MultiType                                                => O::MT
Object::Pad                                                      => O::Pad
Object::Pluggable                                                => O::P
Object::Realize::Later                                           => O::R::L
Object::Recorder                                                 => O::R
Object::Signature                                                => O::S
Object::Simple                                                   => *undef*
Object::Tap                                                      => O::Tap
Object::Tiny                                                     => O::T
Object::Tiny::Lvalue                                             => O::T::L
Object::Tiny::RW                                                 => O::T::RW
Object::Tiny::XS                                                 => O::T::XS
Omega::DP41::Data::Current                                       => O::DP41::D::C
OneTool::Core                                                    => OneT::C
Oogaboogo::Date                                                  => *undef*
OpenStack::Client                                                => OS::C
OpenStack::MetaAPI                                               => OS::MAPI
PAR::Dist                                                        => PAR::D
PAUSE::Packages                                                  => PAUSE::P
PBKDF2::Tiny                                                     => PBKDF2::T
PDA::Simple                                                      => PDA::S
PDF::ReportWriter                                                => PDF::RW
PDL::IO::Touchstone                                              => PDL::IO::T
PDL::LinearAlgebra                                               => PDL::LA
PDLx::DetachedObject                                             => PDLx::DO
PERLANCAR::AppUtil::PerlStripper                                 => PERLANCAR::AppU::PS
PERLANCAR::File::HomeDir                                         => PERLANCAR::F::HDir
PERLANCAR::Module::List                                          => PERLANCAR::M::L
PHP::Serialization                                               => PHP::S
PMVersions::Util                                                 => PMV::U
POD2::Base                                                       => POD2::B
POD::Credentials                                                 => POD::C
POE::Component::AI::MegaHAL                                      => POE::C::AI::MHAL
POE::Component::Client::AMQP                                     => POE::C::C::AMQP
POE::Component::Client::DNS                                      => POE::C::C::DNS
POE::Component::Client::HTTP                                     => POE::C::C::HTTP
POE::Component::Client::Keepalive                                => POE::C::C::K
POE::Component::Client::NNTP                                     => POE::C::C::NNTP
POE::Component::Client::NSCA                                     => POE::C::C::NSCA
POE::Component::Client::Ping                                     => POE::C::C::P
POE::Component::Client::Stomp                                    => POE::C::C::S
POE::Component::Client::Stomp::Utils                             => POE::C::C::S::U
POE::Component::EasyDBI                                          => POE::C::EDBI
POE::Component::IRC                                              => POE::C::IRC
POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::FTP::EasyUpload                     => POE::C::IRC::P::FTP::EU
POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::POE::Knee                           => POE::C::IRC::P::POE::K
POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WubWubWub                           => POE::C::IRC::P::WubWubWub
POE::Component::Net::FTP                                         => POE::C::Net::FTP
POE::Component::NonBlockingWrapper::Base                         => POE::C::NonBW::B
POE::Component::Pluggable                                        => POE::C::P
POE::Component::Resolver                                         => POE::C::R
POE::Component::Sequence                                         => POE::C::S
POE::Component::Server::NNTP                                     => POE::C::S::NNTP
POE::Component::Server::eris                                     => POE::C::S::e
POE::Component::Syndicator                                       => *undef*
POE::Component::Telephony::CTPort                                => POE::C::T::CTP
POE::Filter::IRCD                                                => POE::F::IRCD
POE::Filter::KennySpeak                                          => POE::F::KS
POE::Filter::Stomp                                               => POE::F::S
POE::Session::AttributeBased                                     => POE::S::AB
POE::Session::PlainCall                                          => POE::S::PC
POE::Test::Loops                                                 => POE::T::L
POE::Wheel::Sendfile                                             => POE::W::S
POE::XS::Loop::EPoll                                             => POE::XS::L::EP
POE::XS::Queue::Array                                            => POE::XS::Q::A
POEx::Inotify                                                    => POEx::I
POSIX::Wide                                                      => POSIX::W
POSIX::strftime::Compiler                                        => POSIX::s::C
POSIX::strftime::GNU                                             => POSIX::s::GNU
POSIX::strptime                                                  => POSIX::s
PPI::Transform::Sequence                                         => PPI::T::S
PPIx::DocumentName                                               => PPIx::DN
PPIx::EditorTools                                                => PPIx::ET
PPIx::Literal                                                    => PPIx::L
PPIx::QuoteLike                                                  => PPIx::QL
PPIx::Regexp                                                     => PPIx::R
PPIx::Utils                                                      => PPIx::U
PYX::Optimization                                                => PYX::O
PYX::SGML::Tags                                                  => PYX::SGML::T
PYX::Utils                                                       => PYX::U
PYX::XMLNorm                                                     => PYX::XMLN
Package::Alias                                                   => P::A
Package::Constants                                               => P::C
Package::DeprecationManager                                      => P::DM
Package::FromData                                                => P::FD
Package::JSONable                                                => P::JSON
Package::Localize                                                => P::L
Package::MoreUtil                                                => P::MU
Package::Pkg                                                     => P::Pkg
Package::Relative                                                => P::R
Package::Stash                                                   => P::S
Package::Stash::XS                                               => P::S::XS
Package::Util::Lite                                              => P::U::L
Package::Variant                                                 => P::V
PadWalker                                                        => PadW
Palm::PDB                                                        => P::PDB
Parallel::ForkManager                                            => P::FM
Parallel::Iterator                                               => P::I
Parallel::Pipes                                                  => P::P
Parallel::Runner                                                 => *undef*
Params::Check                                                    => *undef*
Params::Classify                                                 => *undef*
Params::Named                                                    => P::N
Params::Util                                                     => P::U
Params::Validate                                                 => *undef*
Params::Validate::Checks                                         => P::V::C
Params::ValidationCompiler                                       => P::VC
Parcel::Track                                                    => P::T
Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny                                           => P::ANSIC::T
Parse::BooleanLogic                                              => P::BL
Parse::CPAN::Meta                                                => P::CPAN::M
Parse::CPAN::MirroredBy                                          => P::CPAN::MBy
Parse::CPAN::Modlist                                             => *undef*
Parse::CPAN::Packages                                            => P::CPAN::P
Parse::CPAN::Packages::Fast                                      => P::CPAN::P::F
Parse::CSV                                                       => P::CSV
Parse::Crontab                                                   => *undef*
Parse::Deb::Control                                              => P::Deb::C
Parse::Diagnostics                                               => P::D
Parse::Distname                                                  => *undef*
Parse::EDID                                                      => P::EDID
Parse::ErrorString::Perl                                         => P::ES::P
Parse::ExuberantCTags                                            => P::ECT
Parse::JCONF                                                     => P::JCONF
Parse::JapanesePostalCode                                        => P::JPC
Parse::Keyword                                                   => P::K
Parse::MIME                                                      => P::MIME
Parse::Method::Signatures                                        => P::M::S
Parse::Number::EN                                                => P::N::EN
Parse::Number::ID                                                => P::N::ID
Parse::RecDescent                                                => P::RecD
Parse::RecDescent::Deparse                                       => P::RecD::D
Parse::Text                                                      => *undef*
Parse::VarName                                                   => P::VarN
Parse::Yapp                                                      => P::Y
Parser::MGC                                                      => P::MGC
Path::AttrRouter                                                 => P::AR
Path::Class                                                      => *undef*
Path::Class::File::Lockable                                      => P::C::F::L
Path::Class::File::Stat                                          => P::C::F::S
Path::Class::Iterator                                            => P::C::I
Path::Iter                                                       => *undef*
Path::Iterator::Rule                                             => P::I::R
Path::Maker                                                      => P::M
Path::Naive                                                      => *undef*
Path::Resolver                                                   => *undef*
Path::Router                                                     => *undef*
Path::ScanINC                                                    => P::SINC
Path::Tiny                                                       => *undef*
Path::Tiny::Glob                                                 => P::T::G
Paubox_Email_SDK                                                 => PESDK
Paws::Kinesis::MemoryCaller                                      => P::K::MC
Paws::Net::MultiplexCaller                                       => P::Net::MC
PawsX::FakeImplementation::Instance                              => PX::FI::I
PawsX::Waiter                                                    => PX::W
Pegex::JSON                                                      => *undef*
Pegex::TOML                                                      => P::TOML
PepXML::Parser                                                   => PepXML::P
Perinci::Access::Base                                            => P::A::B
Perinci::Access::HTTP::Client                                    => P::A::HTTP::C
Perinci::Access::Lite                                            => P::A::L
Perinci::Access::Simple::Client                                  => P::A::S::C
Perinci::AccessUtil                                              => P::AU
Perinci::Class::Base                                             => P::C::B
Perinci::CmdLine::Call                                           => P::CmdL::C
Perinci::CmdLine::Util                                           => P::CmdL::U
Perinci::CmdLine::Util::Config                                   => P::CmdL::U::C
Perinci::CmdLineX::CommonOptions::SelfUpgrade                    => P::CmdLX::CO::SU
Perinci::Examples                                                => P::E
Perinci::Object                                                  => P::O
Perinci::Result::Format::Lite                                    => P::R::F::L
Perinci::Sub::ConvertArgs::Argv                                  => P::Sub::CA::A
Perinci::Sub::ConvertArgs::Array                                 => *undef*
Perinci::Sub::DepChecker                                         => P::Sub::DepC
Perinci::Sub::Gen                                                => P::Sub::Gen
Perinci::Sub::Gen::AccessTable::Simple                           => P::Sub::Gen::AT::S
Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Array                                     => P::Sub::GetA::A
Perinci::Sub::Normalize                                          => P::Sub::N
Perinci::Sub::Property::arg::cmdline                             => P::Sub::P::arg::c
Perinci::Sub::Property::cmdline                                  => P::Sub::P::c
Perinci::Sub::PropertyUtil                                       => P::Sub::PU
Perinci::Sub::Util                                               => P::Sub::U
Perl6::Attributes                                                => P6::A
Perl6::Export                                                    => P6::E
Perl6::Form                                                      => P6::F
Perl6::Junction                                                  => P6::J
Perl6::Slurp                                                     => P6::S
Perl::APIReference                                               => P::APIR
Perl::Command                                                    => *undef*
Perl::Critic                                                     => *undef*
Perl::Critic::MergeProfile                                       => P::C::MP
Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitReturnOr         => P::C::P::BF::PROr
Perl::Critic::Policy::Perlsecret                                 => P::C::P::P
Perl::Critic::Policy::TryTiny::RequireBlockTermination           => P::C::P::TryT::RBT
Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitFiletest_rwxRWX => P::C::P::VAndE::PFRWX
Perl::Destruct::Level                                            => P::D::L
Perl::Maker                                                      => *undef*
Perl::MinimumVersion                                             => P::MV
Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast                                       => P::MV::F
Perl::OSType                                                     => P::OST
Perl::PrereqScanner                                              => P::PS
Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite                                => P::PS::NotQL
Perl::Stripper                                                   => *undef*
Perl::Tidy                                                       => *undef*
Perl::Version                                                    => *undef*
Perl::osnames                                                    => P::o
PerlIO                                                           => PIO
PerlIO::Layers                                                   => PIO::L
PerlIO::encoding                                                 => PIO::e
PerlIO::gzip                                                     => PIO::g
PerlIO::locale                                                   => PIO::l
PerlIO::mmap                                                     => PIO::m
PerlIO::scalar                                                   => PIO::s
PerlIO::utf8_strict                                              => PIO::utf8
PerlIO::via                                                      => PIO::via
PerlIO::via::Babelfish                                           => PIO::via::B
PerlIO::via::CBC                                                 => PIO::via::CBC
PerlIO::via::PrepareCP1251                                       => PIO::via::PCP1251
PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint                                         => PIO::via::QP
PerlIO::via::Timeout                                             => PIO::via::T
PerlIO::via::dynamic                                             => PIO::via::d
PerlX::Assert                                                    => PX::A
PerlX::Define                                                    => PX::D
PerlX::Maybe                                                     => PX::M
PerlX::Maybe::XS                                                 => PX::M::XS
Perlbal::Plugin::Extredirector                                   => P::P::E
Permute::Named                                                   => *undef*
Permute::Named::Iter                                             => P::N::I
Pg::hstore                                                       => Pg::h
Phone::Valid::International::Loose                               => P::V::I::L
Physics::Unit                                                    => *undef*
Pipe::Find                                                       => P::F
PkgConfig                                                        => PkgC
Plack::App::Data::Printer                                        => P::App::D::P
Plack::App::DataSection                                          => P::App::DS
Plack::App::Directory::PYX                                       => P::App::D::PYX
Plack::App::Path::Router                                         => P::App::P::R
Plack::App::WWW                                                  => P::App::WWW
Plack::Middleware::Antibot                                       => P::M::A
Plack::Middleware::DebugRequestParams                            => P::M::DRP
Plack::Middleware::Deflater                                      => P::M::D
Plack::Middleware::FixMissingBodyInRedirect                      => P::M::FixMBInR
Plack::Middleware::LogErrors                                     => P::M::LogE
Plack::Middleware::MethodOverride                                => P::M::MO
Plack::Middleware::P3P                                           => P::M::P3P
Plack::Middleware::Pod                                           => P::M::Pod
Plack::Middleware::Proxy::ByHeader                               => P::M::P::ByH
Plack::Middleware::RefererCheck                                  => P::M::RC
Plack::Middleware::RemoveRedundantBody                           => P::M::RRB
Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy                                  => P::M::RP
Plack::Middleware::Session                                       => *undef*
Plack::Middleware::Session::RemoveCookies                        => P::M::S::RC
Plack::Request::WithEncoding                                     => P::R::WE
Plack::Session::Store::Catmandu                                  => P::S::S::C
Plack::Test::Agent                                               => P::T::A
Plack::Test::ExternalServer                                      => P::T::ES
Pod::Abstract                                                    => Pod::A
Pod::Checker                                                     => Pod::C
Pod::Constant                                                    => *undef*
Pod::Coverage                                                    => *undef*
Pod::Coverage::Moose                                             => Pod::C::M
Pod::Coverage::TrustPod                                          => Pod::C::TPod
Pod::Elemental                                                   => Pod::E
Pod::Elemental::PerlMunger                                       => Pod::E::PM
Pod::Elemental::Transformer::List                                => Pod::E::T::L
Pod::Elemental::Transformer::WikiDoc                             => Pod::E::T::WDoc
Pod::Elide                                                       => *undef*
Pod::Escapes                                                     => *undef*
Pod::Eventual                                                    => *undef*
Pod::Functions                                                   => Pod::F
Pod::Functions::Functions                                        => Pod::F::F
Pod::Html                                                        => Pod::H
Pod::Html::Util                                                  => Pod::H::U
Pod::Index                                                       => Pod::I
Pod::Inherit                                                     => *undef*
Pod::L10N::Model                                                 => Pod::L10N::M
Pod::Markdown                                                    => Pod::M
Pod::Markdown::Github                                            => Pod::M::G
Pod::ParseLink                                                   => Pod::PL
Pod::Parser                                                      => Pod::P
Pod::Perldoc                                                     => *undef*
Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo                                             => Pod::P::BTo
Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO                                          => Pod::P::GetOOO
Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI                                             => Pod::P::ToANSI
Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker                                          => Pod::P::ToC
Pod::Perldoc::ToMan                                              => Pod::P::ToMan
Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff                                            => Pod::P::ToN
Pod::Perldoc::ToPod                                              => Pod::P::ToPod
Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf                                              => Pod::P::ToRtf
Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm                                             => Pod::P::ToT
Pod::Perldoc::ToText                                             => *undef*
Pod::Perldoc::ToTk                                               => Pod::P::ToTk
Pod::Perldoc::ToXml                                              => Pod::P::ToXml
Pod::ProjectDocs                                                 => Pod::PD
Pod::PseudoPod                                                   => Pod::PPod
Pod::PseudoPod::DOM                                              => Pod::PPod::DOM
Pod::Reader                                                      => Pod::R
Pod::Readme                                                      => *undef*
Pod::Simple                                                      => Pod::S
Pod::Simple::BlackBox                                            => Pod::S::BBox
Pod::Simple::Checker                                             => Pod::S::C
Pod::Simple::Debug                                               => Pod::S::D
Pod::Simple::DumpAsText                                          => Pod::S::DAsT
Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML                                           => Pod::S::DAsXML
Pod::Simple::HTML                                                => Pod::S::HTML
Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch                                           => Pod::S::HTMLB
Pod::Simple::HTMLLegacy                                          => Pod::S::HTMLL
Pod::Simple::JustPod                                             => Pod::S::JPod
Pod::Simple::LaTeX                                               => Pod::S::LaTeX
Pod::Simple::LinkSection                                         => Pod::S::LS
Pod::Simple::Methody                                             => Pod::S::M
Pod::Simple::Progress                                            => Pod::S::P
Pod::Simple::PullParser                                          => Pod::S::PP
Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken                                  => Pod::S::PPEndT
Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken                                => Pod::S::PPST
Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken                                 => Pod::S::PPTT
Pod::Simple::PullParserToken                                     => Pod::S::PPT
Pod::Simple::RTF                                                 => Pod::S::RTF
Pod::Simple::Search                                              => Pod::S::S
Pod::Simple::SimpleTree                                          => Pod::S::ST
Pod::Simple::Text                                                => Pod::S::T
Pod::Simple::Text::Termcap                                       => Pod::S::T::T
Pod::Simple::TextContent                                         => Pod::S::TC
Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH                                           => Pod::S::TOutFH
Pod::Simple::Transcode                                           => *undef*
Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb                                       => Pod::S::TD
Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart                                      => Pod::S::TS
Pod::Simple::XHTML                                               => Pod::S::XHTML
Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream                                        => Pod::S::XMLOutS
Pod::Spell                                                       => *undef*
Pod::Spell::CommonMistakes                                       => Pod::S::CM
Pod::Strip                                                       => *undef*
Pod::Stripper                                                    => *undef*
Pod::Text                                                        => Pod::T
Pod::Text::Ansi                                                  => Pod::T::A
Pod::Text::Color                                                 => Pod::T::C
Pod::Text::Overstrike                                            => Pod::T::O
Pod::Text::Termcap                                               => Pod::T::T
Pod::Usage                                                       => Pod::U
Pod::Weaver                                                      => Pod::W
Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Encoding                                    => Pod::W::P::E
Pod::Weaver::Plugin::EnsureUniqueSections                        => Pod::W::P::EUS
Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Regexp::Pattern                             => Pod::W::P::R::P
Pod::Weaver::Plugin::SortSections                                => Pod::W::P::SS
Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::TAPPER                                => Pod::W::PB::TAPPER
Pod::Weaver::Role::AddTextToSection                              => Pod::W::R::AddTToS
Pod::Weaver::Role::DetectPerinciCmdLineScript                    => Pod::W::R::DPCmdLS
Pod::Weaver::Role::RequireFromBuild                              => Pod::W::R::RFB
Pod::Weaver::Role::SortSections                                  => Pod::W::R::SS
Pod::Weaver::Section::BugsAndLimitations                         => Pod::W::S::BAndL
Pod::Weaver::Section::Contributors                               => Pod::W::S::C
Pod::Weaver::Section::SeeAlso                                    => Pod::W::S::SeeA
Pod::Weaver::Section::Support                                    => Pod::W::S::S
Pod::Weaver::Section::WarrantyDisclaimer                         => Pod::W::S::WD
Pod::WikiDoc                                                     => Pod::WDoc
Pointy::Counter                                                  => *undef*
PostScript::Convert                                              => PS::C
PostScript::DecodeGlyphName                                      => PS::DGN
PostScript::File                                                 => PS::F
PostScript::Graph                                                => PS::G
PostScript::Metrics                                              => PS::M
PowerDNS::API::Client                                            => PDNS::API::C
Probe::Perl                                                      => *undef*
Proc::ChildError                                                 => P::CE
Proc::Daemon                                                     => *undef*
Proc::Daemontools                                                => *undef*
Proc::FastSpawn                                                  => P::FS
Proc::Find::Parents                                              => P::F::P
Proc::Guard                                                      => P::G
Proc::InvokeEditor                                               => P::IE
Proc::PID::File                                                  => P::PID::F
Proc::PersistentControl                                          => P::PC
Proc::ProcessTable                                               => P::PT
Proc::ProcessTable::InfoString                                   => P::PT::IS
Proc::ProcessTable::Match                                        => P::PT::M
Proc::Reliable                                                   => *undef*
Proc::Swarm                                                      => *undef*
Proc::Wait3                                                      => P::W3
Process::Child::Leash                                            => P::C::L
Progress::Any                                                    => P::Any
Progress::Any::Output::TermProgressBarColor                      => P::Any::O::TPBarC
Prometheus::Tiny                                                 => *undef*
Prometheus::Tiny::Shared                                         => P::T::S
Promise::ES6                                                     => P::ES6
Prompt::ReadKey                                                  => P::RKey
Protocol::IRC                                                    => P::IRC
Protocol::Modbus                                                 => *undef*
Protocol::Notifo                                                 => *undef*
Protocol::WebSocket                                              => P::WebS
Python::Version                                                  => *undef*
QBit::Application                                                => QBit::A
QBit::Application::Model::DB                                     => QBit::A::M::DB
QBit::Application::Model::KvStore                                => QBit::A::M::KvS
QBit::Class                                                      => QBit::C
QBit::Validator                                                  => QBit::V
Quantum::Superpositions                                          => Q::S
Queue::Base                                                      => Q::B
Quote::Code                                                      => Q::C
RDF::NS::Curated                                                 => RDF::NS::C
RDF::Prefixes                                                    => RDF::P
RDF::Query                                                       => RDF::Q
RDF::Trine                                                       => RDF::T
REST::Client                                                     => REST::C
RF::Component                                                    => RF::C
RPC::ExtDirect                                                   => RPC::ExtD
RPC::ExtDirect::Client                                           => RPC::ExtD::C
RPC::ExtDirect::Server                                           => RPC::ExtD::S
RPG::Dice                                                        => RPG::D
RPi::WiringPi::Constant                                          => RPi::WPi::C
RRDTool::Rawish                                                  => RRDT::R
RTF::HTMLConverter                                               => RTF::HTMLC
RTSP::Client                                                     => RTSP::C
RTSP::Lite                                                       => RTSP::L
RTSP::Server                                                     => RTSP::S
Range::Iter                                                      => R::I
RangeQuery                                                       => RQ
RateLimitations                                                  => RL
Razor2::Preproc::deHTMLxs                                        => R2::P::deHTMLxs
Rcs::Agent                                                       => Rcs::A
ReadDir                                                          => RDir
ReadonlyX                                                        => RX
Redis::ClusterRider                                              => R::CR
Redis::Fast                                                      => R::F
Redis::LeaderBoardMulti                                          => R::LBM
Redis::RdbParser                                                 => R::RdbP
Redis::Script                                                    => R::S
Redis::Transaction                                               => R::T
RedisDB                                                          => RDB
RedisDB::Parser                                                  => RDB::P
Redmine::Fetch                                                   => *undef*
Ref::Store                                                       => Ref::S
Ref::Util                                                        => Ref::U
Ref::Util::XS                                                    => Ref::U::XS
Regexp::Assemble                                                 => R::A
Regexp::CharClasses::Helper                                      => R::CC::H
Regexp::Common                                                   => R::C
Regexp::DefaultFlags                                             => R::DF
Regexp::From::String                                             => R::F::S
Regexp::Grammars                                                 => R::G
Regexp::Pattern::DefHash                                         => R::P::DefH
Regexp::Pattern::Git                                             => R::P::Git
Regexp::Pattern::Perl                                            => R::P::P
Regexp::Pattern::URI                                             => R::P::URI
Regexp::Pattern::YouTube                                         => R::P::YouT
Regexp::RegGrp                                                   => R::RegGrp
Regexp::Stringify                                                => *undef*
Regexp::Tr                                                       => R::Tr
Regexp::Trie                                                     => *undef*
Regexp::Util                                                     => R::U
Regexp::Wildcards                                                => R::W
Religion::Islam::Quran                                           => R::I::Q
Require::Hook::Source::DzilBuild                                 => R::H::S::DB
Return::MultiLevel                                               => R::ML
Return::Type                                                     => *undef*
Return::Value                                                    => R::V
RingBuffer                                                       => RB
Robots::Validate                                                 => *undef*
Roku::LCD                                                        => R::LCD
Roku::RCP                                                        => R::RCP
Role::HasMessage                                                 => R::HasM
Role::HasPayload                                                 => R::HasP
Role::Hooks                                                      => R::H
Role::Identifiable                                               => *undef*
Role::Multiton                                                   => R::M
Role::REST::Client                                               => R::REST::C
Role::Tiny                                                       => *undef*
RoleBundle::TinyCommons::Iterator                                => RB::TC::I
RoleBundle::TinyCommons::Tree                                    => RB::TC::T
Rose::DB                                                         => R::DB
Rose::DB::Object                                                 => R::DB::O
Rose::DBx::TestDB                                                => R::DBx::TDB
Rose::DateTime                                                   => R::DT
Rose::HTML::Objects                                              => R::HTML::O
Rose::HTMLx::Form::Field::PopUpMenuNumeric                       => R::HTMLx::F::F::PopUpMN
Rose::Object                                                     => R::O
Rose::ObjectX::CAF                                               => R::OX::CAF
Rose::URI                                                        => R::URI
Router::Boom                                                     => R::B
Router::Simple                                                   => *undef*
RxPerl                                                           => RxP
RxPerl::AnyEvent                                                 => RxP::AnyE
SDBM_File                                                        => SDBM_F
SMS::Send                                                        => SMS::S
SMS::Send::AT::TMobile                                           => SMS::S::AT::TM
SNA::Network                                                     => SNA::N
SOAP::Lite                                                       => SOAP::L
SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Log4perl                                  => SOAP::T::HTTP::Log4
SPVM::Errno                                                      => SPVM::E
SPVM::File::Basename                                             => SPVM::F::B
SPVM::File::Path                                                 => SPVM::F::P
SPVM::File::Spec                                                 => SPVM::F::S
SPVM::Regex                                                      => SPVM::R
SPVM::Resource::RE2                                              => SPVM::R::RE2
SPVM::Resource::SocketUtil                                       => SPVM::R::SU
SQL::Abstract                                                    => SQL::A
SQL::Abstract::Classic                                           => SQL::A::C
SQL::Abstract::Complete                                          => *undef*
SQL::Abstract::Limit                                             => SQL::A::L
SQL::Abstract::Plugin::InsertMulti                               => SQL::A::P::IM
SQL::Beautify                                                    => SQL::B
SQL::Maker                                                       => SQL::M
SQL::QueryMaker                                                  => SQL::QM
SQL::ReservedWords                                               => SQL::RW
SQL::SimpleOps                                                   => SQL::SOps
SQL::SplitStatement                                              => SQL::SS
SQL::Statement                                                   => SQL::S
SQL::Statement::Functions::Date                                  => SQL::S::F::D
SQL::Tokenizer                                                   => SQL::T
SQL::Translator                                                  => *undef*
SQLite::More                                                     => *undef*
SQLite::Work                                                     => SQL::W
SVG::Graph                                                       => SVG::G
SVG::Graph::Kit                                                  => SVG::G::Kit
SVGGraph                                                         => SVGG
SWF::Builder                                                     => SWF::B
SWF::File                                                        => SWF::F
SWIFT::Factory::Tag::Tag17                                       => SWIFT::F::Tag::Tag17
SWIFT::Factory::Tag::Tag17T                                      => SWIFT::F::Tag::Tag17T
SWIFT::Factory::Tag::Tag30                                       => SWIFT::F::Tag::Tag30
SWISH::API::More                                                 => SWISH::API::M
SWISH::Filter                                                    => SWISH::F
SWISH::Prog                                                      => SWISH::P
SYSlastlog                                                       => SYS
Safe::Isa                                                        => S::Isa
Sah::PSchemas::Re                                                => Sah::PS::Re
Sah::Schemas::Bool                                               => Sah::S::B
Sah::Schemas::DefHash                                            => Sah::S::DefH
Sah::Schemas::Domain                                             => Sah::S::D
Sah::Schemas::Git                                                => Sah::S::Git
Sah::Schemas::Int                                                => Sah::S::Int
Sah::Schemas::Re                                                 => Sah::S::Re
Sah::Schemas::Rinci                                              => Sah::S::R
Scalar::Construct                                                => S::C
Scalar::Defer                                                    => S::D
Scalar::Does                                                     => *undef*
Scalar::MultiValue                                               => S::MV
Scalar::String                                                   => S::S
Scalar::Util                                                     => S::U
Scalar::Util::LooksLikeNumber                                    => S::U::LLN
Scalar::Util::Numeric                                            => S::U::N
Scalar::Util::Numeric::PP                                        => S::U::N::PP
Scalar::Vec::Util                                                => S::Vec::U
Scope::Context                                                   => *undef*
Scope::Escape                                                    => S::E
Scope::Guard                                                     => S::G
Scope::Upper                                                     => *undef*
Script::Ichigeki                                                 => S::I
Search::Binary                                                   => S::B
Search::Dict                                                     => *undef*
Search::ESsearcher                                               => S::ES
Search::Elasticsearch                                            => *undef*
Search::GIN                                                      => S::GIN
Search::Query                                                    => S::Q
Search::Query::Dialect::Lucy                                     => S::Q::D::L
Search::QueryParser                                              => S::QP
Search::Tools                                                    => S::T
Search::VectorSpace                                              => S::VS
SelectSaver                                                      => SS
Selenium::Remote::Driver                                         => S::R::D
Selenium::Server                                                 => *undef*
SelfLoader                                                       => SL
Sereal::Decoder                                                  => *undef*
Sereal::Encoder                                                  => *undef*
Server::Starter                                                  => *undef*
Session::Token                                                   => *undef*
Set::Array                                                       => Set::A
Set::Crontab                                                     => Set::C
Set::CrossProduct                                                => Set::CP
Set::Functional                                                  => Set::F
Set::Infinite                                                    => Set::I
Set::Light                                                       => Set::L
Set::Object                                                      => Set::O
Set::Scalar                                                      => Set::S
Set::Tiny                                                        => Set::T
Shell::Autobox                                                   => S::A
Shell::Carapace                                                  => *undef*
Shell::Command                                                   => *undef*
Shell::Config::Generate                                          => S::C::G
Shell::Guess                                                     => *undef*
ShellQuote::Any::Tiny                                            => SQ::Any::T
Siffra::Logger                                                   => S::L
Signal::Mask                                                     => S::M
Silly::Werder                                                    => S::W
Smart::Args                                                      => *undef*
Smart::Comments                                                  => *undef*
SmotifCS                                                         => SCS
Socket6                                                          => S6
Socket::GetAddrInfo                                              => S::GetAI
Software::License                                                => *undef*
Software::License::Beerware                                      => S::L::B
Software::License::OrLaterPack                                   => S::L::OrLP
Sort::ByExample                                                  => S::ByE
Sort::BySpec                                                     => S::ByS
Sort::Key                                                        => S::Key
Sort::Key::Top                                                   => S::Key::Top
Sort::Merge                                                      => *undef*
Sort::Naturally                                                  => S::N
Sort::SQL                                                        => S::SQL
Sort::SubList                                                    => S::SubL
Sort::Versions                                                   => S::V
Sort::XS                                                         => S::XS
Sort::filevercmp                                                 => S::f
Specio::Library::Path::Tiny                                      => S::L::P::T
Spreadsheet::GenerateXLSX                                        => S::GXLSX
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel                                          => S::PE
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Stream                                  => S::PE::S
Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX                                           => S::PXLSX
Spreadsheet::Read                                                => S::R
Spreadsheet::Write                                               => *undef*
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel                                          => S::WE
Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML                                       => S::WEXML
Spreadsheet::XLSX                                                => S::XLSX
Statistics::CaseResampling                                       => S::CR
Statistics::ChiSquare                                            => S::ChiS
Statistics::Descriptive                                          => *undef*
Statistics::Distributions                                        => *undef*
Statistics::LTU                                                  => S::LTU
Statistics::Lite                                                 => *undef*
Statistics::MaxEntropy                                           => S::MaxE
Statistics::TTest                                                => S::TT
Stream::Buffered                                                 => *undef*
Stream::Reader                                                   => *undef*
String::Approx                                                   => *undef*
String::BufferStack                                              => S::BS
String::CRC32                                                    => S::CRC32
String::CamelCase                                                => S::CC
String::Cushion                                                  => *undef*
String::DiffLine                                                 => S::DL
String::Elide::FromArray                                         => S::E::FA
String::Elide::Lines                                             => S::E::L
String::Elide::Parts                                             => S::E::P
String::Errf                                                     => *undef*
String::Escape                                                   => *undef*
String::Expand                                                   => *undef*
String::Flogger                                                  => S::F
String::Format                                                   => *undef*
String::Formatter                                                => *undef*
String::Indent                                                   => *undef*
String::Interpolate::RE                                          => S::I::RE
String::JS                                                       => S::JS
String::LineNumber                                               => S::LN
String::Normal                                                   => *undef*
String::Pad                                                      => S::Pad
String::PerlQuote                                                => S::PQ
String::PodQuote                                                 => S::PodQ
String::Print                                                    => S::P
String::Query::To::Regexp                                        => S::Q::To::R
String::REPartition                                              => S::REP
String::Random                                                   => *undef*
String::RewritePrefix                                            => S::RP
String::ShellQuote                                               => S::SQ
String::Similarity                                               => *undef*
String::Stomp                                                    => *undef*
String::Tagged                                                   => *undef*
String::Tagged::HTML                                             => S::T::HTML
String::Tagged::Terminal                                         => S::T::T
String::ToIdentifier::EN                                         => S::ToI::EN
String::Tokenizer                                                => *undef*
String::Trim                                                     => *undef*
String::Truncate                                                 => *undef*
String::TtyLength                                                => S::TtyL
String::Util                                                     => *undef*
String::Validator::Common                                        => S::V::C
String::Validator::Email                                         => S::V::E
String::Validator::Language                                      => S::V::L
String::Validator::Password                                      => S::V::P
String::Wildcard::Bash                                           => S::W::B
Struct::Dumb                                                     => *undef*
Struct::Match                                                    => *undef*
Struct::WOP                                                      => S::WOP
Sub::Attribute                                                   => Sub::A
Sub::Auto                                                        => *undef*
Sub::Delete                                                      => Sub::D
Sub::Exporter                                                    => Sub::E
Sub::Exporter::ForMethods                                        => Sub::E::ForM
Sub::Exporter::GlobExporter                                      => Sub::E::GE
Sub::Exporter::Progressive                                       => Sub::E::P
Sub::HandlesVia                                                  => Sub::HVia
Sub::Identify                                                    => Sub::I
Sub::Infix                                                       => *undef*
Sub::Info                                                        => *undef*
Sub::Install                                                     => *undef*
Sub::IsEqual                                                     => Sub::IsE
Sub::Iterator                                                    => *undef*
Sub::Metadata                                                    => Sub::M
Sub::Middler                                                     => *undef*
Sub::MultiMethod                                                 => Sub::MM
Sub::Name                                                        => Sub::N
Sub::Override                                                    => Sub::O
Sub::PatternMatching                                             => Sub::PM
Sub::Private                                                     => Sub::P
Sub::Quote                                                       => Sub::Q
Sub::Retry                                                       => Sub::R
Sub::Stubber                                                     => Sub::S
Sub::SymMethod                                                   => Sub::SymM
Sub::Todo                                                        => Sub::T
Sub::Uplevel                                                     => Sub::U
Sub::Util                                                        => *undef*
Subclass::Of                                                     => S::Of
Switch::Again                                                    => *undef*
Switch::Plain                                                    => *undef*
Symbol::Approx::Sub                                              => S::A::Sub
Symbol::Get                                                      => S::Get
Symbol::Util                                                     => *undef*
Synapse::CLI::Config                                             => S::CLI::C
Syntax::Feature::EachOnArray                                     => S::F::EOnA
Syntax::Feature::Qi                                              => S::F::Qi
Syntax::Feature::Qs                                              => S::F::Qs
Syntax::Feature::Sugar::Callbacks                                => S::F::S::C
Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Simple                                => S::H::E::S
Syntax::Highlight::Perl::Improved                                => S::H::P::I
Syntax::Keyword::Dynamically                                     => S::K::D
Syntax::Keyword::Junction                                        => S::K::J
Syntax::Keyword::Match                                           => S::K::M
Syntax::Keyword::Try                                             => S::K::Try
Sys::CpuAffinity                                                 => Sys::CpuA
Sys::Filesystem                                                  => Sys::F
Sys::Filesystem::MountPoint                                      => Sys::F::MP
Sys::Group::GIDhelper                                            => Sys::G::GID
Sys::Hostname                                                    => Sys::H
Sys::Hostname::FQDN                                              => Sys::H::FQDN
Sys::Hostname::Long                                              => Sys::H::L
Sys::Info                                                        => Sys::I
Sys::Info::Base                                                  => Sys::I::B
Sys::Info::Driver::Linux                                         => Sys::I::D::L
Sys::Load                                                        => Sys::L
Sys::SigAction                                                   => Sys::SigA
Sys::Statistics::Linux                                           => Sys::S::L
Sys::Syscall                                                     => Sys::S
Sys::Syslog                                                      => *undef*
Sys::Syslog::Win32                                               => Sys::S::Win32
Sys::User::UIDhelper                                             => Sys::U::UID
SysV::SharedMem                                                  => SysV::SMem
System::Command                                                  => *undef*
TAP::Base                                                        => TAP::B
TAP::Formatter::Base                                             => TAP::F::B
TAP::Formatter::Color                                            => TAP::F::C
TAP::Formatter::Console                                          => *undef*
TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession                         => TAP::F::C::PS
TAP::Formatter::Console::Session                                 => TAP::F::C::S
TAP::Formatter::File                                             => TAP::F::F
TAP::Formatter::File::Session                                    => TAP::F::F::S
TAP::Formatter::HTML                                             => TAP::F::HTML
TAP::Formatter::JUnit                                            => TAP::F::JU
TAP::Formatter::Session                                          => TAP::F::S
TAP::Harness                                                     => TAP::H
TAP::Harness::Env                                                => TAP::H::Env
TAP::Harness::JUnit                                              => TAP::H::JU
TAP::Object                                                      => TAP::O
TAP::Parser                                                      => TAP::P
TAP::Parser::Aggregator                                          => TAP::P::A
TAP::Parser::Grammar                                             => TAP::P::G
TAP::Parser::Iterator                                            => TAP::P::I
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array                                     => TAP::P::I::A
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process                                   => TAP::P::I::P
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream                                    => TAP::P::I::S
TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory                                     => TAP::P::IF
TAP::Parser::Multiplexer                                         => TAP::P::M
TAP::Parser::Result                                              => TAP::P::R
TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout                                     => TAP::P::R::B
TAP::Parser::Result::Comment                                     => TAP::P::R::C
TAP::Parser::Result::Plan                                        => TAP::P::R::P
TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma                                      => *undef*
TAP::Parser::Result::Test                                        => TAP::P::R::T
TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown                                     => TAP::P::R::U
TAP::Parser::Result::Version                                     => TAP::P::R::V
TAP::Parser::Result::YAML                                        => TAP::P::R::YAML
TAP::Parser::ResultFactory                                       => TAP::P::RF
TAP::Parser::Scheduler                                           => TAP::P::S
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job                                      => TAP::P::S::Job
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner                                  => TAP::P::S::S
TAP::Parser::Source                                              => *undef*
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler                                       => TAP::P::SH
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable                           => TAP::P::SH::E
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File                                 => TAP::P::SH::F
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle                               => TAP::P::SH::H
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl                                 => TAP::P::SH::P
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP                               => TAP::P::SH::RawTAP
TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader                                     => TAP::P::YAML::R
TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer                                     => TAP::P::YAML::W
TAP::SimpleOutput                                                => TAP::SO
TCPClient                                                        => TCPC
TOML::Parser                                                     => TOML::P
TV::ARIB::ProgramGenre                                           => TV::ARIB::PG
TableData                                                        => TD
TableDataBundle::Lingua::Word::EN::Noun                          => TDB::L::W::EN::N
TableDataRoles::Standard                                         => TDR::S
Tags::Element                                                    => T::E
Tags::Output::Indent                                             => T::O::I
Taint::Runtime                                                   => T::R
Taint::Util                                                      => T::U
Task::FreecellSolver::Testing                                    => T::FS::T
Task::Graph::Reader                                              => T::G::R
Task::Module::Install::BINGOS                                    => T::M::I::BINGOS
Task::Test::Run::AllPlugins                                      => T::T::Run::AllP
Task::Weaken                                                     => T::W
Template::Alloy                                                  => T::A
Template::Caribou                                                => T::C
Template::Compiled                                               => *undef*
Template::Declare                                                => T::D
Template::Direct                                                 => *undef*
Template::Extract                                                => *undef*
Template::Perlish                                                => T::P
Template::Plugin::Cache                                          => T::P::C
Template::Plugin::Class                                          => *undef*
Template::Plugin::Config::General                                => T::P::C::G
Template::Plugin::DataPrinter                                    => T::P::DP
Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::CSS                            => T::P::F::M::CSS
Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::JavaScript                     => T::P::F::M::JS
Template::Plugin::Filter::Scss                                   => T::P::F::S
Template::Plugin::Filter::String::Truncate                       => T::P::F::S::T
Template::Plugin::Imager                                         => T::P::I
Template::Plugin::JSON                                           => T::P::JSON
Template::Plugin::LinkTarget                                     => T::P::LT
Template::Plugin::MIME                                           => T::P::MIME
Template::Plugin::MultiMarkdown                                  => T::P::MM
Template::Plugin::Session                                        => T::P::S
Template::Plugin::StripScripts                                   => T::P::SS
Template::Plugin::YAMLVal                                        => T::P::YAMLVal
Template::Provider::CustomDBIC                                   => T::P::CDBIC
Template::ShowStartStop                                          => T::SSS
Template::Timer                                                  => T::T
Template::Tiny                                                   => *undef*
Template::Toolkit::Simple                                        => T::T::S
Term::ANSIColor                                                  => T::ANSIC
Term::ANSIColor::Concise                                         => T::ANSIC::C
Term::ANSIColor::Markup                                          => T::ANSIC::M
Term::App::Roles                                                 => T::App::R
Term::App::Util::Color                                           => T::App::U::C
Term::App::Util::Interactive                                     => T::App::U::I
Term::App::Util::Size                                            => T::App::U::S
Term::Cap                                                        => T::Cap
Term::Choose                                                     => *undef*
Term::Choose::Util                                               => T::C::U
Term::Clui                                                       => *undef*
Term::Complete                                                   => *undef*
Term::Detect::Software                                           => T::D::S
Term::EditorEdit                                                 => T::EE
Term::Encoding                                                   => *undef*
Term::ExtendedColor                                              => T::EC
Term::Form                                                       => T::F
Term::FormatColumns                                              => T::FC
Term::GentooFunctions                                            => T::GF
Term::ProgressBar                                                => T::PBar
Term::ProgressSpinner                                            => T::PS
Term::Prompt                                                     => *undef*
Term::ReadKey                                                    => T::RKey
Term::ReadLine                                                   => T::RL
Term::ReadLine::Gnu                                              => T::RL::Gnu
Term::Size                                                       => T::S
Term::Size::Any                                                  => T::S::Any
Term::Size::Perl                                                 => T::S::P
Term::Table                                                      => *undef*
Term::TablePrint                                                 => T::TP
Term::UI                                                         => T::UI
Terse::Config                                                    => *undef*
Terse::Plugin::DBI                                               => T::P::DBI
Test2                                                            => T2
Test2::API                                                       => T2::API
Test2::API::Breakage                                             => T2::API::B
Test2::API::Context                                              => T2::API::C
Test2::API::Instance                                             => T2::API::I
Test2::API::InterceptResult                                      => T2::API::IR
Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event                               => T2::API::IR::E
Test2::API::InterceptResult::Facet                               => T2::API::IR::F
Test2::API::InterceptResult::Hub                                 => T2::API::IR::Hub
Test2::API::InterceptResult::Squasher                            => T2::API::IR::S
Test2::API::Stack                                                => T2::API::S
Test2::Event                                                     => T2::E
Test2::Event::Bail                                               => T2::E::B
Test2::Event::Diag                                               => T2::E::D
Test2::Event::Encoding                                           => T2::E::E
Test2::Event::Exception                                          => *undef*
Test2::Event::Fail                                               => T2::E::F
Test2::Event::Generic                                            => T2::E::G
Test2::Event::Note                                               => T2::E::N
Test2::Event::Ok                                                 => T2::E::Ok
Test2::Event::Pass                                               => T2::E::P
Test2::Event::Plan                                               => *undef*
Test2::Event::Skip                                               => T2::E::S
Test2::Event::Subtest                                            => *undef*
Test2::Event::TAP::Version                                       => T2::E::TAP::V
Test2::Event::V2                                                 => T2::E::V2
Test2::Event::Waiting                                            => T2::E::W
Test2::EventFacet                                                => T2::EF
Test2::EventFacet::About                                         => T2::EF::A
Test2::EventFacet::Amnesty                                       => *undef*
Test2::EventFacet::Assert                                        => *undef*
Test2::EventFacet::Control                                       => T2::EF::C
Test2::EventFacet::Error                                         => T2::EF::E
Test2::EventFacet::Hub                                           => T2::EF::Hub
Test2::EventFacet::Info                                          => T2::EF::I
Test2::EventFacet::Info::Table                                   => T2::EF::I::T
Test2::EventFacet::Meta                                          => T2::EF::M
Test2::EventFacet::Parent                                        => T2::EF::P
Test2::EventFacet::Plan                                          => *undef*
Test2::EventFacet::Render                                        => T2::EF::R
Test2::EventFacet::Trace                                         => T2::EF::T
Test2::Formatter                                                 => T2::F
Test2::Formatter::TAP                                            => T2::F::TAP
Test2::Hub                                                       => T2::Hub
Test2::Hub::Interceptor                                          => T2::Hub::I
Test2::Hub::Interceptor::Terminator                              => T2::Hub::I::T
Test2::Hub::Subtest                                              => T2::Hub::S
Test2::IPC                                                       => T2::IPC
Test2::IPC::Driver                                               => T2::IPC::D
Test2::IPC::Driver::Files                                        => T2::IPC::D::F
Test2::Plugin::FauxHomeDir                                       => T2::P::FHDir
Test2::Plugin::NoWarnings                                        => T2::P::NoW
Test2::Suite                                                     => T2::S
Test2::Tools::Explain                                            => T2::T::E
Test2::Tools::FFI                                                => T2::T::FFI
Test2::Tools::LoadModule                                         => T2::T::LM
Test2::Tools::MemoryCycle                                        => T2::T::MC
Test2::Tools::Tiny                                               => T2::T::T
Test2::Util                                                      => T2::U
Test2::Util::ExternalMeta                                        => T2::U::EM
Test2::Util::Facets2Legacy                                       => T2::U::F2L
Test2::Util::HashBase                                            => T2::U::HB
Test2::Util::Trace                                               => T2::U::T
Test::API                                                        => T::API
Test::Abortable                                                  => *undef*
Test::Alien::CPP                                                 => T::A::CPP
Test::Archive::Libarchive                                        => T::A::L
Test::Assert                                                     => *undef*
Test::Assertions                                                 => *undef*
Test::Async::HTTP                                                => T::A::HTTP
Test::Auto                                                       => *undef*
Test::Base                                                       => T::B
Test::Behaviour::Spec                                            => T::B::S
Test::Bits                                                       => *undef*
Test::Builder                                                    => *undef*
Test::Builder::Clutch                                            => T::B::C
Test::Builder::Formatter                                         => T::B::F
Test::Builder::IO::Scalar                                        => T::B::IO::S
Test::Builder::Module                                            => T::B::M
Test::Builder::Tester                                            => T::B::T
Test::Builder::Tester::Color                                     => T::B::T::C
Test::Builder::TodoDiag                                          => T::B::TD
Test::CLI                                                        => T::CLI
Test::CPAN::Meta                                                 => T::CPAN::M
Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON                                           => T::CPAN::M::JSON
Test::CPANfile                                                   => T::CPAN
Test::Carp                                                       => *undef*
Test::CheckDeps                                                  => T::CD
Test::CheckManifest                                              => T::CM
Test::Class                                                      => *undef*
Test::Class::Moose                                               => T::C::M
Test::Class::Most                                                => *undef*
Test::Class::Sugar                                               => T::C::S
Test::ClassAPI                                                   => T::CAPI
Test::CleanNamespaces                                            => T::CN
Test::Cmd                                                        => T::Cmd
Test::Command                                                    => *undef*
Test::CompanionClasses                                           => T::CC
Test::Compile                                                    => *undef*
Test::ConsistentVersion                                          => T::CV
Test::DBGp                                                       => T::DBGp
Test::DBIC::SQLite                                               => T::DBIC::SQL
Test::DBIx::Class                                                => T::DBIx::C
Test::DBIx::Class::Schema                                        => T::DBIx::C::S
Test::Data::Split                                                => *undef*
Test::Database                                                   => *undef*
Test::Deep                                                       => *undef*
Test::Deep::DateTime::RFC3339                                    => T::D::DT::RFC3339
Test::Deep::Fuzzy                                                => T::D::F
Test::Deep::JSON                                                 => T::D::JSON
Test::Deep::Type                                                 => T::D::T
Test::Deep::UnorderedPairs                                       => T::D::UP
Test::Deeply::Float                                              => *undef*
Test::Dependencies                                               => *undef*
Test::DiagINC                                                    => T::DINC
Test::Differences                                                => *undef*
Test::Dir                                                        => T::Dir
Test::DistManifest                                               => T::DM
Test::Distribution                                               => *undef*
Test::EOL                                                        => T::EOL
Test::Easy                                                       => *undef*
Test::Effects                                                    => *undef*
Test::Excel                                                      => *undef*
Test::Exception                                                  => *undef*
Test::Exception::LessClever                                      => T::E::LC
Test::Exit                                                       => *undef*
Test::Expect                                                     => *undef*
Test::ExpectAndCheck                                             => T::EAndC
Test::Exports                                                    => *undef*
Test::FailWarnings                                               => T::FW
Test::Fake::HTTPD                                                => T::F::HTTPD
Test::Fatal                                                      => *undef*
Test::File                                                       => *undef*
Test::File::Contents                                             => T::F::C
Test::File::ShareDir                                             => T::F::SDir
Test::Filename                                                   => *undef*
Test::Fork                                                       => *undef*
Test::HTML::Content                                              => T::HTML::C
Test::HTTP::Server::Simple                                       => T::HTTP::S::S
Test::Harness                                                    => T::H
Test::HasVersion                                                 => T::HasV
Test::Health                                                     => *undef*
Test::HexDifferences                                             => T::HexD
Test::HexString                                                  => T::HexS
Test::Httpd::Apache2                                             => T::H::A2
Test::Identity                                                   => T::I
Test::InDistDir                                                  => T::InDDir
Test::Inline                                                     => *undef*
Test::Instruction                                                => *undef*
Test::Inter                                                      => *undef*
Test::Is                                                         => T::Is
Test::JSON                                                       => T::JSON
Test::Kit                                                        => T::Kit
Test::Kwalitee                                                   => T::K
Test::LWP::UserAgent                                             => T::LWP::UA
Test::LeakTrace                                                  => T::LT
Test::LectroTest                                                 => *undef*
Test::Lib                                                        => T::Lib
Test::Lives                                                      => T::L
Test::LoadAllModules                                             => T::LAllM
Test::LongString                                                 => T::LS
Test::Manifest                                                   => T::M
Test::Memcached                                                  => *undef*
Test::Memory::Cycle                                              => T::M::C
Test::Metrics::Any                                               => T::M::Any
Test::MinimumVersion                                             => T::MV
Test::MinimumVersion::Fast                                       => T::MV::F
Test::Mock::Alarm                                                => T::M::A
Test::Mock::Apache2                                              => T::M::A2
Test::Mock::Class                                                => *undef*
Test::Mock::ExternalCommand                                      => T::M::EC
Test::Mock::Guard                                                => T::M::G
Test::Mock::LWP                                                  => T::M::LWP
Test::Mock::Net::FTP                                             => T::M::Net::FTP
Test::Mock::One                                                  => T::M::One
Test::Mock::Redis                                                => T::M::R
Test::MockModule                                                 => T::MM
Test::MockObject                                                 => T::MO
Test::MockObject::Extra                                          => T::MO::E
Test::MockRandom                                                 => T::MR
Test::MockTime                                                   => T::MT
Test::MockTime::HiRes                                            => T::MT::HiRes
Test::Modern                                                     => *undef*
Test::Mojibake                                                   => *undef*
Test::MonkeyMock                                                 => *undef*
Test::Moose::More                                                => T::M::M
Test::More                                                       => *undef*
Test::More::UTF8                                                 => T::M::UTF8
Test::Most                                                       => *undef*
Test::Needs                                                      => T::N
Test::NeedsDisplay                                               => T::ND
Test::NiceDump                                                   => *undef*
Test::NoSmartComments                                            => T::NoSC
Test::NoTabs                                                     => T::NoT
Test::NoWarnings                                                 => T::NoW
Test::Number::Delta                                              => T::N::D
Test::Object                                                     => T::O
Test::Output                                                     => *undef*
Test::POE::Server::TCP                                           => T::POE::S::TCP
Test::Perl::Critic                                               => *undef*
Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive                                  => T::P::C::P
Test::PerlTidy                                                   => T::PT
Test::Pod                                                        => T::Pod
Test::Pod::Content                                               => T::Pod::C
Test::Pod::Coverage                                              => *undef*
Test::Pod::LinkCheck                                             => T::Pod::LC
Test::Pod::No404s                                                => T::Pod::No404s
Test::Pod::Spelling::CommonMistakes                              => T::Pod::S::CM
Test::Portability::Files                                         => T::P::F
Test::Prereq                                                     => *undef*
Test::Random                                                     => *undef*
Test::RandomResult                                               => T::RR
Test::RedisServer                                                => T::RS
Test::Refcount                                                   => *undef*
Test::Regression                                                 => *undef*
Test::Reporter                                                   => *undef*
Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase                              => T::R::T::M
Test::Requires                                                   => *undef*
Test::Requires::Git                                              => T::R::Git
Test::RequiresInternet                                           => T::RI
Test::Resub                                                      => *undef*
Test::Roo                                                        => T::Roo
Test::Routine                                                    => *undef*
Test::Run                                                        => T::Run
Test::Run::CmdLine                                               => T::Run::CmdL
Test::Run::Plugin::AlternateInterpreters                         => T::Run::P::AI
Test::Run::Plugin::BreakOnFailure                                => T::Run::P::BOnF
Test::Run::Plugin::ColorFileVerdicts                             => T::Run::P::CFV
Test::Run::Plugin::ColorSummary                                  => T::Run::P::CS
Test::Run::Plugin::TrimDisplayedFilenames                        => T::Run::P::TDF
Test::RunValgrind                                                => T::RunV
Test::Script                                                     => *undef*
Test::Script::Shebang                                            => T::S::S
Test::SharedFork                                                 => T::SF
Test::Simple                                                     => *undef*
Test::Sims                                                       => *undef*
Test::Singleton                                                  => *undef*
Test::Snapshot                                                   => *undef*
Test::Spec                                                       => *undef*
Test::Spelling                                                   => *undef*
Test::SubCalls                                                   => T::SubC
Test::Subunits                                                   => *undef*
Test::Synopsis                                                   => *undef*
Test::Sys::Info                                                  => T::Sys::I
Test::TCP                                                        => T::TCP
Test::TableDriven                                                => T::TD
Test::Taint                                                      => *undef*
Test::TempDir                                                    => T::TDir
Test::TempDir::Tiny                                              => T::TDir::T
Test::TestCoverage                                               => T::TC
Test::Tester                                                     => *undef*
Test::Tester::Capture                                            => T::T::C
Test::Tester::CaptureRunner                                      => T::T::CR
Test::Tester::Delegate                                           => T::T::D
Test::Time                                                       => *undef*
Test::Timer                                                      => *undef*
Test::TinyMocker                                                 => T::TM
Test::TrailingSpace                                              => T::TS
Test::Trap                                                       => *undef*
Test::Type                                                       => *undef*
Test::TypeConstraints                                            => *undef*
Test::UNIXSock                                                   => T::UNIXS
Test::Unit::Lite                                                 => T::U::L
Test::Unix::Group                                                => T::U::G
Test::UseAllModules                                              => T::UseAllM
Test::Valgrind                                                   => T::V
Test::Version                                                    => *undef*
Test::WWW::Mechanize                                             => T::WWW::M
Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst                                   => T::WWW::M::C
Test::WWW::Mechanize::Mojo                                       => T::WWW::M::M
Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI                                       => T::WWW::M::PSGI
Test::WWW::Stub                                                  => T::WWW::S
Test::Warn                                                       => *undef*
Test::Warnings                                                   => *undef*
Test::Weaken                                                     => *undef*
Test::WithDB                                                     => T::WDB
Test::Without::Module                                            => T::W::M
Test::XML                                                        => T::XML
Test::XML::Easy                                                  => T::XML::E
Test::XML::Valid                                                 => T::XML::V
Test::YAML                                                       => T::YAML
Test::mysqld                                                     => T::m
Test::use::ok                                                    => T::use::ok
Test::utf8                                                       => T::utf8
Text::ANSI::Fold                                                 => T::ANSI::F
Text::ANSI::Tabs                                                 => T::ANSI::T
Text::ANSI::Util                                                 => T::ANSI::U
Text::ANSI::WideUtil                                             => T::ANSI::WU
Text::ANSITable                                                  => T::ANSIT
Text::ASCIIMathML                                                => T::ASCIIMML
Text::ASCIITable                                                 => T::ASCIIT
Text::Abbrev                                                     => *undef*
Text::Affixes                                                    => *undef*
Text::Aligner                                                    => *undef*
Text::Aspell                                                     => *undef*
Text::Autoformat                                                 => *undef*
Text::Balanced                                                   => *undef*
Text::Balanced::Marpa                                            => *undef*
Text::BarGraph                                                   => T::BarG
Text::Brew                                                       => *undef*
Text::CSV                                                        => T::CSV
Text::CSV::Encoded                                               => T::CSV::E
Text::CSV_XS                                                     => T::CSV_XS
Text::CSV_XS::TSV                                                => T::CSV_XS::TSV
Text::Capitalize                                                 => *undef*
Text::CharWidth                                                  => T::CW
Text::Cipher                                                     => *undef*
Text::Clip                                                       => *undef*
Text::Conceal                                                    => *undef*
Text::DelimMatch                                                 => *undef*
Text::Demoroniser                                                => *undef*
Text::Diff                                                       => *undef*
Text::Distill                                                    => *undef*
Text::Document                                                   => *undef*
Text::Extract::Word                                              => T::E::W
Text::FindIndent                                                 => T::FI
Text::Flow                                                       => *undef*
Text::Format                                                     => *undef*
Text::FormatTable                                                => T::FT
Text::German                                                     => T::G
Text::Glob                                                       => *undef*
Text::Greeking                                                   => *undef*
Text::Haml                                                       => *undef*
Text::Handlebars                                                 => *undef*
Text::Hogan                                                      => *undef*
Text::Hunspell                                                   => *undef*
Text::Hyphen                                                     => *undef*
Text::Iconv                                                      => *undef*
Text::KwikiFormat                                                => T::KF
Text::LAS::Parser                                                => T::LAS::P
Text::LevenshteinXS                                              => T::LXS
Text::LineNumber                                                 => T::LN
Text::Markdown                                                   => *undef*
Text::Markdown::Discount                                         => T::M::D
Text::Markdown::Hoedown                                          => T::M::H
Text::Markdown::PerlExtensions                                   => T::M::PE
Text::MarkdownTable                                              => *undef*
Text::Markup::Any                                                => *undef*
Text::Metaphone                                                  => *undef*
Text::MicroTemplate                                              => *undef*
Text::MicroTemplate::DataSection                                 => T::MT::DS
Text::MicroTemplate::Extended                                    => T::MT::E
Text::MiniTmpl                                                   => *undef*
Text::MultiMarkdown                                              => *undef*
Text::Names                                                      => *undef*
Text::Names::GB                                                  => T::N::GB
Text::NeatTemplate                                               => T::NT
Text::Ngram                                                      => *undef*
Text::NonWideChar::Util                                          => T::NonWC::U
Text::PDF                                                        => T::PDF
Text::Padding                                                    => *undef*
Text::ParseWords                                                 => T::PW
Text::Password::Pronounceable                                    => T::P::P
Text::Patch                                                      => *undef*
Text::RecordParser                                               => T::RP
Text::Reform                                                     => *undef*
Text::Sentence::Alignment                                        => T::S::A
Text::Similarity                                                 => *undef*
Text::SimpleTable                                                => T::ST
Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth                                     => T::ST::AW
Text::SlackEmoji                                                 => T::SE
Text::Soundex                                                    => *undef*
Text::Sparkline                                                  => *undef*
Text::Sprintf::Named                                             => T::S::N
Text::TEI::Markup                                                => T::TEI::M
Text::TFIDF                                                      => T::TFIDF
Text::Table                                                      => *undef*
Text::Table::ASV                                                 => T::T::ASV
Text::Table::Any                                                 => T::T::Any
Text::Table::CSV                                                 => T::T::CSV
Text::Table::HTML                                                => T::T::HTML
Text::Table::HTML::DataTables                                    => T::T::HTML::DT
Text::Table::LTSV                                                => T::T::LTSV
Text::Table::Manifold                                            => T::T::M
Text::Table::More                                                => *undef*
Text::Table::Org                                                 => T::T::Org
Text::Table::Paragraph                                           => T::T::P
Text::Table::Sprintf                                             => *undef*
Text::Table::TSV                                                 => T::T::TSV
Text::Table::Tiny                                                => T::T::T
Text::Table::TinyBorderStyle                                     => T::T::TBS
Text::Table::TinyColor                                           => T::T::TC
Text::Table::TinyColorWide                                       => T::T::TCW
Text::Table::TinyWide                                            => T::T::TW
Text::Table::XLSX                                                => T::T::XLSX
Text::Tabs                                                       => *undef*
Text::TabularDisplay                                             => *undef*
Text::Template                                                   => *undef*
Text::Template::Simple                                           => *undef*
Text::TestBase                                                   => T::TB
Text::Todo                                                       => *undef*
Text::Trim                                                       => *undef*
Text::Truncate                                                   => *undef*
Text::UnicodeBox                                                 => T::UBox
Text::Unidecode                                                  => *undef*
Text::VisualPrintf                                               => T::VP
Text::VisualWidth                                                => T::VW
Text::VisualWidth::PP                                            => T::VW::PP
Text::WagnerFischer                                              => T::WF
Text::WideChar::Util                                             => T::WC::U
Text::WikiFormat                                                 => *undef*
Text::WordDiff                                                   => T::WD
Text::Wrap                                                       => *undef*
Text::Wrap::NoStrip                                              => T::W::NoS
Text::Xslate                                                     => T::X
Text::Xslate::Bridge::TT2Like                                    => T::X::B::TT2L
Text::ZPL                                                        => T::ZPL
Text::sprintfn                                                   => T::s
Text::vFile::asData                                              => T::vF::asD
TextGraphScatterPlot                                             => TGSP
TheSchwartz                                                      => TheS
Thread::Queue                                                    => T::Q
Thread::Queue::Any                                               => T::Q::Any
Thread::Queue::Duplex                                            => T::Q::D
Thread::Queue::Multiplex                                         => T::Q::M
Thread::Semaphore                                                => *undef*
Thread::SigMask                                                  => T::SigM
ThreatNet                                                        => TNet
Throwable::X                                                     => *undef*
Tie::Array                                                       => Tie::A
Tie::Array::AsHash                                               => Tie::A::AsH
Tie::CArray                                                      => Tie::CA
Tie::Cache                                                       => Tie::C
Tie::EncryptedHash                                               => Tie::EH
Tie::ExecHash                                                    => *undef*
Tie::File                                                        => Tie::F
Tie::Function                                                    => *undef*
Tie::Handle                                                      => Tie::H
Tie::Handle::Offset                                              => Tie::H::O
Tie::Hash                                                        => *undef*
Tie::Hash::LRU                                                   => Tie::H::LRU
Tie::Hash::Method                                                => Tie::H::M
Tie::Hash::MultiKey                                              => Tie::H::MKey
Tie::Hash::MultiKeyCache                                         => Tie::H::MKeyC
Tie::Hash::NamedCapture                                          => Tie::H::NC
Tie::IxHash                                                      => Tie::IxH
Tie::Memoize                                                     => Tie::M
Tie::Redis::Candy                                                => Tie::R::C
Tie::RefHash                                                     => Tie::RefH
Tie::RefHash::Weak                                               => Tie::RefH::W
Tie::RegexpHash                                                  => Tie::RH
Tie::Scalar                                                      => Tie::S
Tie::Scalar::Ratio                                               => Tie::S::R
Tie::Simple                                                      => *undef*
Tie::StdHandle                                                   => Tie::StdH
Tie::SubstrHash                                                  => Tie::SH
Tie::TimeSeries                                                  => Tie::TS
Tie::ToObject                                                    => Tie::ToO
Time::Clock                                                      => *undef*
Time::Crontab                                                    => *undef*
Time::Duration                                                   => *undef*
Time::Duration::Concise::Localize                                => T::D::C::L
Time::Duration::Parse                                            => T::D::P
Time::Duration::Parse::AsHash                                    => T::D::P::AsH
Time::Duration::Parse::More                                      => T::D::P::M
Time::Elapsed                                                    => *undef*
Time::Format                                                     => *undef*
Time::HiRes                                                      => T::HiRes
Time::Local                                                      => *undef*
Time::Moment                                                     => *undef*
Time::Monotonic                                                  => *undef*
Time::OlsonTZ::Data                                              => T::OTZ::D
Time::Out                                                        => T::Out
Time::ParseDate                                                  => T::PD
Time::Piece                                                      => *undef*
Time::Seconds                                                    => *undef*
Time::Warp                                                       => *undef*
Time::gmtime                                                     => T::g
Time::localtime                                                  => T::l
Time::tm                                                         => T::tm
Timed::Logger                                                    => *undef*
TinyMake                                                         => TM
Tk::Action                                                       => Tk::A
Tk::OS2src                                                       => Tk::OS2
Tk::Role::HasWidgets                                             => Tk::R::HasW
Tk::Sugar                                                        => Tk::S
ToolSet                                                          => TSet
Toolforge::MixNMatch::Object                                     => T::MixNM::O
Toolforge::MixNMatch::Struct                                     => T::MixNM::S
Tree::Binary                                                     => *undef*
Tree::DAG_Node                                                   => T::DAG_N
Tree::Path::Class                                                => *undef*
Tree::R                                                          => *undef*
Tree::Simple                                                     => *undef*
Tree::Simple::VisitorFactory                                     => T::S::VF
Tree::SizeBalanced                                               => T::SB
Tree::To::Text                                                   => T::To::T
Tree::Visualize                                                  => *undef*
TreePath                                                         => TP
TreePath::Role::Graph                                            => TP::R::G
Tridion::BusinessConnector                                       => T::BC
Try::Tiny                                                        => Try::T
Try::Tiny::ByClass                                               => Try::T::ByC
Try::Tiny::Retry                                                 => Try::T::R
Try::Tiny::SmartCatch                                            => Try::T::SC
TryCatch                                                         => TryC
Twitter::API                                                     => *undef*
Type::Libraries                                                  => *undef*
Type::Tiny                                                       => *undef*
Type::Tiny::XS                                                   => T::T::XS
Types::Const                                                     => *undef*
Types::DateTime                                                  => T::DT
Types::Encodings                                                 => *undef*
Types::LoadableClass                                             => T::LC
Types::Path::Tiny                                                => T::P::T
Types::Serialiser                                                => *undef*
Types::URI                                                       => T::URI
Types::UUID                                                      => T::UUID
UNIVERSAL::Object                                                => UNIVERSAL::O
UNIVERSAL::dump                                                  => UNIVERSAL::d
UNIVERSAL::moniker                                               => UNIVERSAL::m
UNIVERSAL::require                                               => UNIVERSAL::r
UNIVERSAL::to_yaml                                               => UNIVERSAL::t
URI::Encode                                                      => URI::E
URI::Escape::XS                                                  => URI::E::XS
URI::Fetch                                                       => URI::F
URI::Find                                                        => *undef*
URI::Find::Simple                                                => URI::F::S
URI::FromHash                                                    => URI::FH
URI::NamespaceMap                                                => URI::NMap
URI::PackageURL                                                  => URI::PURL
URI::Query                                                       => URI::Q
URI::Sequin                                                      => URI::S
URI::Template                                                    => URI::T
URI::Template::Restrict                                          => URI::T::R
URI::Title                                                       => *undef*
URI::redis                                                       => URI::r
URI::ws_Punix                                                    => URI::ws_P
URL::Encode                                                      => URL::E
URL::Encode::XS                                                  => URL::E::XS
UUID::Random                                                     => UUID::R
UUID::Tiny                                                       => UUID::T
UUID::URandom                                                    => UUID::UR
Unicode::CaseFold                                                => U::CF
Unicode::CheckUTF8                                               => U::CUTF8
Unicode::CheckUTF8::PP                                           => U::CUTF8::PP
Unicode::Collate                                                 => U::C
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5                                      => U::C::CJK::Big5
Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312                                    => U::C::CJK::GB2312
Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208                                  => U::C::CJK::JISX0208
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean                                    => U::C::CJK::K
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin                                    => U::C::CJK::P
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke                                    => U::C::CJK::S
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Zhuyin                                    => U::C::CJK::Z
Unicode::Collate::Locale                                         => U::C::L
Unicode::EastAsianWidth                                          => U::EAW
Unicode::EastAsianWidth::Detect                                  => U::EAW::D
Unicode::LineBreak                                               => U::LB
Unicode::Map                                                     => U::Map
Unicode::Normalize                                               => U::N
Unicode::Regex::Set                                              => U::R::Set
Unicode::String                                                  => U::S
Unicode::Stringprep                                              => *undef*
Unicode::Truncate                                                => U::T
Unicode::UCD                                                     => U::UCD
Unicode::UTF8                                                    => U::UTF8
Uninets::Check::Modules::HTTP                                    => U::C::M::HTTP
Unix::PID                                                        => U::PID
Unix::Passwd::File                                               => U::P::F
Unix::Processors                                                 => U::P
Unix::Uptime                                                     => U::U
Unix::Whereis                                                    => U::W
User::AccountChecker                                             => U::AC
User::Identity                                                   => U::I
User::grent                                                      => U::g
User::pwent                                                      => U::p
Util::Underscore                                                 => *undef*
VMS::DCLsym                                                      => VMS::DCL
VMS::Filespec                                                    => VMS::F
VMS::Stdio                                                       => VMS::S
VS::Chart                                                        => VS::C
Validator::Custom                                                => V::C
Var::Mystic                                                      => Var::M
Variable::Disposition                                            => V::D
Variable::Expand::AnyLevel                                       => V::E::AnyL
Variable::Magic                                                  => V::M
Version::Next                                                    => V::N
Version::Util                                                    => V::U
Versioning::Scheme                                               => V::S
Versioning::Scheme::Python                                       => V::S::P
Voting::VoteFairRanking                                          => V::VFR
WAP::wbxml                                                       => WAP::w
WWW::Alexa::TrafficRank                                          => WWW::A::TR
WWW::Analytics::MultiTouch                                       => WWW::A::MT
WWW::Babelfish                                                   => WWW::B
WWW::CPAN::SQLite                                                => WWW::CPAN::SQL
WWW::DaftarNama::Reseller                                        => WWW::DN::R
WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage                                  => WWW::DItWCom::RI
WWW::DuckDuckGo                                                  => WWW::DDGo
WWW::FetchStory                                                  => WWW::FS
WWW::Form::UrlEncoded                                            => WWW::F::UrlE
WWW::Form::UrlEncoded::XS                                        => WWW::F::UrlE::XS
WWW::Freebox                                                     => WWW::F
WWW::FreshBooks::API                                             => WWW::FB::API
WWW::Google::AutoSuggest                                         => WWW::G::AS
WWW::Google::Translate                                           => WWW::G::T
WWW::Google::UserAgent                                           => WWW::G::UA
WWW::Indeed                                                      => WWW::I
WWW::KGS::GameArchives                                           => WWW::KGS::GA
WWW::Mechanize                                                   => WWW::M
WWW::Mechanize::GZip                                             => WWW::M::GZip
WWW::Mechanize::Pluggable                                        => WWW::M::P
WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::Display                                  => WWW::M::P::D
WWW::Mechanize::Sleepy                                           => WWW::M::S
WWW::Mixpanel                                                    => *undef*
WWW::MobileCarrierJP                                             => WWW::MCJP
WWW::NHKProgram::API                                             => WWW::NHKP::API
WWW::OAuth                                                       => WWW::OA
WWW::OhNoRobotCom::Search                                        => WWW::OhNoRCom::S
WWW::PAUSE::Simple                                               => WWW::PAUSE::S
WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCa::Create                                => WWW::P::PCa::C
WWW::PerlMonks                                                   => WWW::PM
WWW::PlaceEngine                                                 => WWW::PE
WWW::RiotGames::LeagueOfLegends                                  => WWW::RG::LOfL
WWW::Robot                                                       => WWW::R
WWW::RobotRules                                                  => WWW::RR
WWW::Saucelabs                                                   => WWW::S
WWW::Scraper::Typo3                                              => WWW::S::T3
WWW::Shorten                                                     => *undef*
WWW::Shorten::MahewinSexyUrl                                     => WWW::S::MSUrl
WWW::Shorten::SnipURL                                            => WWW::S::SURL
WWW::Sitemap::XML                                                => WWW::S::XML
WWW::SlideShare                                                  => WWW::SS
WWW::Speakerdeck::Download                                       => WWW::S::D
WWW::Telegram::BotAPI                                            => WWW::T::BotAPI
WWW::Trello::Lite                                                => WWW::T::L
WWW::Twitpic                                                     => WWW::T
WWW::Wikipedia                                                   => WWW::W
WWW::phpEasyProject                                              => WWW::phpEP
Weather::Fetch                                                   => W::F
Web::AssetLib                                                    => Web::ALib
Web::Components::Role::Email                                     => Web::C::R::E
Web::Components::Role::TT                                        => Web::C::R::TT
Web::Machine                                                     => Web::M
Web::NewsAPI                                                     => Web::NAPI
Web::Request                                                     => Web::R
Web::Scraper                                                     => Web::S
Web::Scraper::Citations                                          => Web::S::C
Web::Sitemap                                                     => *undef*
WebMoney::WMSigner                                               => WebM::WMS
WebService-Validator-HTML-W3C                                    => WebS-V-HTML-W3C
WebService::Careerjet                                            => WebS::C
WebService::Client                                               => *undef*
WebService::Decibel                                              => WebS::D
WebService::Freesound                                            => WebS::F
WebService::GetSongBPM                                           => WebS::GetSBPM
WebService::GoShippo                                             => WebS::GoS
WebService::HabitRPG                                             => WebS::HRPG
WebService::Libris                                               => WebS::L
WebService::Mailgun                                              => WebS::M
WebService::NationBuilder                                        => WebS::NB
WebService::NetSuite                                             => WebS::NetS
WebService::Pinterest                                            => WebS::P
WebService::SQLFormat                                            => WebS::SQLF
WebService::SSLLabs                                              => WebS::SSLL
WebService::Solr                                                 => WebS::S
WebService::Stripe                                               => *undef*
WebService::TDWTF                                                => WebS::TDWTF
WebService::TVRage                                               => WebS::TVR
WebService::YahooJapan::WebMA                                    => WebS::YJ::WebMA
WikiText                                                         => WT
WikiText::Socialtext                                             => WT::S
Win32API::File                                                   => Win32API::F
Win32Guidgen                                                     => Win32G
WordList                                                         => WL
WordList::EN::Enable                                             => WL::EN::E
WordList::HTTP::UserAgentString::Browser::Firefox                => WL::HTTP::UAS::B::F
WordList::ID::KBBI                                               => WL::ID::KBBI
WordList::Phrase::EN::Proverb::TWW                               => WL::P::EN::P::TWW
WordList::Phrase::ID::Proverb::KBBI                              => WL::P::ID::P::KBBI
WordListRole::RandomSeekPick                                     => WLR::RSP
WordListRole::Source::ArrayData                                  => WLR::S::AD
WordLists::EN::Noun                                              => WL::EN::N
X11::GUITest                                                     => X11::GUIT
X11::Xlib                                                        => X11::X
X::Tiny                                                          => X::T
XML-FeedPP                                                       => XML-FPP
XML::Ant::BuildFile                                              => XML::Ant::BF
XML::Atom                                                        => XML::A
XML::Atom::Server::PSGI                                          => XML::A::S::PSGI
XML::Atom::SimpleFeed                                            => XML::A::SF
XML::CommonNS                                                    => XML::CNS
XML::Compile                                                     => XML::C
XML::Compile::C14N                                               => XML::C::C14N
XML::Compile::Cache                                              => XML::C::C
XML::Compile::SOAP                                               => XML::C::SOAP
XML::Compile::Tester                                             => XML::C::T
XML::Dumper                                                      => XML::D
XML::Easy                                                        => XML::E
XML::Entities                                                    => *undef*
XML::Fast                                                        => XML::F
XML::Feed                                                        => *undef*
XML::Feed::Aggregator                                            => XML::F::A
XML::Feed::Deduper                                               => XML::F::D
XML::Filter::BufferText                                          => XML::F::BT
XML::Filter::Sort                                                => XML::F::S
XML::Flow                                                        => *undef*
XML::Generator                                                   => XML::G
XML::Handler::Trees                                              => XML::H::T
XML::Hash::LX                                                    => XML::H::LX
XML::Hash::XS                                                    => XML::H::XS
XML::LibXML::Ferry                                               => XML::LibXML::F
XML::LibXML::LazyMatcher                                         => XML::LibXML::LM
XML::LibXML::Simple                                              => XML::LibXML::S
XML::Namespace                                                   => XML::N
XML::NamespaceFactory                                            => XML::NF
XML::NamespaceSupport                                            => XML::NS
XML::OverHTTP                                                    => XML::OHTTP
XML::Parsepp                                                     => XML::P
XML::Parser                                                      => *undef*
XML::Parser::EasyTree                                            => XML::P::ET
XML::Parser::Lite                                                => XML::P::L
XML::Parser::Lite::Tree                                          => XML::P::L::T
XML::Parser::Nodes                                               => XML::P::N
XML::Parser::Style::IxTree                                       => XML::P::S::IxT
XML::Quote                                                       => XML::Q
XML::RSS::FromHTML                                               => XML::RSS::FHTML
XML::Rabbit                                                      => XML::R
XML::Reader                                                      => *undef*
XML::Reader::RS                                                  => XML::R::RS
XML::RelaxNG::Compact::PXB                                       => XML::RNG::C::PXB
XML::SAX::Base                                                   => XML::SAX::B
XML::SAX::Expat                                                  => XML::SAX::E
XML::SAX::Writer                                                 => XML::SAX::W
XML::SemanticDiff                                                => XML::SD
XML::Simple                                                      => XML::S
XML::Smart                                                       => *undef*
XML::Stream                                                      => *undef*
XML::Struct                                                      => *undef*
XML::Tidy                                                        => XML::T
XML::TreePP                                                      => XML::TPP
XML::Twig                                                        => *undef*
XML::Writer                                                      => XML::W
XML::XPath                                                       => XML::XP
XML::XPath::Helper::String                                       => XML::XP::H::S
XML::XPathEngine                                                 => XML::XPE
XMLRPC-Lite                                                      => XMLRPC-L
XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP::Server                                  => XMLRPC::T::HTTP::S
XS::APItest                                                      => XS::API
XS::Install                                                      => XS::I
XS::MRO::Compat                                                  => XS::MRO::C
XS::Object::Magic                                                => XS::O::M
XS::Parse::Keyword                                               => XS::P::K
XS::Parse::Sublike                                               => XS::P::S
XS::Typemap                                                      => XS::T
XS::libcatch                                                     => XS::l
XSLoader                                                         => XSL
XString                                                          => XS
YAML::As::Parsed                                                 => YAML::As::P
YAML::Syck                                                       => YAML::S
YAML::Tiny                                                       => YAML::T
YAML::Tiny::Color                                                => YAML::T::C
YAML::Tiny::Stream                                               => YAML::T::S
YAMLScript                                                       => YAMLS
ZCS::LocalConfig                                                 => ZCS::LC
Zen::Koans                                                       => Zen::K
alias::module                                                    => a::m
autobox::Core                                                    => a::C
autodie::Scope::Guard                                            => a::S::G
autodie::Scope::GuardStack                                       => a::S::GS
autodie::Util                                                    => a::U
autodie::exception                                               => a::e
autodie::exception::system                                       => a::e::s
autodie::hints                                                   => a::h
autodie::skip                                                    => a::s
bareword::filehandles                                            => b::f
builtins::compat                                                 => b::c
cPanel::PublicAPI                                                => cP::PAPI
common::header                                                   => c::h
common::sense                                                    => c::s
constant::Atom                                                   => c::A
constant::boolean                                                => c::b
constant::defer                                                  => c::d
encoding::warnings                                               => e::w
ex::caution                                                      => ex::c
iRedAdmin                                                        => iRedA
iTransact::Lite                                                  => iT::L
inc::latest                                                      => inc::l
lexical::underscore                                              => l::u
lib::filter                                                      => lib::f
lib::relative                                                    => lib::r
lib::relative::to                                                => lib::r::to
libintl-perl                                                     => l-p
libxml-perl                                                      => *undef*
local::lib                                                       => l::lib
match::simple                                                    => m::s
match::simple::XS                                                => m::s::XS
mogilefs-server                                                  => m-s
namespace::autoclean                                             => n::a
namespace::clean                                                 => n::c
namespace::functions                                             => n::f
namespace::sweep                                                 => n::s
overload::numbers                                                => o::n
perfSONAR_PS::DB::SQL                                            => pSONAR_PS::DB::SQL
perfSONAR_PS::Status::Common                                     => pSONAR_PS::S::C
perl::local::env                                                 => p::l::env
pod2pdf                                                          => pod2
promessaging::MRS                                                => p::MRS
threads::shared                                                  => t::s
unicore::Name                                                    => u::N
unix2dos                                                         => u2
version::regex                                                   => v::r
warnings::register                                               => w::r
yEd::Document                                                    => yEd::D
t/10-check.t ................. ok
t/author-critic.t ............ skipped: these tests are for testing by the author
t/author-test-eol.t .......... skipped: these tests are for testing by the author
t/release-cpan-changes.t ..... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-dist-manifest.t .... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-distmeta.t ......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-kwalitee.t ......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-minimum-version.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-mojibake.t ......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-no-tabs.t .......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-pod-coverage.t ..... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-pod-linkcheck.t .... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-pod-syntax.t ....... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-portability.t ...... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-test-version.t ..... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-unused-vars.t ...... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
All tests successful.
Files=18, Tests=4, 16 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.05 sys +  4.33 cusr  2.92 csys =  7.34 CPU)
Result: PASS


Prerequisite modules loaded:


    Module              Need Have      
    ------------------- ---- ----------
    File::HomeDir       0    1.006     
    List::MoreUtils     0    0.430     
    Module::CoreList    0    5.20230220


    Module              Need Have      
    ------------------- ---- ----------
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0    7.66      


    Module              Need Have      
    ------------------- ---- ----------
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.30 7.66      


Environment variables:

    LANG = en_US.UTF-8
    LC_ADDRESS = de_DE.UTF-8
    LC_NAME = de_DE.UTF-8
    LC_NUMERIC = de_DE.UTF-8
    LC_PAPER = de_DE.UTF-8
    LC_TIME = de_DE.UTF-8
    PATH = /home/sand/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/usr/local/perl/bin:/usr/X11/bin
    PERL5LIB = 
    PERL5OPT = 
    SHELL = /usr/bin/zsh
    TERM = screen

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    $^X = /tmp/basesmoker-reloperl-KTe1/bin/perl
    $UID/$EUID = 1005 / 1005
    $GID = 1005 1005
    $EGID = 1005 1005

Perl module toolchain versions installed:

    Module              Have    
    ------------------- --------
    CPAN                2.34    
    CPAN::Meta          2.150010
    Cwd                 3.88    
    ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.280238
    ExtUtils::Command   7.66    
    ExtUtils::Install   2.22    
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.66    
    ExtUtils::Manifest  1.73    
    ExtUtils::ParseXS   3.49    
    File::Spec          3.88    
    JSON                4.10    
    JSON::PP            4.16    
    Module::Build       0.4232  
    Module::Signature   0.88    
    Parse::CPAN::Meta   2.150010
    Test::Harness       3.44    
    Test::More          1.302192
    YAML                1.30    
    YAML::Syck          1.34    
    version             0.9929  


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 37 subversion 9) configuration:
  Commit id: 692cfdb0a41902b1e4fd4d934426ef95c2b4b694
    uname='linux k93jammy 5.19.0-32-generic #33~22.04.1-ubuntu smp preempt_dynamic mon jan 30 17:03:34 utc 2 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 gnulinux '
    config_args='-Dprefix=/home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93jammy/v5.37.9/322f -Dmyhostname=k93jammy -Dinstallusrbinperl=n -Uversiononly -Dusedevel -des -Ui_db -Dlibswanted=cl pthread socket inet nsl gdbm dbm malloc dl ld sun m crypt sec util c cposix posix ucb BSD gdbm_compat -Duseithreads -Duselongdouble -DEBUGGING=-g'
    ccflags ='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64'
    optimize='-O2 -g'
    cppflags='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -I/usr/local/include'
    nvtype='long double'
  Linker and Libraries:
    ldflags =' -fstack-protector-strong -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib /usr/lib64
    libs=-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
    perllibs=-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
  Dynamic Linking:
    lddlflags='-shared -O2 -g -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector-strong'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Compile-time options:
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Mar  5 2023 17:52:58